
Who moves

- A large crater was made on the ground, where May, with two broken corners ahead of him in gold, lay motionless.

He was spitting blood from his mouth and his eyes were vain.

Marina, the tenant who made such a crater, even jumped to Mae's place with a rough nose. I landed and just waved my hairy, nail-stretched hand up to stop the other person's breath root -.

- I jumped back and distanced myself from May.

Close your eyes and raise your voice.


Stretched dog teeth, and a beast walking like an animal man with two legs. The marina's second form by skill was the wild itself.

Stand up slowly as May shines a golden horn. He was spitting blood and knocking the dirt on his clothes as he wiped his mouth off.

"That's a good idea, sister. You can do it as a wildlife. Most…"

There was a muscle of red line in the marina's cheek.

Horn of the Kirin flying off the ground. May extended the corner from his right hand and stabbed him to the ground before waiting for the marina to approach him to launch the attack.

"... even I have about a trump card. Fredrix taught me. He said he'd keep his hands."

Horned Mae becomes Kirin's figure when she turns back on the spot.

A horse figure with scales with a large body from a little girl. Golden tendencies and sharp corners stretched from his forehead. At the same time, the parted backward stretched horns of the golden tip were growing.

Purple electricity runs more around you than ever when you make scaffolding and land in the air, not on the ground.

"Let's get started!

May kicks in the air, and storms for the marina. The marina, unable to avoid it in time, decided to cross her armor to prevent May from attacking.

But when he bumped into it, he floated up, hitting the tree as it was, snapping down a number of trees and finally stopping, the marina was plunging into the giant tree with her worn body.

"You're sturdy. Normally, it's mince."

May was impressed with the sturdiness of the marina. This is all we can do with what we are not human.

And the marina laughed out into the sky with her stuck in a tree.

"Aha, ahaha!!"

Have you gone mad? As May thought so and watched, Marina's body began to change once again.

"... Is it the third stage? Fine, I'll go out with you."

May was watching the marina. My coat of jacket was bouncing and my muscles were buoyant enough for my shirt to swell into bread. The injured part. And let even broken bones regenerate rapidly.

Boots also blew, and the belts on his armor and toenails blew and fell to the ground, plunging into the ground to see if they were heavier than they looked.


I wondered if my body hair had grown and looked like a monster, and shortly after that the marina burned up in flames. Coming out of the flames were taller than normal marinas, which were not earlier monsters - the appearance of a well-balanced beast man.

Intelligence was felt from the eyes, and furthermore the flesh was fortified with magic. Put your hand around your neck and turn your neck and a cockroach will sound.

Just trousers and shirts.

"Sounds good to me."

To May's words, Marina was laughing.

"Right? I can't help but go through the second stage. If you go that far, most of the time the other guy dies and you're done. But if you can't win, it's the first time you've regained reason. Good, this skill - you can enjoy the fight. When I realized it was over, it didn't mean it was over!

The flying marina approaches May in an instant. But May tried to pierce the corner into the marina when she lowered her body.

But Marina is laughing and doesn't try to avoid it even though she doesn't have the armor to rely on.

The moment they thought I'd pierce you...

- Look, it's empty.

He twisted himself in the air and made a scratch with sharp nails on May's side. Breaking through the scales, blushing the flesh and red blood flowing.

Cleverly flying around the trees, the marina seems to have decided to sharpen May with a hit-and-way method of warfare. I was wondering if that's all I lacked in decision hitting.


May ran out into the sky. Unlike the marina, May saw the marina slapping her foot on the ground and making a crater there.

It's strange how the earth decides if it has more power than a state of irrationality.

For one marina, a big crater was made. From the crater, which was over ten meters in the direct line, the marina jumped up and approached May as she looked up into the sky.

Move your body freely in the air, beat Mae, and kick her ass.

I didn't think he was human.

When May is blown away, he rebuilds himself by creating scaffolding in the air. The falling marina was laughing when she saw May.

"Lady... that's not a big deal. The dragon was still stronger."

In the demons the species Dragon made sense. Counted among the strongest corners of the demon, saying defeat the dragon is the hero a child yearns for.

Besides, there's one marina - a solo adventurer. He was truly a monster, such as dragon exorcism by himself.

May says.

"... a dragon killer? But you don't think I've ever fought a man like that?

May's body began to emit light...

- That was where the rear units of the mercenary regiment were.

He was excited to see the Valkyrie's gear, where the tent was available and the adventurers were brought in around.

Blacksmiths and others with jobs were very busy caring for broken weapons.

One of the tents is thrown in the Valkyries, which have been removed from gear. The Valkyries, recovered by the mercenary regiment, had been thrown into the mountains.

The Valkyries, collected by the Adventurer Party, are beautifully arranged. Even the same adventurer had these differences in treatment.

A pair of adventurers came into such a tent.

The two of them don't have a lot of gear. Those who work in mercenaries, they seem to have stolen their surrounding eyes and come to the tent.

"Hey, if you take these guys' parts home, you'll sell them high, won't you?

"I just heard that a famous blacksmith made it. So it's not weird to sell high."

Not a very smart pair. Such a pair swallowed gokuri and spit when they saw the sight of the Valkyries piled up like in underwear.


"Oh, you're right. I can't find out if I use it anyway. Take out the good stuff, and we'll have fun too."

Two people who only get cheap money don't have money to go to a whorehouse. And the beautiful Valkyries, like life, except for their arms and feet, were intolerable to both of them. The two, who are not even dealt with within their peers and ridiculed by their female adventurers, pulled out the integral Valkyrie.

"Hey, isn't this good or something?

"Then I'll go this way."

Valkyrie's arm grabbed the man's arm when he said so and reached out.


Grab, grip. The man was taken aback that the moment did not allow him to understand. The piled eyes of the Valkyries opened, and when the red eyes emitted light, they moved out in a dim tent.

He whose neck is pointing in an impossible direction.

who have swords and spears pierced their bodies and are worn out.

The Valkyries, who didn't know how to remove their arms and feet or were mounted as they were, hit the pair in front of them when they stood up in a shabby motion.

They are attacked by a few bodies, and the pair lose their lives without raising their voices.

"… it's time……"

"The movement of the body... is still in the body..."

"Damia, n... Professor and Latata Parents... to Shh, Ri..."

Making critical noises, and creepy movements, the Valkyries took out a barrel of metal that they had hidden inside their arms in order to carry out their planned actions.

From there, remove the cartridge-shaped tool packed with gunpowder.

"... East Branch, of... survive"

"Some… are… let go,"

Gasha Gasha, Gigi...... Valkyries, who were piled to intertwine in the tent, went outside when they rose again with one another.


On time, the Valkyries made their move.

The place that lit the bomb in his hand, detonated the place where the vital supplies were located, and raided the adventurers to gather mercenaries and adventurers quickly became hell.

Adventurers were also beginning to escape in fear of the Valkyries who kept moving, whether stabbing them with weapons or burning them with magic -.

- The captain, who felt strange, looked back.

I heard strange noises, but I did.

My men, who were nearby, say as they look at the sight of the wizards doing magic in the same pattern as before in order to attack the third fort.

"Well, you've put in place measures over there, too. Have you gotten used to boulders in the last few days?"

That's what he said and listened to his men laughing, and the captain put his hand on his chin.

A few days.

Marina had been fighting Kirin for the past few days. It's definitely because we're letting them monitor us from afar in order to get involved if we get close.

Since Kirin would not escape either, I was sure that I saw that the Lyells were involved in one line. And after dropping the first fort, he was well prepared to attack the second fort as well.

By the time I got to the third, I'd been putting in place measures to see if my opponent spotted the mercenary regiment's tactics.

"... Nevertheless, don't tolerate it well"

It's not just the magic barrier, it's the magic that works for each of us. Against the water, it appeared ice that killed momentum, and the rock also stopped where it destroyed the ice.

Does the flame not work either, it will be prevented no matter how many times I do it.

I repeated those actions, and only time had passed. The captain intended to wait for his opponent to become exhausted. Anyway, there are a lot of them in numbers.

Where I was tired of letting them endure, I thought it would be good to ravage them. But the leader became more intolerable first.

"Isn't that strange? Sure, things have gone too well so far, but we've come here and we're stalled. Is this what you usually do?

For labyrinth specialists who don't work like mercenaries, they tend to place more emphasis on information and tactics than on the situation on the ground. At first glance, even if it seems futile, I don't like the fact that the necessary actions are inefficient.

"Then do you guys have any good ideas?

"The attack is too monotonous. Why don't you try a more effective method? If the ice comes out...... you can cook it with flames"

The Adventurer Party thought that getting the Valkyries would get a satisfactory amount of money. But the captain wasn't.

A small black deficit is not enough to sustain a large population. If you burn everything down with flames, you may even lose your precious treasure.

"Rejected. This is how you wait for your opponent to get tired"

The leader was shrugging his shoulders. Look at Sole, the captain was upset. An adventurer who didn't know the battlefield thought not to speak.

Irritably, Ryer's line of resistance had become unprecedented.

"Damn, it's like even a robust fort is attacking. Are you sure it's dozens of people?

My men, who were listening to such a captain, laughed.

"Well, no matter how, the limit comes. Isn't it time to get tired?

The captain couldn't help but notice an unpleasant sign because he didn't even show up like that.

- The appearance of a person.

It was May transformed into an adult woman, wrapped in blue scales all the way around her arms and thighs.

The figure, which rocked long golden hair and had a golden horn, was the fusion of man and beast.

Ironically, it went hand in hand with the marina's skill reach.

Beating each other, and kicking each other, blowing it up, blowing it up -.

It was as if it were the battle of those who were not men.

Unlike the ecstatic marina, May was calm everywhere.

"Nice, lady! You look like you're with me!

The power, speed, and the state of those limiters were both bumping into each other and the surrounding woods were looking unbroken.

However, Mae sighed when she saw where it burned up at night.

"... Well, I guess I'll be done too"

Me, Mae, who was more luscious than she usually was, was also taller. Because my regular outfit is adorable, it looked sexy.

Looking at the marina, May says.

"It was fun. But it's not enough, sister... I've fought people like you at least four times before. That's the fifth time."

Marina kicks the ground, May kicks in the air and goes straight to each other. A marina that twists her body and releases a kick.

To a kick that seemed to slash and tear to the air, May combined people's physical surgery to storm straight.

When they bumped into each other, the surrounding air swayed, and marinas were tapped on the ground.

An attack at the elbow I let go with the intention of piercing, but the marina couldn't pierce.

"... I'll keep it, shall I praise you for not dying"

Slowly her body shrunk and Marina, who became a person figure, was laughing when she saw May.

Kill him.

Seems satisfied. He is a self-absorbed warrior everywhere that there is no more to remember.

May also slowly becomes a little person figure, emitting sparkling light around her. Returning to her usual May, May, with her elbows.

"I'm sorry. I won't kill your sister because she's from the East Branch. I fought to kill you, but I knew you were strong."

When May smiled, Marina closed her eyes with the look of an incomprehensible -

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