
Each journey

Effect of skill - speed.

It increases the speed of travel. It simply increases the speed of travel, but that rate of increase varies greatly depending on my power.

Compared to the first time when it was about 20% or 30%, it was now also possible to rise nearly double. I had the problem that if I did that, the magic drain would also be greater, but I nevertheless arrived at the port of Galleria as far as I could manage with the increased magic.

When I got down to the harbor, the work was going on more than before, and Leold, surrounded by the knights of Galleria watching the work of unloading from the ship, waved at me.

"Lord Lyell!

Younger than me, previously unreliable and untrustworthy from the knights, the boy now had quite a track record of obeying his surroundings as well.

Galleria, a serious battle for Russowerth's suddenly begun disregard for the rules. Since the establishment of the small but martial arts there, he has been active in the internal affairs aspects of Galleria.

The head of harbor development, too, was named after you, Leold.

"Long time no see. Haven't seen you in months? No, like it was a month or so?

Remembering when I met you before, Leold, you were laughing bitterly.

"It's about two months. My sister was inconvenient and I couldn't make it out here this time."

Mr Gracia. - The Prince's deputy in Galleria said that he seemed to have a word with the messengers of the Union of Four Nations and could not move.

"Is it Rolphis?

When I checked the country that sent out the messenger, you nodded.

Harbor with strong sea breezes and feeling a little cold. We were led by you, Leold, to the accommodation you arranged.

There are many makeshift buildings and the working voices of the people who work are heard from the surroundings. I felt lively.

Leold, you tell me.

"A new winner has arrived from the Trace family in Baym. I drove you back, like you said, but was it a little pathetic?

Leold, I saw you seem a little anxious, and within the treasure balls, the third generation has a lower tone of voice than usual.

'Yeah, you're a good girl. But, you know, when they do that, we're in trouble. Fidel asked you to do your best and keep up the good work, so this is a reward, or he wants to keep his word...'

We used it for ourselves, but it seems that Leold is a dazzling presence for the historical contemporaries who are still in the treasure balls.

When I said the same thing, it was sweet, but it was sweet for you, Leold. I'm sure they feel like they're showing off the purity they've lost.

In fact, Leold, you had a straight personality.

"It's true that it's also convenient for me. Ma, you should keep your distance from Baym now. Looks like Bansaim has declared war, and it will be winter after fall to move."

Even a big country like Bansaim needs a big army to drop Baim. And most of the force is the people.

Autumn was a time of harvest, a great power, but hence also a subtle discrepancy in harvest times. When it comes to moving large armies, we need food, as well as manpower.

Busy times don't work. Or we thought we couldn't drop the bansaim if we moved.

If - if Ceres moved, it's convenient for us not to be in Baym. I'm also telling Vera to run away if Ceres moves.

Leold, put your arms together and think about it.

"... does Bansaim move? On a scale alone, it would be less than the army of demons that flowed into Baym last time, and is it in the form of a stop at the Redant Fortress?

Within the treasure ball. The fifth generation denied your prediction, Leold.

"Demons and humans are different. Sure, the breakthrough power of the demon army is a threat, but I think I'm more afraid of humans than demons, though.... Maybe the Redant Fortress won't be unplugged early '

I communicated my fifth generation opinion to you, Leold. The fortress we prepared for the war between Baim and Bansaim, but we didn't think we could protect it all.

"No, the Redant Fortress will be broken early for you."

"Huh? But it's a fortress that stopped hundreds of thousands of demons, isn't it? I hear Lord Lyell was able to support you there in about 20,000 numbers?

There's a big difference between me and the rest of us.

It's the knowledge of the historical contemporaries - and that's the skill they left me. The flesh that the Walt family has expressed all the skills of the support system and has inherited has become a flesh with excellent and proper support system.

You would also be fortunate to have no overlapping skills due to the inheritance of skills by balls that have lasted since the first generation.

I grabbed the treasure ball at some point.

"... the skills I inherited were excellent."


Heading inside the treasure ball, I sat on the round table and saw a frustrating fifth generation.

The fifth generation was staring at Mireia sitting in the fifth generation chair with a cool look on her face.

'Hey. Let Lyell inherit his skills. I told them what I wanted to tell them, and most importantly, my skills in the third level will be useful in the future. "

Mr. Mireia sighed when he saw the fifth generation.

'You're not being honest. I didn't tell you anything important. From the first to the fourth generation, the Walt family is, in one way or another, the lord nobility of the province. I have placed emphasis on the family among them. You haven't properly told me how that changed dramatically in the fifth generation, Father.'

The fifth generation, when the eyebrows move pickly, looks at Mr. Mireia.

'I wish you could teach him. You think it makes sense to tell me that?

In a tingling tension, the third and seventh generations were shrugging their shoulders. When I heard the exchange between the two of them and sighed, I cut out the story to change the subject.

"Okay? Tomorrow we will leave Galleria for Russowerth. After that, the sea route towards Carthafus is closed. So far so good, could you put it on again in archery?

I put my foot in the treasure balls in order to get my historical masters to do their archery. Sometimes I've been too busy to afford to do that.

I thought I needed to be auditioned at a time like this. Besides, the fifth generation is also looking to finish the role and disappear. Mr. Mireia refuses, but I don't know when it will disappear.

The seventh generation got up from the chair to dislike the air on the field.

"I'll deal with him. Lyell, come. '

That said, trying to make it to the seventh generation and the memory room, momentum opened one of the doors.

- It was the door to my memory room.

I could hold the same face that niggered, but I stood there.

'I came up when I heard you were free. It's cute for everyone. Come on, Lyell! You have to fight with me! If you win, you'll get your memories back!

I'm getting a headache when I look at me as a boy deciding to pose for Bishi. I would never do this. When I tried to open my mouth thinking so, Mr. Mireia opened his mouth.

'Totally. You're too stubborn, Father. You have no choice. Lyell's Memory Room is also a sort of treasure room. You'll peek into your father's past through it. "

In the words of Mr. Mireia, with a expressive but unpleasant look.

"Eh, I have my situation, too? Mr. Mileia, it's tyranny. Besides, I don't suppose you need any more skills or anything? That's enough for Lyell, and I think the advisor's worth more. '

Mireia shook her head to the side.

'What will you do with us forever? And there's a lot that Lyell needs to know to defeat Celeste. "

He put his arms behind his head and put them together. And look at Mr. Mileia and say:

'Mireia, the will of the treasure balls and my thoughts are different, though. I'm going to save my family. "


I looked at Lyell and thought about the meaning of the word. Does it mean the way it is, or does it mean something different?

If you think about it a little bit, it also sounds like it means freeing Ceres from his curse. But if you mean it literally...

I made a fist grip watching the seventh generation.

What does saving mean? You don't get it? I can't pay for what the Misers did anymore. '

Would the surroundings admit it, even if Ceres was the cause? Celes was bad. So no other human being is guilty. If that makes sense, I didn't have to go for emperor either. I defeated Ceres with a few elites, and everything worked out.

But the reality is different. Extraordinary.

I can see the ceiling.

'- Still, you save me. That's my wish, too. I do not know the will of the treasure balls, the contemporaries of history, and Mr. Mileia's thoughts. It's my personal idea. "

The third generation, who kept quiet, stayed down.

The fifth generation doesn't even try to open its mouth. The seventh generation was the same. I was just looking at it with a look that looked complicated. And, says Mr. Mileia.

'... okay. I can get to you first. Let's finish your errand. After what happened to your father. "

The fifth generation whines disgustingly.

"Do something extra..."

Inside the treasure balls, the atmosphere was unprecedented.

When I woke up, it was a dormitory in Galleria.

Morning and evening temperature differences appeared. I thought it was just a little cold, but there was another blanket hanging over the blanket I was wearing and it was warm.

Looks like Monica got us another one. He wasn't in the room and now he looked like he was out of the room.

I still feel a little chilly when I wake up my upper body.

"... I've got a problem. It's going to be a full-scale journey."

Russowerth, from which Carthafus.

From Carthaphs, you will go to Fanbaille via Bansaim. It's a good distance to travel, but the atmosphere in the treasure balls made it a journey in bad circumstances.

And when I was forced to, we talked - and even more so, we were going to fight.

status quo. I experienced growth six times. This is definitely a lot of people. That's why I'm not when people ask me if I can beat you to the point where I can.

Celeste-like mobility. Mr. Mireia was also there.

That can't be the same strength as Ceres, but me before Ceres took everything from me - it was a threat enough.

"Were you that awesome back in the day? Am I just forgetting... No, I heard it's been taken away from me a lot"

Will they just take it away and make a difference in strength just for you? That's what I thought. When I got out of bed and stretched my back, Monica showed up with a bucket in the room.

Looks like we had hot water for you.

"Oh, are you awake? Because, this time, I was going to dive into the futon and induce a mistake when someone came. Chicken bastards don't read the air."

"There are no pieces of persuasion to say that while preparing for the morning. The usual jokes are fine, so I'll get back to you soon. I have to get to the port of Lusoworth by the end of the day. What about Aria and the others?

When I said that, Monica had put the bucket on the floor and brought the chair. When you look at my face, you're tilting your neck.

"Why do you need me to take care of all the chicken motherfuckers? If you tell me to do it, I'll do it, but I can't believe I let this Monica... take care of other women"

When I slapped Monica on the head, who even began to cry imitate, the golden twin tail fluttered.

"Ouch. Isn't that a joke? Aria and the others are still asleep. I'm tired of sailing."

The sea route is still going on for a few days, so I thought about the rest of it.

"I'd like to let you rest while you can. Whatever Clara is, be careful with Shannon. He's not physically fit."

I thought I was Shannon when I first fell ill on this journey. Monica is careful, too.

"The nutritional balance of the diet is perfect. However, if you keep traveling, you'll drain your strength, so you can't say much about that. But Shannon has seen an improvement in health these days."

I put my hand on my chin when I was told.

"... because it was terrible at first, if I lived normally, I wouldn't want to, but I'd gain strength,"


Monica agreed.

- On the ship.

Ryells. Miranda, who was moving apart from a row, watched the sailors working on the deck.

Instead of a Trace family ship, he had asked to travel south and chosen a route into Bansaim from another country.

The wind is warm, too, because we're moving south.

Miranda was looking up at the sky when she grabbed it by the railing. The blue sky widened and in the distance the land was visible.

"Shannon, how are you doing?

Miranda lifted her wind shaking hair at her fingertips as she worried about her sister, Shannon.

Shannon told me to follow the Lyells. I was supposed to accompany Miranda or make her wait in South Bame. Because I did get better health than before, but still had a terrible difference compared to my surroundings.

I don't know, I thought there was something about being Shannon, and Miranda respected Shannon's will.

Miranda was worried about Shannon, but she was also thinking about the South.

"... we have a four-country coalition and a Carthafus letter, but how much can you trust me"

There were countries in the South bordering Bansaim. But to say a small country has a large territory, and to say a large country is a country of a subtle size.

It is one of the countries where Baym deals, but one where everyone is unfamiliar, starting with Miranda.

There's also a reference to the merchant who was trading, so you should be able to meet the king.

"Ma, shall we try it well? You can't just go into Bansaim and look for information from there."

This time, the king of a country to the south was a man. That's why Lyell isn't on this side. If it were a woman, Mirandas would not hesitate to send her in.

There's no future if you don't win, trying to get more competitors. And it was also true that there was still not enough power to defeat Ceres.

"Installing Fanbaille's cooperation would be five minutes or less inferior to Bansaim as it is now. We need a few more countries to work with."

Even if we cooperate, any of them are going to reign over that country as an empire. Miranda was a distracting thought.

"... rule by Ceres or by Lyell? If you think they are both Walt family people, do you think the future of the continent rests in the hands of the Walt family? A very troubled clan."

That's what Miranda said and laughed a little.

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