
Fourth Generation Era

In the treasure ball.

Tired I was crying in the fourth generation.

"I can't do it anymore. Could you lend me your wisdom?

Two weeks were about to pass since we started pioneering, but the results were scattered.

Failure, and failure. Even if it worked, it failed and it was repeated this past week that it would start over again from scratch.

Between the round tables, the historical emperor and Mr. Mireia are looking at me like I'm a jerk.

When the fourth generation rose, they sent me a call.

The fourth generation then turns to its own memory room. I look around, but I just tell the historical masters to go, too.

Mr. Mireia was nicotine and waving at me.

"... I wish you could give me some advice"

I groaned and headed to the memory room, and as I crept through there, my surroundings were unusual.

The fourth generation memory room is fundamental to the sight of a main road that runs everywhere. Today, however, there were carriages and manpower around them, as well as the younger fourth generation who commanded them.

Young fourth generation - Marks, giving instructions around.

However, the atmosphere is not very good.

"What the hell! What did you use most of the material you prepared for!

What is said is the inhabitants of the newly incorporated territories. A celebrity was speaking with Marks on his behalf.

"Actually, I need materials in the village. You don't even have to rush that far here, so I borrowed it. We'll make sure you have it if you need it. '


Marks, who was young and had just become a baron, had been insulted by celebrities. Normally, even if the opponent is younger, if he becomes a lord, he doesn't take a licking attitude.

The fourth generation, standing beside me at some point, was sighing when he saw his old self.

"Not at all, now that I think about it, what I was doing"

"How could you do this? Whatever it takes, this attitude is not meant for lords. I can't believe you're using materials on your own."

I can't complain about being killed. Or it wasn't strange that severe punishment was handed down on a village basis. However, the other person smiled in front of Marks, who regretted it.

'It's not going to work out here either. If we're going to waste it anyway, we have to make the most of it.'

"The Walt family has grown. I know you're in a hurry."

"Well, then, we're busy, so I'll put the man back a little bit."

The people behind Marks were staring at the people who acted on their own. It's just different numbers.

"... there's been a gulf between the Walt people and the new people from the beginning."

It was a terrible land.

There are rivers running around, but water is pouring in because the embankment collapses and doesn't repair it.

Marks looked remorsefully at the inhabitants as they pulled up. Then the Walt family knight laid his hands on the pattern of a sword lowered to his waist.

Marks controls it with his hands.

"Master Marks! Do you overlook that attitude of theirs! Those are materials prepared by the Walt family. I said I stole it with dignity!

I heard voices rebelling in the same way from around me.

The fourth generation watched the sight with a bitter laugh.

'I really don't rely on it. By this time, I thought everything was the same as my own territory, didn't I? Me, the fourth generation since the first generation... the Walt family was well put together. It was a quasi baron family size, small but also wealthy for having a city. But all of a sudden, when the territory expands, the previous rule doesn't work at all. "

Marks was too young to bring together the neighboring lords, not just the celebrities. And for better or worse, the Walt people were acknowledging the Walt family as lords.

'It was tough. I've been going through with it until now, and I'm fine with insulting you that it's a territory that doesn't have the credibility of the Walt family. The handling of that also bothered my mind, and all at once more paperwork... hey, it was really hard. In fact, if I were a Walt family citizen, I stole materials and stuff, because I wouldn't laugh and say anything. I'm confused if these people are serious. "

I didn't know what the fourth generation wanted to show me. I understand there were times when it was hard, but what does that have to do with this one?

"Um, what does this have to do with my pioneering memories?

Then, the fourth generation smiled.

"Lyell, what was I called in Lyell's time?

"I've been in the Walt family for the longest time, so I'm a homemaker..."

In fact, the fourth generation was laying the foundations of the Walt family, which became the Baron's. It was not the cities like the Associate Baron's and the villages and settlements around them, but the fourth generation that developed their territory with a larger territorial perspective.

The fourth generation seemed to illuminate.

'Yeah, as long as I'm really embarrassed. But that's what they call me, but it's actually how I've been building up my failures. If you do something you can't do, you fail and you lose your credibility.'

As such, the scene switches.

In one of the rooms of the Walt family's mansion, Marks was handling the paperwork against the desk. When I peeked in, what a delicate thing to report from a celebrity.

"... Something's coming up about a kid fight."

When I said it, the fourth generation laughed.

'There's actually a lot of that stuff. I'm going to have my lord judge me for that, but you can't get out of this because you can also get the money. It's just a lot of numbers. At this time, the territory suddenly swelled up, and you didn't have enough ministers, so you were working all the time.'

That's how the room enters a magnificent man with a stretched spine. He seems to be the head of the Foxz family at the time.

'Dear Marks, you must not be too pushy. Your mother was worried. "

Marks looked up and his opponent nodded knowing he was the owner of the Foxxx family.

'I know... no, I know'

He was fixing his language and taking the form of a boss and a subordinate. The fourth generation explains it.

"Previously, it was your neighborhood, but since it's the Baron's house, the neighborhood will be treated like a maiden child, right? At the time, there was a territorial change, and only we had a large lord around. We have more land to manage, we have to take care of the neighborhood, and it's been tough. '

The fourth generation was laughing, but it just seemed like a very laughable situation. From this situation it seemed miraculous that the fourth generation laid the foundations of the Walt family - the Baron family.

The fourth generation looks a little lonely looking at the owner of the Foxxx family.

'... you didn't know how to deal with the neighborhood's relying uncle because he suddenly became a subordinate. Besides, he's been very cooperative. So when I hear about the Foxx family, I really think about giving back.'

The scene changes.

It was a small village. It was just very rough. The fields are worn out. The building collapsed and some burned.

Marks was gathering manpower and letting him help rebuild.

When that was over, the villagers seemed very grateful when Marks left.

Fourth generation says.

'Tips from small things, right? I don't know how you thought big things would succeed when you couldn't get help... I helped a village raided by demons. It was a small job for me, though. However, the villagers here will take the lead next time. Besides, did they think I was a good lord for it? I became more and more cooperative. That's when. I learned the importance of building on small successes.'

Reminds me of what the fourth generation has been saying about what you want to show me.

The fourth generation looked back at me and said:

"Lyell, you have knowledge and skill. Each one of them is trying to help Lyell. Who do you think is responsible for the continuing failure in this situation?

I lean down.

It's me.

'It's mostly Ryer's fault. Before, I told you to leave it to your surroundings, but this time I'll tell you to keep it under control. It's very difficult to balance that.'

The fourth generation changed the surrounding sights. Then it shows the sight of us working the last two weeks.

I was embarrassed to look at myself when I wondered if that was possible in the memory room.

Stuck by Clara.

"Mr. Lyell, this is all the material we need here. I know money is important, but the foundation is important. '

And now Mr. Adele runs up to me.

'You think you have that kind of money! I have plans ahead of me, but I don't have enough budget after all the failures. If we don't sharpen where we can sharpen it, we can't work on it in the first place!

I listened to both of them, and I was halfway there without judgment.

This is how I felt impudent when I looked at it from the perspective of a third party.

The fourth generation looks at me and laughs.

"Clara has a part that is too focused on knowledge. But you should have adopted Clara's opinion in this case. Adele is... like this, she's strong at calculating documents and money, but you really underestimate the crime scene. Managing the money is important too, but I don't know the scene, so I guess that feels like I'm pulling my leg. Well, what do you want to say... Lyell has failed his candidacy in the first phase '

Instead of being in the work phase, I was open mouthed and pokanated when they pointed me out to be a misnomer. Instead of saying what was wrong with the work, I couldn't react unexpectedly because I was told it was a missed candidate.

The fourth generation complains about my candidacy.

'You should have brought Eva or something yet. There's a forest nearby, and I wish you could have done your best on that side. And then, is it Nowem and Miranda? If there was one or the other, I'd think you'd normally put this group together.'

"... but make changes tomorrow"

"If I change it at this stage, I'll think of Adele and everything. That kid, he definitely chose Clara over himself, and I think he cares. I mean, Clara is that one...... surprisingly you can do well with your surroundings, but you don't pull it off at all in your hobby relationship. Otherwise, it sounds good. '

Then I guess I'll just keep working on the unsuccessful candidate. Dropping his shoulder, the fourth generation gave him the secret.

'Well, then that's my advice to Lyell. I'm not talking about working relationships. Failure is also an important experience. So, yeah. This is very important...'

Fourth generation advice. That's...

"Clara, I need you to put all the necessary materials together again in the paperwork later. Then Mr. Adele asks you to secure the material. We can't move on unless this place succeeds, and we'll hear about the amount later. Mr. Maxim...... stay away from your work. Aria is Mr. Leold - No, it's the exorcism of demons in the woods with Master Leold. At that time, don't get ahead of yourself and follow up properly."

First thing in the morning, I gathered everyone to see what I was doing today.

When I looked at them all, each said something. I did, but when I make a clear policy, they don't talk.

Neither does Mr. Adele seem to argue because he can no longer fail. Anyway, I know it's worse to say that you're not successful at all.

It's just Aria.

"You know, Lyell... me and Mr. Maxim are the main ones, shouldn't we turn the others to follow? It's definitely quicker to work."

I smile.

"Who said to destroy the demons in the woods? You just have to deal with them to the extent that they don't get in the way of the work. What do you want me to do with your follow-ups, even though Leold has had some experience with you?"

Follow up, Aria says, is to remove material from luggage and demons.

But would the Duke's Royal Trail require such skill on his son?

On second thought, you should go through it, but I have trouble getting you to do all that.

(It's a country of cerebral muscle thinking, so you'd definitely appreciate it if you said that you succeeded in your internal affairs while also exorcising demons)

From the beginning, this pioneering was aimed at creating your track record, Leold. I didn't think it would be a problem if internal affairs were successful, but I didn't think about considering the land pattern at all.

(One place first. Successfully here, then you will also have command over internal affairs)

Aria seems a little awkward, so I decided to follow up with her later.

Look around, make sure you don't ask questions, and I will.

"Well, we're cleaning up some broken materials today. Remove them all once because they will get in the way of the next task"

Fourth generation advice. It was very simple.

Until now, I've instructed my people only to have a big purpose. But it was a terrible time for incompatible people to act on their own thoughts and pull their legs together.

I should have given you more detailed instructions.

And even talking about a big purpose didn't even take into account how individuals understood it.

If I told Aria and others to stop the demons from interfering with their work, I was thinking of destroying the demons with vegetables. Don't pull. What is a dong pull is a dong pull on Aria now that she can execute it.

I raise my voice a little.

"Okay. Let's make this place a success first. Otherwise, there won't be a next time."

One place first.

If we succeed here, it's not a huge failure, at least. If we do well, we might be able to use this success as a reason to get more help from around us.

- Fourth generation advice.

It was' Greetings in the whole morning '- that is,' Morning salute '.

Until now, there were Nowem, Miranda, and Monica, so they were able to unite their intentions beforehand.

Until now, it was going well because it was a small number. And even if I say the numbers have increased, the Valkyries have a line with me. As I carry out my orders, these morning prayers have only ever been in form. No, I didn't see it as important in the first place.

(Basically, that's important)

It was a day when I reconfirmed those things.

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