Seven World Martial God

Chapter 467: War begins

Seeing Wang Xin's attitude, Ye Tian knew that it was not so easy to make a Wu Huang bow his head. When he reached this level, he would rather die than surrender. 【First Release】

Of course, if Ye Tian is Emperor Wu and Wu Zun, then Wang Xin may choose to bow his head, after all, this is always a world where the strong respects the strong.

Following the strong is a matter of face.

Like the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe who reached the martial sage realm, they all chose to be the mountain guard spirit beasts of the Nine Heavens Palace, because the Nine Heavens Palace has the Nine Heavens.

However, it is a pity that although Ye Tian is good at strength, he is not strong enough for Wang Xin to follow.

"Three heads, a martial emperor has a lifespan of a thousand years. I think you should think carefully. Are you and Zhang Qingshan's relationship so good? Are you willing to work for him?" Ye Tian said gloomily.

Since there is no way for Wang Xin to surrender himself, he can only threaten the opponent with his life. A Wuhuang-level powerhouse can live for a thousand years. If there is no need, who is willing to die?

Sure enough, Wang Xin's face changed, but he still didn't let go. He coldly said: "The master trusts me very much. I won't betray him. You should stop dreaming. Moreover, your Phoenix Village will be over soon. Isn't taking refuge in you looking for death?"

It's not that Wang Xin doesn't cherish life, nor is it that Wang Xin and Zhang Qingshan's relationship is so good, but Ye Tian doesn't have the capital to put Wang Xin in.

It's just a casual cultivator, but the strength of Wu Huang's fifth-level, just like this, will he be a Martial Emperor's third-level surrender? This is too funny.

Wang Xin didn't feel the future of following Ye Tian.

"Trust? Haha, you have been in Qinglong Mountain for such a long time. You should know Zhang Qingshan's behavior. I don't think you will die for him as long as you are a fool." Ye Tian sneered when he heard the words, and he could see Wang Xin's thoughts at a glance, and snorted coldly: "Don't be afraid to tell you that I have a relationship with the Jiaolong clan and the human sword gate. I will go to the human sword gate soon. If you surrender to me, I can let you enter the human sword gate to practice."

Wang Xin suddenly raised his head in amazement. The Dragon Clan and Rendaomen were among the top forces in the entire Beihai, and no one knew it.

However, Wang Xin still didn't believe it. He sneered and said, "If you have this kind of background, would you still use it to mix with us?"

He didn't believe Ye Tian's words at all. The Jiaolong clan and Rendaomen were top big powers, how could people who have connections with such big powers come to places like the Haze Strait, and still join them in casual cultivation.

Moreover, Wang Xin was very clear about the status of their casual cultivators. To put it bluntly, the figures of the big powers simply look down on their casual cultivators.

"I just passed by here. If you hadn't attacked the Phoenix Village, I would have gone to the Rendaomen. [Starter] If you don't believe me, you can follow me for the time being. Anyway, you will die anyway. Is there any other loss? "Ye Tian jokingly said.

Wang Xin was taken aback for a moment, yes, anyway, he is caught by the other party now, life and death are determined by the other party, no matter how it is, it is a dead word. Let’s take a look at it for the time being. If the other party is really strong, then following the other party is also a good idea. s Choice.

After thinking about it, Wang Xin's gaze at Ye Tian didn't have that hatred. He said lightly: "Okay, I believe you for the time being, as long as you really let me enter the human swordsmanship practice, then my life is yours. ."

"Is that right? Everyone is so nice. Fighting and killing is really not what I want to do." Ye Tian laughed.

Wang Xin's face suddenly twitched, and he was so angry that he cursed inwardly, what kind of anger, look at the corpses in that place, not all of the corpses in that place were just killed by your kid, and he pretended to be pretending!

Of course, Wang Xin only dared to think about it, but didn't say anything.

After subduing Wang Xin, Ye Tian was in a good mood. He looked at the Qinglong Temple again, and asked Wang Xin who was on the side: "By the way, since you are the third master of Qinglong Mountain, you should know a lot of things. Are there any spiritual stones or treasures left?"

"If you want to rob, do you tell me!" Wang Xin despised Ye Tian when he heard the words, and then said lightly: "The casual cultivators are very poor, even if they have some spirit stones, they will be used for cultivation. The masters have a lot of spirit stones, but they all In his small world, apart from buildings, there is nothing else of value in the city."

"I knew it!" Ye Tian suddenly looked disappointed. He hated the small world for the first time. It was because the warrior had the small world that he would not put the treasure elsewhere.

What is better than putting it on yourself?

"Let's go, let's go to Phoenix Island!" Ye Tian put away Wang Xin, and his whole body soared into the sky. He stood in mid-air, holding a bleeding magic knife, as if venting, and slashing against Qinglong Mountain.

Half an hour later, the huge Qinglong Mountain became huge boulders, scattered in the sea, and there were no more lofty peaks before.

With Ye Tian's strength, it was very easy to razor a mountain that was unprotected.

"Come here for nothing!" After Ye Tian vented fiercely, his heart finally became more relaxed, and then he speeded up and hurried towards Phoenix Island.

He believed that Lin Zhiming and the others had arrived at Phoenix Island almost now, and he should be able to join the battle if he rushed back now.

From Wang Xin, Ye Tian also knew why Qinglongshan was so confident this time, because Lin Zhiming not only brought in many Wuhuang experts, but also a Wuhuang 5th-level expert who was not under Zhang Qingshan.

In this way, the advantages of Phoenix Village no longer exist, and I am afraid it can only rely on geographical advantages to resist for a period of time.

"It's really worrying..." Ye Tian sighed, increased his speed again, and flew away in the direction of Phoenix Island.


Ye Tian guessed right, the army of Lin Zhiming and Zhang Qingshan had just arrived at Phoenix Island at this moment.

Instead of attacking Phoenix Island immediately, they gathered all the warships together and built a war fort on the sea as a temporary base.

Then, Zhang Qingshan ordered to start an attack towards the port. After all, it was a warrior, not an army. There was no rule at all.

"Watch me carefully. As long as the woman and Feng Fei fly out, tell me immediately." Zhang Qingshan personally directed the war and ordered a group of his men to launch a fierce attack on the port.

These casual cultivators are all powerhouses above the Wuzong level, and everyone's moves are very brilliant. With hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators working together, Lin Zhiming is a little frightened by the terrifying power.

However, the number of loose repairs in Phoenix Village was more. They had two to three million people in the port. With the help of the guardian formation, they easily blocked the attack of Qinglong Mountain.

"Give me up together. I am going to capture Phoenix Island today. I don't want to wait another day." Upon seeing this, Lin Zhiming asked the Wu Huang from the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce to go up together.

When he thought of the treasure close to his eyes, his heart was hot, and he didn't want to wait another minute.

Seeing this, Zhang Qingshan had no choice but to follow the order so that all the martial emperors of Qinglongshan would also go up.

The threat posed by a Martial Emperor was too great. With the joining of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce and the Qinglong Mountain Martial Emperor, the guardian formation of the port was immediately precarious and was on the verge of collapse.

"Made, Zhang Qingshan is really crazy. He attacked so quickly. If this continues, even if they win, they will suffer heavy losses. Are their brains broken?"

Zhang Yuan, who was commanding the war at the port, looked anxiously at the martial emperors who were bombarding the formation, with anxious and angry heart.

"Elder, do you want to notify the village master?" A subordinate next to Zhang Yuan whispered, and the fool could see that in this situation, Zhang Yuan alone would not be able to recover.

"No, we didn't intend to defend this port. We used the formation to consume their strength before retreating to Phoenix." Zhang Yuan shook his head and snorted coldly, "Zhang Qingshan, I want to take the port. I want to make you feel better."

After all, Zhang Yuan also joined the battle, relying on the protection of the guardian formation, he alone was able to block the opponent's three or four martial emperors, which greatly increased the morale of the Phoenix Village.

In just one hour after the war broke out, tens of thousands of scattered repairers died tragically. The scarlet blood dyed the port red, which was very bright.

However, relying on the help of the guardian formation, the loss of Phoenix Village was very small. The ratio of casualties between Qinglong Mountain and Phoenix Village is one to three. This is still relying on the help of those Wuhuang strongmen on the side of Qinglong Mountain, otherwise the proportion of casualties will be even greater.

This is the geographical advantage, and Qinglong Mountain actually has this geographical advantage, so even if Phoenix Village was stronger than Qinglong Mountain, he was unwilling to attack Qinglong Mountain.

Each force will build its own base camp very solid, and it is impossible for forces of the same level to break each other's base camp.

This is the last time Phoenix Island has been tortured, otherwise it will be stronger. I am afraid that only Lin Zhiming and Zhang Qingshan will do it themselves.

"How is it? How long can you hold on?" Zhang Yuan returned after a **** battle, and asked the casual repairer on the side.

"Elder Qizi, the formation has consumed 70%, and can still hold on for an hour." The San Xiu said respectfully.

"What! So fast?" Zhang Yuan was shocked when he heard the words, but when he saw the dozens of martial emperor powerhouses attacking outside the formation, his scalp was numb, and finally he knew why the formation was destroyed so quickly.

"Give me an order to continue, hold on for another half an hour, and then we will retreat." Zhang Yuan immediately gave the order.

It was only half a day before he had to abandon the port and retreat, which made him feel uncomfortable and aggrieved.

But there is no way, there are too many martial emperors in Qinglongshan, and there are only seven or eight martial emperors on their side ~ can not stop the fierce attack of the opponent.

Moreover, Zhang Yuan expected that Zhang Qingshan would make a move in a while.

However, even though he felt aggrieved in his heart, Zhang Yuan still showed a smug smile when he saw the corpse of the Qinglong Mountain scattered on the ground outside the formation.

"This time, Qinglong Mountain probably lost about 40,000 to 50,000 casual repairs. Even if they total hundreds of thousands, this time they should be hurt." Zhang Yuan coldly snorted.

After continuing to hold on for half an hour, a group of Fenghuangzhai cultivators, led by Zhang Yuan, retreated towards Phoenix City.

Originally, it was impossible for Zhang Qingshan to let them escape so easily, but when they took advantage of the victory and pursued, the remaining formations of the entire harbor exploded together, causing Qinglongshan to lose heavily again.

"Damn it!" Zhang Qingshan yelled angrily. He watched tens of thousands of men die in the explosion just now. He didn't expect Zhang Yuan to leave this hand in the end.

Even Lin Zhiming's expression was gloomy. For the first time, he felt that this battle might not be so smooth.

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