
[]/(v5r, vi) (uk) (1) (uk) to be able to

- Rhue was looking at his uniform in the guild's dressing room.

The skirt is slightly shorter and more flashy than the rest of the staff.

I sighed it to my hand. Around, women officials are equally coming to the guild to change clothes.

Nearby, she wears normal objects rather than uniforms that accentuate the chest Marianne has been using.

Looking sideways at it, Rhue looked at his uniform.

"Sure, my breasts aren't big...... so short skirts and stuff"

As he complained, Rhue changed into an official's uniform.

When I finished dressing, I headed to the dossier room before going to the reception. To check the material on the adventurer in charge. You go to the counter with the party personnel, and those materials that summarize the rate of achievement and evaluation of the request.

When he leaves the library, Rhue heads to the room where his guild card is stored. There, the guild cards of the adventurers designated for rookie education were kept in separate frames.

Check that and make sure there are no scratches on the name engraved on the silver guild card. Since the death of an adventurer who was close to himself, Rhue has thus come to attend this room.

Take a lot of material and bowl it in front of Marianne and the door as she tries to leave the room.

"... ah"

Rhue was small and in the shape of looking up to Marianne.

"Oh, you're here to confirm?

I bowed my head to Marianne with a smile and left the spot behind. Because I've never had the face to let you see me, just to make fun of me before.

I boasted that the adventurers I was making out with were excellent, and that Marianne was making fun of the new adventurers - as well as the adventurers in the guild's educational designation frame.

However, when only one of the adventurers I knew survived a devastating blow from party to party, Rhue had a rookie education story coming out of the top.

Ryue, who had been blocked for a while, decided to take the story.

As he hurried to the back of the reception, Rhue greeted the summarizer's boss there.

"Good Morning"

Then, the boss smiles when he sees Rhue.

"Oh, good morning. That's a little early. We don't have a counter yet, so why don't we talk a little before we take over?"

"Yes, sir"

When replacing the counter, staff were set to take over from each other. My boss stopped Lue because I had a little time to spare.

My boss shows Leue some paperwork.

"Actually, there are some new adventurers I want you to take care of. I'm young, but there's quite a couple or three of them. Look, there's a mess next door, because a lot of people got started because Bansaim snuck in."

Where there was a neighbouring country, the Bansaim army had already entered and begun to rule. From the crusade of demons, we are busily moving around with the confirmation of territory.

In that, the one who lost his way. And those who lost their status were pouring into Baym.

"This much?

One of the several documents is the current situation in the neighbouring country.

The rest were those with the names of the adventurers who came to the East Branch written small and bissilli.

My boss explains it to Rhue.

"No, you just have to explain it to me at the beginning. Briefings are also given, but many young people may be tricked into rolling in the alley tomorrow. Because while I work a few times, this one also speaks to a party that wants manpower. Oh, not everyone."

I was relieved to hear that the whole thing would be handled. Because even though it's hard just for the adventurers I have, I can't take care of a ton of adventurers.

"I'm relieved. No more boulders..."

I looked at Ryue and my boss nodded as well.

"Well, a bunch of missing new adventurers are tough. The person who manages it also has to think about it and turn around the job. Good luck with that. If you don't understand, ask Marianne."

Rhue laughed bitterly, then broke up with his boss and headed to the counter on the table -.

- After lunch.

Reuer, who returned to the counter after a break, was dealing with an adventurer who had returned after completing the request.

Don't keep smiling, and take a good look at them and respond.

"Well, aren't you? I can't believe you're abandoning your request on the way. This will not reward the Alliance."

In my head, I wanted to apologize to my client for making a request to an unusable new adventurer. Also, Rhue gets a headache when he may need to go apologize for the holidays.

The pair of adventurers in front of them sat in a chair looking dirty. Put your arms on the counter, against Leue.

"I don't care if they say that. I did half of it, so give me half."

He talks about wanting a daze and a reward, and the adventurers who were lining up behind him move away from Rhue's counter to a different one.

The flow of people was completely different only at Leue's counter.

(What should I do? Not at all judgmental. People flow to other counters......)

Being a rookie doesn't necessarily mean you don't deal with other adventurers. If I was busy, I would deal with them, and if I had time, it was natural to help. It's also a problem for the Alliance to keep adventurers waiting and late for work.

The opponents are the young men who became adventurers a few months ago. Younger than Leue, but the language is eye-catching from the top.

"Hey, why don't you give me more accommodation? We want to go home soon, too. If you give me half of it, it's over."

They were adventurers with a lot of problematic behavior and a rookie educational framework. It was normal at first, but you came out of the country or you were starting to play around even when you got a little money.

"If you don't accomplish the request, you won't get paid. Half or 80%, you can't have anything you can't do."

After many explanations, the pair were not convinced.

My voice gradually gets rough.

"You're in charge of us, aren't you? Make it right."

"And my client today and all that sucked? Don't turn weird work around. We're really in May, like" get serious "and" don't rest. "

The pair have begun to stand out for their problem behavior, but Rhue explains desperately.

"That's only natural if you two don't sit outside the break and work -"

One of the adventurers tongued as Rhue's words became just a little rough.

"Shit, what the hell. You're eating with our money. Ha, the previous rookie rep was huge tits and beautiful, but are we dealing with dickheads like you? You're not motivated."

Rhue leaned down.

I used to remember when I was a rookie the process was slow and the adventurer yelled at me.

(With that said, you were the one who helped me then)

Rhue remembers a dead adventurer.

Doing so brings surrounding officials closer to Leue to follow. But there was a voice from behind the adventurer.

"... how long have you been daunting me? If you think it's ragged, say the same thing over and over again. We're in a hurry. Think a little bit."

Behind me was Airhardt. Tank top, as usual, carrying a great sword.

The pair get up and stare at Airhardt, but the Airhardts also had company. We have a bunch of people who were away, and they're not equipped for the pair.

"What, are you motivated?

When Airhardt was awesome, the pair of adventurers rushed away from the counter. Originally, it failed and I didn't bring the documents.

As you exit the guild to escape, an officer approaches the airhardts.

"I'm in trouble. Private fighting between adventurers is forbidden within the Alliance."

Attention was drawn to the guild staff of a man wearing glasses, and Airhardt put his head on.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

However, while guild officials are cautious.

"Finish your reception, then."

Without further blame, he immediately freed the Airhardts. A male employee approached Leue.

"I'm sorry I didn't make it. When that pact comes, back off and rely on a strong official. And their procedure, please."


When Rhue replied, Airhardt talked to his buddies and decided to respond alone.

Airhardt, who sat in front of the counter, seemed to have rented a shower at the guild. I'll give the report to Rhue.

The recipient, Ryue, checked the contents.

(Two things: a demon crusade around Baim and a chore job. Evaluate [B])

The reports of the Airhardts returning from the outside contained a positive impression rating.

"Uh, evaluation [B], right? Thank you. I will prepare a reward, but what will happen to your next request?

Then, Airhardt has no particular way of thinking about it.

"The battle is pretty tough. Not until you've checked your gear. I did both, and you're gonna be okay for a while, right? If it's going to take me a while to fix my gear or something, I'll come and take it from the chores in the baim. I'll show my face in three days."

"It would help if you did. What should I do to renew my guild card?

"Before or after the next request, please."

When Rhue prepared the reward, Airhardt received it and confirmed the amount. And when you get up.

"Thank you."

That's how Rhue stared at Airhardt's back as he headed under his people...

Faceting the Guild East Branch, the atmosphere in the lobby on the ground floor was slightly floating.

I thought something might happen, but I decided to take Clara to the third floor of the guild.

Clara also seemed to have detected the atmosphere in the guild.

"I don't know, you look like you're having a little fun"

I snort too.

"Right. Well, if I confirm your request, I'll ask you a question."

Entering an empty private room on the third floor, Mr. Tanya was there.

To sit in a chair and check the details of the request in a private room. However, Tanya has explained the request with a serious look.

I feel the gaze behind my glasses is sharper than usual.

"You've come a lot. It's a good time."

That being said, I just don't think it's a good time from us. Clara's gazing at me and saying, "If it's a weird request, I'll say no."

"Is something wrong? Even in the labyrinth again?

Mr. Tanya shook his head to the side. Sarah's dark hair swayed.

"No. I mean, you're still crusading, aren't you? Lyell, while you guys were out, I could do another one. The South Branch seems a little confused, but this one doesn't have enough adventurers either"

That would be tough. I thought so, but we have our own circumstances, too. It's impossible to take requests for anything.

"I'll take it if you want to."

"Oh, I'm probably fine"

Mr. Tanya laughed bitterly. When asked about the circumstances.

"Transport Corps?

"Yes, please transport supplies from Beim to Galleria and Russowerth. Previous haulage also had defensive warfare and couldn't carry everything. If you can take on escorts and hauling, I'll put you on top of the reward."

When Clara looked at the amount offered, she was nodding.

Not a bad amount.

I just have a distance, so I need to get away from Baym for a while.

There was a fifth generation of voices from within the treasure balls.

"Carry supplies from Beim to a warring country," he said. Is your stuff a weapon or something?

I would say supplies, but the contents would be commodities. The contents are not an issue in themselves, but I was also interested in the two countries.

"Don't you use sea routes?

says Tanya.

"There's only a small port, isn't there? Besides, neither country wants to build a port."

It is unusual for two countries with baim nearby and facing the sea. Can't we get a place?

When I took the paperwork, I told Tanya to take it.

"Okay. I'll take it."

Mr. Tanya seems relieved.

"It helps. Lyell, you can carry a lot of big baggage."

Apparently, they're looking into the big porter thing. At the time Damien brought it to Baym, I had no choice because it stood out.

Clara, look at the paperwork.

"Are we the only adventurers participating?

Mr. Tanya nods.

"I don't think anyone has a hand in the cargo of the two countries, but you can rest assured with a good adventurer as your escort. And, Lyell, you seem to be accommodating when you cross Rolphis."

It seems to make sense that I'm here.

(With that said, we've been through Selva before, haven't we? Did you think if I joined you, you'd still manage to accommodate me?

I decided not to give a shit because I would dignify into the two countries.

(... If this is over, is it a coffee shop after stopping by the bookstore today? But I can't replace it with the usual)

When I decided to take the request, I was worried about where Clara and I were going to stop on the way home.

- In the treasure ball.

Mireia opened the door to Lyell's memory room and went inside.

It was once a room in the Walt family mansion where Lyell was under house arrest. Bathrooms and baths were provided in the bedroom, which was complete only in that room.

A bookshelf is provided in the room on one side of the wall and placed on the floor without a large number of books.

Mireia looked over at the room when she closed the door.

"For a long time and for the next Lord's room -"

Feeling the signs unexpectedly, Mireia took only one step forward.

'- It doesn't deserve it. Did you hit it?

There was a child's voice.

Looking back, looking down, there was a boy looking up at Mireia.

Blue hair, and blue eyes. White skin. It's not the grown look you usually see, it's a childish look.

The boy looked up at Mireia with a smile on his face and stood behind him at some point.

'How rude of you to anticipate people's words and say it first. Besides, you can't stand back at some point. Well, I don't know why I did that... Mr. Lyell.'

The young boy was Lyell. Is he about ten years old? With a smile, the boy turns his hands behind his head and tells Mireia.

'I was interested in the skirt. It's a kid's prank, so forgive me.'

Mireia was a little confused when she saw Lyell in a boy who said that with a pretty face.

'I knew it, but you're too different in character'

As he gave in and took his face to Lyell's gaze, Mireia did a light decopin.

'Can't you? I'm serious, right? Mireia wants to see what pants you're wearing. It's the only thing I can do now as a child!

'Ha... no. You shouldn't do that. Finally, you're just looking like a child, aren't you, Lyell?

'... you don't have a gap. Ma, I want to do it because I tell you not to. Let me turn that skirt someday.'

Look at the confident boy Lyell.

'How can it be so different? Or you're too different from Lyell as a kid.'

When Mireia said so, Lyell walked out and prepared a chair in the room. He wiped the top of the chair with a handkerchief and recommended to Mireia that he pay the dust and he sat down on the bed.

Mireia sat down in her chair to thank her.

"Well, what are you going to tell Lyell next?

Lyell, the boy, laughed invincibly on the bed.

'I'll tell you if you ask. And let me give you some advice. It's just that my real purpose--'

Window light plugged into the room, dim except in its place.

In a dim room, the boy Lyell glowed his blue eyes and his mouth made the shape of a three-day moon to see his white teeth.

Mireia felt something zombie.

- It's a matter of discerning. I will identify the "Lyell" that I am, and if I don't think I can, I will take away my personality. If you want to be precise, I'll have it back. '

Boy Lyle - No, I was smiling fun to be able to...

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