Seven World Martial God

Chapter 450: Windfall

After bringing the Seven Princes and others into the small world, Ye Tian turned his eyes to the group of hesitant miners, and said coldly: "How about? Are you going to stay here?"

A group of miners looked at each other and didn't speak for a while. They didn't dare to choose casually. Once they chose the wrong one, it would be a dead end. 【First Release】

Tong Liang ran up to Ye Tian and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, you still lack a cup of tea and water, so take me away."

As soon as his words fell, some of the miners couldn't help but brighten their eyes, looking at Ye Tian thoughtfully.

Ye Tian looked at Tong Liang and smiled slightly: "You can take you away, but from now on, you will do things for me."

"It's an honor to follow Brother Ye!" Tong Liang replied without even thinking about it. It's better to follow Ye Tian instead of staying here. During this time of getting along, he knew very well that Ye Tian was not that kind of impulsive person. Once he decided to leave here, he must be absolutely sure.

"Very good!" Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and then Tong Liang was taken into the small world.

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother Ye, we are willing to follow you too!"

"Brother Ye, you can't leave us behind!"

Upon seeing this, Tong Liang's little brothers also shouted one after another, looking at Ye Tian bitterly.

"Okay!" Ye Tian gathered them into the small world together, then he glanced at the miners and walked outside.

Suddenly, some of the miners were in a hurry and hurriedly followed, shouting one after another: "Brother Ye, we are willing to follow you too!"

A full one-third of the miners, including the two Wuwang 7th-level experts, all chose to follow Ye Tian.

"This is your own choice. I don't know how to do good deeds. If you follow me, you will do things for me." Ye Tian looked at these people lightly.

No one objected. Since they decided to follow Ye Tian, ​​they naturally knew their future path.

As for the other two-thirds, they hesitated a bit and had no choice. They didn't suddenly feel regretful until Ye Tian's back disappeared from their sight.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world, they are destined to pay the price for their choice.

"Now there is no shortage of manpower!"

While Ye Tian rushed towards the first mining area, the Seventh Prince and others talked.

"Brother Sun, you..." Seeing Sun Yun's miserable appearance, the seventh prince and the others immediately moistened their eyes, clenched their fists one by one, their eyes flushed.

Sun Yun didn't seem to care. He released his true essence and condensed two giant hands of true essence in mid-air. He laughed and said: "Look at you bears, what are you nervous, don't you lose both arms? With my current Cultivation base, it makes no difference whether you have hands or feet. [Starter]"

For a Wuwang strong man, losing his arms did not weaken his combat effectiveness, at best it was a bit ugly.

However, in any case, it is somewhat inconvenient.

The Seventh Prince and the others did not speak, one by one clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and had a lot of hatred on their faces.

"Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, I remember!" The Seventh Prince roared, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Don't make me stronger, or I will destroy the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce sooner or later!"

"You must kill the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce and avenge Xiaomei!"

All the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai were full of hatred.

Ye Tian waited for them to vent for a while before he said: "I just conquered more than 400 miners, most of whom were above the rank of King Wu. I decided to establish a force in Sandaohai as our eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea. A stronghold in the Sea of ​​Three Swords, it is convenient for the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea to enter the Sea of ​​Three Swords in the future.

Hearing Ye Tian’s voice, Sun Yun was the first to react, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Good idea, if someone familiar with Sandaohai leads the coming Beihai Eighteen Kingdoms warriors, then the danger they will encounter will be A lot less."

"Not only that, if we grow stronger in the future, then our warriors from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea will be able to experience safely in the Three Swords Sea." The Seventh Prince's eyes lit up and he instantly understood the reason for Ye Tian's establishment.

"But there are a lot of Emperor Sandaohaiwu, and Emperor Wu doesn't know how many. Can we stand here alone?" Someone worried.

"I know one of the three major forces in the Sea of ​​Three Swords, the young master of the Sect of Swords, I can ask him for help, let you join Sect of Swords," Ye Tian said.

"Good idea, as long as a few of us have high-level positions in the Rendaomen, then we can help the warriors of the other Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea gain a foothold in the Three Swords Sea." Seven Prince's eyes flashed and nodded.

"For us, it's enough to worship the sword."

"My goal is not high. It's enough to become a martial emperor. I just need to practice in the human swordsman. I don't need to go to the Chinese mainland."

"Yes, our group of inferior kings and windless people are enough for us to cultivate and improve in the Sea of ​​Three Swords. There is no need to venture into the mainland of China."


A group of warriors from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea nodded one after another. They have self-knowledge and know their talents, and they are enough to cultivate in the Three Swords Sea.

Besides, there are countless martial emperors with swordsmen, and there are many emperors. This kind of martial arts is enough to make the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea look up and let him enter into it.

Soon after, Ye Tian passed through the dark passages and finally came to the first mining area.

At the gate of the first mining area, Ye Tian suddenly saw a woman with fluttering hair, who was hung upside down on a rope. She had already lost her life, and the blood left behind along her clothes had solidified.


The ground under Ye Tian's feet was cracked, his eyes were red, and the killing intent was surging, like the waves in the sea, flooding the entire space.


"Boy, who are you?"

"What are you doing?"


More than a dozen warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce who were guarding here suddenly felt Ye Tian's majestic killing intent, and they were shocked and could not help shouting.

"Damn you!" Ye Tian said word by word, his icy eyes filled with shocking killing intent.


There was no unnecessary nonsense, Ye Tian was so angry that the whole person turned into a blazing thunder and lightning, terrifying power, enveloped the entire space, and there was the sound of lightning and thunder everywhere.

The dozen or so guards of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce had no resistance at all, and they were killed by Ye Tian's thunder and lightning.

The entrance of the entire No. 1 mining area was scorched black. Ye Tian seemed to be a Thor, with cold eyes and angry flames, so that all the miners in the No. 1 mining area did not dare to breathe, and they were all shocked.

They didn't react until Ye Tian left, and suddenly exclaimed.


In Ye Tian's small world, Sun Yun and the others all looked at the corpse sent in by Ye Tian, ​​each one clenched their fists, their eyes were red, and they could not speak.

"I will never forget this hatred!" After a long time, Sun Yun took a deep breath and said firmly.

The seventh prince took off his robe and covered her. He raised his head and said coldly: "Indestructible Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, I will never return to the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai!"

The other warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were also full of firmness and hatred in their eyes.

"I have lost my arms, so I am not suitable for practicing outside. After I leave here, I will send her back to the Eighteen Countries of Beihai, so that she can't even return to her hometown." Sun Yun said with red eyes.

Everyone was silent, although they knew this was a dangerous martial art road, but when they really faced this moment, they were still somewhat unacceptable.

A living companion was tortured and committed suicide right in front of them, but they were helpless.

All of this is strength, and if they have strong strength, this kind of thing will not happen.

"I must become stronger!"

At this moment, the hearts of the Seven Prince, Sun Yun and others were full of desire for strength.

Outside, Ye Tian retracted his will to visit, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "With this excitement, coupled with their talents, in the future, they will be the worst emperor."

Ye Tian has this self-confidence. You must know that these people are the top young talents of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, and their talents are not weaker than those of Sandaohai, but they lack cultivation resources.

As long as they join the Human Blade Sect, they will have cultivation resources, and they will definitely explode one by one and become a powerful person.

Especially the Seven Princes, this was the genius who was able to compete with Ye Tian back then, even though it is much different now, it is extraordinary.

If Sun Yun was to be promoted to King Wu when he had a big opportunity between life and death.

Then the seventh prince was promoted to the realm of the Martial King based on his talent. If he were given the same resources, he would be able to become the Martial King in a few decades.

"The only thing I can do for you is to lead the way. If you want to become stronger, you still have to rely on yourself!" Ye Tian thought secretly, and then his eyes became cold and he radiated his will, peeking in all directions.

Every so long, Ye Tian's eyes lit up and his face was full of excitement: "Very well, I didn't expect that they stored so many spirit stones, it just happened to be cheap to me."

After all, Ye Tian turned into an electric light and disappeared into the dark passage.

Under the scrutiny of the huge will, Ye Tian quickly found the place where the spirit stones were stored in the three major mining areas. This was the residence of one of the martial emperors, who was usually guarded by heavy soldiers.

However, without the three great martial emperors ~ ~ these heavy soldiers could not stop Ye Tian at all.

There were more than a dozen half-step martial emperors, as well as powerful men above the seventh or eighth level.

The tens of thousands of spirit stones were stained with a layer of blood, and they looked very strange.

"More than 1,300!" Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and under his will scan, he instantly found that among the tens of thousands of spiritual stones, there were more than 1,300 high-grade spiritual stones.

As for the remaining middle-grade and lower-grade spirit stones, Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to it, and directly accepted it into the small world.

"It's developed now. After this time I leave, I will practice in retreat. These spirit stones are enough to raise my cultivation to the seventh or eighth rank of King Wu." Ye Tian was full of excitement and excitement.

He comprehended a part of the profound meanings of heaven and earth in Longdao, and controlled a total of the power of heaven and earth.

The realm is enough, so the poor is the cultivation base, but as long as you have these spirit stones, then with Ye Tian's talent and the effect of devouring the martial soul, it is enough to raise the cultivation base in a short time.

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