
Chapter xi prologue

"Huh?... Who is it, this guy?

In the treasure ball.

I tilted my neck when I saw a woman sitting in a chair and waving between the round tables.

If you come because you've been summoned, it's a bewildered look on the part of our historical contemporaries, except for the fifth generation, which is sitting on a round table and musty.

Looking at the woman, she really remembers Miranda, and realizes that she is the grown up figure of Mr. Mireia I saw in the memory room.

"Maybe, Mr. Mireia?

When I saw him in the memory room, he looked like a teenager. But Mr. Mireia, now in front of me, looked like he was in his mid-twenties.

'Correct, Lyell. Most of all, you're looking at me when I was younger, so that's a little slow to react. Remember their names together once you see their faces. Didn't you learn?

I learned, but I didn't get a chance to fight as a kid.

It's been a long time since I've been told that, and I look at the fifth generation in confusion.

The fifth generation sitting in his chair, sitting on a round table, sighing.

"Why is Mireia here, right? We'll find out. That's why I'm in trouble. He said he needed Lyle to know everything."

You need me to know everything?

I wondered what it all meant, and I sent Mr. Mileia a gaze. Light purple wavy hair with golden eyes reminiscent of Shannon.

But the face and atmosphere are Miranda. I'm also fit, Miranda...

(Does it feel like Miranda and Shannon did a good job?

It would be troublesome if it were Miranda to the contents. If the contents are Shannon, I feel sorry for him. But I don't know who he is.

"Lyell, you're not going into your own memory room, so I'm supposed to come out here and act as a guide."

I saw the door behind my seat.

My memory room was different from that of the historical masters. It's not just a room to play back memories. Something different.

We ignored the door because we didn't need it at the moment.

Are you saying that treasure balls are not allowed to be ignored?

But there was a reason I wouldn't even go in there.

"Um... I'm busy right now, so can't you do it later?

Mr. Mireia looked troubled and saw the historical masters around him.

The third generation is at its usual pace.

'That's right. I'm busy, so why don't we put it on hold? Now, I don't care if they tell me everything.'

The fourth generation is with the eyeglasses in the right position with their fingers.

"I'd like to ask you a favor of my grandson, because he's low on priority."

Seventh generation, as troubled.

'Even at my aunt's request, I can't do that on boulders. Because I'm busy.'

I remembered what it was like to be a seventh generation aunt. Mr. Mireia looks at the fifth generation.

The fifth generation wears its head.

'... I don't know what you want Lyell to do. If there's any profit over here, I'll give it priority.'

Then, Mr. Mireia smiled.

'After all, your father is sweet. Nevertheless, the memory of the historical contemporaries is truly troublesome. I'm a little sad that honest Lyell's twisted.'

What kind of reaction should I have?

(If you deal with our historical counterparts, you can twist them even if you don't want to)

When Mr. Mireia stood up, he walked up to me. And grab my hands gently.

I was thrilled, but it wasn't the same as it was for the opposite sex. It's like - it's like my mother.

'Lyell, you need to know everything you can about your skills. How did the Walt family's blue balls become treasure balls... and what are balls supposed to be'

I remember what Monica's sisters used to say in the labyrinth.

"Was it memory? Sure, like they said."

Mr. Mireia nodded.

'That's right. Both balls and treasure balls are just mediums of memory. Our living records, and even our personalities… It's the by-products that record our skills'

Third generation, listen to Mireia.

'I knew it. I thought it was strange. The situation where we teach Lyell our skills is not as efficient as it sounds. Was it supposed to be another purpose? … for example, transferring personality to others'

Instead of a floating attitude, the surrounding historical principals also had a sharp gaze at Mr. Mileia.

When I was in trouble, Mr. Mireia smiled and shook his head to the side.

'That's different, too. That's why Lyell needs to know everything. Many balls have now also been lost. The advent of the devil also meant to decay the balls'

The seventh generation wonders what Mr. Mireia said.

"The balls were not obsolete by natural flow," he said? Does that mean someone was pulling threads in the back?

Mr. Mireia takes my hand to the door without answering the words of the seventh generation.

'Lyell, know everything. Otherwise, your story will surely be incomplete.'

He pulled my hand, and I opened the door with Mireia and went inside without resisting.

When I entered my memory room, the area was dazzling.

If you can't keep your eyes open, Mr. Mireia's voice will.

"This is your memory room - and at the same time, it's a treasure ball memory. I thought Treasure Ball wanted you to know. So it was reproduced in such an imperfect way '

As my eyes opened gradually, there was a city spread out there that wasn't in my memory. No, is it some big city?

Looking around, people were drinking and making noise even though the days were high.

"What is this place?

'... the beginning was kindness. This is the capital of an old country. A country that perished thousands of years and a long time ago. You know Lyell, too, don't you? The Wizard's Village.'

I looked like I was living the same life as I do now, but when I was told, it also felt old somewhere.

The clothes people wear, and the shoes...

There's one type of alcohol you're drinking. All the dishes lined up are rustic too. Should I even call it a quality for the metropolis?

(But if this is the past, can it be? But how can a treasure ball keep track of such an old record? Didn't the first generation buy balls two hundred and thirty years ago?

I followed Mr. Mileia through that big city, which is not the capital of Bansaim or Centras.

The voices that I could hear seemed like everyone was floating.

"Is it some kind of festival?

Noisy adults. And kids playing around.

But Mr. Mileia's answer was different.

'... this is the weekday in this country. Lyell, can you see that building?

In the direction pointed at my finger, I could see the building under construction.

There, I see the mud dolls doing the work.

"Is it magic?

If you look closely, there were many golems working. But it doesn't look like there's a wizard nearby.

Walk away with Mr. Mireia. I walked straight, and for the big city I could see a qualitative building.

'Yeah, it's magic. And there's only one wizard keeping this big city'

I noticed.

"The Wizard's Village is where it came from."

'-It's this country. And the wizard of this country is [Septem]. I'm the seventh goddess.'

Septem reminded me of Celeste's jewel.

In the elegant building, the golems were the gatekeepers. When we get close, the golems will clear the way.

The elegant mansion, while situated in the heart of a large city, was small enough to be disproportionate.

No sign of people at all, and the only one working was Golem.

Mr. Mireia took me into a room.

There was an old woman lying in a small bed.

'... oh, that's unusual. I can't believe the customers are coming.'

The tender old woman lay down looking weak. Yet when I saw this one, I smiled.

"Well, you can see us."

Mr. Mireia, when he nodded, brought two chairs in the room and told me to sit down too.

"Lyell, if you don't sit down, Master Septem won't be able to calm down."

"Oh, no, um... Master Septem? Oh, that?

I thought Septem was a mastermind. I don't know if Ceres was manipulated or complicit. But I never imagined such a kind person as Septem.

"Could you please sit down? It hurts me, too. '

Slimming, her hair was gray and her purple eyes glowed. But my body wouldn't follow me, I couldn't move.

When the golem walked into the room, the old woman - operating Septem's bed - got her upper body up and we were supposed to have a conversation.

'I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't understand. I am Septem - no, the one who inherits the memory of Septem. He who takes over the memory of the goddess. "

Listen to that, I'm even more confused. Mireia explained it to me.

"Lyell, you know the story of the goddess and the evil god, right? What is considered the most noble of them all?

"Seventh and final goddess."

"Yes, the seventh goddess is supposed to have given people magic and skills. And the balls were developed by this Septem. '

I saw Septem with a surprised face. The septem that was Nico didn't really look like someone who would do anything wrong.

Mr. Mireia continues.

"The Walt family balls, right? It's the original she made. The others were imitations created by Agrissa - no, it was Celeste's treasure ball that imitated the original and made it more complete. I created a lot of balls for it, and it just became popular three hundred years ago. '

Septem makes me look sorry.

"I didn't think my balls would be like that in the future. I'm sorry, Lyell. After all, those kids were right. '

"Those kids?

When I ask back, Septem says.

"Yes. nihil, octo, and nowem...... one is not spoken, and two are considered evil gods"

"... Nowem... and Nihil, no way..."

Mr. Mireia tells me.

"Nowem is the same as Septem. Who inherits the memory of the goddess. Most people treat me like an evil god."

I was slightly shocked to hear that fact.

(No, if you know a lot about it, let me tell you, Nowem)

In the treasure ball.

Coming out the door with Mr. Mireia, the historical masters were waiting.

The fifth generation, look at my face.

'Did you know anything?

I snort, but I didn't know everything. There's still something I'd like to tell you, but Mr. Mileia set the line.

"That's a lot. You think Nowem is taking over the Goddess's memory? The Nowem clan is drawing the blood of a goddess, or the Walt family treasure balls were original, etc. I mean, it sounds like Septem made the balls."

A fourth generation heard that.

'... no, I don't know until you explain it properly?

Mr. Mireia, looking at the historical contemporaries.

"Lyell, go back to the real world now. And then I'll explain. '

"... I'll take care of it. Or something too shocking."

Mr. Mireia, look at me.

'I guess Nowem had a situation, too. So don't blame him. That kid, I'm sure Lyell will do everything he can to get rejected. It's just too sad.'

I'll be right there.

"No, you don't hate me, do you? I just wondered if you were a goddess, am I loved by a goddess... targeted?

Mr. Mireia looked at me and opened her eyes, holding her mouth with both hands.

"... Lyell, you are too poisoned by our historical masters"

Is the seventh generation dissatisfied with the opinion?

"What are you talking about, aunt? This is what a Walt man looks like. '

Historical masters laughed when they said, "Sure," etc.

When I woke up, it was a harbor town inn.

When I woke up in the rented room, the night had already dawned. Nearby, Monica wakes up too because of what happened to me.

"Oh, you wake up too soon today than usual. Damn, consider the hardships of the maid. You're a laborious chicken guy. I love that, too."

I saw Monica as usual and I was just a little relieved.

"I'm sorry about that. It was port day, wasn't it?

As Monica moved out, she took the tools out of the gap between the apron and the skirt with the bucket and began pouring hot water into the bucket.

"Yes, I checked at Mr. Vera's, so I was wondering for sure. They have a lot of cargo to carry to Baym this time. You think I'm busy? Thanks to you, I didn't get to meet the Queen of Carthaphs or anything."

"What the hell? Well, I understand you've been busy."

"We couldn't seem to make time for each other. Her Majesty the Queen of this country seems busy.... No way, thinking about adding it to Harlem again? Me, the chicken bastard will follow any geezer, but I doubt my taste in even targeting queens on boulders or anything. So much M, you son of a bitch!

I feel ridiculed, so I stand up and make a denial.

"No! No, I wish I could see you."

I hoped that we could be asked to cooperate in measures to combat Ceres. No other purpose.

This time Baym sent me to Baym at the request of the Carthaphs guild, and I'm about to return to Baym after a Land Dragon crusade.

The journey alone was quite a distance away, and when I came back to the port, the ship I was planning to embark on was leaving the port a few days later.

I made it to work, but there are many other things that bother me.

"... example raiders. But was it [Lark Mayard]? Rumor has it, he's fallen apart and he doesn't have a clue."

The sightings of the men who had launched the raid were followed. However, there was no evidence to inquire, and it was not possible to discover whether he was leaving him or not.

The information collected is also fragmented, such as "bouncing", "casual", "scraps" and "admired adventurers".

Women were highly regarded and it was judged that they had some skills to work with the opposite sex.

You will leave Carthaphs without being able to deal with it in a few days. Remains of heart, but if you don't go to Baym, you won't be paid either.

"Can't you stay with Lark now, huh? If we go back, we'll have to solve a lot of problems."

Monica's in my opinion as she moves forward with her morning schedule.

"Because the money problem is important. Ma, this Monica doesn't have to pay salaries or anything, but unlike other women, she doesn't throw away chicken bastards. You can give me more compliments, right?

"You, I guess it's because you can't move unless you get magic from me..."

At the end of the same morning conversation as usual I washed my face and received a towel from Monica.

Looking out the window, the morning sun is so beautiful.

The harbour is lined with many ships with spectacular views.

"Well, don't get busy again when you get back"

About Nowem, and treasure balls on Septem...

There's a lot going on, but I couldn't care less now.

(I need to know a lot. Why don't you ask Nowem after you know... because there's a lot to do before then)

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