
Jules Passwar

- On the move at the porter.

Aria was just a little bit in a good mood.

When you take a drink to Clara, who manipulates the porter, Clara says as she receives the water bottle.

"You're in a good mood."

"Uh... yeah"

Clara felt Aria distancing herself. I think it's unconscious, but maybe I can't allow Clara to take Ludmila's suggestion and join the faction.

When Clara put her mouth on the water bottle, she quickly found out that it was the tea prepared by Monica. The aroma, and the flavor at a temperature that is easy to drink, and Monica prepare the tea with a degree of completeness that does not seem like an automaton.

Except for Lyell, there's just a lack of caring parts, and we only have what Lyell likes, unless we say from ourselves, such as the tea we prepare.

Porters traveling where there is no road go any way with a big wheel. A little shaking, Aria grabbed the nearby railing.

Clara is sitting in a chair prepared by Monica and wearing a seat belt, so no problem. You just have to let go of the wand. But the tea in the water bottle spilled a little and it took a little on my lips and it was hot.

Wiping her mouth, Aria snapped at Clara.

"Can I ask you something?

Clara replied while manipulating the porter.

"If this is about Mr. Ludmila's faction, it is the result of my own reflection. Nothing. Neither is that guy, really trying to draw Mr. Aria in. Besides, Aria might as well not belong to a faction or start one herself."

"Wow, I don't!

They told me to start a faction and Aria rebelled. Clara was just a little bit ridiculous about Aria's reaction as she thought.

Why are you laughing?

"Excuse me. It's just that Mr. Aria is making a mistake. If there are three people, we can have a faction. Besides, I can't fully trust Mr. Nowem. Mr. Miranda will incorporate Shannon into the faction, won't she? All that remains are Gracia and Eliza, and Vera… more or less, we all have families and countries"

Aria doesn't seem to know what Clara is talking about.

"Sure, my family..."

"I'm the same thing. But even if you lend someone else a hand, if you consider your personality and your back shield, your options are limited. Mr. Gracia or Mr. Eliza won't put it under anyone. It's in my country's interest, too. Mr. Miranda has a weak back shield. I'm under oath of insulation. So I chose Mr. Ludmila."

Aria still seemed unconvinced. Clara was a little jealous that Aria was such an honest person. Aria and Clara are as if the opposite were true.

"Don't you like it?

"... To be honest, I don't think I have to obey a woman who says she's going to build a faction. I don't think it's a good idea to do that when it matters."

Clara closed the lid of the water bottle and looked up slightly.

"It's when it matters, it is. I think I need Mr Ludmila to confront Mr Nowem and Mr Miranda. At the same time, we can monitor her nearby."

"You, no way..."

Clara laughed a little when she pushed up her glasses and let them glow.

"The most powerful person right now is Mr. Ludmila. You support Mr. Lyell on a national scale, not as an individual. I thought someone should be watching beside me."

Aria looked at Clara and held her face down with her right hand.

"You're surprisingly black."

Clara laughed at Couscous.

"Right. This could be about all I can do. It's just-- no, it's nothing."

The last thing Clara tried to say...

(You just don't think Mr. Nowem is thinking about Mr. Ludmila's movements, do you? Plus this placement...... Miranda also feels like she's sending Shannon in to keep an eye out. If you think so, there's already a faction fight going on...)

"Huh, I didn't have to lose Aria. Good for you. If I'd lost it, Lyell would've been tough in the future. '

"Oh, you... get off my back if you're going to talk"

Inside the treasure ball. In my memory room, I was on my back, although I could hold on to me when I fell.

Even though it was a child's body, it felt as though it was being held back by a giant rock.

'You're healthy, aren't you? Lyell seems like a tough guy, and he has nothing compared to the others, so let's pull ourselves over... now that he's been kicked out of the Mansion, Nowem's next best friend is a long time. Aria certainly needs you. "

I can focus on my body trying to get up, but all I can get at is watching my hard work and being a nigga. And keep talking.

'Well, it was a relationship where we needed each other, I mean. Nevertheless, once you decide, you have to get through to the end. It's terrible not to stop a woman trying to pull herself off after all that kissing.'

"Co, you son of a bitch!

I managed to put my strength into my arms and my body lifted just a little bit. Then Ruraku moved his body a little with his legs bluffing.

I change my strength and lay on the ground once again.


'Ha, you said it was almost my home town of Bansaim, and you're okay with that? Look, good luck. You can't work out your body in a treasure ball. We need to do something with more magic.'

"Magic... With that said, didn't Magic say poison or something a while ago?

While I was breathing, I was squeezing my wits to get up again. If you say you can do something with magic, there is also the option of simply magically exploding the vicinity and retreating the momentum.

That's when I remembered the words I could say. I once said, "Magic was poison."

'You remembered. Well, it's not poison now. In other words, poison is with medicine. If only I knew how to use it, it would be a medicine. At first, I thought it was a drug, and I used it incorrectly and it was a big deal.'

When I gathered the magic flat in my hand and hit the ground, I tried to use the explosion to get up. But I stabbed a servel in my hand to sew it to the ground.

'Yes, no. Do not perform suicide bombing immediately. Let's think again.'

"Ko, you fucking kid!

I lived in a treasure ball and couldn't beat myself as a child.

We walked into Bansaim from Carthaphs and dressed up as adventurers traveling with five of us when we weaved our robes into a box that was a skill.

Entering the city near the border, there were many mercenaries and a large number of soldiers there.

It was about us who knew Carthaphs wouldn't move on Mr. Ludmila's orders, and the city felt tingly nervous.

Shannon walking next door was looking around grabbing my robe with his right hand.

Strong mercenaries and adventurers. And it's a city full of soldiers and stuff. Shannon is scared.

"Hey, why are you so noisy? There were some guys with weapons in Baim, but it didn't feel so bad so far."

Shannon is frightened because there were fights going on everywhere. Besides, the sun was high enough to drink alcohol, and the whores and many others were bad patterned cities.

"You're rough because the border is close. Besides, they've been through a lot of wars here, so it gets rough."

I don't know when I'm going to die. It's a profession. I guess I'm desperate to live now. That's how the five of us were traveling, and there was a reaction to our skills.

A group that recognized us was approaching when the reaction changed from yellow to red. Underfoot visible from the robe. From there, I guess I thought a lot of us were women, so I'm gonna speak up.

I tell everyone.

"A diagonally backed group. Six. They're coming after us. I'm sorry for all the trouble, but I'm going to rush into the inn."

Trying to get off the spot early, they rushed to catch up with us.

With the fourth generation of skills - up and down - slowing down the opponent's side, he succeeded in walking straight into the inn and pulling the six-party apart.

- Jean Pair.

The Nowems, who arrived in the countries of the South, were there to meet the king in the palace through the merchants.

Because of the South, the windows and so on were large, well ventilated and made palaces. Many have never seen plants or food, and Mae said she went to Castle Town early.

Eva had decided to talk to her fellow countrymen in the South, and she seemed to care about them. Anyway, they had instruments they'd never seen, and the Southern songs were unique. That's why I heard the story earlier. That's what I was doing.

[Jules Passwar], a king who sat in a large chair and placed two martial arts officers around him, was a brown-skinned man with pink hair.

I'm talking about the early thirties, but it looked lower. His face is also deeply carved and solid, and there are rumors he's been playing around with since he was young, and he's quite a beauty. The blue eyes looked at Nowem and the others as if they were to be ordained.

The arms and ears were decorated with gold and the atmosphere was similar to that of the previous Selva but not a gold hobby.

"Welcome to Jumpea, but should I say?

To Jules' words, Nowem and the others bowed their heads.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. Here we are, as we talked about in advance. Can you give us a response?

Jules placed her back on the throne's back with her hands on her mouth. He put his legs together and indicated in a pose that he was thinking.

"It was only recently that the story of the coalition of four countries arrived. Moreover, when even the northern power, Carthaphs, is cooperating, the realities do also emerge. But. It is a frank feeling that I have difficulty responding even when I am told suddenly. I'm sorry, but I'll have you stay at the royal palace for a while. What, I'm not gonna let you be crippled. I don't want to turn the Carthaphs against the Alliance of Four."

Jules laughing and saying that, but Jumpea had a navy. It is also strong and has a reputation for pirate extermination.

Nowem understood that Jules was not going to do us any harm. It sure is a pain in the ass. I guess you don't want to cause problems.

But at the same time, Jumpea and the Union of Four Nations, plus Carthafus, were at a distance. Jules also understands that if something goes wrong, it won't be so easy to get attacked.

"Yes. Okay. Okay, I'll take care of you for a while."

When Nowem said that on behalf of everyone, Jules replied with a smile.

"Let's come to a conclusion as soon as possible. And I'm glad to have so many beautiful guests. I'm going to throw a banquet tonight. Please join us."

The Nowems took that offer with a smile on their face...

- In the conference room in the Palazzo Giampere, heavy towns sat on the rug.

Jules sat a step high, arms in front of the coalition of four nations, and the Carthaphs paperwork.

"Well, what do I do, gentlemen? Union of big and small countries. Both are bigger than we are. But selling a fight to Bansaim is close to beating."

Heavy towns expressed their opinions.

"Why don't we hand those guys over to Bansaim and have some friendship for a while?

"You want me to sell fights to big countries? I can't rely on the current bansaim or anything. I don't trust you!

"That place has been particularly strange lately. Better not touch it. Isn't it a good idea to politely refuse?

"You think we'll head to Bansaim after this? They're looking for lords to be allies in Bansaim's country. Why don't you send it out politely?

When you get an opinion, Jules sums them up.

"To sum up everyone's opinion, it's out of the question to stick out the messenger. politely say no, send them out to Bansaim, or...... Surely that is not easy. But what have you been doing with Bansaim lately, something you can overlook? Do I feel threatened?

Heavy towns shut their mouths and conceived. Continuing jumpers will also receive information about Bansaim.

We have not neglected to gather information because it is a relationship that has distanced us from each other. Because we do not know when the great Bansaim will enter our own country.

As a result, Ceres' information was also coming in accurately. Their views are unanimous. Bansaim said it was unusual right now.

But even if we agree, we don't agree on the response. I have a lot of opinions about getting as far away as I've ever been, and I've come together because I'm not actively involved.

But the countries around Bansaim showed movement when they came here.

"I thought it would take longer. At a time when the threat of Bansaim was increasing day by day and there was nothing I could do about it... I thought the surrounding countries would move. I've come to reinforce armaments for that time... but there's a guy who moved ahead."

It was Lyell. Jules also thought there would be movement if the anomalies of Bansaim were accurately communicated to the neighbouring countries. That's why we've been pushing for arms enhancement.

Yet there are men who have moved the surrounding countries. Jules was just getting a little funny as she regretted being moved on.

"I thought the time had come for Jumpea to make his name known to the continent, but a lot of interesting men came out. Well, gentlemen... we were going to move around sooner or later, but how about we miss this chance? We need you to discuss that with a view."

Heavy towns put their arms together, and one advanced.

"… it will now be possible to sell us at a high price. It doesn't make sense to join later. Besides, in a situation where Bansaim can't get his hands on it, if the surrounding countries lose without a hand, it's doom waiting for us."

Jules put her hand on the chin, against that opinion.

"The coalition of four nations, plus the northern giant Carthafus, is about to move. If the Fanbaille-centric countries move in the west, they'll be able to bring it in five minutes. How about selling us out there?

The heavy towns opened their heavy mouths.

"If we weigh that timing wrong, we're just doomed. It's too risky. Either way, if you don't fight, you'll have to surrender. What do you think of His Majesty?

Jules stands up and declares grandiose.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not sharing one woman with another. If you surrender and Celes fascinates you, it's better to die. I'm sorry, but I'm selfish and I'm not surrendering."

Heavy towns sighed and opened their mouths.

"Speak of a more decent reason. In the first place, it's unlikely that Bansaim will treat us the way we've always been, even if we surrender."

"Is she really human, that Ceres or whatever she says? A fairy tale sloping beauty herself. It's that cruelty that confuses people."

"The way it works against the opposition in the country... it's just frightening to hear"

Thus, one of the last of the heavy towns turns to Jules and says:

"I think we can do better to actively support you here. However, we should send this man, Lyell Walt, to represent us."

Jules looks interesting.

"My daughter's still young. He's ten years old at the top."

Heavy towns say.

"Enough. But it's a problem that you can't have children right away. Your Majesty's sister, how about you?

Jules shook her head as she lowered her hips.

"You think he's gonna move for me? You despise me for being belly hungry, and you murdered my belly brothers.

While one of the heavy towns put his hand on his head.

"It's up to you to cooperate. Let's do something about the side chamber. If you succeed, it may be possible to become a full wife. But, Your Majesty... do not put your hands on the Apostles. You think they're all women of a man named Lyell?"

Jules was laughing a little. I have a bad feeling about the heavy towns, and their expressions are frightening. Jules laughed as she enjoyed watching Sole.

"Trust me. If it's too dangerous for me and the woman I'm after, I'll back off. And. My mind whispers. You mustn't get your hands on me, you know. Around collecting all those women, I got interested in a guy named Lyell. I want to have a drink with you."

To laughing Jules, the heavy towns dropped their shoulders and appeased -.

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