Seven World Martial God

Chapter 583: immortal

"Nine-headed Phoenix?"

After hearing the narration of Venerable Death, Ye Tian suddenly exclaimed. 【First Release】

He knew that there was a kind of sacred beast, very powerful, claimed to have nine lives, that is the legendary nine-headed phoenix.

"Nine-headed undead bird is a misnomer for it. Its real name is a ghost car. It is known as the car through the dark and the ghosts and gods evade." Venerable Death snorted coldly.

"You should always just talk about the use of this drop of blood!" Knowing the origin of this drop of blood, Ye Tian suddenly filled his heart with expectations. If it is a drop of blood from an ordinary martial sage, at most it will increase cultivation and improve his physical body. Strength, or what kind of pill to refine, although useful, but useless to him.

But this drop is the blood of the holy beast. Although the holy beast is of the martial sage level, it is much stronger than the usual martial sage.

Like this ghost car is a legendary sacred beast, the strength is comparable to the titled martial sage, looking at the Shenzhou Continent, it is basically invincible.

"Because the ghost car has a trace of the blood of the phoenix, it naturally also has some ‘immortality’ abilities. As long as you use this drop of essence and blood together with some treasures of heaven and earth, you can become immortal..."

Before Venerable Death had finished speaking, Ye Tian's eyes heated up. He stared at the drop of ghost car blood in front of him, his chest was constantly rising and falling, and his face was full of excitement.


"Isn't it said that only a strong man at the martial arts level can practice the immortal body?"

Although Ye Tian knew that Venerable Death would not deceive himself, he couldn't help asking.

A strong man in the martial arts realm, even if there is only a drop of blood or a piece of flesh, can be resurrected, almost immortal, this is the immortal body.

Therefore, as long as the cultivation base reaches the realm of Martial Saint, as long as you don't encounter a particularly powerful Martial Saint, or encounter some extremely dangerous places, you hardly need to be afraid of being killed.

However, the immortal body is dedicated to the martial arts powerhouse, just like teleport, and only the powerhouse above the powerhouse can possess it.

It is hard for Ye Tian to think that he can become immortal as a small martial emperor.

"Hey, the immortal body that the old man said can't be compared to the immortal body of a Wusheng strong. However, for you, as long as you become an immortal body, it is impossible to kill the 7th-level puppet of the Martial Emperor. You have to have at least the eighth level of Emperor Wu to kill you." Venerable Death smiled.

"Is there any difference between the two?" Ye Tian couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He never thought that this immortal body was comparable to the immortal body of the Wusheng strong, after all, the difference between the two sides in cultivation was too great.

Ye Tian wants to know how far this immortal body can reach?

Venerable Death said upon hearing the words: "You should know the immortal body of the strong martial artist, even if their bodies are destroyed, as long as there is a drop of blood or a piece of flesh, they can consume a little source of power and absorb the power of heaven and earth. , Quickly repaired the body, intact as before, even the strength will not weaken much. [For more exciting novels, please visit] A strong like this, even if killed thousands of times, can still be resurrected. Unless you kill dozens of them Tens of thousands or millions of times, all their original power is consumed before they can really kill them. Or, with absolute power, they can completely destroy their bodies without leaving a drop of blood or a piece of flesh. Kill them."

Ye Tian nodded, just because Wu Sheng powerhouse's immortal body is so powerful, it is rare for Wu Sheng to kill Wu Sheng.

If a martial sage can kill another martial sage, then this martial sage will be given a title, that is, it will become the legendary "titled martial sage".

"And the immortal body that the old man said is not comparable to the immortal body of the Wusheng strong, but if you break your arms, hands and feet in future battles, you can still repair it. Some minor injuries can be healed automatically, if not The strength is much higher than you, basically you can't kill you." Venerable Death said triumphantly.

Ye Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was shocked: "Can it be repaired even with a broken hand or foot?"

He had to be shocked, all along, except for some treasures, only the strong in the martial arts realm can repair the broken hands and feet.

If this immortal body can really do this, then even if it is not comparable to the immortal body of the Wu Sheng strong, it is enough to make people excited and excited.

Venerable Death smiled proudly: "Of course you can, but every time you repair your body, you can only use your own true essence, not the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, if a battle is over, your body will be destroyed many times. , Then repairing will consume your true essence, by then..."

Venerable Death did not continue, but Ye Tian also knew that once the true essence was exhausted, it would be his dead end.

However, at least when facing the same rank powerhouse, with this immortal body, Ye Tian was basically invincible.

"Can you teach me to become an immortal body?" Ye Tian took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

He knew that Venerable Death told him so much, he just wanted to use this to make a deal with him.

Sure enough, Venerable Death said with a smile: "As you said, one more friend is better than one more enemy. The old man can help you become immortal and even give you all the treasures in the Palace of Death, then What are you going to do for my friend?"

"As long as Ye Mou can do what he can, he must be of great help." Ye Tian said firmly after hearing this.

"Well, a genius like you, the old man believes that you will keep your promise. You put away this drop of blood and come in!" Just as Venerable Death's voice fell, a single person appeared on the wall of the secret room. Door.

Ye Tian quickly put away the drop of ghost car blood in midair and walked out of the secret room.

Outside the secret room, there is a treasure house filled with all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth. It is colorful, aura and gleaming, making Ye Tian dazzled to see, and the whole person's breathing is fast, and his eyes are extremely hot. .

"That's Swallow Snake Flower, and Du Dan Vanilla. This is... This is the Congenital Martial Fruit, and there are so many..." Ye Tian was immediately stunned by everything in front of him, so many treasures of heaven and earth. Each of them is extremely precious. Putting any one of them in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea can make all warriors desperate.

This is the collection of a powerful Wu Zun, it is really scary!

Not only that, Ye Tian turned his head and looked to the other side, where he saw a mountain of spiritual stones, which were more than 100,000 pieces.

Maybe you would say, just one hundred thousand spiritual stones, what use is this? What is surprising?

But Ye Tian judging from the fluctuations and colors of the spiritual energy emitted by these spiritual stones, this is definitely not a top-grade spiritual stone, but a legendary top-grade spiritual stone.

In China, there are many top-grade spirit stones, but the top-grade spirit stones are very rare. Few people will buy the best-grade spirit stones, most of which are used for cultivation.

At the level of Emperor Wu, the amplitude of the high-grade spirit stones for cultivation is already very small. The real big families and disciples of the martial arts all use the best-grade spirit stones to cultivate.

But when it comes to the realm of Wu Zun, the top-grade spirit stones are useless at all, and only the top-grade spirit stones can be used for cultivation.

Once at an auction of ‘ubiquitous’, a top-grade spiritual stone was auctioned for a high price of 150,000 high-grade spiritual stones. What is this concept?

There are more than one hundred thousand top-grade spiritual stones, that is equivalent to more than 15 billion top-grade spiritual stones!

Ye Tian was so happy that he was going crazy, he became a big money at once. I am afraid that the entire Tianfeng Empire will not be able to find a martial emperor richer than him.

Even the imperial children of the Tianfeng Empire could not have more than one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, and at most there would be a few hundred top-grade spirit stones for use.

Perhaps their prince will have thousands or tens of thousands of top-quality spiritual stones.

"Hey hey, kid, don't drool, these are all yours, you can watch as long as you want in the future." Just when Ye Tian's saliva was full, the voice of Venerable Death, from the side From one of the treasure boxes.

"Huh!" Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised. He quickly stepped forward and opened the treasure box, only to see a shiny purple crystal appearing in front of him.

"Martial Spirit Crystal? Or purple?" Ye Tian asked in surprise.

"Idiot, this is the soul crystal!" Venerable Death's voice came from inside. He said angrily: "The old man's body was destroyed by the enemy. In order to save his life, I can only use my martial soul to refine it. Soul crystal, so that my soul can live in it, otherwise the old man would be gone."

"Soul crystal? Long experience!" Ye Tian nodded secretly, smiled, and learned a new knowledge.

"Can you reach the treasure house through seven palaces? What about the others?" Suddenly, Ye Tian thought of Jintaishan and the others, and couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"Hey, how could it be that easy? Do you really think the old man would give you the treasure so kindly?" Venerable Death smiled coldly when he heard the words.

Ye Tian rolled his eyes and snorted, "I knew you weren't so kind, so what about them now? I have a few friends in it, so don't kill them."

"The old man now only has his soul. Nothing can be done except How can I kill them. After passing through the seven palaces, they will arrive at a hall where they will be Some treasures, they’re probably already fighting in it now, hehe, hehe.” said the dead.

Ye Tian suddenly stared, and said angrily: "Didn't you say that you can get treasures through seven palaces?"

"That's a lie to you, except for the seventh palace, no matter which palace you pass through, it will be transmitted to the same hall in the end, hehe!" Venerable Death said with a smile.

Then, he sighed: "The old man really didn't expect to meet you as a pervert, and even passed the seventh level. I am afraid that in the entire Tianfeng Empire, your talent is also one of the best."

"Hmph, deliberately leaving treasures in the seventh palace, it seems that you think that my talent can help you. Come on, what do you want me to do?" Ye Tian snorted coldly.

"Hehe, the old man needs a few treasures of heaven, material and earth, and these heaven and earth treasures are in some special places. Only the more powerful geniuses can go to these places." Venerable Death said with a smile.

"Speak carefully, if you want me to do things for you, then you'd better not lie to me. Otherwise, Ye Mou is not so easy to fool." Ye Tian snorted coldly.

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