
Labyrinth Crusade of the Bayme Method

The labyrinth crusade at Baym was the style of putting together all the personnel that seemed crusadable before leaving.

If we leave the labyrinth unattended, the crusade is necessary for the demons to erupt simultaneously and cause great damage to the surrounding area.

At times, there are cities and cities that try to manage and make huge profits. But that's all we need to manage.

There was a lot of trouble, not just with the Lords, but with the cooperation of the Adventurer Guild, beginning with the management of the perimeter of the labyrinth.

If it can be managed, the labyrinth will be a place to lay immense wealth.

You keep spitting out demons and get tons of demon stones. At times, treasures were discovered.

If we do not take the treasure that lies between us, the Labyrinth will bring wealth without vanishing. But if it failed, there was also a danger that a large number of demons would occur and cities and cities that failed to manage would perish.

Baym's guild may be asked to crusade by others, but he also has his own investigation team to discover the labyrinth.

They can, but they don't have the equipment to challenge the labyrinth for the purpose of the investigation.

To that end, the Alliance sends adventurers.

"So I say...... I want to go on a labyrinth crusade in a week"

Returning from the Alliance to the Inn, I gathered everyone who was tired to give an explanation.

Shannon looked asleep and didn't listen, holding her pillow back.

Monica's not interested, or she's not asking for an opinion because she just says I'm going and she's not going if I'm not going.

I prepared a cup of tea for everyone, and when I was done, I went back near me and waited.

Aria, with her hair on.

"What about this reward? You're not gonna tell me you're gonna use it to prepare for a labyrinth crusade."

Even if the crusade to the labyrinth is fine, apparently Aria is not going to give in with regard to the reward.

The reward is nicely divided into nine parts, and the reward is paid every time.

"This time I'm going to spend the money I earned in Central. I mean, I'm gonna give you a little money, too, so get geared up. Tomorrow I'll go to the guild and see how long I need to be there."

Even when I say buddy, our party is small.

I have a lot of money, but the money is nicely split, so there was no such thing as party funding.

Originally, since that's the way to go, it's also an implicit rule to do things from your own reward.

Eva seemed a little relieved.

"It would be helpful to me if I joined you and the sun was shallow. I mean, it's the first time you've had a labyrinth or something and you don't know what to put together... Oh, let's go shopping together, Nowem!

To sweet Eva, Nowem was laughing bitterly.

"Right. What will Miss May do?

May, who looked young, was sitting on the couch drinking cocoa prepared by Monica. I seem to prefer sweet drinks to tea and such.

"Do you want to go shopping? But you don't need equipment or anything. Besides, it's not the first time the labyrinth has happened. I've had a lot of crushing experiences."

Everyone turned their unexpected gaze, but even when they looked like girls, their original appearance is Kirin.

Golden short hair, blue eyes.

May was not a person with a small but big chest, and a cold looking outfit with hesos, shoulders, thighs, etc.

Nowem is.

"Then shall I buy a robe or coat? Because it looks cold and stands out."

May nodded to Nowem's opinion.

"Uh-huh, then that's fine. I don't know how to spend money."

May was fine, but the problem was Aria.

Monica looked at Aria and took a basin to her mouth, hiding her mouth and nibbling.

"Good, now you don't have to worry about your gear."

Aria, who spends a lot of money from time to time.

It's not playing around, Aria spends money because she uses some gear. Besides, I decided to give you a check.

(Plus, before this, he said something about buying a replacement)

Most importantly, Miranda, who consumes the tools in the same way, is doing well. Also, Aria was in a weak position.

Aria is out of sight of me or Monica, and she shuts her mouth. Miranda looks at such aria.

"Aria, you should think about spending some more money. You know the income has increased, but Baym costs a lot of money."

Aria makes excuses.

"... it wasn't a good time. Besides, there was a buyout, and if I had a labyrinth crusade planned, it would be me..."

(Well, I think so, so I prepared the money.)

At that time, Shannon with the pillow was moving like his head was creeping and his ship was creeping.

Miranda, frightened, was following Shannon's sleeping cheek with considerable force. Shannon in tears let go of his pillow, and held Miranda's hand away from herself.

And the liberated Shannon.

"... hey, am I not good at leaving a message? It's out of combat, so I think we should take it slow in Baym."

Miranda was smiling and waving her fist down at her sister asking her to treat her out of battle from herself.

I am.

"Rejected. Can just nine of us leave people behind in Baim? Besides, you're gonna have to leave a message on base."

Base is not the guild you are using.

When challenging the labyrinth, Baym adventurers prepare simple sleeping tents and more. When it gathers, even small, over a hundred people. If there are many, it will be more than a thousand people in size.

The adventurers coming up from the labyrinth need a base on the ground to rest there. That is the basis.

I saw Clara.

My dear Clara is sitting on the couch drinking tea.

When I turn my gaze, I just nod to see if there's anything wrong.

Clara, who has been an adventurer in a city with a labyrinth since the beginning and has extensive experience as a support, does not seem to have a problem.

I'll wrap up the discussion.

"Tomorrow I'm going to ask you what you need. I'll give you the payment when I explain it."

Everyone was headed for a labyrinth crusade a week later, trying to make a move.

The next morning.

When I left the inn, I met a rare acquaintance.

When I went outside, a fine man walked in front of the inn who came to Baim and talked to me the first day.

"Oh, thank you."

"Oh, good morning. Expecting you, Rookie."

The fine man laughing calls me Rookie of Expectations. When I slapped him in the neck, a detailed man explained the situation to me as to how he understood it.

"It's famous in the East Branch. Anyway, they brokered a labyrinth crusade in a month. There are rumors that you must be a famous adventurer. I showed you the way on the first day, so people are gathering for information from me, too. Thanks to you, I made a fortune."

Look at the detailed man who insists he made money selling my information, and I make him pull his cheek. But they were seeing through this mood.

"It's okay. Because I didn't give you much information. He seemed like an excellent adventurer, I said. I had enough money this month, though. Yeah! I knew it would be nice to get famous for the adventurer I led the way!

Looking at the fine man laughing in disdain.

"By the way, Mr. Lyell,"


When I looked at him with my jito eyes, he raised his hands and the fine man posed as a surrender.

"Don't be angry. I didn't really have much information, and I just answered what they asked me. We're going to crusade the Labyrinth."


Nodding, the opponent.

"Then why don't you buy some information from me?"

I was a little lost in judgment, but I decided to listen for now.

"It depends on the content. So, how much is it?

"What, you let me make some money, so breakfast is fine. Actually, I know a delicious store. Breakfast there is popular."

I mean, they'll give you information if you pay for breakfast.

I could afford to go out to the guild, so I decided to buy information from a fine man.

In Sixth Generation Skills [SEARCH], the opponent's response remains blue. You'll need to be vigilant, but it'll be good enough for you to listen.

"Okay. I'll pay for it. That's all right, right?

"It's so quick and helpful."

A cowardly, detailed man took me to the store I was introduced to.

It was a storefront with many people in the morning.

There were many adventurous customers, and some of them ordered steaks and booze in the morning.

(That's an adventurous sight)

Baim also has a labyrinth that he manages, and there are many adventurers there to challenge. And they sometimes returned early in the morning, spending time without a dark labyrinth.

When that happens, more stores do business like this in the morning for adventurers.

(Even Aramsarth did, and isn't it unusual)

The shop itself was large, and tables and chairs seemed to be sturdy.

The fine man was ordering the breakfast menu and eating it. I only order drinks because I ate at the inn.

Looking at the fine man for a while, he told me what he was looking for by wiping his mouth to see if he had finished eating.

"Well, I have to work for the reward. When it comes to challenging a labyrinth crusade, it means an adventurer recognized by the Alliance. Well, even if you have bad behavior, if your strength is jumping through, you may be able to use your good offices, because adventurers with that much strength will leave the East Branch."

From the treasure balls, the fourth generation had compiled the information they had heard from the detailed man.

"Even if it's meritocracy, do you see some humanity? Did Lyell stand out because he was recognized for a short period of time?

The fine man kept explaining to me.

"As soon as you came to Baym, you had a problem, didn't you? It's a duel."


"He also chose [Crate Benini], who entered that arbitration, for this crusade of the Labyrinth. Looks like it took about six months, but you have a reputation for being serious. In contrast, [Albano] also attends a party led by a guy like a player. Actually, Crate and Albano came to Beim at the same time."

"What's the sole?

A fine man advised me over a drink.

"Both types are extreme. Albano is light and loose. I used to lead a bunch of bandits, and they're maneuverable. By contrast, Crate's party is really heavily armed and combat-friendly. It's just that Albano has good procedures. Labyrinth crusades have been good offices for months. Well, somehow Crate has a counterweight to Albano, and I wonder if Albano, who knows that, is a teasing relationship"

From within the treasure balls, there is a seventh generation voice.

'... why did you ask me to crusade with you? The Alliance is still incompetent. "

I agree.

If anything goes wrong, this one's in trouble.

The man in the details goes on to explain to me.

"The main parties are the knights led by [Alette Bayer]. I wonder if Baim has a martial arts training? Looks like they're coming for a troublesome purpose. It's highly combative and has a lot of support. You have a lot of strength. Then the solo [marina] is in. There's no such thing as fame."

I heard the solo adventurer participate and wondered.

"Are you alone in a labyrinth crusade? Do you have any special skills?

Basic, solo is unusual. Some of them have to be adventurers, like Clara, who provide support and help with some parties.

But I was concerned that the adventurer who was mediated on the labyrinth crusade was a solo.

"It's pretty strong. Exceptional strength. You should call it a kind of combat maniac."

The fine man laughs, "He won't be able to get his hands on me unless I do something rude, so it's okay," etc., but I couldn't laugh.

(Exceptional? Ceres?

What bothered me was an adventurer named Marina who was said to be as strong as that. If you're strong, I need your help.

"Allette seems to have decided on the next vice chief of the knights in some country, so you're the one on the command side. The person responsible for this crusade is also her. It's not about money, and it's serious, so it's quite popular with peers."

What the detailed man gave me as information was information about other parties in the labyrinth crusade I would participate in.

The skinny man who finished his drink laughed at me.

"Is it for you?

That's what I've heard.

"It was worth more than breakfast. Oh, and I wanted to ask you something else about this."

"What is it?

To a fine man, I...

"He said he was an informer, but what information can I buy? Can you buy information about the neighboring countries or anything? I'd like to know more."

Then the fine man shook his neck to the side.

"Because you're not in charge. If it's about rumours, I can buy it, but I can't corroborate it. If you want to buy it from an informer, you can introduce it. It's just pinkie. Some guys like me, some people deal with information in earnest. Naturally, if you're buying information from real people, you'd better assume the amount will jump."

Am I still going to cost money, so I grabbed a cup to drink? But the contents were already empty.

(Can't do it now, huh? But on the contrary, if you can do something about the money, you can introduce me.)

I tell a fine man.

"Now, when you can make money, introduce yourself to awesome"

Did they think it was a joke, put their shoulders up and down?

"Fine. When you can make money,"

I took a seat with my hand on the slip that was on the table.

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