
Chapter ix prologue

Labyrinth crusade in Baim.

When I went back after such a big job, my skin was starting to warm up, albeit cold.

The exhaling breath would turn white in the morning and evening, but not if the sun was up in the day.

Feeling that spring was approaching, I opened the window of the inn I was using...

- I closed it immediately.

"I knew it was cold."

It's Monica the Automaton sleeping in the same room who makes fun of me for watching how I behave.

Monica, an automaton with blonde twin tails, has been taking care of me since she started up in maid clothes today.

There, there is no compromise whatsoever.

But only the mouth is bad.

"I try to produce a crisp morning and it closes right away because it's cold...... the boulder is my chicken bastard. Leave it open because you want to change the air. Oh, wash your face first. We have clothes for you."

As usual, the preparations were perfect.

If you turn your gaze on the clothes provided and reach for a change of clothes.

"Wash your face first"

He pointed to the washroom and smiled at me.

It is a well equipped but well valued lodging in Baim. They also use a lot of adventurers, but other than that, they also use merchants who visited Baim.

I've been using it a lot since I visited Baym.

However, it's also a problem to rely too much on these accommodations as adventurers. Anyway, accommodation costs don't make a fool of me.

My party is for nine, including me.


Sidetail Wizard, Nowem.

Warrior with spear, Aria.

A small Clara with glasses, specializing in support.

Recently expressed skills, good at trapping, Miranda.

I have a demon eye, but that's all I have, Shannon.

He's an elf singer, good at bows and arrows, Eva.

The divine beast Kirin has turned into a human figure, May.

And at the end of the day, it's a poisonous tongue-made monica that's an automaton.

What a skewed party for a woman other than me.

Shut up and head to the lavatory door in the room, Monica said.

"I'm young, so you can't use hot water. Wake up immediately with cold water. Today is the day to go to the guild."

When I washed my face with water, I thought it was still cold.

Take the towel and wipe your face to see your sleeping hair. Blue hair, it's bumpy and needs a set.

(I'll see you later)

When I went outside thinking so, Monica with a brush or something was waiting for me. He had a brush and tools that were like guns that couldn't be done.

"Hey, what is it? And why do you have a weapon?"

When I backed off, Monica shuddered.

"Weapons? I'm a hairdryer, aren't you used to seeing them? Well, I just got back, and I've never used it. We haven't had it together before, but this Monica now that it's a full option... there's nothing I can't do, you chicken bastard!

You told me to sit in a chair, so I sat quietly. A warm breeze blows from the gun and Monica sets her hair intact.

"What do you say? This is the only high-performance tool that will help you get your terrible sleeping habits ready!

Though I say confidently.

"... why don't you take a shower and let it dry?

With that said, Monica shook her neck sideways with a face like, "This guy has no idea."

When the set is finished and I get dressed, I leave the room and head to the first floor. The dining room in the inn is there, where you can have breakfast.

Going down to the first floor, Nowem was just about to eat.

"From now on?

"Yes, Master Lyell. Would you like to join us?

I'm invited to dine with Nowem at the invitation of the same party member and ex-fiancé.

Bread, soup, salad and a sumptuous meal.

There was even thinly chopped bacon, which was delicious for the price.

While eating, I'll talk to Nowem about my plans for today.

"I'm going to go to the guild today and see what kind of requests you have. I just got back, and hopefully I'll have a little respite for a while."

The guild I belong to in Baym is an unpopular guild known as the East Branch.

It's a guild that mainly handles requests for adventurers, and it really takes many forms to dispatch adventurers to the margins.

With the adventurer's real estate, there are many requests that come from the margins, but the adventurers who handle it are present.

Most importantly, nobody wants to take the trouble out of it. So, in the East Branch, quite a bit in return is available.

Only the East Branch will turn the request to become gold as a priority [Labyrinth Crusade].

To receive it, the East Branch adventurers continue to process requests to enter Baym.

Nowem carefully wiped his mouth with a table napkin after the meal and answered me.

"It's also important to accomplish your usual requests. However, you might want to rest a little longer. We've just experienced" growth ”throughout the party, and all of a sudden we could make a lot of mistakes in action."

Most of the party members grew during their last labyrinth crusade. Growth that improves ability… The danger is that it crosses one big wall and the person can't do it.

Many adventurers fail to do what they cannot after growing up.

"Do you want to try your arms around Baym for a reason? Right...... it would be nice to challenge Baym's managed labyrinth. I don't dive that deep, but you can try it with shoulder habits."

There's no way an East Branch adventurer can't challenge the labyrinth Baym manages.

But it's also true that you can't concentrate and try.

Do not crusade, it is even said that the managed labyrinth will reach the hundredth floor underground. Everyone didn't confirm it, but it was even said that it was impossible to get there.

Nowem told me.

"I'll take care of the area. Aria was supposed to accompany you today."

I sighed when I heard Aria's name.

No, it's nothing. I don't hate Aria. I'm just not saying these negotiations - but when you confirm a request in your guild, it doesn't help to take them.

I can count on you in battle, but I wasn't good at using my head.

(Well, there are other Nowem, Miranda and Clara, so the brains are really that way)

And yet, how do you get Aria to accompany you?


I lowered it to my neck, I hear voices coming from the blue treasure balls.

Sixth generation.

'Lyell, don't look so disgusting. If you don't teach Aria these jobs, one day you'll be in trouble. Not to be a pig or a girl who just fights. "

Pork Daughter, is a common recognition of the historical contemporaries remembered within the treasure balls.

Excellent, but it makes Aria look inferior because she's really in an environment where she jumped through.

Aria looked so clumsy as the rest of her people did their job easily.

I have a third generation voice.

'I'm motivated, I'm talented. I can't say slow, but I need to work you out. Various.'

I almost replied to a third generation voice who said it in an inclusive way, but I put up with it.

I'm with Nowem.

"I'll tell you all about it. Even if Nowem and the others are the only ones who can support him, they may be unhappy that Aria doesn't understand."

Nowem was laughing at Couscous.


"No, it's just... I'm relieved that Master Lyell seems to be worried about Aria."

Nowem told me I was.

(You can't say anything because the historical lord in the treasure ball told you to)

It made me feel backwards.

Baym East Alliance.

When we got to the guild we were home to, it was as vibrant as ever.

The adventurers go in and out uninterrupted, and the lobby on the ground floor is full of spacious but waiting adventurers.

The counter was handled side by side by side by side by several officials.

Aria, with her red hair tip jumping, cared about it or touched her own hair tip with her fingertips.

Line up, we're free while we wait until our turn comes.

Aria looks around with her fingers off the tip of her hair.

"Ha, that's a lot of time. If you're going to work, I wish you'd come sooner. It takes time to get mixed up."


(You should keep your mouth shut that Aria's getting ready late and it's time to get mixed up. Me, I understand that these days)

I'm also responsible for Aria who slept with me, but I'm not in a hurry this time.

I'm just taking a trip to see what kind of request you have.

I listened to my surrounding voices and decided to listen to rumors as well.

Rumors of the adventurers.

It's not all I can trust, but it doesn't hurt to hear it.

"Is it true that that Alette is getting married?

"No way. You're just going back to the country sooner than planned,"

"Florist Flaminia, you were beautiful today. I bought flowers again."

"... Flaminia, they're getting married next week"

"... lying..."

"Hear that, Zayn and Rolphis are going to do it again."

"We'll always be staring at each other there though. There's a certain number of mercenaries out there, and it's none of our business. Even so, the guys in the South Branch are just making a scene."

"Is there any rumor that Albano's guy is seriously injured? Or you had a hemp in the labyrinth."

"Is that Albano going to do that? How many people would be happy to have a banquet in a tavern by now if they were really hurt"

They're all just thin stories about me.

Even so, do you think there are many adventurers who would like Mr. Albano to get hurt?

From within the treasure balls, there is a seventh generation voice.

'Hmm, I can only do it in a bad way that makes me feel dissatisfied with myself. So you hate adventurers and mercenaries. "

I decided not to ask for the seventh generation's opinion. I mean, the seventh generation hates adventurers and mercenaries, so it's just an emotional opinion.

I heard a calm fifth generation voice.

'But you haven't changed a lot of rumors in any given time. It's sex, war, it's not much different from my time'

With the fourth generation laughing.

'It looks different, it hasn't actually changed... that's kind of funny. Is it our recorded privilege to feel like this?

I waited for the order as I listened to the voices in the treasure balls, and those around me.

As the previous adventurers dwindle, the counter gets closer.

Apparently, Mr. Marianne is in charge of this one.

(That's unusual)

Marianne is a guild official who is usually in charge of new adventurers, etc. Such a Marianne usually makes me wonder because of her reception.

When the order comes and I take my seats, I confirm the request with Marianne.

Do you know me?

"Good luck crusading the labyrinth. And this is what I want you to do."

The documents provided, but more than usual.

Aria sitting next to me.

"Hey, more than usual? No way, you're taking all this?

I take one of the papers and I deny it.

"No way. We're going to decide on a request we're going to get from here. If the distance traveled is short, I have to take some. It just takes time if you're too far away. I'd like to talk to you when I get back around there... a lot this time."

Ms. Marianne raised and lowered her shoulders. The big breasts look wobbly, probably because of the modified uniform.

When I turned my gaze, Aria stepped on my foot.

"Ouch! What the hell."

"It's rude, I cautioned you."

That's how I looked at the paperwork with patience for the pain in the back of my stomped leg as I looked at Aria, who strayed from my gaze.

Marianne is laughing a little.

What was prepared was a rough list of requests, but that was presented as many as five. Several horizontal lines were drawn, and I could understand that there was already a party that had been requested.

(You've been erased because the conditions are good. Naturally)

Review the list and get confirmation from Mr. Marianne again.

"Isn't there more than ever?

"After the labyrinth crusade, there are many parties that don't have money problems. Besides, there are some buddies who have experienced growth, and some parties can't move. Besides, a new pioneering group is going to be organized, and we can't digest the request any more than usual because we're going to have manpower there. There are a lot of things going on at headquarters, and the staff is going around there, so it's normal business until me. Ah..."

As I recall, Mr. Marianne asked me.

"Airhardt, haven't you guys been involved since then? It's ironless, but the roots are good kids. I'm really worried that I'm going to solve this by force."

Aria, sitting next to her, looks like she remembered when she heard the names of the Airhardts.

"Tank top guy with that big sword? Speaking of which, I haven't seen you since then."

Aria hasn't seen me, but I've seen my face in the guild several times.

When you look at each other, you get a disgruntled look, but you go somewhere soon.

"Especially these days. But they don't like it."

Marianne laughs bitterly.

"Really? I'm taking good care of it. Okay, what do we do? Some conditions are good. You'll be asked. Would you like to take the paperwork home and consider it?

I told him I was going to consider it, pick up the paperwork and leave the counter.

- Alliance headquarters.

It was the officials of each branch who were assembled.

Tanya, a sweeper...... Tanya also accompanies such officials as escorts.

The conference room at the headquarters is unparalleled in size.

The senior staff of the headquarters communicate the contents of the meeting to the assembled officials.

"Once again, to check this issue, skirmishes have already begun at the Zayn and Rolphis borders. It's not uncommon in the usual years, but the spark broke out at a bad time."

Everyone's gaze turns to the East Branch staff.

Alette Bayer - What the Knight of Rolphis got was a misrill, a rare metal.

That was about to trigger the war.

But the Alliance does not attach importance to the war itself.

The problem was the impact on the Alliance.

Officials from the South Branch make statements with their hands up.

"In the southern branch, many mercenary regiments are already starting to move. There will be more consumption of food, consumables, etc. for weapons."

A female employee of the North Branch.

"Is it war at this time of year? You're in a little trouble. I just didn't expect it, and it's hard to reschedule. So, there's really going to be a war, right?

West Branch officials were laughing a little.

"It's solid information. Apparently, the modern Virgin likes war, too. The great priests seem to agree."

Tanya's boss was dissatisfied when he saw the material at hand.

Lower your voice.

"Damn, even if I just made money from a labyrinth crusade, I'll consume the demonic stones I've already got. And yet, when adventurers get busy with war, demon stones soar."

From a nearby guild, he was spilling stupidity that he had to buy Demon Stone even when he got high.

Executives communicate Alliance policy.

"As always, the Alliance will work with both factions. I'll take the request, too, but there's something called balance. Don't put too much shoulder in it, and don't lose your guild."

Tanya is.

(That's hard, isn't it? I don't care if the country crumbles badly.)

An official from the West Branch raises his hand and hits the executive staff.

"So, what size do you expect the guild to be on?


Is it a skirmish between countries, between the lords of borders, on thousands of scales?

Or will the country genuinely mobilize its people to fight on tens of thousands of scales?

If a skirmish is fought by hundreds or so of soldiers, it usually exists even if the guild doesn't respond from time to time.

Or if there's a skirmish of dozens, I don't know.

The country isn't just Zayn or Rolphis.

The executives.

"Zain will replace, and tens of thousands of scales will move to fame desire, won't they? In the merchants' story, that's all we're already in for collecting supplies. In contrast, Rolphis moves dull. Because it's inferior to national power from the beginning. Rolphis will be the battlefield."

To the point of a defensive battle for Rolphis, the Alliance expected.

Tanya expects Rolphis' country will be razed.

I've talked to Alette a few times at the reception, but she wasn't a bad person.

(... Alette, you must hurry back)

I don't want you to die as one acquaintance, but the reality is that the Alliance is thinking about making money using Aret's home country.

Tanya watched the meeting without breaking her expression...

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