
Marks Plan

"There are a number of reasons to get acquainted and go to war"

In the treasure ball.

The fourth generation prepared a blackboard and gave me an explanation. I've only been through bee wars so far, so as far as I'm concerned, I don't really understand the wars with the rulebook.

That's the explanation for me...

'Simply put, I want to go to war. Or if you have to, but you don't want their territory or anything. Well, there's a lot of reasons in each land, and you keep fighting.'

"... that I should get rid of that reason? They both showed a lot of motivation, though?

It didn't look like they were all at war to get acquainted. In the first place, isn't it tough to be near the border that serves as a battlefield?

Then the third generation tells me.

'Well, there are many different reasons everywhere. It's just that we fight quite often, so it's not for demographic adjustment purposes.'

There are limits to the population you can hold. Land is finite. Even if we can pioneer and support new populations, all of this will come to a limit.

When that happens, we have to take the land. However, it also meant more land to be newly managed if the land was taken away.

"What's the purpose?

When I tilted my neck, the fifth generation answered in disgust.

'You have to look into that. Looks like Galleria's easy to get into. There is the former tightening of the peripheral lords, which can also be described as a gathering of small nations. If you hire someone, you won't be complaining.'

I look anxious.

"That's it... can I, the commissioner?

To reassure me that I look anxious, or while the seventh generation laughs.

'Don't worry, Lyell. You're young, and you have a proven track record. Is there a lord or country you don't want?'

Against such a seventh generation, Mr. Mireia comes from the side.

"People who are too good often don't like it. Nothing. Lyell doesn't have to do it."

"... Huh?

When I was surprised, the fourth generation was snorting.

'Isn't that obvious? I can't do this in both countries. If they do that, I'll execute them. "

The fourth generation wrote the names of Galleria and Russowerth on the blackboard, and the names of my people - the Nowems.

"Let's decide who and where to make the commissioner. In this case, Lyell turns to support '

"My people have served you, so it's not something I can use against you, is it? I know it sounds like an outrage."

The fifth generation doesn't seem as interested as usual.

'That's okay. It's not like I serve all the time. To manage to draw the two countries into the Union of Zayn, Rolphis. The smaller countries around us can then care less in diplomacy'

While the fourth generation was alive, he explained the plan to me.

'I'll go into one first. That's where it works... not this time on the battlefield'

If I'm serious, the fourth generation is going to be happy.

'Let us do our best, mainly in the area of internal affairs. It upsets the balance between the two countries. Then one in a hurry has no choice but to open up the situation at all costs. So I send people to one side too'

I'm listening to the fourth generation.

"Home affairs takes time. Doesn't it take years, or nearly a decade, to get into custody?

To my opinion, the fourth generation shakes its head sideways.

'I don't have time for that. That's why I'm using the reference this time. Use Zayn, Rolphis, and Bayme references to get in and achieve results early on. From what I've seen, it's Galleria. "

They're going to improve the internal affairs situation and we're going to get closer to one of them in a hurry. I'm curious if that will work, but I also have my wife's hand on this one.

Mr. Mireia clapped his hand and rose from the chair.

'That's wonderful! Even if a group connected to Zayn, Rolphis and Baym just work together, their opponents will find themselves in a predicament. You're in a hurry, aren't you? I thought you were finally coming to crush me for real!

The fourth generation seemed to have a lot of fun.

"Exactly! If you rush, the gap you follow increases. We need information to do that. Based on the information, why don't we send the best people to both countries? If you can't do it outside, you just have to break it from the inside."

I wonder why...... both countries targeted in the fourth generation seemed pitiful.

That's the time. As Mr. Mireia reminded me.

'That's right. Lyell, should I go see you for the first time in a long time? [M]' Cause I might miss you. '

I look at Mireia with my eyes.

"... does he miss you? Or I don't really want to talk about it."

"Don't be selfish. Here we go. '

Mireia pulled my hand, and I was taken to my memory room.

"I missed you, Mireia. Wow!!"

When I entered the memory room, Mr. Mireia was able to look for me, but I jumped.

What do you care, he was in a position to jump into his chest and his hands were making dirty moves? He looks like a kid, but I think this is out on a boulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Span!" he said lightly, shooting down Mr. Mireia with a knife. I can feel it falling on the floor and picking up, but I get up.

'... even though you don't have to be shy. Nowem will be followed by the title of "Iron Wall."

'Well, I'm glad. Well, you're gonna talk a lot today.'

That's where I once lived.

When I had the chair for Mireia and I, I sat on the bed.

'Well, what can I tell you... I told you to give me my body back before, but you're not giving it back, are you?

"It's impossible to give it back to you, or someone else will. It's kind of like I'm not gonna be me anymore."

When you hear my words, you say, "That's terrible." He just seems a little happy.

"Ma, if I can beat Ceres with that, I don't mind."

That word, that confidence... I'm sure I can get away with it.

"Can you beat Ceres?

I'm a little sorry to hear this, but I can't help but ask. Mr. Mireia looked at me like he said something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Be confident.

'I won't lose. But you won't even win. As it stands, I guess that's the best I can do. Anyway, Celeste took as much away from me as she could. Well, I've been a genius and a Kirin child since the Walt family began, so I can't help being jealous.'

What a delicate answer, I regretted asking a serious question.

Mr. Mireia, too, is laughing at Couscous.

I'm sighing.

"So, will you give me back my memories?

I laughed invincibly.

'I don't know what to do. I mean, I think it's none of your business to give my body back to me?

When I tried to get up from the chair, all I could do was fill the distance in an instant and touch my forehead with my index finger.

'If you're going to fight me, you better stop. Anyway, even though they took it, I know how to move my body. You can't beat me. "

Even though I wasn't as good as Ceres, I wasn't likely to beat the presence in front of me. When I look remorseful, all I can do is go to Mr. Mireia...

"Mr. Mireia...... hold me"

'I can't. Come back out with a more innocent heart.'

'I am only honest with my sexuality and have an innocent heart. So hold me! I want those breasts in my pillows!

I ask the next question, thinking this guy sucks.

"How can you give me back my sealed memories?

You can look back at me.

'... memory, huh. Well, whether you want to give it back or not, let's have a fight.'


"It's impossible for me and you to fight. It won't be a battle. So... shall I invite your lovers inside the treasure ball? All of them. There's the battle. Keep the contents of the battle down. If you don't, I'll never give you my memory, and if there's a gap, I'll let you take your body."

I thought.

"Why do I need to let a porn kid like you see everyone...... you!

When I realized it, I was moving on to the bed to pose.

"Things I Know! Because I want to spin those breasts and buttocks! Come on, give me your lover for memory!

I'll be right there.

"There's no way I'm giving it away, you idiot!

The entire house that was rebuilt had become quite a big one.

Next door is a porter's cabin, which is a giant version of the doghouse. I'm a little scared of Monica's love for Porter.

A large porter arrived at the location I decided to base, full of Valkyries.

From a large porter, Mr. Launo also comes down and gives a tired look.

"People are too rough. What do you mean, work as soon as you get back? And it's too difficult."

He has an insensitive mustache and a bumpy head. It would be better for Mr. Launo to complain like that.

"This one was in a hurry. So, beyond the Redant Fortress...... how was Bansaim?

To my question, Mr. Launo sighed.

"Banseim officially governs his former neighbor. It was a general dispatched from Central called [Blower Cadell] who came in. I hear you've gathered soldiers from the provinces, not from the Central elite... but you seem to be ruling without difficulty."

A central general is being flown away from Central, the capital of Bansaim. Normally, this is...

"Have you been left? But when you rule without difficulty, you can't be alarmed."

The seventh generation was on guard.

I was wondering if I should be so concerned, but Mr. Rauno is also going to say something subtle.

"I don't know if I'm a doer. Until then, if you think you've been flown to the province, but you don't want to think a man who's become a general is incompetent. She's cute down there."

It contains a little personal feelings and Mr. Launo wonders if anything has happened in the past.

"You need to move for the time being?

"I can't move, right? More demonic damage, and it's territorial rule while responding to it. I thought I would rely on Baim, but it doesn't feel like I'm taking a distance. I'd like to do some more research, because my client will change policy."

They say they hate it, but as things stand, this one was the priority.

Galleria, I wanted to incorporate both countries of Russowerth into this side at any rate.

"I apologize for saying I couldn't, though. I want to get up early."

Mr. Launo looks at me.

"I'll take care of customers who pay well. And this is what I say in the service."


"It's part of Baym, and the people who've done you a disservice are on the move. The Trace family is still watching, and there may be movement in the vicinity. You're the brother of the next queen in Bansaim, aren't you? The people on Baym might cut you loose."

I was silent when I heard it.

The reason I kept quiet...

'Oh, you're starting to feel good. It depends on how Baym moves like this. Fidel, you're also static. Does that mean it had a seditious effect?

'We've got all the money and gear, and you're so thankful you made it this far!

'Well, you'd cut it off normally. How much can we squeeze out before then...... anyway, if this isn't the worst pattern we've ever had, it's on our schedule'

'Death merchants and guilds just have to look into their painful eyes once. I hope Baym stays.'

"Oh, come on, do you want to get a new city? Let's crush Baym now for the future. shredding territory, and we need to limit urban functions. '

- Because it seems like it would be fun to be in the treasure ball. These guys, they're bad quality because they act like they know they're getting kicked out.

From the beginning, we - no, for the historical masters, the worst pattern in our relationship with Baym is' Baym turning to my support at all costs'.

It seems it was very problematic for the historical masters to get this done. I really didn't like the situation where you recognized Ceres' threat accurately and gave me all you could.

If I get all the help I can get, I can't get out strong against Baym even if I win. Even if you get out strong, you need to be prepared for a lot of disgust, so be it.

So this status quo was on schedule for our historical contemporaries.

The third generation.

'Well, as for putting the Baym thing on hold for a while, now it's Galleria and Russowerth. If we incorporate these two countries on this side, we will be able to move tens of thousands of troops as a size. It's not enough to fight Bansaim, but it's important to have an army that Lyell can use.'

I doubt you'll really cooperate when fighting Bansaim, but I'm sure these people will figure out a way to get you to join them.

As far as I'm concerned, it's an idea whether it's good to stay sweet or not.

"What's up?

Mr. Launo looked worried when he saw me shut up.

I laugh bitterly.

"It's okay. I can handle being kicked out."

Then, while Mr. Launo took his head.

"I guess..."

That's what she replied to.

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