
Borderline uncle

- Reznor Borderline Uncle.

He is one of the Lords who keeps the border with Fanbaille and has become busy with the deterioration of his relationship with Fanbaille.

I keep the borders, but I don't protect anything by myself. I work with the surrounding lords to protect their borders, but they were now isolated.

It is a hostage demand from Central.

The current lord [Barius Reznor] had long grey hair behind him. I don't usually tie him up, but he looked like he chewed up a bitter bug after reading a letter from a peripheral lord and a letter from his son [Balfeldt Reznor] who is sending him to Central.

"You little Walt girl. Did you leave your son alone?"

Initially, it is not uncommon to have a mansion in Central if you are in as good a position as a borderline uncle. Barius was sending Balfert, who was naturally a pickup, to represent him there.

Ceres of the Walt family got engaged to Prince Wang and his gear went crazy from there. No, it's been weird since before that.

Barfeldt said it wasn't a good idea for Barius to get out of the territory, so he entered the Central Mansion himself.

Even in the matter of the hostages, Balfeldt volunteered to be taken hostage.

Up to this point, some parts of Barius thought he had no choice either. But such a Balfert wrote to me asking me to send my wife and my son for Master Ceres - and for Barius, my grandson.

The surrounding lords also wrote to me to send them.

"Can't you trust Lesno so much for keeping the border with Fanbaille!

When I squeezed the letter, a knight serving the Lezno family, who had refrained, opened his mouth.

"Dear Barius, as it is, you will be surrounded by Fanbailles and surrounding lords. I know it's painful, but you have to hit something."

Barius also knew that there was an anomaly going on in Central. However, many of the Barons and Viscounts, who did not have as much power as the Border Uncle, had decided to send hostages to Central to ensure their safety.

So is Central's army, but it is an act of fear for the Walt family's army.

Central went into a strange situation and the Lords took action as well. Many lords have traveled to Central to make amends and have been fascinated by Ceres.

Barius had several options, as things stand.

"... if you send your righteous daughter and grandson to Central, they could make you that little girl's toy. I just fell asleep with Fanbaille."

The knight takes over the words of Barius.

"You're going to be turned into a battlefield between Bansaim and Fanbaille. The most difficult way to deal with this is to send hostages and receive adopted children from relatives. So you can walk with the neighboring lords and stand up to Fanbailles."

Barius waved his fist down the desk. The letter I was gripping became crusty and torn by the shock.

"Relatives? I wish I had a decent guy! They're always after Uncle Borderline's status. Other than that, they're coming to borrow money. I wouldn't have bothered you so much if you were decent! I'm not giving this status to anyone but my grandchildren!

The knight narrowed his gaze.

"... I know your grandson is cute. But I can't say that right now. It's not a direct line, but Lesno's blood will remain."

Barius had decided that his grandchildren were adorable and that only his grandchildren would give him the status. But it was also true that even if I looked around, I didn't have the relatives that Borderline Uncle deserved. The knights seem to think that working out for a few years will help with the degree of connection.

"... let me think for a while. They even took my precious son. This matter shall be put on hold."

Barius covered his face with both hands when he sat back deep in the chair -.

"Heh, did Uncle Borderline's sons go out to son-in-law except his eldest?"

On my way to Fanbaille, I was gathering information in the city where I stopped, and I was visiting the market for five. The residents of the surrounding villages and cities sell things in the market and talk to their chatty aunts while buying food.

The tongue slipped much better when I refused to receive a change of food I bought.

An aunt with the right breadth, is the store number her husband? When I left it to men, they taught us everything.

"I have a relationship with the lord here, too. Look, Uncle Borderline's place is the border, right? I just got busy chasing the princess back a while ago, but your boys are brilliant. Before I got busy, I was friendly, so I gave it to my son-in-law."

If you ask me, I seem to have given my second or third son to my son-in-law when it was a friendly relationship with Fanbaille.

But when the situation changed, my son, who was a trailer, went into Central.

"Our lord sent his wife immediately, though. Well, I guess to that extent because I immediately surrounded my mistress, but Uncle Borderline refused to send additional hostages. Thanks to this, it has a tingling atmosphere in the country. It's a pain in the ass."

Send your son out as a hostage first and demand an extra son's wife -.

"That's tough. So, he sent out hostages, except for Uncle Borderline, saying he's a lord around here?

Auntie looks up a little.

"Right. You sent it a few months ago. There will be no reason not to send it. I want you to think about what it's like around you, too. If Central puts his eyes on me, he'll come to the Walt family. We want Central to take us to Central by ourselves before we send out a pick-up unit."

The Walt family - now it wasn't Bansaim's fame, it was the object of fear. From within the treasure balls, Mr. Mireia's voice was heard.

'Well, for the inhabitants, it doesn't matter how the lord feels. As far as I'm concerned, you're reluctant to send hostages.'

The third generation was laughing.

'I like you because we are the enemies of Bansaim, and it's more convenient that way. However, if a territory is smaller and has more opportunities to face its lords, its inhabitants may be more sympathetic. "

The fifth generation seems careless.

"That's a good lord for the inhabitants, if it is, isn't it? Even if I pity you, I'll tell you to send it out eventually. Everybody's cute."

The seventh generation listens to the fifth generation.

'That's a cold opinion. Well, it must be true. Now, let's get your personal feelings up to this point... Lyell, it's a job before you get into Fanbaille'

Grabbing the treasure ball, I smiled and thanked my aunt when I showed my affirmation. Then, hand me the change I had.

"Thank you, I heard an interesting story. Thank you for that."

Then, says the aunt.

"You can shop at my house again. I'll serve you."

He laughed at us walking away and dropped us off.

When we went into the inn in the city, we took a bath and made our journey fatigue go away.

When we gather in my room, Monica prepares herbal teas and treats for everyone.

To Shannon, who reached for the treat, Monica said.

"If you eat that, you'll brush your teeth again."

Shannon doesn't swell his cheeks.

"It's okay because I did it after I took a bath!

Monica laughed with her nose.

"Isn't it up to you? If you can get a tooth decay and give a sermon to your favorite sister, go ahead?

Clara reached for the treat.

"Nothing wrong with that. Why don't you brush your teeth again?"


"I brush my teeth before I go to bed anyway, so I'm fine. Oh, this is delicious."

Monica lifted one of her blonde twin tails, her opposite hand resting on her hips.

"This is a treat prepared by this Monica. There's no way it tastes bad. Ultimate for the chicken bastard's taste -"

Because of the long explanation, I carried one to my mouth, too. Crisp dough and sour cream with jam. It was delicious in a bite size. It goes well with herbal tea.

It's just...

"I like the sweets before."

That being said, Monica was about to leave the room. Quickly speak up and stop.

"Hey, are we discussing this now?

"Don't stop! It's this Monica's role to prepare the treats the chicken bastards wanted! If you say you like the treats you ate before, this Monica rents the kitchen of the inn until it's cooked!

Reaching for the third treat, Shannon lay on the couch tummy with his legs up and bluffing.

"You didn't have cookware or anything? Why don't we do it here?

Clara disagrees with Shannon's words.

"You should stop it. Because I smell it or something. I'm extra hungry."

There are a lot of problems if you cook in the same room, so I guess Monica, who understands it, tried to head to the inn's kitchen.

Aria whispers sweets in her mouth.

"Let's talk sooner than that. You're offering your cooperation to Uncle Borderline this time, aren't you? Negotiate not to hand over the hostages?

Aria is right. It is true that we want to do something about the hostages in order to get them on this side. But I don't even know what they're thinking.

Calling Monica aside, she approached with joy. Standing diagonally behind the couch I'm sitting on, Monica gives a crisp look.

"I'm going to make contact. But if I make a mistake, I'm being held captive and sent to Central. So let the rumors run first. And then action begins."

Clara gave me a "again" look when she looked at me.

"Mr. Lyell, are you going to trick them again?

In the treasure balls, the third generation tried to solve the misunderstanding even though it was not heard. I guess I don't like my favorite Clara pointing her doubtful gaze at me.

'No. No, it's not, Clara! We need to know what's going on here with the hostages we've been sent! They sent you to Ceres, and there's no way you're safe!

Aria was the same. Look at me.

"You know, that's just the way it is."

It was the fifth generation that was hurt by that word. With a slightly trembling voice.

'... chi, no. This is basic, and it's important to manipulate information. Not a bad way.'

No, you can't. These guys, they're weak when they waste their time from their favorites. I'm sure the first generation might have planned an Aria-favoured operation to get in and negotiate without thinking about it. What would have happened to the second generation? I still should have moved carefully.

If it's the fourth generation...... and the sixth generation......

Mireia says.

'This is why you can't have kids who don't understand. Look at Shannon. You don't even understand the situation, you don't even deny Lyell's operation.'

Is that something to brag about? That's what I think, while Shannon makes a stretch.

"It's always Sequoi."

That's what I've been saying. Within the treasure balls, the seventh generation was laughing, but it gets quieter when it hears multiple shots fired.

"I'm sorry, but there's been no change in policy. While gathering information, consider your personality and decide on detailed maneuvers. I was wondering if it would help if you could pick up the hostages from Central."

They sometimes send troops from Central to pick up hostages. Hopefully, it's more convenient when you're dealing with someone.

Aria looked at me and put her elbow on the elbow of the couch and put her cheek on her hand.

"Now what are you going to do? It doesn't make sense to fight and win against the troops that come to pick you up. On the contrary, they might send troops in earnest. Or is it another odd idea?

Because of all the things I do from time to time, they seem to think I prefer odd tactics. But not exactly. If we fight properly, we lose, so we have no choice but to strike out oddly.

I'm not bad. It's just bad that the war differential between us and Bansaim is opening up too much.

"No, it's not that odd this time. It's more of an attack."

Clara expressed interest.

"That's unusual. So, what's that positive attack?

I say confidently.

"Oh, actually, I'm going to grab the wife of Uncle Borderline's son. Then we start negotiating!

Except for Shannon, who looks sleepy. Aria, Clara's been looking at me with a jitsy eye. Monica said, "It's too far out, you chicken bastard. But I also follow chicken guys like that. That's my aesthetic!" And so on, "he said behind him.

"... Huh? Yes, because! It's easier to negotiate with Uncle Borderline! I can't see you properly as you are now, and it's subtle if you listen to me... Oh, that?

The third generation is also surprised by this reaction.

'Is that it? I think it's pretty good?

The fifth generation agrees.

"I think it would be good for Lyell to think about it?

The resurrected seventh generation is.

'Isn't that a bad way of saying it? Rescue the blood of the Borderline Uncle who will be taken from all the dogs in Central! See, that sounds pretty decent.'

Mr. Mireia laughed with couscous.

'Sounds decent, but it's the same thing to do. But Lyell has grown, too. Think about rescuing and using your gratitude to negotiate. "

I'll stand up and explain, but their gaze will be even colder.

"What's wrong with you!

While Shannon looked at me.

"I don't know what to pay attention to because it's too much. Or is it obviously not a threat to Uncle Borderline? I don't know... cowardice?

Said cowardice, the word that came to mind was "cowardice is a compliment! It was."

... Apparently, I've been getting a lot of stains on the bad guys in my history, too. Mainly the third or fifth generation, the seventh generation...... oh, a thick face, and only people who are belly black for the price are left.

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