
Chapter xii epilogue

"You can't start talking to Lyle like this. I'm sorry, but I'll force you to quarantine me. '

When Lyell said that, I was in the seventh generation memory room at some point. Seems to have been moved in an instant, but is that all you can get in the treasure ball but you have strong authority?


The seventh generation was sitting in a chair in the room, but I stood up and watched as I was surprised at my sudden appearance.

"... With that said, you didn't really get into the seventh generation memory room. Is it about time we fight?

That's what I said, seventh generation - I was looking at my grandfather's room in a nostalgic way. Would it have looked like this?

It was almost a courtyard or mansion training ground when fighting, so I lean my neck. I used to feel like they were playing in the seventh generation here.

"You, till this time... no, the sun state you can take. But when you asked me, you did. Because I am not the darker of all times."

When the seventh generation sat in a chair, he told me to sit down too. Cups appeared there as they sat across from each other across a small round table.

Seventh generation says.

"My stomach is full, but this is a matter of feelings. You should drink. '

"I'll take it. Smells good, too."

I was remembering this nostalgic flavor. Even in vague memories, I remembered drinking this tea.

'... you never had a chance to talk slowly like this with you. Maybe more from now on, but that's a lonely story too. Thanks to the disappearance of the emperor in history. "

First, second, sixth generation...... and the fourth generation has left me with the skills to disappear from the treasure ball. We finished our part.

The role of the historical principals in the treasure ball is to entrust their skills to me, the holder of the treasure ball. A being evoked of the record of the time to teach how to use it….

"I'm not scorning your grandfather, am I? It's true that I respect you. And the memories of you being adorable are vague."

The seventh generation laughed lonely.

'Right. Right...... but, Lyell. I wonder if I was that good.

"What's going on? You're weak."

The seventh generation was looking out the window with their hands together. Outside the window I saw the sight of two birds flying away.

'... tried to be strong. I tried my best not to lose to my historical lord. But they were successful because of the historical merit of the Lord. Lyell, do you have any idea why I'm obsessed with guns?

"Isn't it because it was futuristic? If I clean up my money problems too, I think mass production will win. However, it is also true that there is a lack of decision making."

The seventh generation was also nodding.

This is how I feel the historical masters up close, and I think. I was wondering if the reason I chose a gun was because I didn't want to be compared. '

I laugh while I drink tea.

"What a fool. Seventh generation expressed boxes, warp and incredible skills, right? You should be confident. I've been squeezed out by Celeste, but I'm sure she'll win."

The seventh generation turned an unusual gentle grin on me. I don't even look like I made a fool of myself.

'Confidence also comes out when you say so much. Well, Lyell's out there calling it your memory, but what are you gonna do now? Looks like they locked you out of the room, too?

Memory doors seem to be tightly closed. Then I can't help but be in a hurry.

"I'll let you non-billy. I think I need to talk to Nowem. I'll ask you later."

That's what the seventh generation says to me. The seventh generation is not that focused on Nowem. Either way, the Foxz family was a minister-like house. The daughter there - she's only the second daughter.

"Lyell... don't you believe too much in Nowem?

I drank the contents of the cup as I listened to the seventh generation.

- That was the room where I could get laid.

When Nowem was brought to the room, it seemed as soon as he looked around he realized that this was not the same place as Lyell's room in the past. It's reproduced in a treasure ball, but there was a subtle difference.

He concluded that the difference was due to the presence of Nowem.

"Bookshelf on the right. You have a different order of books in the third step from the top. Master Lyell didn't really touch it there. The book is subtly arranged differently. Besides, it was a more dusty room. My servant neglected to clean the room."

I sit back on the bed without giving the guest a chair.

'... because I say that, I keep my distance from normal people. I don't know what to say to "broken Nowem."

I understood Nowem accurately. And I don't even hate anything else. I'm just unhappy with Lyell's treatment.

The Foxz family - it was Nowem who inherited the clearest and most outrageous amount of information in a clan that was a goddess and took over the memory of Nowem, who became the evil god.

I didn't know what was going on around there from the start, but I could wake up and find out with my memory in the treasure ball.

I started talking.

'Memory has a huge impact on character. If I have happy memories, I want people to feel happy, depending on me, and I trample people to want more happiness. It depends on who you are, but it's true that it affects you. So the question is... Nowem, do you think you're a goddess or a goddess Nowem? Or Nowem, the second daughter of the Foxz family? Which one?'

Pass on the memory. It's easy to say, but if it's as if you've been experiencing it, what do you think of that person? Will it not affect the establishment of self?

"Mr. Septem has sealed his ability to be liked by people out of the self-blame of Septem, and has done all he can for people. I tried too hard to fail, but now the lesson lives on. Okay, so what about Nowem?

Nowem does not answer. As Nico, but I didn't try to answer. A girl named Nowem is the one with something big missing and extra on it.

I knew that. And I also thought Nowem deliberately missed Ceres' behavior.

'Don't answer, huh? That's good too. "

Now Nowem asked a question.

"Do you think it's Lord Lyell's memory that you can take? Are you going to bring your memory back to Master Lyell? Now, Lord Lyell..."

I was aware that it was important to Nowem. And if he returns his memories properly, Nowem could destroy treasure balls and such with anger.

What matters to Nowem is now Lyell.

In the past, it is of low importance.

'... I'm sad, but I share Nowem's opinion. I don't give Lyell memories. I'm just going to try to stir it up. I have a lot to teach you. And I have to tell you something important. It doesn't matter what Treasure Ball will be. "

Then Nowem seemed very happy. There is no falsehood in that look.

All I could do was look at Nowem with that look on his face, unfortunately.

"It's a great decision. Giving knowledge and skill, not memory, disappears. Sounds like a great decision to make. This Nowem would be delighted."

And Nowem says with a terrible dark grin.

"... tens of thousands of years, no, I wish people had made that decision long ago"

I can say.

'It's not for you. It's for Lyell. They took away memories, and Lyell was just a kid with a big body. All I could do was remember Lyell loved me... to lose everything and leave the possibility of standing upright even when I was treated cold. And you're like a brother to me to wipe my ass of failure. "

Nowem smiled and slammed up the hem of his skirt, meeting lightly.

"This Nowem will help you with that. Don't worry."

And you can say what you want. The best reason to be dissatisfied with Nowem.

'... Nowem, your love is not directed at your lover. It's the love that a mother turns to her child. It's not what Lyell wants.'

I love Lyell unconditionally because she's my mother. My mother makes it bearable to have other women. My mother, so I won't abandon Lyell until the end.

'You understood exactly. I hadn't noticed anything around me... but I was deprived of my memory, and I was ten years old, and that was the young child - Lyle, who had only about three to five years of mental age, was younger than she looked. I don't think you went for it. But you...'

Nowem straightened his posture and tilted his neck.

"Love is love, you can take it."

and -.

- Miranda was on her knees and hands on the ground.

He held his right shoulder with his left hand and looked up ahead as a woman like himself and Shannon were folding the gun in the grip and loading bullets.

He possessed multiple guns that could only be fired one shot, and was nicely marked. He told me to call him, and if I thought I could take him down easily, I didn't get any teeth.

Between round tables in treasure balls.

Miranda stood up remorsefully in that room, where the round table widened and became like a battlefield.

Multiple nets made of skills in front of me - a large spider's nest - emerged when I put my left hand away from my right shoulder. The braids are narrow, and the gaps are small. Sticky, bullets and other bumps should have stopped.

But the bullet released by Mireia hit Miranda's left thigh precisely through that multiple net gaps.

"Come on!"

Shannon was trembling at Miranda, who would kneel again. Mireia tells Shannon that.

'There, I don't tremble so much. This space just needs to hurt. Do you understand that, Shannon? That's how much your eyes can do. If that bothers you.'

Walking out, Mireia easily severs Miranda's created adhesive mesh thread with a knife on the gun.

Miranda was trying to surprise me how it went. In action, it is a yarn created with a proud skill that intertwined a relatively defensible dragon in a dragon called the Land Dragon and made it immobile.

Easily slashed and torn.

'... were you going to beat Nowem to this extent? It's too sweet, Miranda.'

To Mireia, who shrugs her shoulders with that said, Miranda pulled out three daggers on her back hips. One was thrown at Mireia, and when he jumped, he was slashed with duplicity.

"If it's a melee!

Mireia laughed nicely and shot out the dagger with her gun. The dagger Miranda had. And Miranda, disfigured, grabbed the dagger she threw when she put her foot on the floor and put up a melee fight in the same duplicity.

Muscle strength, flash power, they're more than Miranda, too. Miranda, who is growing rapidly, is chopped and carved into her knees, hands, and shoulders on her flanks.

Yet Miranda's attacks do not even blur.

"If it's a melee, can you win? No, Miranda... I personally support you, but weigh as much as the power of your opponent. '

Mireia kicked me in the ass and Miranda rolled down the floor.

Shannon tries to use his demonic eye towards Mireia to touch his spirit because his sister is unilaterally hit -.


- I failed.

"Touch the other person's heart, right? Shannon, I hear you played a prank on this, huh? You have to punish the kid who plays games. '

As Mireia stepped into Shannon, she jumped right off the spot.

Miranda, whose injuries had healed, was throwing a few knives.

Miranda figured out a way to beat this irrational opponent. Skills are easily deactivated. But I'm not willing to admit to losing.

Look into Miranda's eyes like that, and Mireia smiles.

'Come. You have to fight a little stronger than yourself. "

Miranda stepped in a lot, put in a feint, approached Mireia, and was shot through with a gun exactly -.

"Have we finished talking?

When I was drinking tea, I was suddenly summoned to my room.

I was having a public conversation with the seventh generation, but there are still a lot of interesting things about Grandma Xenoa's failures. I laughed a lot, too.

Especially towards His Majesty...... If you think about it, all you can do is lie down on the bed.

"What's up?

'Well, because Nowem wants you now, he can't say it's me. It's frustrating, that's all for today. I'll never return my memories. "

I'm proud to see if I can be as obstinate as a child.

"That's good! Okay, so as we go back... I want my memory back by the time I get here next time? No takeover."

You can laugh with your nose as you look at me.

'You don't hear such a convenient story. I'll never give it to you. If you want it, why don't you force me to take it? If you were me right now... I might be able to handle it myself.'

I'm laughing.

"Then let's set the conditions under which we can win. I'll summon my future daughter-in-law and surround you. It's bumpy! For mercy's sake, you can have everyone wear short skirts."

Then, Raku thought with a hazy look. And lean down and put your arms together......

"... Ga, do you have a garter?

"He's a luxurious guy. But Garter... there is."

'There is! YAHOOOO!! I look forward to that time.'

"Stay tuned! Now, if you'll excuse me for persuading me."

"... but I don't think I can."

He laughed joyfully and dropped me off.

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