Seven World Martial God

Chapter 463: Negotiate

"He is a young master of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce, called Lin Zhiming, whose cultivation base is at the sixth level of Emperor Wu, a little stronger than me. [For more exciting novels, please visit]" Feng Xiaoxiao said in a deep voice.

Feng Feifei and Ye Tian were shocked when they heard this.

"Zhang Qingshan has colluded with Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce to such an extent, it seems that they have made up their minds to destroy our Phoenix Village, but why did Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce do this?" Feng Feifei asked with some confusion.

Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce is a big force of the Haze Strait generation. They and Haze Strait have existed for many years. The weak Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce wants to eliminate the loose repairs in the Haze Strait. There is no need to wait. right now.

Therefore, Feng Feifei couldn't understand why Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce suddenly began to intervene in the casual repair forces in the Smog Strait.

"There must be some reason. Zhang Qingshan alone is not qualified to win the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce. Did Miss Feng hear Lin Zhiming's purpose?" Ye Tian pondered for a moment and asked.

Feng Xiaoxiao heard the words and said in deep thought: "When you said that, I remembered. When I was at war with him, he once said that as long as we withdrew from Phoenix Island, he would not kill us."

"It turned out to be like this!" Feng Feifei's eyes flashed when she heard the words, and she coldly snorted: "It seems that we have what he wants in Phoenix Island, or for other reasons.

"Could it be a vein of spirit stone? Isn't Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce in this business?" Ye Tian said suddenly.



Feng Feifei and Xiao Feng's sister replied together.

Ye Tian was taken aback for a moment.

"Young Master Ye, Phoenix Island is our base camp. We have explored it a long time ago. If there is a vein of Lingshi, where can I get them Linnan Chamber of Commerce?" Feng Feifei smiled bitterly.

"Yes, with our Wuhuang-level cultivation base, every inch of land on this Phoenix Island cannot conceal our spiritual thoughts, and nothing can be hidden at all." Feng Xiaoxiao said confidently.

Ye Tian nodded, he felt the same way, but listening to Lin Zhiming's words, it was obvious that there was something in Phoenix Island that attracted him.

"Well, Master Ye, you are also tired. Let's go and rest first. Our sisters will think carefully and see if there is anything missing." After a while, Feng Feifei politely issued an order to evict the guests.

Ye Tian didn't mind this. The two of them were sisters, and they were outsiders. There was always something he couldn't say.

"Okay, I'll go back first. If you two need help, just let Ou Sheng inform me." Ye Tian nodded, turned and left.

"Thank you Young Master Ye for your kindness!"

"Young Master Ye go slowly!"

Feng Feifei and Feng Xiaoxiao watched Ye Tian leave. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"How about? Is this kid reliable?" Feng Xiaoxiao turned his head to look at Feng Feifei, and asked in the middle of his eyes.

"It should be okay. I've inquired. He was introduced by a friend of Ou Sheng. Moreover, if he hadn't helped out this time, I'm afraid I won't die or will be seriously injured, and it's even more impossible to come back to save you." Feng Feifei said. Nodded, said.

"I didn't expect that Yu Huaxiong would betray us. This old guy is really hypocritical. I didn't even know he had this face before, hum!" Feng Xiaoxiao coldly snorted.

"Well, these are not important now. Let's discuss how to get through this crisis. Compared with Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce, I would rather face one hundred Zhang Qingshan." Feng Feifei said solemnly.

"It's difficult. Although Lin Zhiming escaped this time, their Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce has a big business. I'm afraid it will bring more powerhouses soon." Feng Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly.

Compared with Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce, their Phoenix Village can only be regarded as a little ant.

"You said, if we leave Phoenix Island and go to other places in the Haze Strait, will they let us go?" Feng Feifei asked for a moment of thought.

"Impossible, I can see that Lin Zhiming wants to unify the Smog Strait, and he wants us to do things for him." Feng Xiaoxiao shook his head.

"Damn it! It's a big deal to fight with him!" Feng Feifei was full of anger when she heard the words, she didn't want to work under Lin Zhiming, depending on the face.

"Calm down, our decision is about the life and death of hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators in Phoenix Village." Feng Xiaoxiao drank.


When the two sisters Feng Feifei secretly discussed, Ye Tian had already returned to the residence.

Ou Sheng and Zhou Long hadn't rushed back to Phoenix Island. The casual practitioners of Phoenix Village, under the leadership of the elders, were rushing to repair the formation of Phoenix City.

Everyone was busy, and the joy of victory quickly disappeared. The huge loss, the corpses of casual repairs, and the countless blood made the casual repairs silent.

Even if they defeated the enemy this time, the price they paid was very high. Only the Wuhuang-level elders died.

In addition, the deaths of the three elders Yu Huaxiong, Luo Hai and Zhang Qinfei.

The entire Phoenix Village was almost weakened by a half.

"I am afraid that there will be a strong man at the level of King Wanwu who has fallen in this battle." Ye Tian retracted his gaze and sighed.

The death of King Wanwu is hard to imagine in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, but it is very common in the Sea of ​​Three Swords.

Sometimes, Emperor Wu fell a lot.

The degree of danger here is far higher than the eighteen countries of the North Sea. Compared with the cruelty here, the eighteen countries of the North Sea are simply heaven.

"Everything is strength. Without strength, you can't protect yourself here, let alone protect others." Ye Tian took a deep breath, walked into the house, and began to refining those high-grade spirit stones.

Intuition tells him that the battle is not over yet, Lin Zhiming will lead the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce to kill again sooner or later.

During this period, only by increasing strength can we have the confidence of self-protection.

Fortunately, he gained a lot this time. Not only did his cultivation level rise to the eighth level of King Wu, there are more than 10,000 high-grade spirit stones left, enough for him to raise his cultivation base to the ninth level of King Wu.

Once he reached the ninth level of the King of Wu, Ye Tian was sure to defeat the powerhouse at the sixth level of the King of Wu.



"Waste, all waste!"

In Qinglong Mountain, in a large hall, Lin Zhiming shouted angrily.

Around, the elders of Qinglong Mountain and the strong men of Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce did not dare to speak, all of them were frightened.

For a while, after Lin Zhiming vented for a while, a casual practitioner came in and reported: "Good news, the master is back."

But what made this casual Xiu strange was that everyone in the hall looked at him like an idiot.

"What's the matter?" The celebrity couldn't help but touched his head, his face full of confusion.

"Zhang Qingshan is back?"

Above the main hall, Lin Zhiming suddenly turned his head to look at the casual cultivator, a true essence palm condensed out of thin air, and grabbed the casual cultivator.

"Let Zhang Qingshan roll in for me!" Lin Zhiming roared, and threw that casual repair out, hundreds of feet away.

"Young Master Lin, what caused you to make such a big fire?" At this moment, a loud laugh came, followed by a slightly embarrassed Zhang Qingshan stepping into the sky.

Lin Zhiming stared at Zhang Qingshan fiercely when he heard the words, and roared: "It's not you, this trash. If it weren't for your failure, I would have wiped out the Phoenix Village if Feng Feifei had come back early."

Zhang Qingshan was stunned by Lin Zhiming's roar, and only after a long time he reacted. He murmured: "This...this is indeed Zhang's fault, but with Young Master Lin's strength, it can be used against a Phoenix Village without Feng Feifei. Such a long time?"

Zhang Qingshan was really puzzled. He thought that Lin Zhiming had already led someone to destroy the Phoenix Village. He didn't expect to hear Lin Zhiming's roar before he was excited.

"That's why I said that you are a trash. You have been in the Smog Strait for so many years, and you don't know that there is a sixth-level Wuhuang strong hidden in the Phoenix Village. I really don't understand why the Phoenix Village did not kill you. "Lin Zhiming sneered.

"What? Wuhuang sixth level! This is impossible"

Zhang Qingshan was shocked when he heard this, with a face full of disbelief.

"You ask them, if it weren’t for the sixth-level martial emperor to stop him, how could Phoenix Village wait until Feng Feifei came back? And, even if there is a sixth-level martial emperor, I’m not afraid, but no I thought that Feng Feifei returned when we broke through the Phoenix formation." Lin Zhiming said coldly.

Zhang Qingshan looked at the elders of Qinglong Mountain with questioning eyes. Those elders were his old men, so naturally they would not lie to him.

"The master, that Wuhuang 6th rank powerhouse is a woman with crippled legs. She looks a bit similar to Feng Feifei. She is probably a sister." A Qinglong Mountain elder replied.

"Feng Feifei actually has an older sister?" Zhang Qingshan was surprised, "I have been in the Haze Strait for so many years, but I have never heard of it."

After that, Zhang Qingshan looked at Lin Zhiming apologetically, and said, "Master Lin, it is true that my information is wrong, but even Yu Huaxiong doesn't know this news. I am afraid that only Feng Feifei is known in Phoenix Village."

"I don't want to hear you apologize, you will immediately arrange for me to continue to attack Phoenix Island in a this time you can hold Feng Feifei to me, and give it to the sixth-level martial artist I, don't make mistakes for me again." Lin Zhiming said coldly.

"Young Master Lin, don't worry. Feng Feifei and I are old opponents. It's not a problem to contain her. However, there is a strong person on the Phoenix Village, we need to pay attention to it." Zhang Qingshan nodded, and then said Ye Tian's news. come out.

"Ye Tian? Is that the kid? It's really not bad. I will mobilize another Wuhuang fifth-level powerhouse. This is my last card. After all, my brothers are not fools. If you mobilize the manpower If there are too many, this matter will be exposed. Even if Phoenix Island is destroyed by then, we will not get much benefit." Lin Zhiming groaned.

"Young Master Lin, don't worry, as long as you add a fifth-level Wuhuang expert, the Phoenix Village will undoubtedly be destroyed. I don't believe in Feng Feifei and the second sister." Zhang Qingshan said confidently.

"hope so!"

Lin Zhiming nodded, but he still had a bad instinct in his heart, and he felt that the next battle might not go well.

"A small casual cultivator, I don't believe it can stop me Lin Zhiming, this time I must succeed." Lin Zhiming thought secretly.

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