

We're going back to Baym.

Today, I was in the treasure ball.

With Mr. Mireia, I was visiting my own - no, a room to say even the memory of treasure balls.

Going around the door, it was still a big city a long time ago. I was able to look around more calmly than before, and I realized that there were very few people working around me.

The earthen golems worked and sometimes supported people.

But many had drunk and beaten from within the high sun without working.

In the heart of the big city, you can see a mansion that is so discreet that it is incompatible. Of all the other fine buildings, only there seemed to be a sight of the countryside.

Surrounded by gardens and fields.

As I walked, I heard people.

"Damn, wizard women are strong, aren't they? You just have to break down that cabin and build someone a castle."

"You're going to lose the character of this city. I hear they're going to complain, but I don't think they're gonna listen to all that. Even a fine castle would be more prestigious to other countries."

"I wish I could make it magically, Daddy. You're old enough."

Young men with ridiculous laughter had been drinking in the morning. The table is lined with cards and silver coins are rolling.

The clothes you're wearing - good for you. She has beautiful skin and seems to be concerned about her hair. The women were wearing dress-like costumes and taking the golem to do the shopping.

We had a lot of baggage we bought and we were chatting.

"Hey, isn't this dress good?

"Fine. The ingredients are valuable, right? I wish I could make more."

"I don't have any land. My dad said."

"You can take it. See, with the neighboring country? You just have to step on it in the golem. Then make lots of ingredients! Look, problem solved!

Only the sight makes me smile, but the content was very uninteresting. A country attacked and destroyed for such a reason is not an accumulation.

Just think about it...

"No, me too."

When I squealed, Mr. Mireia, who was walking in front of me, looked back.

"Oh, thoughts?

That look seemed to see me somewhere. What I see in these sights, what I think and what I think. Looks like Mr. Mireia's got a problem.

"There's no reason you don't think anything of this sight. I thought the Wizard's Village was a smaller admonition."

I felt so scared by the fact that the Wizard was keeping the big city by himself.

Doesn't anyone around you think about that problem?

"... why didn't the people here think after the death of the wizard Mr. Septem?

Mr. Mireia started walking again. And looking up a little bit.

I thought, "Somebody's gonna do something about it." Ma, if you say which is worse, it's both bad, right? Master Septem used his power to lend unlimited strength to the inhabitants. The inhabitants accepted it, and only more could do anything '

If you ask, it's like there's no salvation.

From me, I think you could feel more at stake. But can't those who lived in those times understand that?

He walked through the sights in his memory and arrived at the mansion, which is his destination. When the golems clear their way, they welcome us through.

The golems, large and small, were busy working in the mansion. Garden maintenance, cleaning, and security.

There are too few people in this mansion.

When I approached Mr. Septem's room, the door was open.

"Oh, you see funny memories."

Mr. Mireia walked into the room saying so. Then, beneath Mr. Septem, who lay asleep, three guests were coming. Everyone was an old man, but a pretty fat old man...

"We don't have enough cloth material for trading. I need you to turn the golem around more."

Listen to that, Mr. Septem.

'... I'm sorry. But I can't do this any more. My powers have faded.'

A tall, skinny man.

"Isn't it possible to maintain urban functions these days? Then you're in trouble. I need you to hold on tighter."

A third, gutted old man.

'More than that, what happened to the story of finding a successor? Come on, we need you to prepare the next wizard. "

The old men were complaining about Guchiguchi to Mr. Septem, who couldn't move from the top of the bed. And when I'm done complaining, I try to get out of my room.

"Get out of my way, get out of my way!

One of the old men who saw me told me to look at me and leave. When I'm surprised, they're upset, they push me away.

"Why... this is a memory room, and it's not all supposed to be an illusion"

It was Mr. Septem who answered my words.

Waking her upper body up on the bed, looking at this one and smiling.

'That's because the treasure ball is what writes the record, and at the same time it calculates everything. If this recorded person, this must be how they react. Behavior is like this… that's how we keep doing the math. Once upon a time - ancient people made a cup of tools far superior to treasure balls. "


If you don't understand, Mr. Mireia had two chairs available. When I sat down for one thing, I pointed my finger at me to sit in a chair.

When I sit in my chair, I listen to Mr. Septem.

'Before, you explained that I was the one who made the treasure balls. And about Nowem and the others... Then what shall I tell you today?'

Mr. Mireia, against the troubled Mr. Septem.

'So, Master Septem. the original use of treasure balls.'

"Oh, that's important."

Three balls appeared there when Mr. Nodded Septem opened his right hand. The blue, red, and yellow balls glow, and they show me the three.

"Lyell, what do you think is inherently a skill?

I was asked that.

"... is it a weapon that a person possesses, against demons? The seventh goddess said that people gave magic and skills to fight demons"

Hearing that, Mr. Septem nodded but smiled as troubled.

'Right. That's what I meant. So why do you think there's only one skill per person?

"... because it's hard to extreme one, is it?

Mr. Septem shook his head sideways.

'No, I'm not. One type of skill is the limit for each person. Originally, skill even replaces the person's body. If it makes it easier for the Lyells to understand, man himself becomes a kind of magic trick. "

I heard it and tilted my neck.

"Is that it?

'I have a lot of skills, but they are even smaller than they should be. Physical enhancement is a good example. If it is expressed in the support system, it is also expressed in the avant-garde system. It's just subtly different, isn't it?

If you ask me, there are certainly three types of skills in the vague.

'Let's say there were three people. Not all effects come together, as the same skills have been expressed. Because people have individual differences. There's really a personal difference, and skills can't help it. But on the contrary, it can bring out your abilities stronger.'

Physical characteristics. It works differently for people with high muscle mass and less.

In people with and without stamina, the duration is also different. The quality and quantity of magic you consume when using your skills all vary from person to person.

'Shall we talk simple? There's a personal difference in magic. Attribute magic - you've got five big days. That's the same thing. Some people are good at fire attributes. But I don't like water attributes. And the amount of magic is many, people of thin quality. People who are of high quality, but of low quantity in themselves. There's no way a skill drives his magic, but it doesn't affect him.'

I was convinced when I heard it, but at the same time the question arose. So is there any problem with me or others using other skills?

"Um, how can I handle the skills of a historical host? When I hear about it, I don't think I can handle it if I don't have the right body for my skills."

Mr. Septem saw a three-coloured ball floating over his right palm.

'It is the magic appliance that made it possible to handle it. No, the balls I developed. Because of its properties, I had to divide it into three parts. This was a device to support your skills. Each of them had skills that they were good at supporting. From there, you split the avant-garde system, the rear guard system, and the support system. Although all the skills expressed by your ancestors have also become support systems because of the impact on your surroundings. And because it interferes strongly with the owner, the balls and the magic tools are incompatible. "

When I held the balls, I found out why I couldn't use the magic tools. In order to support the user, he is interfering strongly and is interrupting the activation of the magic tool's skills.

When I hear a lot about my skills, I check with Mr. Septem.

"Um, it was the seventh goddess who gave you skills, wasn't it? He said he gave people magic and skills."

Mr. Septem nodded. But I say it's just a little different.

'Me - no, what the real Septem gave was the means by which people use magic. It was magic and skill that could be reproduced with magic. Originally, there was no form in magic or skill. So the septem just gave it some form. Because I thought if I didn't, people couldn't resist demons and labyrinths'

"... Ceres' treasure balls also have Mr. Septem, right? Agrissa has a memory of Mr. Septem, doesn't she? Then how did Ceres end up like that?

Mr. Septem in front of me and Mr. Septem, who affected Ceres, don't look like the same person. No, I don't know, actually, but I thought about why it's so different so far.

Would Ceres have gotten that bad if this guy had been recorded on the treasure balls?

"... Agrissa had only a few memories of Septem. But instead, it passed on our memories in colour. Septems of earlier generations, and septems of earlier generations. Everyone inherited the memories of the fierce regret of those who called Septem - the Goddess. But not Agrissa. She must have seen our treatment - only the part where people abused us. '

I asked Mr. Septem.

"Why did you end up here? To be clear, it's too spoiled, isn't it?

When I said that, Mr. Mireia stared at me.


"Lyell, you're overmouthing."

But Mr. Septem was smiling.

'It's okay, Mireia. Lyell, maybe you're really sweet. Yes, what I'm doing is being self-satisfied. Driven by intense regret and impatience, I've lived and spent so much time here. People really looked brittle. And loving...'

Mr. Septem told me that it would inherit the memory of Septem.

Smile as you look at me.

"Lyell, I'm sure Septem's memory may have been lost in Agrissa's place. Nihil's memory handover was also interrupted a long time ago. The same goes for the other kids in the trace. I'm the only one who feels sorry for the inconvenience. So I will continue to teach you a lot. Before that- '

Mr. Septem only left the blue balls by erasing the two from the three colored balls. Handing it to me, the balls sucked in to disappear into my received hand.

Surprised, Mr. Septem has a serious look.

- Maybe you're really related to the goddess. Beware of the descendants of Ounus and Duo. And to Queenque. I don't know, Lyell is attracting the descendants of the goddess. I'm almost there. "

"... No, you know, I'm sorry. How do you know that the target statement loved by the previous goddess is that you want me to forget it? Or maybe trace it..."

Mr. Septem had a serious look, but after a bit of flattery.

'Oh, that's what you said. But it's not a mistake, is it? Nowem, Nihil, Trace, Quattuol... you attracted their descendants. And, Lyell. "

What's this all about? With that in mind, Mr. Septem was smiling gently at me.

"What is it?

'Sooner or later, it will be time for you to face yourself. The body sealed by Ceres is about to wake up.'

I didn't know what you were talking about.

- In the port of Baim there was a figure of a man in a suit waiting for the Vera Trace to arrive.

Wearing specially tailored suits, his escorts lined up all around him.

A dripping, otty girl with long, red straight long hair hits Fidel, her father.

"It's unusual for your father to welcome your sister."

"Really? I'm free today. I wanted to spend some time with the three of my family."

Fidel pointing a smile at her daughter, but she looked like a man in a robe like she was nervous somewhere.

The harbour is sticky with sea breezes.

The shining sun - a man who wants to take off his robes and other things and even drink alcohol, complains in his heart.

(Damn, this one's busy, but the rich... my daughter and son are often asked to be fooled by the bad guys, but most of them are mistaken. Even if you're fascinated by your skills, that's because there's a gap in you. After a while, I can solve it.)

The man is an adventurer sent by the Alliance. He was an adventurer who could tell what skills they were using and what they had.

He is a skill holder in the detection system and entered well by becoming exclusive to the Alliance. But the fact that I'm getting all these irrelevant requests makes me sad.

(Don't think your mental skills are all-purpose. Why are you trying to figure out if a rich girl hasn't been fooled by a man until I cut the day off? I wouldn't believe it if I told you I wasn't fooled by my skills. Damn it, it wasn't meant to be exclusive to the Alliance!

Adventurers with detective skills depend on but are treasured. Like a man, the type that judges his opponent's skills is essential to the Alliance.

But I worked for a guild that was vulnerable to merchants, and I really had a lot of these requests.

Besides, the opponent is also a fingerfolding merchant in Baym. Even if I tell the truth, I get in a lot of trouble when people complain that I don't like it. It makes it harder to live in Baym.

(I mean, this is the second time for the Trace family. Let me find out if it's possible you've been using your skills before... you complained about it before)

The man in the robe was in the robe in this hot way to not show himself.

He was wearing a mask and saw a young man standing near a girl with chillies and red hair [Gina Trace].

He has short hair on brown hair and is a good young man in his twenties. His name is [Roland].

He was a serious young man working at the Trace Chamber of Commerce since he was a little girl. An informant thoroughly examined him, and Robe's man also performed an appraisal of his skills.

Fidel looked across the ocean as she glanced at Roland.

(Well, it's a different kind of love. I think it suits you)

Roland looked in trouble. Gina had a voice for Loland like that.

That's what Fidel doesn't seem to like.

(Before my daughter liked me, she was adorable... man parents, how could this be... whoa, the boat's here)

When a chunk of metal approached the harbor, it was either a battle or a mess. But when he came back, there were rumors that he had defeated Trident Cesarpent, and the harbor had gathered to raise his voice with waving officials and wild horses.

When the ship arrived at the port, the sailors went into work.

In the harbor, the sailors move differently when they have the owner of the ship. When I did it, I looked over here and waved.

(Ma, I knocked down the big guy and went back. Don't let it float)

Robe's man waited for the man and woman he intended to come down. A tarap is prepared and the luggage is unloaded from the ship.

As such, when the sailors descended, many women descended after a while. Sounds like an adventurer, but a typical harem party.

(Ha, do you work)

As Fidel stared at the adventurer, Robe's man saw the man at its center using his skills.

Then the man in the robe opened his eyes.

(Hey, what are these guys. And the blue-haired guy in the middle... this guy, he's not normal. Yes, no, it's more work than that... there's a mental system in my skills... there is! There is!

As the man panicked, he searched for Vera, the daughter of the Trace family. Then he's walking over here with Lyell. A girl with an umbrella, the other hand, was holding the man - Lyell's hand.

From the way it looks, I can see it's pretty much in there.

(That face is just like the face of a female adventurer who is serving a good man! Definitely! But the skill... Oh, you're not using it)

Fidel's face was bright red as the man in the robe shook his neck to the side. And I'm going to make many gestures asking you to take a good look at this one.

However, no matter how many times I saw it, my skills were not used.

Shaking his neck beside him many times, the Lyells were finally arriving before Fidel.

Robe's man, look at Lyell.

(... this guy, maybe he maintains a harem party without skills? Ha, I respect you the other way around. But you wouldn't believe it)

The man in the robe dropped his shoulder.

A man with a beautiful female adventurer showed up in front of his parents, holding hands with his daughter.

Plus, Lyell's first voice.

"Oh, um... stepfather?

"You have no such thing as a stepfather!

It was the kind of words that deliberately turned the nerves upside down -.

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