Seven World Martial God

Chapter 446: Darkness

After Ye Tian's flicker, Guanshi Wang agreed to let the Seven Prince and the others be exhausted from mining. [More exciting novels, please visit]

No, Guan Shi turned to the Seventh Prince and the others and said: "Hey, are you still angry? You should have heard what you said just now. Either mine me obediently, or die now."

At this moment, Ye Tian stood behind Wang Guanshi and gave the seventh prince a look secretly. The seventh prince took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​but he asked Wang Guanji because he was looking at him.

"What are you looking at!" Guan Shi glared at the seventh prince, and then said gloomily: "That's right, I didn't expect you to be promoted to the realm of King Martial Arts, but at the first level of King Martial Arts, I can pinch you to death with one hand. "

Among the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, only the Seventh Prince who was promoted to the realm of King Wu could remain sober. The others had already been tortured and numb, only gasping.

The seventh prince glared at Guan Shi with an angry face and roared ferociously: "Impossible! We will not do anything for you if we die!"

He couldn't agree to be so refreshing. After all, mining exhaustion is very detrimental to them. If this can be agreed, then it will be easy for Wang Guanshi to guess that he and Ye Tian are tricky. After all, these people are not fools or idiots.

"Really?" Guan Shi coldly snorted, and now he is completely relieved. If Ye Tian is related to these people, then the Seventh Prince must have agreed long ago.

He didn't notice, Ye Tian, ​​who was behind him, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Seventh Prince understood his meaning.

"It's not easy to want to die. I advise you to be obedient. Maybe one day the adults are in a good mood, they will let you go." Guan Shi said with a smile.

"Bah!" The seventh prince spouted at Wang Guanshi, but it was a pity that Wang Guanshi, as a half-step martial emperor, would let this drool be close to him, easily blocked by his exogenous Zhenyuan.

"What an iron man, but such a person will die more miserably!" Wang Guanshi smiled gloomily, his face full of murderous intent, he was ready to kill the chicken and the monkey.

Ye Tian obviously sensed Guanshi Wang's killing intent and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Brother Wang, or leave these people to me, I have a way to make them obedient."

"Oh?" Guanshi Wang squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tian for a while. Ye Tian looked respectful, nothing unusual.

"Okay, you go try it!" Guanshi Wang said lightly, he wanted to see Ye Tian solve these tough people like this.

"Big Brother Wang, wait a moment." Ye Tian smiled slightly, then walked to the Seventh Prince, winked at him, and said coldly: "I advise you to be obedient, otherwise you can just let me do it. No regrets..."

"Bah!" The Seventh Prince spit out at Ye Tian.

"Looking for death!" Ye Tian was furious and blasted out with a punch. The powerful Zhen Yuan, even with the saliva, smashed onto the Seven Prince. (Starting)

The seventh prince was hit hard and spewed a mouthful of blood, but he still had a grim face and laughed: "I want me to do things for you... dream!"

Guan Shi frowned and joked with a smile, "It looks like you can't do it, Brother Ye!"

"Brother Wang, don't worry, I just warned him, since he is disobedient, hum!" After Ye Tian hummed coldly, he called Tong Liang and said something in his ear.

Tong Liang's eyes lit up, and he ran back, and found two younger brothers.

Guanshi Wang watched with interest. He wanted to know what exactly Ye Tian used to conquer these prisoners.

The Seventh Prince looked at him coldly, his face full of disdain.

"How about? Are you going to be hard-pressed?" Ye Tian stared at the seventh prince coldly, and the seventh prince still responded with a mocking smile.

"Humph!" Ye Tian snorted, pointing at the two miners brought by Tong Liang, and smiling at Guan Shi on the side: "Brother Wang, do you know? They have a special hobby, you can guess it is What hobbies?"

"What hobby?" Guan Shi glanced at the two miners and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Like men!" Ye Tian said with a smile.

"What!" Guan Shi was taken aback, almost spitting out, he glanced at the two miners next to him, and quickly avoided himself with a look of disgust.

The two miners looked trembling, and they did not dare to gasp.

"What did you bring them for?" Guan Shi stared at Ye Tian. He felt sick to death. He had heard of this kind of Brokeback Mountain, but he didn't expect that there were such people in his mining area.

"Hehe!" Ye Tian smiled lightly, did not reply, but looked at the seventh prince and sneered: "Did you hear that too? Either obediently mine for us, or I will give you to them to play. Hehe, You don’t know, they have a lot of tricks to make you very comfortable, tut!"

Guan Shi on the side was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and he got goose bumps, but in his heart he had guessed Ye Tian's method.

"You..." The seventh prince also widened his eyes, but immediately followed by anger, as well as panic, worry, and fear.

"Give you ten breaths of time to consider, one...two..." Ye Tian said coldly.


"I... I promise!" The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to cut Ye Tian a thousand swords, full of endless hatred.

"That's good!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, and then smiled at Guanshi Wang: "Brother Wang, look, this is not the case."

"These guys are handed over to you." Guanshi Wang waved his hand. He was very satisfied with the result, but when he saw the two miners next to him, he was extremely sick. After giving these prisoners to Ye Tian, ​​he left quickly.

Ye Tian watched Wang Guanshi leave, and then smiled hippiely to the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce and said: "Brothers, please give them a treatment, otherwise they can't even go, how can they mine."

Several warriors from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce looked at Ye Tian, ​​and then glanced at the two miners on the side. They suddenly felt that the chrysanthemum tightened, and quickly nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother Ye, we will do it right away."

"Thank you!" Ye Tian said with a smile.

The warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce are all powerhouses above Wuwang's seventh level.

In a short while, some of the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea opened their eyes and recovered some strength.

"Several elder brothers are fine. You don't need to waste real yuan on these garbage, just walk around, and let them recover the rest." Ye Tianzhuang said pretentiously.

Several warriors from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce gave up after hearing this.

At this time, a warrior from the Eighteen Nations of the North Sea saw Ye Tian, ​​his eyes widened suddenly, and he was about to speak.


Ye Tian kicked him down and snorted coldly, "You all listen to me. From now on, you will dig well for me. Otherwise, I will hand you over to them. They love men very much. Yes, I will take care of you."

The warriors who dared to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were not stupid. When they heard Ye Tian's words and then looked at the situation in the field, they were completely surprised.

One by one, they were horrified and panicked. They all looked at the Seven Prince without speaking.

"If there is another life, I will definitely let you cut through a thousand swords!" The Seventh Prince said coldly to Ye Tian.

"I'm afraid you don't have that opportunity." Ye Tian sneered, and he said to his heart that you can fulfill this wish in this life.

The seventh prince knew in his heart, and with a cold snort, he followed Ye Tian with a group of warriors from the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

"Are the big brothers together?" Ye Tian said to the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

"No, Brother Ye is here, they can still escape with this little cultivation base." The warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce shook their heads quickly, and they couldn't wait to leave now, and they felt chrysanthemum crunch when staying here longer.

"Those big brothers go slowly." Ye Tian said with a smile.

After the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce left, Tong Liang brought a group of men to greet him, and said with a smile: "As expected of Brother Ye, he was promoted as soon as he came in, really an idol of my generation..."

"Okay, stop flattering and go back with me." Ye Tian waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Yes, yes!" Tong Liang nodded again and again, then seemed to think of something, pointing to the still dumbfounded miners and asked: "Brother Ye, what about these guys?"

"Let them go back together." Ye Tian hummed coldly.

He is now the foreman, the leader of this group of miners, and he can naturally order them.

The miners all saw that Ye Tian and Guanshi Wang called brothers and sisters, so naturally they didn't dare not obey Ye Tian's orders, and one by one followed him back tremblingly.

After Ye Tian and the others left, two figures walked out in the darkness not far away.

One is Wuhuang in black, and the other is Wang Guanshi.

"What do you think of this kid?" Wu Huang in black asked lightly.

"Smart, cautious, clever, and ambition, worth training." Guanshi Wang looked admired.

"Very well, if this plan can help us increase a lot of mining miners, then you and this kid will enter the core of the Chamber of Commerce and get key training." Wuhuang Wuhuang nodded and disappeared into the darkness.

"What a lucky kid!" Guanshi Wang was full of excitement, and then he sighed. This time he was able to use Ye Tian's wind to have the opportunity to enter the core of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce and have the opportunity to be promoted to the realm of Emperor Wu.

However, what made him jealous was that Ye Tian could enter the core of the Chamber of Commerce soon after he arrived, and it seemed that the black-clothed Wuhuang held Ye Tian very seriously.

"This kid's future achievements may be higher than mine. Before he enters the, get in touch with him." Guanshi Wang thought secretly.

In his mind, Ye Tian will soon be able to enter the core of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and then get a key training. In the future, Feihuang Tengda will not be a problem.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Ye Tian, ​​who he valued, was considering how to leave here.

Bringing a group of people back to the third mining area, Ye Tian sent the others, and then ordered the Seven Prince and the others to mine. He took a whip and left a scar on the Seven Prince and the others from time to time.

"How about? Are your injuries okay? Are there any other companions? Just you?" Ye Tian asked everyone secretly.

"We're all right, we can't die from this injury, but..." The Seventh Prince shook his head, and then fell silent.

Ye Tian looked at the other people, and the others were silent, all with sadness and resentment on their faces.

"Thirty-four? No, a total of thirty-six of us left the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, and now I am only thirty-five, and one more person?" Ye Tian told Sun Yun the number of Prince Qi and others, and Sun Yun suddenly I'm in a hurry.

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