

The mansion had a large warehouse in addition to the main building.

There are underground facilities in the basement with signs that they were studying passageways and something, even something like a dungeon.

In such a place, Damien was haunted.

"Like! Nice! It's kind of a place to hit and put it on for research! Put a big porter in the warehouse, and I'm the research that creates the ideal woman here!

Damien, who has better skin than before, is glowing her eyes and spinning joyfully in an underground facility.

A trio of maids, quick to hear it.

"... oh, dust in here"

He glanced at the furniture at his fingertips, gazing at the flickering and Monica. Seeing that, Monica shakes the twin tails and argues.

"I just got back! This one has a low priority, so cleaning was behind us! You guys, if you want to live here, you can't help yourself!

Damian was fixing his position by pushing his glasses up with his fingers. The position of the eyeglasses seems to be uneven due to shaking.

"You can use it to the extent that it doesn't interfere with my work. Well, I'd like to bring in some tools, but this facility is going to have an entrance to a different place. It's not a bad idea to do a lot of research. Oh, yeah."

That's what he said, and Damien said to the maid's number three, "Get that one out". No. 3 removes the cylindrical one from the gap between the skirt and the apron.

When I opened the lid, I heard a cupon. When I took out the contents and spread them over my desk, I knew that was the blueprint.

I'll take a peek.

"What blueprint?

Damien, look at Monica staring at Nos. 1 and 2.

"At her request. Instead of giving up duplicate options, you asked me to design a golem. It's also the type that utilizes the automaton core. I can't play with only the core, but if I just turn it into a golem, I can create a golem that I'm willing to create."

I looked back at Monica.

"You, are you talking about this before!

Monica lifted her twin tail and put her left hand on her hips, opening her leg width slightly to pose.

"You can praise me, right? No, praise me, you chicken bastard. I prepared it for you."

But Damian did.

"But I also need a lot of experiments. I have to get a prototype. I've built a theory, and I can build a prototype... but there's no material."

Apparently, I can't make it out of lack of funds.

I saw the man-made golem in the blueprint. It's a woman in armor. The design of the golem used by Damien was also different.

"It's like I've been aware of women for a long time... how much does this cost all in one piece?

Then Damien looks at the ceiling and squirms......

"Two thousand pieces in gold to get the equipment together. I'm going to build a prototype from there, and I'm going to repeat the experiment again... and I'm going to finish the whole thing with three thousand pieces. But after that, I think we can produce 500 pieces in gold."

I've erupted.

"I have no such money. Or, given the number of cores…"

Damien, smile.

"You should be prepared for tens of thousands of pieces with gold coins. There are other problems."

"Anything else?

When I ask, Damien does.

"Metal processing is also a problem, but more precious metals will be used in large quantities. Make it exactly as it was designed, verify if there are any problems, improve it even further... you'll also need a craftsman to process that rare metal, but it costs money to ask someone like that. Do you need at least the amount I said?"

It costs money everywhere I say it. In other words, the amount offered by Damian was minimal and it was more likely that it would require more than that.

Damien stays smiling.

"But it's not okay? Looks like a lot of skilled craftsmen here. If there's a problem, it's about securing money and people like that."

I am.

"That's the hard part."

I almost fell off my knees now.

(Hundreds of thousands of pieces in gold coins... that size is impossible if I'm alone in a boulder)

Gold measures.

Speaking of adventurers' money measures, it was still common to get a job in an guild.

Haven't had a trip to the Adventurer Guild East Branch in a long time, and when I came in, I gathered the gaze of adventurers and officials.

Even as I was walking through Baym, I felt my gaze.

But in the building, it is more than that.

An official called out as he tried to walk and line up in the reception line.

It's Tanya.

"Mr. Lyell, hey"


Leaving the line to be drawn his arm, he was taken straight up the stairs to the third floor. I've never been above the second floor that I normally use at meetings or anything like that.

They took me to a place like that, and I saw an adventurer coming out of my room.

I had black, long hair with a habit of outside honey, and the tall woman looked at me and laughed niggly.

"What, the boy has already been called here? I thought it was more promising than Crate or Albano, but it's a lot faster."

Tanya is a woman… to Marina.

"Is this also a crusade request?

Then, Mr. Marina...

"Other than that, I'm not interested. I need someone with more teeth... Boy, if you ask, you're strong enough? I preferred that little hessy girl, but you got me interested."

With that said, Mr. Marina has stepped into me. I lowered my head and turned my hand around the weapon.

I didn't pull it out because Mr. Tanya interrupted between me and Mr. Marina. Pure killer...... felt it, cold sweat.

Mr. Tanya.

"I play too much. Private fighting within the Alliance is forbidden."

Mr. Marina put her hand on his mouth and laughed.

"I hope you don't look scared. But it might not be a bad idea to fight you...... Now, suppose I do the request. Bye, boy."

As Mr. Marina walked away, he turned his gaze to the back of his black coat.

In the treasure balls. This is how the fifth generation rated Mr. Marina.

'You're here. Sometimes, he's like a beast. You can call me a battle freak, but I'm strong and out of standard anyway.'

The seventh generation seems like a bad type.

"Strong at birth. You have different people around you. It's not a martial arts or anything like that, it's the type with wild strength. I didn't like it."

The fourth generation looks interesting.

'... she's just like the first generation. It's just strong, you mean? There's no reason, but he's a strong person anyway. It's a troublesome category from a man of polished strength.'

The third generation, with a little thought.

'I want it. Ma, that deal has nothing to do with money or loyalty, and I guess it's a little difficult. More so, Lyell.'

When I was told, I looked back at Mr. Tanya.

Go ahead and invite me in front of a room.

"Lyell, this way."

When I was told to go to that room, Mr. Tanya entered the room. I went into the room later, too, but it was a calm room.

There is a table in the center of the room and the chairs are luxurious. There are even drinks available.

"... what room is it?

That's what I say when I look in the room, Mr. Tanya.

"This room caters to some adventurers. Adventurers like some stories you don't want to be heard, plus adventurers with strength, will be hosted here. If you know Lyell in the East Branch... you're Mr. Aret, except for Mr. Marina."

When I heard Tanya explain, some adventurers...

Adventurers recognized as capable seem to be hosting receptions here. You think you can't come here without fulfilling the conditions set by the Alliance, not just the simple strength?

"... that the guild recognized you?

"More than that, you can't deny it, it feels like. Zayn and Rolphis, and in Selva, there seem to be a number of your two names out there. Was the most common the Holy Knight? Adventurers with two names...... there are many people here who try to make a name for themselves. This is how you need to take care of your private room to avoid unnecessary problems."

From within the treasure ball, the third generation seems convinced.

'Right. At the reception on the ground floor, I knew there was a chance someone would listen. For that measure?'

Convinced, I sat in a chair. Mr. Tanya seems to be taking care of the reception.

With a slightly tired face, Mr. Tanya tells me.

"Most adventurers don't usually even come here. Even with strength, there are many parties on the ground floor that are receptionist."

The fourth generation, as convinced.

'I mean, it's also a procedure to monitor a prominent guy. Be careful. Isn't that a person frame? Good for you, Lyell.'

(Nothing good!

Mr. Tanya sat across from me and retrieved the paperwork. There are a number of requests available.

Seeing, the amount was different than before.

"I don't feel like a request to look closely on the ground floor?

I turned my gaze back on Mr. Tanya from the paperwork. Tanya leaned her neck slightly with a smile.

"I want good adventurers to make that much more challenging requests. We have enough money to match it."

This means asking for requests here that are challenging and difficult to accomplish for a large number of adventurers. Looking at the contents, there was even a dragon exorcism in the Griffon exorcism.

That's not just around Bayme, either.

"Surprisingly dispatched around Bayme?

"That's the thing. Many community-based guilds are often unable to cope with unscheduled demons. Ask other guilds for support. But good adventurers aren't always handsome. Beim has a lot of brilliant adventurers, so he makes those requests."

I put my hand on my chin and looked at the paperwork. They are all, in monetary terms, dozens to hundreds of requests for gold coins.

"Even if we accomplish this, our request to crusade to the labyrinth -"

"I'll turn it around as a priority. But many adventurers give this one priority because it's less dangerous than diving into a labyrinth."

If it's hundreds of gold coins, it's certainly more stable to choose this one. An unknown labyrinth that doesn't know what kind of labyrinth it is, and doesn't know what kind of enemy it has.

This one is still safer for the minute they're clearer than challenging you there.

However, the historical contemporaries showed difficulty.

Fourth generation.

'This, the distance traveled and the time it takes to crusade, that's inefficient considering. Dragon exorcism or something, North? Two weeks on one way using a boat to travel? I'll be back in a month. So even if they say 800 pieces in gold...'

The third generation was of the same opinion.

"Considering the gear and everything, isn't it less than half as good? I don't mind, but this is all I do and the money earner is on a boulder... not enough at all '

Dragon exorcised, opponent was a dragon but a subspecies.

I miss him. Either way, he's a big [Land Dragon] foreleg who can't fly in the sky, and he's the one who fought in his first memory room.

If this were a flying dragon, the asking fee would have been thousands of sheets in gold coins.

Mr. Tanya, look at me.

"That's a land dragon crusade. Do you care? Looks like he's lived in the woods, and he's an individual who left the Knights. If you take it down, you can name it."

I'm looking at the paperwork.

"You care. I fought him once."

Then Mr. Tanya had a strange look on her face.

"Before you become an adventurer, are you? The Land Dragon is a subspecies of the Dragon and is an easy opponent to defeat… it is also a demon who buried many adventurers and knights who thought so."

When I get the paperwork, I smile.

"My ancestors, I knocked them down by myself. I have memories, so I'll take care of it. I need money now."

When I spill my stupidity, Mr. Tanya tells me.

"Is it money... maybe it will be solved soon. But if you accomplish that request,"

I saw Mr. Tanya because I was concerned.

"What do you mean?

Mr. Tanya...

"You seem to have forgotten. What a city this is called. This is the capital of adventurers, but also the capital of merchants, Lyell."

When I heard that, the fourth generation...

"Ho, support the adventurer," he said. Some lords hire it as a bansaim, but the merchants felt like they were dedicated to caution sticks and stuff. When it comes to the receptionist, it seems like you'll have a lot of forehead. '

The fifth generation, as I remember when I heard it.

"If there are many merchants with ships in the sea, there are quite a few merchants with big shops. Without a lord, we can decide our own taxes, too. It's not like Bansaim."

The seventh generation seems happy.

'Come on, you must be saving up. Let me spend a little of that money for peace on the continent.'

The third generation summarizes the opinions of everyone.

"Would you like me to make an upfront investment? I forgot it was exotic. Yes... if you don't have any money, you should borrow it from the guy who has it!

I thought.

(I wonder what. These people feel blacker than usual)

Mr. Tanya looked at me in trouble and wondered.

"What's up, Mr. Lyell?

"Uh... Tanya, can't you ask me more about what's going on around there?

- Shannon was looking at the design Monica brought.

To be precise, I was looking at a piece of paper with a slightly strange reaction. Because there was only a little magic mixed in the ink and Shannon could see the lines as well.

It just didn't make sense what it represented.

Other than Shannon, Clara and May are looking at the blueprints placed on the table.

It's a rare combination, but the other faces are out shopping so they won't be back for a while.

Monica is cleaning the room by leaving the three of them alone.

Clara looks at the blueprints as she grabs her glasses.

"Why are you looking like a woman? If it makes you look strong, even though a golem in armor like Professor Damian is the best."

May doesn't seem interested.

"Humans do better things they don't understand, but isn't that what this is? Or Damien or Lyell's hobby?

May was looking at the blueprints as she ate the treats in her hand. It's spilling polo and sweets, and Monica comes close and cleans around May.

"Don't spill it. Besides, there's dirt on the blueprints... well, I copied it, so it's no problem."

Hearing a copy, Clara reacted piquely. But I put my gaze back on the blueprints again.

Shannon told Monica.

"Hey, why are you looking like a girl?

Then Monica takes it for granted.

"It's the core of my sisters. Isn't it decided to look good on the girl? The equipment is also so elaborate that it is armored like a dress. I can't help it with the money."

Clara is normal.

"Huh? Shouldn't I scrape there?


"Girls cost money. That's about it. I need the chicken guy to do his best. Explained, dress-shaped armor also makes sense, doesn't it? Explaining the technology around it is troublesome so...... yeah, I knew girls needed a compliment! I'll just explain."

Shannon says what he thinks.

"It's weird. I mean, how many of those sisters do you have?

"You can answer some. Serial number...... maybe hundreds of thousands of units? If you're from the same family, would it be filtered from there by thousands of bodies? This is the only core I have."

Monica took out a glowing cube over her palm. A cube of small cubes had gathered many to form.

Shannon is.

(Something's wrong. Than that, this would be nice)

Shannon, who doesn't understand, shook his head and looked again at the blueprints where the lines glowed...

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