
The road that leads everywhere

For me, the historical masters were ancestors and brilliant people.

In the past, there were times when my father told me that I too was going to follow my historical predecessors and boost the Walt family.

But in dealing with the historical masters thus remembered in the treasure balls, I have also seen their good parts. And I've seen bad things too.

Within the treasure ball - me and the fourth generation, treading heavily, ran across each other on the main road, which lasted everywhere it rained, as if stopping and visible rain grains filled the perimeter.

The sight of a rain grain hitting itself and a rain grain bouncing is a strange sight.

Proceed across the main road from each other, and a fourth generation dagger and my sabel collide.

The sight of even a spark slowly increases one after another with the sabel and dagger hitting each other.

In the time created by the fourth generation of skills [Full Drive], me and the fourth generation scatter sparks violently and do not retreat a single step from each other and continue to wave their gains.

If this one pokes, the fourth generation takes it with a dagger in their left hand, and plays it.

If the fourth generation pokes this one with a dagger in his right hand, I'll use the sabel blade, and the pattern to reciprocate and play it.

The fourth generation moved slightly faster.

The fourth generation with the glasses removed has a serious look.

"To the extent that you can't get beyond me, are you going to stand up to Ceres? Be more serious, Lyell!

I said it back, too.

"You don't have to tell me!

Catch up on a slightly faster fourth generation move... No, use your skills with momentum to overtake. I have to use the skills created by the fourth generation.

I feel that the acceleration due to skills has progressed even further. And I also noticed the shortcomings of this skill.

It takes a lot of concentration, and even more, it consumes magic to the point of irrationality. However, there is no prospect of winning the fourth generation if we interrupt the use of skills here.

The dagger in both hands uses the dagger in his left hand as if it were a shield replacement. But the dagger in my right hand is actually cleverly targeting my steeple.

The fourth generation, the existence of records, does not have the problem of out of magic.

I'm also faster at resilience than the real world, and I can come back to life soon, even if I'm seriously wounded dying. But still, there were limits to me.

If the antagonism continues, I'm at a disadvantage.

(a little more...... a little more!

While using second-generation skills - fields -, first-generation skills - limit bursts - were also used at the same time.

I still didn't reach the fourth generation as my senses widened and my abilities improved overall.

Beyond in terms of ability. But with skill… I was inferior in terms of how I handled my gains, how I fought them, and how I used my skills effectively.

With all the sparks and rain grains I could play around, I decided to go into battle.

Step in big, and when you stick out the sabel, the fourth generation crosses the dagger in both hands while turning the body big and backward, pinching the sabel and destroying the sabel as it is.

As metal fragments slowly splash around the perimeter.

"You're in too much of a hurry, Lyell."

Listening to the voice of the fourth generation, I got a distorted mouth. When he smiles, the fourth generation hurries to try to regain his posture.

But there's no way I'm gonna miss this opportunity.

"It's calculated, fourth generation."

Throw the destroyed sabel and a weapon appears in your hand. It was a katana with a servel pattern but not the blade part.

I grabbed the emergent katana and stepped in even bigger.

"- Full burst!

The third level of skill that the first generation left me - full burst - is a vicious skill that multiplies my abilities. Spark the accumulated magic to create explosive effects.

It was just a skill that drained me so much magic, and also created a situation where if I timed it wrong, I would be out of magic and unable to move.

As the fourth generation moves even slower, I slash the fourth generation diagonally with Katana.

Destroying every fourth generation dagger he tried to prevent, the fourth generation had a line from his right hip to his left shoulder.

When the blade slashes the fourth generation body, the blood slowly erupts.

I can't kill the momentum I stepped into, and if I go straight past the fourth generation, that's where my skills expire.

Deciding the ground, the mud danced. Me and my fourth generation get muddy.

I kneel feeling the sudden laziness of my body, but when I was forced to look back, the fourth generation was muddy, looking at a dagger in both hands in a bloody situation.

And he was laughing when the dagger disappeared from his hand.

If you wear long blue hair, remove the glasses from your chest pocket and apply.

When the fourth generation looked up at the sky, at some point the rain rose and the blue sky and the white clouds covered the sky, and the wind blew.

Our wounds were covered in mud and blood, and the mud disappeared and the weapon disappeared.

When the fourth generation turned towards me, he was stroking the wound that had entered him and erasing it. It's a sight to be seen because it's in the treasure ball.

'You really outdid me at the end, Lyell. No, I went over it as a samurai. Yeah, now I have nothing more to tell you. Satisfied. No, very satisfied.'

Under the blue sky, we stand on the main road facing each other.

Then a door of memory appeared behind me. It was the door to the fourth generation room.

"You were satisfied, and I'm glad. I don't think I'll have to get the last word."

Strong and slapping lightly, the fourth generation was laughing. I make a smile too, but I don't know if it's working.

'... there are some things I really want to watch over. There are still parts that I don't rely on, and more importantly... you got a little too involved. I love you, too. But you better get this far.' Cause it's not good to talk about it forever. '

"Nothing... even if you advise me for a while now"

The fourth generation shook his head sideways to my true meaning.

"Lyell can be independent enough. I'm relieved that I think so. I've taught you how to teach, and I believe Nowem and the others can make up for what's missing."

The fourth generation is in the memory room. Seeing the sight of the main road carved by my own heart.

'... life is similar to the road. I walk with my family at first, and by myself next, and even more with my own family. At the end of the day, I dropped the kid off. Yes, I would have ended up dropping off Fredrix a long time ago. Now you're lucky to see Lyell off.'

I also see the way with the fourth generation. The road that continued everywhere saw no end or beginning.

"... at the end of the day, if anything"

The fourth generation was thinking a little bit about my voice, Boso. And when I laughed at Nicole, she gave me one last piece of advice.

'Lyell, if you want to be an emperor, it's to remember. Governance and domination are different. And governance is a part of the country itself. Even if you put the continent in its hands, don't forget that it is a debt that will one day be handed down from Lyell to Lyell's son and to his grandchildren. It's the same story we talked about earlier.'

The fourth generation seemed relieved to see me.

'... if Lyell were to become emperor, there would be lives to tread unreasonably. resented and hated. Are you ready to be like that? Even if you become an emperor, if you become a ruler, you get little in return. The position may be vacant even in your hands. Even if mediocre happiness can no longer be gained-'

"- Even if it does. I'll do it."

The fourth generation was nodding. And he gave me one last piece of advice.

'Well, that's the last thing I can teach you. Like asking what it means to review it. "

When the fourth generation spread their hands, a golden field spread around leaving the main road open. The sight of farmers working with their families and rejoicing in the harvest widened.

'All you need in battle is number. And quality also involves. But all you need to do to get them together is day-to-day internal affairs. Daily build-ups just show up as a result of war. Home affairs and diplomacy go hand in hand with war. War is only one means. But if we have to choose that, we need to set the conditions for victory. Lyell, you have to set all the conditions for winning. And don't forget after you win. Don't be a dead hero. Be a surviving scoundrel. "

Tell him to be a scoundrel, and the fourth generation waves at me.

"Is this the place? Well, unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye. Lyell, I'm counting on you."

"Thank you so much for everything. Dear Fourth Generation…"

I bowed my head. Looks like the fourth generation is going to laugh and drop me off.

I nearly opened my mouth, but I held my mouth and looked back and walked out towards the door.

Looking back again and again, I head slowly to the door. And he looked back when he touched the handle of the door and opened it.

There were a lot of people there waving at me.

Fourth Generation - In addition to Marks, next to it, a small woman is holding hands with the fourth generation and waving toward this one. You were close, and your body was leaning on you.

And around it were ministers, like those seen in the memory of the fourth generation, as well as principals of the Foxz family and their associates, waving.

When I tried to open my eyes, the sight dazzled and I was losing my mind.

- Miranda was the first to call Leold when she brought a towel kettle for two into Lyell's room.

Next, I put a towel kettle on Lyell, but the treasure balls seemed glowing more than I saw before I left the room.

There is more blue light.

And Miranda sees Lyell's face. I am weeping and wipe those tears with my fingertips.

"You cry so sadly."

Miranda woke Lyell's body up to do it, and she sat on the couch herself and knee-pillow Lyell. Are you very tired, Lyell has no sign of waking up.

Comforting Lyle to stroke her hair that way, Lyle moves her body to hug Miranda on her knees.

"It's special today. Good luck rewarding you."

Miranda strokes Lyell gently. One younger Lyell at his age, but this is still a masterpiece of taking the country to the palm of his hand. Even though Lyell could sweeten me like that, Miranda also felt happy.

I am glad that Lyell, a masterpiece, relies on himself. However, there are a lot of rivals around, and that's infrequent.

"Damn, more and more women around...... haha, I need to work hard too"

Such Miranda pointed a gentle grin and tone at Lyell -.

In the office of Gracia, acting King Galleria, I was visiting with a summary report.

Mr. Gracia has also been busy here lately with the crusade of the traitor lords, and the policing of the territory he took away.

If you go back, you're usually waiting for work, and you're having busy days just like me.

"Here's the paperwork you asked for."

When I smiled and handed her the paperwork, Gracia took it with a tired look on her face.

"... sorry. I'm sorry to make you substitute for Leold. So, what about Leold?

I wasn't the one who handled the papers, Leold. In fact, he's helping me, and he's teaching me how to handle paperwork.

A little more and I'm sure we'll be able to process it normally.

"I'm putting him to sleep because he seems tired. I'll have a field visit tomorrow. Put Miranda and Clara on the support."

With Mr. Gracia's troubled look.

"It's hard when you're both pulled out."

For Galleria, who is very problematic in terms of home affairs, the two people who can be active in that respect seem to be valuable.

However, I can't let you serve forever, so I want to be able to take over quickly.

"Shouldn't we have a minister who can do paperwork? That's the kind of work that matters."

Mr. Gracia seems to be thinking about it, but he said it didn't work. Sitting back deep in the chair, legging together and reading my report.

"If I could do that, I wouldn't have a hard time. Hiring a minister also costs money. The territory has been expanded, but the minister who is here is going to take the lead in hiring martial arts officers, in addition to the water and money that will be needed to improve the harbour."

I know it's such a national pattern, but I heard a lot from the fourth generation and it seemed unbalanced to me.

"... Shall we put those ministers around Master Leold? Mr. Leold will be in charge of internal affairs for a while."

Then, as I recall, Mr. Gracia.

"That's a rebellion too... yes. Elsa's letter I received before, but we came to the conclusion that avoiding war is difficult for each other. Looks like the other lords who were treacherously betraying us feel our danger and want to make a move in the next war. Russowerth seems to be in the same situation. Usually they don't move backwards, they only stick it out when they plunder, but this time they stick it out from the start."

Evidence of betrayal, and preparations for processing were already under way. I put my hands on my chin while each lord's movements seemed hilarious.

"... then why don't the Duke Royal Family have a policy that doesn't work very well? Good luck to the lords of the traitors, with the sights of the high. Yes. Will you be ready for Master Leold's first battle?"

The national pattern, you are insulted, Leold, not even finished in the first place.

If you go through the first line in any way, the future will be easier.

Looks like Mr. Gracia is sorry.

"Oh, yeah. Leold is also a good age to go through the first line. Yeah, I'll arrange it right away. Elsa needs your attention... I'm sorry, I'll write to you right away, can you deliver it?

I smiled and nodded, looking at Gracia seriously when it came to you, Leold.

"Fine. That's the kind of policy you get to move on over there. And here's your weapon, Leold."

Mr. Gracia rushes out again. We're not ready in time. There was already not a month until the next war.

I'd say don't go to war in that state, but it would be something like this because there's a familiar part to it.

"Shh, get ready immediately... no. We can't make it by ordering weapons now."

This is the weapon of the next king. Even if it's too primitive, it's insulting.

I propose to Mr. Gracia.

"I'll ask a merchant I know. He's a famous merchant in Baym, so he'll have what he expects. He's got a craftsman with good skills, so he'll be fine."

Mr. Gracia looks at me.

"I'm sorry. You just rely on me. It's a lot to ask Lord Lyell, the adventurer, to come this far..."

Well, I got into weakness, so I'm sorry if you seem sorry, but this is the other way around.

Then, Mr. Gracia...

"With that said, the atmosphere is a little different than it was a few days ago. No, not in a bad way..."

- He looked at me and said it didn't look like the atmosphere before. I'm tilting my neck.

"Really? Well... there was a lot going on, so maybe it's because of that. Yes, I'll change my mind, but what would you like for a souvenir next time? I'm going back to Baym, so I'm going to buy something."

Mr. Gracia lit up a little.

"Yes, no, it's bad to get it that often. Some perfume I got before."

She said she didn't want it because she was sorry to wave both hands, so she decided to plug it in with something sweet as well.

Let's take some souvenirs for Mr. Elsa, too. There are also Nowem and Aria, so they will also need something plugged in apart.

"Okay. I'll even put some sweets in it."

"No, so..."

Looking back from Mr. Gracia, I was leaving the office.

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