
Memory Journey

I was supposed to see the memory of the fifth generation with Kirin measures, and I was supposed to see one memory.

It was the hut of the animals raised by the fifth generation for their hobbies, and in the back room was Kirin eating.

When the fifth generation is taking care of other animals, the managing servant is trying to stop someone near the entrance.

'No, you can't! Master Fredrix is telling me not to let him in!

"Get out of the way! I need to talk to my father!

It was the young sixth generation that came into the rampage.

Late twenties, I guess? It was younger than I usually see, and rough.

"Dad, what's going on?"

As Kirin fled to the back of the room, Fredrix, the fifth generation, sighed.

"What can I do for you? Didn't I tell you not to come in here?

As the pale Fredricks looked back, Fines, the sixth generation, grabbed up its chest barn.

There are height differences, but to the young and powerful Fines, Fredricks looks small and really likely to lose.

Why did you keep quiet about Kirin? Is this for a gift? Or are you replacing the Walt's horse? Rumors spread, and a confirmation inquiry came from the extra territory... '

At first glance, Fines (sixth generation) unilaterally asks Fredrix (fifth generation) about Kirin.

The bad news is that it looks like Fines.

'... let go. Towards whom are you taking such an attitude'

Fredricks, who said so, threw Fines on the spot and slammed him over the straw he had piled up.

Knock on your hand, then remove the dirt and you will return to take care of Kirin again.

Afraid, Kirin approached Fredrix and started feeding.

"... isn't it terrible?

'Which one is it?

When the fifth generation said that, I saw the fifth and sixth generations in my memory. The fifth generation was laughing when he gazed that it was both.

'Sure, they're both terrible. Yeah, you are.'

That's what the fifth generation says and walks out, I follow it, too. The surrounding scenery stained grey, and there were different views.

It was in the mansion.

A woman in her late thirties or forties is in trouble with a servant in front of the door.

'Come out. It's time to take the carriage.'

Underneath the women in a hurry, the fifth generation in memory - as Fredricks approaches, he kicks through the door.

"Don't hang out with your child's selfishness forever. Look, take him. '

When my men entered the room, I took one girl out of the room as it was.

'I don't want to! Why do you have to go to my wife like that! Not the enemy! Plus, they made a fool out of me for being up!

The fifth generation standing next to me explained that I didn't know what was going on.

"That was before you picked up Kirin. It was terrible at this time. I mean, my bill sucked. I don't have all sorts of memories'

The girl who was taken out of the room is my age. No, he seems younger than me.

Because he's a concubine's child. Marry me in a house that makes me look like a fool! You suck. You should be dead!

A girl stares at Fredrix, but the person's expression didn't change a bit. A woman, supposedly the mother of a girl, looks sad.

"Buy your mother with money, and sprinkle your kids around like... you grown-up son of a bitch! I would love to die thinking it's your daughter!

The girl's mother flattens her daughter.

Fredrix doesn't change his expression, just one word when he leaves the scene.

"Hurry up. We don't have much time."

Fredricks didn't even look back when the girl squatted in the hallway and cried out as she did.

I'll see about that.

"Isn't this terrible for boulders? I think I could have done a little more in a political marriage?

When I heard my words, the fifth generation just grunted, "Right."

'Now you know. I've been using my children as a tool for marriage to my ministers. It would be more affectionate to an animal than to a child. "

When the fifth generation started walking, the next view was at night.

There, a little girl with golden short hair runs around wearing white one-piece clothes.

You look like a boy or a girl, but it's Fredrix who's weirder than that.

The fifth generation in memory is smiling and playing with little children.

"What, you were nice to the little one"

The fifth generation next to him shook his head to the side. And he said, "It's about time." And so I saw the kid.

A running child rubs his forehead sweet when he jumps big and lands in front of Fredrix when he looks like Kirin.

I haven't got the horns out and it's like I'm sweet on my parents.

"... Huh?

When I saw it, I understood. Kirin looked like a child.

"I've done a lot of research too, but apparently this is why Kirin is a symbol of prosperity. It seems that Kirin's females can also choose from a wide variety of males. In other words, in a prosperous house, Kirin was married."

I looked at the fifth generation and saw a sweet Kirin for Fredrix.

Kirin, who looked like a man, was only about five years old.

"A man in his fifties got his hands on a girl about five years old?

With that said, the fifth generation swung down as he jumped his fist up my head as much as he wanted. Unteachable and painful.

"You idiot! Can you do that, idiot!

"But you said something about getting married!

Hold your head down and tear your eyes, rebutting to the fifth generation will change the scene again. Occasionally, my family watched the scene over and over again complaining about seeing the fifth generation adore animals.

"Are animals so more important than us kids!

"I never even had a smile on my face, my father..."

I'm inferior to dogs and cats! Say something, Dad!

Still, the fifth generation doesn't smile at real children, and sees memories of themselves doing all the work except adoring animals.

So, it was about five years after Kirin was injured.

From there, the fifth generation and Kirin have a conversation.

"It would have been easier if you'd shown me in order"

'... I have a strong impression, and the faces of the kids really come to mind. Be patient.'

In the cabin, as the fifth generation met - a child about five years old, knee-pillow in the cabin, stroking his back.

Kirin's child, who lies down feeling good, tells Fredrix.

"Fredricks, will you join us? I'll be Fredrix's wife."

Fredricks laughed funny when he heard it.

'Right. Will you marry me? But you're a child. When I grow up, I don't have anything to think about. You're healing, too, May.'


I have more gray hair and it looks more like I've done it than before.

"... grandfather and grandson, it feels like"

'I guess that's why I made the right mistake. I mean, that's about all you remember. Still, the actual me is dead, and if Kirin hasn't come back to the Walt family, have you forgotten... did you think I broke my promise?

That would be the fifth generation's responsibility, but I can't help it. As it is, it remains the man who pissed Kirin off to kiss him.

Fredricks says.

'... then you should leave here by now. I can't buy you any more time. "

May snapped her neck when she was told.

And the scene becomes a meadow.

Me and the fifth generation of grass stretched all the way to the waist. The wind was strong and the sky was blue.

When such a place was shown, Fredricks was taking out May, who was looking like Kirin, and pointing to the sky.

'Look, aren't you one of them?

'Yeah! I have your mother!

A group of flying Kirins were running through the sky around Fredrix and May as if to be vigilant.

'Right. There have been a lot of rumors lately that I've seen Kirin here. May, it's been fun. "

That's what Fredrix says. Slap lightly around May's neck.


"May, the royal family wants to see you. There is also the possibility of taking them as they are. If you get caught, you'll spend the rest of your life in a house."

'I'm with you. I'll be with Fredrix forever. "

'Neither do I. But I don't have time. Look, my family's waiting.'

Fredricks only had a subtle look when he voiced the word family. When May doesn't like it, a single kirin comes down from the sky.

Are you Mae's mother, or seeing Fredrix for a while, I cornered him and approached Mae. Fredrix watches the situation in silence.

As Kirin's mother returns to the sky, May sees Fredrix with her mother many times.

"Look, we're going now."


'I'll be fine. Besides, I'll see you someday. "

'It's a promise. I'll see you around. By the next time I see you, you'll be Fredrix's wife because you're gonna be big.'

Fredrix nodded with a smile. And May tries to stop and come back again and again, looking back at everything.

'Go! You're staying with your family. I'm happier!

Fredrix, who won't even cry about the child, was crying for Kirin to go fast.

I'll see about that.

"I understand there was a lot going on, but this is..."

'Maybe you were looking for me. It didn't seem to be a herd, it seemed to be moving alone. And then you noticed me? Damn, you remembered your promise decades ago in discipline.'

Look at the fifth generation, which is a little lit, and I...

"No, what am I supposed to do with this? No doubt he was hostile to me."

'... you know what I mean when I tell you? Don't worry, she's smart. Because you're smarter than Shannon or Aria!

I held my head.

When I come back to a conference room with a round table, I spill my stupidity because I had a sixth generation on the spot.

There was no appearance of the fifth generation and it seemed to be stuck in the room.

"I understood why the sixth generation had gone bad and left home."

The sixth generation laughing bitterly, looking at me and fingertipping my cheek.

"Ma, sure, I was rough then, too, and you got beat up and thrown away at everything. There was a lot going on about Kirin. But now that I think about it, maybe the fifth generation was right.

Exhale, and the sixth generation with arms do the thinking.

And he talked to me a lot.

"Lyell, what do you think of the fifth generation?

"... cold or animal lover? Well, as a parent, I don't know."

'Right. I think so too. I think so.'

The sixth generation asked me to decide what it was that didn't come down to.

"Here we go. And look at my memory."

That's what they told me. I'm headed straight to the sixth generation memory room.

When the two of us crept through the door of the sixth generation of memories, it was the Walt family mansion.

A young sixth generation is complaining about motherly people.

"Can you obey such a father! I'm leaving the house! I wish I could let the others inherit the house!

The sixth generation of teenagers - it looks like Fines is about to pop out of the house complaining.

But when one woman stands up, she stays pale.

"You stupid son! Don't know anything, speak to your father like that... '

Fines, having trouble with his crying mother, leaves that room to run away. And when I was in trouble until the door, I heard voices from inside.

Five women talking about something.

"You'll find out someday."

'Cause that guy's the hardest.'

"But only for Fines......"

Four women crying out of their mother. The concubines are comforting.

(Something's not what I imagined)

I was more giddy and wondering if I was rubbing it on the issue of picking up the trail. But we're actually getting along.

Fines is eating up his teeth because he can't allow his mothers not to blame the fifth generation.

The expression really seems to hate the fifth generation.

'What is it, brother?

What showed up there looked exactly like Miranda - no, there was a girl named Miranda, a young Mireia who looked alike.

Married to the Circleys and an ancestor of Miranda and Shannon, she watched Fines, her scary-looking brother, with golden eyes.

'Nah, it's nothing. I just protested because my father couldn't forgive me. Then I was just blamed.... I wonder what I'm talking about to you, I am'

As I watched the sixth generation telling my sister an honest story, I saw a girl named Mireia and thought,

(Something seems too calm for my age)

Unlike Miranda again, I have the impression of being closer to Nowem in one way or another. But the trick of laughing with Couscous seems to be looking at Miranda and Shannon.

'Your brother, you're always angry. But your father always seems sad.'

When my sister told me that, Fines fisted the wall.

"Is he sad? There's no reason for that! He treats us like shit. You could be treated like a tool, too!

Mireia lays her eyes down, and a word.

"I'm blind, I can't even be a tool"

Then Fines leans down, too.

'Shh, excuse me. But I've made up my mind. I'm leaving this house. "


'Right. Be an adventurer! I'm gonna be a first-rate adventurer in the future, and I'm gonna beat that father to pieces!

Mireia looks up at the tall Fines, one word.

"... I hate your brother now"

That's what he said, he turned his back and walked away.

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