Seven World Martial God

Chapter 599: King of War

After running away Wanjin, Ye Tian released everyone, and everyone was shocked when he looked at the mess in the same place. 【First Release】

Jin Taishan was shocked and said: "Big Brother, have you really defeated a Wudi 7th-level powerhouse?"

"Big brother, you are too good, when you get to the next level, defeating Lu Tianyi will definitely not be a problem." Duan Yun also exclaimed.

Dongfangyu, Zhang Yaru and others were also secretly shocked.

The three of Zhang Peng and his son were also stunned. It took a long time to come back to their senses. Zhang Xiaofan looked at Ye Tian's eyes, full of admiration, and he knew that he had worshipped the teacher right.

Ye Tian laughed and said, "It's the old guy who is too careless, otherwise, I can guarantee undefeated at best."

"Negative?" Duan Yun curled his lips and said, "That's a powerhouse at the seventh level of Emperor Wu. No matter how careless he is, he can kill me in seconds. I will wait for you to upgrade to one level now. You will definitely be invincible in the realm of Emperor Wu. ."

"Yes, with Big Brother's talent, as long as he goes up one level, he can definitely defeat Lu Tianyi." Jin Taishan nodded.

Ye Tian secretly smiled bitterly. He also knew that his strength would increase a lot, but it was too difficult to integrate the small world. His physical body is already very strong, and it is simply too difficult to strengthen it.

"Okay, let's speed up and enter the King of War City earlier!" Ye Tian waved his hand. He was afraid that Wanjin would find other more powerful **** gate experts, and he wouldn't be able to beat others at that time.

"Well, as long as you enter the King of War City, the people at the gate of **** can only stare, hehe!" Duan Yun laughed.

"I'm afraid they will lie in ambush on the way to the imperial capital, this time we must be careful." Jin Taishan said solemnly.

Ye Tian nodded, and said: "Just in time for a battle in the royal city, there will be a group of young talents going to the imperial capital to participate in the imperial hegemony. As long as we get in, the gate of **** will naturally help us."

Several people talked, while speeding up the flight to fight King City.

At this time, Wan Jin, who had fled, was also meditating. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so powerful, and even he couldn't help it. It seemed that he could only look for Deputy Sect Master Shi Wei.

Wan Jin decided to rush to the imperial capital himself, preparing to besiege Ye Tian with Shi Wei, after all, he knew that Ye Tian must go to the imperial capital to participate in the imperial hegemony.

As for the fact that he was defeated by Ye Tian, ​​Wanjin didn't dare to say it. If he didn't say it, he would be laughed at by a group of old guys at the gate of hell.

Thinking of this, Wan Jin hated Ye Tian even more. Now he was killing Ye Tian not to please Lu Tianyi, but to avenge himself.


Under the blue sky, an incomparable giant city lay calmly on the ground, like a giant ancient beast, majestic and majestic.

The King of War City is very majestic and majestic. The tall and generous walls are covered with traces of swords and claws, revealing the vicissitudes of time. (Starting) The gate tower, which is like a mountain, rises into the clouds, without the top.

And around the King of War, there is a vast moat, like a Yangtze River, with big waves rolling in, and from time to time huge fish and beasts rise to the sky. The row of sharp teeth is like a sword with cold light. Flashing.

There is no doubt that among the cities Ye Tian has seen, this Warlord City is definitely ranked first, the most majestic and spectacular.

No wonder the King of War is known as the first king of the Skywind Empire. I am afraid that only the emperor can surpass this King of War City in the Skywind Empire.

From this city alone, Ye Tian knew the influence of the King of War in the Tianfeng Empire.

"Finally arrived at the King of War City!" Zhang Peng said excitedly.

Zhang Lanlan and Zhang Xiaofan were also full of excitement.

As the descendants of the King of War, the City of King of War has always been a very sacred existence in their hearts. They have been familiar with the deeds of their ancestors since they were young, and they wanted to come to King of War City in their dreams.

"Come into the city!" Ye Tian waved his hand and walked onto the suspension bridge. Unlike Dibo Wangcheng, Zhanwangcheng had an extra moat.

Everyone followed, walked across the long suspension bridge, and then lined up in front of the city gate, entering the city one by one in order.

The city is very prosperous, noisy, and the whole street is boiling.

On the avenue, there is a steady stream of people coming and going.

With the increasingly close emperor's battle for hegemony, most of the young Tianjiao of the Tianfeng Empire have already gone to the imperial capital. Even if the rest is still on the way, it will soon arrive in the imperial capital.

However, there are exceptions, that is, King of War.

The young Tianjiao of Warlord City did not rush to the imperial capital. Once the warlord city was very close to the emperor, it only took three months to get there, so there was no need to rush to it.

Secondly, during this period of time, a major event is about to happen in King War City, and a group of young talents attracted to stay temporarily.

That was the beginning of the war world.

The world of war is opened every fifty years, and every time it is opened, the young talents who enter it will be rewarded. Therefore, as long as it is a young talent in the Warlord City, he will try his best to get a place from the warlord's house.

Although the first generation of warlords left the war world for the convenience of their descendants, the main family of warlords also needs many big families in the warlord city to support him and cooperate with him, so they need to give some places to these people as favors.

Therefore, every time the battlefield is opened, it is a major event in the War King City.

"Hey, have you heard? The City Lord's Mansion just released the news that the night of the full moon ten days later is the time for the opening of the war world."

"Oh? So soon, it seems to be a period of time in advance, and yes, the emperor's hegemony is about to begin. Even the younger generations of the war king must rush to the imperial capital."

"Although the royal battle for hegemony has more than a year to start, but now the imperial capital is already full of dragons. I heard that many young talents will fight against each other before the royal battle begins. The imperial capital at this time must be very exciting."

"Hey, after a while, I will also visit the imperial capital. The last time Lu Tian defeated the five great princes of the imperial capital, these people are holding their breath and want to make a comeback in the imperial hegemony."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Lu Tianyi has opened up the 18th **** of the **** gate, unprecedented, and can be called the first genius in the history of the **** gate. This time the emperor's hegemony is destined to be his era."


In a luxurious restaurant, Ye Tian and others sat down one after another, and lively conversations from the drinkers came in their ears.

As soon as Duan Yun heard others brag about Lu Tianyi, he immediately curled his lips in disdain, and said, "When Big Brother defeats Lu Tianyi, then they dare to brag, huh!"

"Just you talk a lot!" Ye Tian squeezed a beast leg into Duan Yun's mouth when he heard that, the latter groaned suddenly, unable to speak.


Everyone couldn't help but smile.

Jin Taishan smiled and said, "It seems that our time is still very accurate. The battlefield will not open until ten days later. Brother, I will not be with you anymore. I will also take the opportunity to retreat."

"Well, I'm going to participate in the Emperor's Hegemony soon, so prepare more!" Ye Tian nodded.

Duan Yun pulled out the beast's legs and said, "Wait I will go everywhere. I want to spend all the spirit stones on my body. I want to rush my cultivation to the tenth level of Emperor Wu. No! It's a half-step Wudi."

"I have some spirit stones here, just use them!" Ye Tian heard the words and took the remaining 1 billion high-grade spirit stones to Duan Yun.

After eating and drinking, everyone found an inn to stay, and then Jintaishan, Duanyun, Dongfangyu, and Zhang Yaru went everywhere.

Ye Tian took Zhang Peng and his son to the City Lord’s Mansion. He had to arrange for Zhang Peng and his son. With Zhang Xiaofan, the purple martial spirit genius, as long as the senior leaders of the Lord of Warlord’s family are not fools, they will naturally value Zhang Peng. Father and son three people.

In order to be afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, Ye Tian and others changed their faces when they entered the city, so even if Ye Tian had been famous for the Tianfeng Empire, no one would recognize them.

The tall City Lord's Mansion is very dazzling in the Warlord City. The huge area is like a city in the city. From a distance, a breath of majesty blows over your face.

"Young Master Ye, do we really want to go in?" Zhang Peng said nervously when he came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Tian glanced at him, this guy was very excited before, but now he looks nervous.

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Lanlan again, the two of them also looked nervous, and after thinking about it, he understood.

Returning to the master's house is not only an honor for Zhang Peng and his son, but also a sense of belonging.

Because they are all descendants of the first warlord.

With a slight smile, Ye Tian said, "Don't worry, get your ID certificate ready. With Xiaofan as a genius, the people of your master will only welcome you."

"I hope so!" Zhang Peng was still nervous.

Ye Tian didn't continue to say more, and led Zhang Peng and his son to the gate of the city lord's mansion.

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion had already noticed Ye Tian and others. Seeing them walking towards the City Lord's Mansion, a trace of vigilance suddenly appeared on their faces, and he said in a deep voice, "Who are you? What's the matter when you come to the City Lord's Mansion?"

There is no hint of pride, but no hint of politeness.

Looking at these majestic guards, Zhang Peng and Zhang Lanlan looked a little scared, but Ye Tian and Zhang Xiaofan looked calm.

Ye Tian has the strength, Zhang Xiaofan knows that he has his master, so there is no need to worry about everything.

"Thank you, a few elder brothers, go in and report that we are a branch of the King of War." Ye Tian said with a fist.

"Branch? Are you here to prepare to enter the world of war? Come in with me, there has been an order from above, and someone will arrange for you later." The guard suddenly felt relieved when he heard the words, and brought Ye Tian and the others into the mansion. .

As the world of war is about to open, many branches of the warlord have arrived during this time. These guards have long been accustomed to seeing them, so it's not surprising that they didn't even suspect that Ye Tian and others had any intentions.

That's right, in this King of War City, or even in the entire Tianfeng Empire, there are probably not many people who dare to fight King of War. So these guards are naturally not afraid.

Honestly followed the guard into the mansion Then, Ye Tian and the others were taken to see a small housekeeper who was responsible for identification.

Zhang Peng had already prepared this point, and quickly handed over the information.

"Zhang Peng, the patriarch of the Fengqiu Town branch, has a pair of children under his knees, Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Lanlan." The little butler took the information, compared it with his own, and nodded.

However, he suddenly looked at Ye Tian with a deep expression, "Who is he? You don't seem to have this person in your family?"

"This is my son-in-law!" Zhang Peng said quickly.

The little butler heard this and looked at Zhang Lanlan. Zhang Lanlan was holding Ye Tian's arm with a shy face and blushing cheeks.

"Okay, come with me. The war world is still open for ten days. During this time, you will live in the outer courtyard first. Remember, don't make trouble." The little butler nodded, then put his hands on his back, carrying Ye Tian and so on. People go to the outer courtyard.

Ye Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and finally passed, can rest assured to wait for the opening of the battlefield, hoping that this trip will not come in vain.

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