I didn't seem to fully understand the city of Baym yet.

Because the preparation, which seemed necessary a few days before departure, was completed in just one day.

As we loaded our luggage onto the porter, we knew once again what Baym was called the capital of adventurers.

While Miranda checks her stuff.

"The food is for two weeks, and the water is more or less that? I know you almost got a month's contract term, but aren't you taking too long?

I didn't afford to buy supplies.

Some food I had before I went into Baym, but those weren't enough.

While I check my luggage, I look at the weapons I purchased.

"I don't know how many Greywolves there are, and above all, I've decided not to give them all."

You thought Miranda was a little funny, looking at me as a nigga.

"Heh, what's the reason?

I'm laughing.

"Because I don't need to teach you everything you can."

That's all.

"It's an exam, isn't it?

Miranda seems to have noticed, but she seems to enjoy her conversation with me. Don't hate this one either. Keep talking.

"It's an exam, that's why. It's troublesome for the Alliance to figure out exactly how fast we're moving and how strong we are. I'm not going to be crushed."

Was it a satisfactory answer, Miranda puts her upper body on a crate stuffed inside the porter, looks at this one and nicks.


That's what I hear.

"Nothing. I thought Lyell was a bad guy, too. Whoa, I prefer it that way, so it doesn't mean anything bad."

Miranda hates behavior that doesn't benefit her. He definitely seems to think there's more behind it than he hates it.

When we met in Aramsarth, how did this happen just because she was a really good looking after sister? And as I thought, I saw Shannon packing on the porter nearby with chills.

(I'm pretty sure it's because Shannon did something extra, but which was better for him...)

"What's wrong with Shannon?

Miranda reacts immediately just by pointing her gaze at Shannon for a moment.

From within the treasure ball, there is a third generation of voices.

'That's scary. One look at Lyell, a love so heavy that you don't miss it!

I'm definitely enjoying this guy, etc.

"I'm trying, you know. Well, it's been horrible."

Shannon, who holds his luggage with a pull and trembles and carries it all the way to the porter, endures until then when he is done carrying it, or exhilarates his breathing.

There was sweat seeping through my forehead.

"Is that it?

To my voice, whispering this one back.

"It's a man's job to have heavy things!

I put my hand on my forehead, and then I deliberately showed off my tricks.

"That, the contents are light?

Looks like Shannon shuddered with a pull, trying to say something back. But in the end, I gave up.

The next morning, Nowem and I were on our way to file paperwork to announce our departure.

I filled in and submitted the scheduled period of around two weeks, but since the receptionist was not Mr. Tanya, he didn't even get asked very deeply.

To submit the paperwork and put the porter straight in with the seventh generation skills [box] and let it out a few hours later to get in.

Is the porter reborn in Central over two meters tall and about that wide?

Even if the total length is six meters, the head of the porter is securely provided in the forward right part.

From the type that hung the lantern, it could be embedded in the armored version in front. Armored versions on both sides can be expanded, this time with arms and can be freely expanded.

And above all, the wheel was the highlight of this one.

Rubber tires are packed with air, and wheels that are wide but large support the porter.

"This is my power! Did you see that, chicken bastard?

On top of the porter, Monica, with her hands spread, was laughing high.

He was looking down at me with his skirt shaking in the wind, but he seemed invisible and invisible.

(What the hell does this guy want?

Before that, the guy who made this guy wanted to ask what he was thinking.

I don't take off my maid clothes. Besides, it's also odd that it obviously has unnecessary tool features as a maid of honor.

Is Monica in this state because she's broken? Or is this fundamental before it breaks......

Think about it, I just had a headache.

"No, I've seen it before. I mean, you were on board before you came to Baim."

In terms of size, porters are more difficult to use in the labyrinth without major renovations.

But now we didn't have to move Porter into the labyrinth.

Because I can use the box, which is my seventh generation of skills, and the storage capacity has grown dramatically, and the usage restrictions have almost disappeared due to the increase in magic.

"Porter, I'll put my arm on you this time."

Monica stroking Porter's head looking important had a plan to arm Porter.

Clara heard about it.

"Any more weight gain is severe. I mean, can't you bear it because I won't be able to operate it?"

I'm trying to be sorry, but Clara is brilliant at being able to manipulate porters in this state with the magic of the Golem.

Me, too.

"Is this not a good idea for Porter? If you want to do something, make something else. Oh, I also need to get ready for the mini-porter."

Mini porter.

It is Porter's miniaturized golem, sold at Aramsarth.

Essentially, priority is given to being able to pack and move around in the labyrinth, making it smaller.

Aria asked me, frightened.

"That's good later, but what are we going to do? Everybody stay on board? Or are we going to proceed with vigilance?

I give instructions to all of them to get on board.

"No, I'll have you on board. Travel in about five days and clear the request in three to four days in the requested village. When you leave, take about five days to complete the request."

Aren't you convinced, Aria was grumpy.

"An adventurer is in the village, and I wonder why he won't defeat Greywolf. You don't have to bother paying to clean it up."

Aria's opinion is best, but I was wondering if the village and the guild would be mutually beneficial.

Otherwise, you won't bother to make a request.

"You should think about that while you're on the move. Look, get in quick."

I rushed Aria, and when my buddy got on the porter, I looked around.

The fifth generation has a word.

"Anyway, there's a lot of demons around Baym when you leave a little bit."

I was comparing the map that came to mind to a simple map in my hand to confirm my destination.

In theory, three days on horses.

But that's only theoretical. If you have mountains, you need to bypass them, and if you have forests, you may not be able to pass them by porters.

There will be times to rest, and places to rest.

I'll check the route to my destination, exhaling.

(Why so many inconveniences when the request itself is easy)

When I ascend to the ceiling of the porter, I use my skills by performing the operation as is.

Fourth Generation Skill [Speed] is a skill that increases the speed of travel.

When the porter moved out, he sat straight up on the ceiling and I moved the porter to his destination.

(If it's me now, don't arrive if it takes a whole day if you can't move me around with a porter)

Porter doesn't need a break like a horse.

Monica said it needed servicing but it was definitely tough.

I mean, I can't run out of magic right now, and if I can manipulate it, I can keep it moving.

(I won't because I don't have to)

That's what I think, and I run the porter while I check the perimeter.

That was the second day of events.

Clara manipulated the porter, and I was just thorough watching it.

After we finished lunch and had a crappy conversation within our people.

Part of the roof is about to open, and I'm out of there, and I give Clara instructions out loud.

"Clara, hurry up"

"Huh? Is something wrong?

There were a number of red light points on the map that were on my mind. I have a lot of numbers, but my opponent is Grey Wolf.

I wanted to knock you down here because you're not the one I can't knock you down, but rather out of the way.

I'm showing a move aimed at this one, and I could have waited...

(Blue reaction? Yet, after this one...... and the speed)

It's tremendously fast, from behind the red light point I've been chasing. They're chasing us faster than this one.

And turn off the red light points one after the other.

The fifth generation gave me instructions from the treasure ball.

"Don't worry about the blue reaction. But even Lyell could catch up. Take the form of waiting. '

I didn't want to wait while I couldn't understand what they were, but I let Porter stop and give instructions to everyone.

"... Clara, stop the porter and wait. Expand the armored version. Something comes from behind. Everybody, get out with your weapons. They're coming after something."

From inside the porter, there was Aria's voice.

"What is it?

"No, come on!

Clara stopped the porter and rotated it a hundred and eighty degrees, expanding the armoured version.

I jumped off the porter's ceiling and pulled out the sabel as I stepped out in front of the porter.

To see the map, the Greywolf herd began to run around, noticing they were being chased.

But the red dots that were away from the blue dots disappear one after the other.

The fifth generation.

"What? What's happening?

I don't like the third generation.

"Are you a monster like Ceres? Lyell, I didn't attract you."

It wasn't my fault, I wanted to think.

But when strong light occurs in the distance, it sounds mild.

"Magic? Did the enemy react... all gone?

I'll be more vigilant. The opponent's reaction remains blue, but he seems to be checking his surroundings. All the red light points disappear, and the blue light points approach this way.

When I took the stand, I stood with a weapon, except for Shannon, who was on the porter.


Using my fifth generation of skills and skills that give me a 3D grasp of the map, I looked at the sky.


With a little face up, something like a little dot was approaching us.

The creature, not feathery or otherwise, has a horn on his head.

The creature, whose figure was gradually ascertainable, had white scales and yellow tendencies.

Horses, unicorns.

That's what I thought when I saw the corner, but they're not like that.

Clara shrugs and Eva gets excited.

"I've never seen it before. You should lower your weapon."

"Kirin? Really!? Awesome, not awesome!

The god beast, like a horse running through the sky, had glittering feet. Every time Kirin stepped on the sky with nothing, the light was crushing and it seemed as if it was driving down an invisible path in the sky.

It seems to be coming near us, so I'll drop my weapon and wait for it to pass.

It was Nowem who approached me looking up at the sky and looking at Kirin.

"Dear Ryer, I'm coming this way."

If you ask me, Kirin is slowing down and approaching the ground. No, from the other side, is it coming down?

The speed dropped, and I was watching the god beast coming in front of us.

(The fifth generation was also bordered by Kirin. I mean, are you sure you're okay?

The opponent's reaction remains blue and I try to show that I am not willing to resist.

But Kirin looked down at me as he brought the giant closer.

Sixth generation says.

"No way I'm such a fine Kirin... it's a big difference from the Kirin we used to have, fifth generation.... the fifth generation?

The fifth generation, shaken up, was silent.

And Kirin, one or two times bigger than a horse, has a white, glowing scale.

When he put his face close to me, he looked at me with blue eyes, slipping a corner that stretched out of his forehead. I breathe as I look at myself in my blue eyes.

And Kirin saw Nowem standing next to me.

I thought I twisted my neck a little bit and headed under Nowem trying to get some closer.

That's when I found a scratch around the left side of the base of Kirin's neck. It's fully healed, but it looks like an old thing.

When I look at it, the fifth generation in the treasure balls...

'Definitely. You... How did you get here?

When the fifth generation of voices spoke, Kirin pointed her neck at this one.

He looked at my face with his eyes open.

"Oh, no way... but it was nearly eighty years ago on a boulder"

When I leaked my voice, Kirin snapped his neck.

The fifth generation speaks from the treasure balls.

"May... you... you remembered your promise"

Then, Kirin's eyes turn to the treasure ball that lowered to my neck. And he's staring at me.

The horns grow from the forehead and turn yellow to red as an indication of hostility.

As soon as I jumped back, the blue light fell on the spot.

"What have you done!

Aria screams, but I deny it.

"You know what! I didn't do anything!

Nowem pops out in front of me and magically creates a barrier when he sets up a cane. Kirin's chirping is different from a horse's. When I was intimidated by that voice, which seemed like a dragon, I heard screams from within the treasure balls.

'Enough! Mae, Lyell is not the enemy!

Kirin hears his voice and stares at this one as he kicks the ground on the spot. The reaction came and went red, yellow, and I sweated cold.

Kirin, staring at Nowem, regrettably rushes straight up into the sky.

When everyone exhaled in a deep sigh, I became doggedly tired, too.

Everyone's gazing at me.

Nowem is.

"Master Lyell, what the hell did you do? Kirin won't react like that unless he attacks."

Eva is.

"Hey, are you sure you didn't do anything? No, Kirin's after me."

Clara is.

"It may not be long before you've grown up to see it, or before you've grown up. If we were adults, we could all have been blown away in the first attack."

In fact, Greywolf was being blown away in large quantities in an instant.

I hold the treasure ball.

(Has this been reduced? No way, did you hear voices)

Wondering, Aria looks at me.

"So, what's the verse that comes to mind?

They all turn their suspicious gaze, so I argue.

"The weapon is gone. Did it look like we were going to make an attack? You know, I'm not that stupid, either, and I'm not a combat freak who wants to fight or anything! As much as I want to know why you attacked me."

There are verses that come to mind, but it also takes time to explain.

Maybe it's time to tell the facts, but the timing really...

Shannon looks at me.

"Kirin hated you. It feels good. By the way, why did that Kirin react when your balls glowed? It's also only when certain light reacts"

Miranda looked at me after she saw Shannon.

The fourth generation speaks out of the treasure ball.

"Oh, I knew you looked like this girl."

Sixth generation too.

'Maybe it's time to talk, but in this situation...'

Shannon says, "I reacted again," etc., so Miranda seemed convinced I wasn't lying when I reacted.

"You're gonna talk to me, aren't you, Lyell?

I was surrounded by all of them, and when I backed off, Monica turned to my back.

"You know, chickenshit...... maids love secrets. Come on, let's make this easier."

Monica was laughing when she grabbed my shoulders and made sure she couldn't get away.

"Oh, you guys... did you think I was hiding something? Can you trust me a little more?

I tried to escape with an ambiguous grin, but my people surrounded me and I had no escape.

Then Nowem did.

"Well, there's time, and let's talk in the porter, Master Lyell"

Nowem's smile was so beautiful today. I thought it was a little scary because I had a nasty part.

(Damn, I guess it should be easier to talk to you, but I hate it for some reason)

I always feel a little embarrassed to be known for being accompanied by a parent.

I can't talk because some of those little prides. Most importantly...

"Not good for boulders now. I might be wary of the treasure balls because of Ceres. Lyell is being taken over, I don't care what they think. Right... shall we get through this with a description of Lyell's new skills? Because I have an impact."

The third generation tells me that I was hesitant to explain my skills [connections].

(... I knew I had to explain. But it's not a good time, and we just have to get through this here on the subject of skills...... but)

I figured out how to get through this.

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