Dark labyrinth aisles.

That place, like a cave, had the sound of water flowing somewhere.

If Clara sees the ceiling with the light on her cane, she can see the stalactites.

The ground is decomposing and the width in the labyrinth would not be five meters.

Because the ceiling has stalactites, I feel low.

Aria walked into the labyrinth, exhaling white.

It's so cold in here.

Not wearing thin clothes, but still easy to move. Cold protection measures were rough because of the suitability.

I'm feeling colder too, tougher than I expected.


"Water falls from the stalactites, doesn't it? Plus, depending on the location, the puddles are also made. I've bent the aisle a few times... but the porter's still not allowed in."

We were currently dispatched by the Alliance to walk down the basement floor of the discovered labyrinth.

The cave-like entrance was suddenly starting from the stairs.

He goes inside and is in for investigative purposes with three people: Aria, Miranda and Clara.


"It's a creepy bat-like demon that comes out, and maybe the others are frogs? Give me a break."

He asked me to give him a break, etc.

But both Aria and Miranda are fighting the demons pale during the battle without shouting or anything. No, you should say processing.

Mine was Skills [Map] and [Search] watching other adventurers move as they looked at the map on the first basement floor.

"... Shall we turn right next?"

Avoid the aisle, which is the end of the line even if you proceed, and turn right.

We had a different party ahead of us, and we were just turning back.

First day.

A party led by Mr. Albano had preceded him, followed by other parties entering the labyrinth to fight.

If you clear your ears, you'll also hear battle noises and voices.

(It's narrow and it's a maze. That's good, but the boss isn't the type to come back to life?

Once inside the labyrinth, there was no response from the boss.

The room leading to the basement upstairs is huge, but there's no sign of the boss's reaction.

Looks like Mr. Albano went down to the second basement first, and we were walking down to check the first basement.

(Sure, get ahead and single-handedly the crate... but that leaves a lot to be desired)

It seems to be a priority to move forward, and the traps in between are also being lifted. If not, it was marked as dangerous.

Aria walking forward pulled out a dagger that was stuck behind her back as she stopped.

He seems to have decided that he is an opponent who does not even have to prepare a short spear, standing in the form of a shielded left arm forward.

When I pulled through the sabel too, I heard the wing bump.

Miranda threw a long needle between her fingers at the ceiling as she reached for the robe.

In a dim place, there's more than one sound of something falling...

"Shit, you let two get away with it. Lyell, Aria, please."

Miranda I regret, but I had three men in my custody.

Aria waves her dagger wide, slashing and laying down the large bat that has been attacking her.

I stabbed him where he attacked me with a sabel.

He pierced the torso area and stopped breathing as the bat rang in a high voice.

On guard around the area, Clara, with her mini-porter, lets go of her wand and tries to rip the material and demonic stones from the bats.

Clara let go of her wand, so the lights nearly went out.

I point the flat right hand at the ceiling, and when I prepare the light, Clara does.

"Thank you"

That's what I said, I went into work.

Aria alerted forward and Miranda entered the rear alert.

I look down at the demons.

"Don't exceed a meter when you spread your feathers. There must be some individual differences... these guys look so creepy"

I don't want cuteness or anything from demons, but the treasure balls I'm lowering around my neck are different.

Even now, the fifth generation...

"That's a demon, that's a demon... but if you look closely, you're cute too..."

In contrast, the fourth generation.

"No, it's not cute or anything."

He was shouting like a frightened voice.

That's how Clara calls out when she's thinking about it.

"Mr. Lyell."


When I look at Clara, Clara, who lifted the demon, shows me how big it is. When I spread my wings, the little Clara was about to hide in size.

"It's the biggest today."

That's what they say, and I look at it, too.

"Miranda put you up to this? I need you to retrieve the needle... it's very different."

Clara agrees as she proceeds with the demolition.

"Yes. The small ones are small, though. The size of the Demon Stone doesn't make much difference, and how much the price changes with the size of the material......"

It's hard not to easily allocate how much for one, etc., but there's no problem if you just expect a minimal price.

I see a mini-porter with Clara inserting a cane.

A mini-porter with a deep bottom box and only a wheel and a foot down the stairs were fitted, but only the head had two small glass balls embedded round the cylinder.

If Monica were to name Porter, she insisted that this was absolutely necessary.

I agree.

"With that said, Porter was an easy maker at first, too. Now I'm fine."

Clara seems a little reluctant.

"I don't care if I get any more splendid. Because I'm close to the limit of operation."

With that said, Clara turns recovered materials and demonic stones into mini-porters.

Stored separately by type, when finished, Clara took the wand in her hand to resume the journey.

When I turned the lights off, I checked the map to see where I was headed next.

But many of the demons are hunted by the same adventurers and there is no other way to move on.

(Do you want to go collect even the chest that Mr. Albano and the others took away?)

When I say chest, it's not in the shape of a box.

There are conditions that are embedded in walls, and often difficult to discover.

But I can easily find out where it is with skills [map] and [search].

I start walking, I tell everyone.

"Let's take a break in the next big room we find"

Aria rejoices.

"That would help. Or too cold than I thought. I brought firewood, and we're gonna have fire, right?

I have brought an affordable size can and plan on putting firewood in it and setting it on fire.

There are tools, etc., but I also wanted to try the comfort of using them.

Above all, I could easily get warm with tools like magic tools, but this one was cheaper.

Firewood and other branches that had fallen were also collected on the move, so it was not necessary to use demonic stones like magic tools.

"I also eat. If we find the entrance to the basement upstairs today, we'll go straight home."

Miranda says.

"Shouldn't we see what's going on upstairs in the basement?

I shook my head to the side.

"You can go, but I don't want to force it. Besides, it feels like every party is here today."

On the map that's floating in my head, many of the other parties are turning back to discover the entrance to the basement upstairs without being forced.

Like us, a lot of parties are starting to look for crates.

That's how I got into the big room with the chest as planned.

Returning from the labyrinth, the sky was still blue.

If you go outside and stretch your back, you can realise it was colder in the labyrinth than outside.

"Well, how much do you make this time"

If you look at the contents of the mini-porter, there were loads of demonic materials and demonic stones.

I'm sure I can carry even more than someone carries on my back.


"I knocked you down for a long time, but this will fill you with luggage upstairs in the basement. Even if you avoid fighting as much as you can, there's luggage on the fourth to fifth floors in the basement… I just want another one or two."

When Clara divulged that sentiment, Aria also agreed.

"That's true. I want to reduce my baggage, but when I load this much, I won't be able to put it on."


"You just have to be able to flank the tools. Like a porter, I don't use it as a shield."

I am.

"Is there room for improvement? As for consulting Monica, I'm going to keep my stuff in the tent today...... that?

Near the entrance to the labyrinth, Alliance officials were hiring manpower to build tents.

Yet today the building is built for some reason.

I wonder if I am tired and rub my eyes several times but the results are the same.

If you look closely around you, it was developing to a greater extent than it did yesterday.

"What, this..."

What is surprising is that Aria is the same.

Clara is.

"You're Baym adventurers on boulders. These things are also very handy. I also understood what they said the city could do."

Miranda is the only one who seems to enjoy it.

"Heh, you've grown a lot. I mean, I didn't think I'd make it this far. Besides, aren't there any more people?

In treasure balls, the third generation is with Bosoli.

'It's like a village of wizards. I'm talking about the admonition that you shouldn't do it.'

It's good to be vibrant, but I don't know what this means.

Merchants and staff are buying materials and demonic stones as they head to the Alliance's controlled buildings.

I don't mind selling it to the merchant except the demon stone, so we took the demon stone to the staff first.

Few adventurers are still back, so I was able to sell them right away.

"Thank you. Well, let me confirm."

That's what I said, I looked at the demon stone, and I asked the weighing officer.

"I don't know how much...... are you really going to make it in the city too?

Then the officials look at my face.

"Oh, is this the first time you've joined? Or you're right that you're actually making it. I'm not trying to make it into a city, but I think that's fine if I can use it in the future."

In my wonder, I am offered the purchase price of the Demon Stone.

Nodding, when I got paid, I joined Aria and the others who were selling the material.

Around, several merchants are standing by to make a purchase.

Either that or they're all young.

I told Aria and the others.

"How'd it go over there?


"That's cheaper than Baim. I mean, it's cheaper because it costs money to carry and escort."

Being able to defeat demons near the labyrinth would be a bigger plus than usual as a earner.

The encounter rate jumps as you enter a limited space with lots of demons.

As for the four of us earning a day, we're getting enough of it.

"... well, wouldn't it be a deficit at this rate"

To see what I made today, I nodded thinking I would never be in deficit.

Then Clara did.

"Mr. Lyell, what will you do with me?

When I walk out, I take everyone back to Porter.

"I guess it's on hold. Because I have a use, and it's not too late to ask everyone's opinion."

Clara's alle, is a treasure.

In other words, it is a treasure found from a chest.

It's like a jewel, but it's like polished from the beginning, not the original stone.

If you sell it, it will be a substitute for how many to dozens of pieces in gold coins.

Depending on the quality of the gem, many of the treasures found in the labyrinth store magic. Prices change from regular gems.

For use, it is often called a material of a magic tool, just like a rare metal.

While Clara correctly positioned her glasses.

"Nevertheless, it's a labyrinth with a lot of years even though it's just been discovered. I can't believe you can suddenly discover expensive treasures on the first basement floor."

It is not uncommon to say that they have just been discovered, in fact, they have existed for a long time, etc.

The discovery was delayed and it was probably in front of spitting out a large amount of demons.

"Was it a stalactite? It's gonna take decades and hundreds of years to do that, too, right? Really, the labyrinth is full of mysteries."

When I went in, the feeling was that it may be cold and wet and it seems difficult to manage my health.

Later, because of its small size, it is possible that even a large number of people will not be able to participate in the battle.

In addition, the use of magic needs to be checked for other parties nearby.

"Will Aria and Miranda rest tomorrow and take the rest of the members? To Nowem and Eva, May and… I wonder what Monica will do"

Miranda laughs bitterly.

"Shannon has been out of numbers since the beginning. As for my sister, I want her to be aware of it sooner rather than later, so I want her to go into the labyrinth."

I'll listen to that.

"So you want to take Shannon the day after tomorrow? Oh, I hope we add Monica then."

To see how the labyrinth was going, this time I challenged a handful.

But starting tomorrow, it won't be a problem for five to six people.

As we talked about it, we arrived at Porter's on foot in a city that had grown busier.

Look, Monica's a big pot - on the verge, making something.

Aria looks at Sole.

"Oh, it's going to warm up just watching something. I want to eat fast."

She has a happy look, but she does smell delicious.

(It's hard to get ready when I get back, and I appreciate having company. When that happens, the people who can do the chores should organize the party separately.... Something gets more complicated over time)

When the number was small, it had a different difficulty.

But when the number of people grew, it was me who felt the difficulty of being different had increased.

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