
Eight tiers, boss.

Underground eight tiers.

Going through the labyrinth like a waterway, we're going ahead on a boat-shaped mini-porter.

Watermarks like waterwheels on both sides of the boat were spinning and progressing at considerable speeds.

I was moving on, but here's the problem.

"It's troublesome collecting crates."

I take off my torso feathers and almost look just like my underwear, and I go down from the boat with the knife in one hand and into the water.

Immersed in water up to his chest, he went toward the outpouring area glowing in the water.

Using a knife, tap the chest that is sinking in the water. Shatter the rock, take the treasure in your hands. Or...

"How many now?

Yellow and green gem, Peridot.

When a gem comes out so far in a row, I'm going to be convinced that it means something.

Or whether this labyrinth is a special labyrinth with a really high chance of continuing to produce magical gems.

Collect the gems and when you return to the boat, Aria reaches out. When I got back to the boat with my hand, I picked up a towel and wiped my body.

When you give Miranda the gem, she throws it in small pieces in a leather bag.

"That's the seventh one. When you get here, you're not thankful or anything. This labyrinth crusade is definitive."

Expendables, rewards for members, and necessary expenses… Given those expenses and the benefits to be gained in the labyrinth, there is no reason to make it a deficit.

Because I want money, but it doesn't make sense to be scattered.

Monica is about to regret it on the back of the boat.

"If I were in the center, I'd have been the only one to take care of the chicken bastard"

Nowem looked at Monica like that with a slightly subtle grin. It's just that I've been looking at Miranda's jewels several times.

Aria is.

"Now if we recover the two, we can split them nicely between the nine of us. That's a lot of money."

Then Miranda looked frightened.

"Aria, you haven't forgotten the purpose of this party, have you? If you had distributed your earnings nicely, you wouldn't be able to achieve your goals."

That being said, Aria was trying to argue... stopping. There can never be anything like Aria beating Miranda by mouth.

Going into the water is basically me, so I wear a blanket on top to outrun the cold. That's how we're going through the labyrinth, but it was still important to secure a means of movement.

From within the treasure balls, there is a sixth generation of voices.

'That's delicious. If there were so many other adventurer parties here, you would have made quite a bit of money on number three'

Like Aramsarth, he would certainly have been able to make money from adventurers and the business of carrying luggage. But this time it's hard.

I can't do it either, because from the sixth basement floor, only the party the Alliance has officially requested can be challenged.

Low number. As much as we do that, it is easier for us to defeat the demons ourselves.


"Well, apparently you see the destination"

I shrugged looking behind the aisle, and there was an entrance that was different in size from the previous horizontal holes, etc.


"Dear Lyell, would you like to try right away?

That's what I've heard, so I shake my neck to the side.

"No, shall we rest a little? And since we're approaching from behind, we need to clear you up first."

When Aria and Miranda hold the spear in their hand, Monica takes the mace out of her skirt.

Nowem, the wizard, takes the form of an avant-garde, but he doesn't have time to swirl the boat.

Frogman to Sahagin - in the water, they are troublesome people.

It's just...

"I'll set it up first. Ice Arrow!"

Nowem, who created dozens of arrows of ice, made waves against the nearby demons.

An arrow of ice struck the demon, and it was two sahaggins who stood by it and jumped at it.

The rest of Sahagin and Frogman were floating on the water. On the surface of the water, ice is formed in the area through which the arrows of ice pass.

The body of the floating demon was also frozen where the arrow of ice pierced it.

The two jumping at me, Monica blows it up with an oar and slaps it against the wall. As I moved the boat closer to the wall, Miranda and Monica were stabbing a stop at the two of them.

I look at Nowem's wand as I watch the battle.

There was a fifth generation of voices from within the treasure balls.

'That's definitely a magic trick. Magic is gaining power, or faster than ever. It also looks like it's dampening its power...'

The seventh generation.

"One of the magic tools the Foxz family has, you had a wand. That could be it. '

The fifth generation is falling apart.

'You sure did. But they're in different shapes.'

Me too, the first time I saw it, it looked like a wand, a family heirloom of the Fox family. It is slightly different in shape, but I saw it hanging on the wall when I visited the Fox family.

(Nowem said he bought it or something, but is it just a demon?

I also have the idea that it's just a magic tool, but after the fifth generation, it seems that Nowem thinks he's hiding something.

The third or fourth generation is an attitude that I don't really want to doubt.

When Miranda and Aria started collecting demon stones, I looked around.

"After the break, let's go to the boss's room. If not, I'll turn back. I hope you can get away with it."

Just kidding, I moved the boat to a nearby room when the demon stone was recovered.

At the end of the break, we fill the mini-porter with recovered demonic stones and jewels and put them in the box when we finish checking the equipment.

Just the boat.

And the unnecessary luggage was taken down by a boat and headed to the boss's room.

I pinched the break and the magician confirmed some recovery.

I want to take down the boss, check the basement nine tiers early and get back to the ground. I live on a boat, but I wanted you to give me a break to say that there were giggles and subtleties.

(In this face, I will never challenge the labyrinth again)

Yes, I made up my mind.

Moving the boat and heading to the room where the boss is located also changes the atmosphere of the members. The tingling tension crept through the entrance to the room at the same time.

Behind the room.

If you look at the entrance section to the basement nine tiers, it is land there.

"Is the waterway this far? It's better that way."

Sitting on that land was a big demon.

In the light of the lantern mounted on the boat, only shadows can be seen.

Looks like four-legged walking. And the head felt elongated. The tail is also long and the tip has something like a fin.

During the break, I was reading a book that Clara gave me, but I couldn't identify them because I had some candidates for their appearance.

"I wish it had been brighter"

As I speak of stupidity, pulling through the sabel, everyone sets up a weapon. I also needed to move the boat, so I wanted to refrain from using magic as much as possible.

Use skills.



[Up Down]



Gaining their information makes them a little gennary.

The depth of the water is more than ever. There were four meters.

"Be careful if you fall, you won't get legs. And the other guy is apparently the type whose electric shock doesn't work. Besides, the type that comes with electric shock"

If you're in a water field, wouldn't lightning magic make it easy to knock you down? A boss emerged who was making such an easy decision, but more importantly, it didn't work.

Miranda slaps a light mouth.

"If you grab it in the water, it's over, right? What about the operation?"

I pointed to the back of the land.

The boss is about to sink that giant into the water and come this way.

"Shall we move over there first? I wish I could slap you where you crawl up... Look, I'm here already!

As soon as I turned the water wheel on both sides and left the spot, the boss who showed up from the water flew straight at me.

When the boat avoids it, the proximity makes the other person visible.


"Is catfish walking on all fours? Damn, you don't really get tired of this world. That size, and I want to use a large hammer, so can you move to land quickly, chicken bastard?

To Monica, who looks back at me, I strike back with a sabel and a treasure ball in the shape of a bow and arrow.

At the same time, there was boat manipulation, and the bow's power had really fallen.

"Don't be impotent. That's the best you can do."

I didn't think it was impossible for me to take him down alone. But then the members I brought with me don't grow.

Changing the direction the boat was going, Aria unbalanced and buttcaked.

"Hey! Don't make any weird moves all of a sudden!

Then the boss popped up where I was earlier in a way that was like a head punch. When the arrow of light is released, it causes a piercing explosion.

I woke you up...

"This guy."

Nowem put up a cane. Turn the tip towards the boss and stay...

"Magic Shield"

When a translucent wall emerges that emits light, it envelops every boat to protect us.

With the boss appearing on the water, his surroundings are violently enveloped by light as he discharges from his body.

As Miranda took out the knife and stood, she threw it at the boss the moment the discharge ended and Nowem unlocked the magic shield.

However, it does not pierce its body, and the knife changes direction as it slips. Sometimes the surface is null, but above all the other body.

The skin is thick and even fat. It doesn't go through much of the attack.

Hurry the boat to land, but the speed was up over there.

Aria bounces off the boss's arm with a spear as she tries to stretch her arm off the water and swing it down to the boat.

It's just that at the same time, our boss's fluids poured down on us.

Betty, and numb...... I feel terrible.

Miranda takes the tools out of the bag she lowers to her hips. Being a small barrel, it also looked like a vessel pouring liquor in a tavern.

"Hey, it..."

"No problem. I wonder where they're coming from next?

I used my skills to point out where the boss would pop up.

Miranda throws a small barrel and uses magic when pointing in that direction while changing the direction of the boat and avoiding it.

When the boss jumps out of the water.

"Blow it up. Fire Barrett"

From the tip of Miranda's right hand, when the fireball is shot out, it strikes straight into the barrel as it is. At the same time, an explosion broke out and the water and boat rocked violently as the boss moved his body large.


"For a long time. Again, that's a flashy hidden ball. Is it a bomb? I didn't expect it to explode magically without a fuse wire..."

Miranda, with her hands flickering.

"What kind of tools do you use? Besides, it's the last one now, so don't expect it next time. That's pretty expensive."

Looks like they're packing gunpowder, but I guess Miranda doesn't have that many for the individual to align.

Aria did.

"You've held it well. Aren't you going to explode or something?

Miranda explains to Aria.

"Here, then, because there are no demons who use fire. It could have been wet and unusable, but it turned out okay."

If you have dangerous things, I wanted you to declare them. That seemed the same to Nowem.

"Mr. Miranda, if you have such a thing, you have to tell Master Lyell properly"

Then Miranda distorts her mouth.

"Right. But shouldn't we tell him about the wand?

Monica slapped her hand twice, and shouted.

"You guys, you're not fighting here, you listen to the chicken bastards! Come on, you chicken bastards, give us some instructions."

I looked forward and saw the land approaching.

"Everybody, grab on to something. Then keep your mouth shut. Going up to land."

While I'm so good, I grab and give in to the boat railings. As they all grabbed onto something in the same way, they rode up to the land where the tip of the boat was behind the room.

I almost fell off the boat after the shock, but I use my leg attached to the boat as it is to get it up to land.

I went down to the ground and looked around.

Because you haven't defeated the boss, the entrance to the basement nine tiers is tightly closed.

As they all jumped off the boat, they were watching enemies moving around in the water with their weapons in their hands as they were.

Monica takes the oversized hammer out of her skirt and holds it in both hands when she keeps the oar she had in the boat.

"It's been since Aramsarth! I'm gonna bump you with this one!

Watching Monica look happy, I put my bow back on the treasure ball and put it around my neck. There was more magic consumption than I thought and I didn't really want to use it here.

And I wanted to leave it to my people.

I also hear voices from the treasure balls.

The third generation is relaxing.

"You've never fought a demon in this hand. The demons in the lake aren't that big of a guy.

The fourth generation.

'Ha, sounds like a hassle, but what can I take away from it... I just hope it sells high'

The fifth generation is also on boulders.

'When you're so big, you can't say you're cute. We're gonna need a big lake to keep it. "

With the sixth generation frightened.

'Eh, are you going to keep this? I've been thinking about it for a long time, but you don't have a good taste.'

The seventh generation.

'There are quite a few things that are more expensive. I mean, if you're a demon on earth, did you do it to some extent...... Hmm, you've certainly never fought many demons in this hand'

As usual, he looked like he could afford it. I'm the one who fights, so I guess I can afford things around there.

Not much for me.

Pull the sabel out again and the boss, angry at Miranda's attack earlier, will come this way.

Nowem was preparing the magic. Aria is.

"Didn't you get mad at Miranda's attack? Something's making a weirder noise than just now."

The boss is putting his face out of the water and putting out his billies and electricity. Roaring is a little strange, but he was making some noise.

It's like a cow squealing, such a squeal.

It just sounds so May indoors.

Miranda, make a joke.

"That would be nice. It's important to make them angry and make gaps, isn't it? But as far as I'm concerned, I don't have the means to attack you anymore."

It was the same for Miranda to start getting ready for the magic. When Aria comes forward, she uses magic by piercing the spear to the ground.

"Then I'll keep it here."

Aria will also have a magic shield. Not as good as Nowem, but he still stood in front of the party and prevented the boss from thundering.

I'll prepare my magic, too.

"Aria, stay back if you prevent it"

When the lightning strike subsides, me, Nowem, and Miranda use magic.


"Ice needle!


A number of rock togues emerge from the water, and soon afterwards the ice column hits the boss so that he can target the rock gap.

Pierced by a pillar of ice, a wave of flames pushed over where the boss could not move.

Monica, who was watching the sight, hammers in like a bore.

"What is it, magic," he said! Even I, with the option, would be as easy as... yes, as long as the option "

I laugh bitterly when I see Monica I'm about to regret it.

(But you had tough magic this time. If I could only afford a little more...... Oh, that?

With the rocks crumbling, the ice columns melting, and the flames still burning the boss's body on the water, I get on my knees.

Rapid body fatigue, and pain...... they're here.

"Master Lyell!

Nowem rushes over, but the next moment.

"Chicken bastard!

It was Monica who came forward to protect me from the walls of the room. Looking back at what had happened, countless hands were reaching out from the wall. Besides, there's a big hand on the palm of my hand that's going to fit.

Besides, somewhere that hand had the impression of being a woman.

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