Seven World Martial God

Chapter 435: Ancestors

The wind and clouds are dancing, thunder and lightning strikes, and the chaotic void is full of terrifying coercion. (Starting)

In the eyes of everyone, a huge flood dragon that was a hundred times larger than the entire Ascension Road, condensed from the void, filled the entire sky, lying in a sea of ​​thunder.

This stalwart body is shocking, including Ye Tian and Dragon Sovereign, all the people on Long Dao feel their souls trembling.

so horrible.

"Even Master, his old man doesn't have such a terrifying aura. Is this a Valkyrie?" Ye Tian's face was pale, and the eyes of the giant dragon were staring at him.

No terrible pressure fell on him, it was obvious that the dragon had converged, but Ye Tian still felt his legs trembling, and almost couldn't help kneeling down.

Just a little bit of aura released by that giant dragon shattered the surrounding void, like the power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, surging in the void.

Ye Tian vowed that, apart from the unfathomable guardian elder, this should be the strongest he has ever seen.

However, this giant dragon is only condensed from spiritual consciousness, not the body, I am afraid it is either dead or not here.

"No, it should be dead!" Ye Tian suddenly caught a glimpse of the Dragon Clan's child who was kneeling down below, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and his heart instantly understood.

Such a terrifying flood dragon, besides one of the two ancestors of the flood dragon clan, who else could there be?

"It's no wonder that there is such a powerful power, it turned out to be a martial arts peak powerhouse!" Ye Tian was shocked.

Not long after the blood demon sword sage was promoted to the martial sage, his strength naturally could not be compared with the powerhouse of this kind of martial sage peak, and the ancestor of the dragon clan was still a martial sage of the ancient times.

It has to be said that the martial sage of the ancient times, because of the guidance of the martial **** powerhouse, is generally better than the current martial sage.

What's more, it is a super powerhouse at the peak of Martial Saint, looking at the entire continent of China, there are few opponents.

"It turned out to be the ancestor!"

In the palace, all the elders of the Jiaolong clan, including Dragon Emperor, knelt on the ground respectfully and bowed in the direction of Shenglong Road.

They were very shocked, the ancestors fell in the ancient times, they did not know that there was a trace of spiritual knowledge of the ancestors in the ascending dragon road.

If it weren't for Ye Tian to ascend the Dragon Road correctly today, awakening this silk spiritual sense, I am afraid that this silk spiritual sense would dissipate until the endless years passed, and they would never see the present scene again.


At this moment, including the several Jiaolong clan elders who questioned Ye Tian's entry into the Dragon Tomb, they were all grateful to Ye Tian. 【First Release】

"Old ancestors!"

"Long live the ancestors!"

Below the Ascension Road, countless children of the Dragon Clan bowed to the ground.

Above the Ascending Dragon Road, the children of the Dragon Clan who were climbing also knelt on the ground, looking respectfully and fanatically at the huge body in the sky.

That was the ancestors, they saw it for the first time in their lives.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would have such a chance. If Long Prince knew that I was so close to the ancestor, he would be a bit jealous." Above Shenglong Road, the blond boy was full of excitement and his excited body trembled.

He felt that he finally had a place to surpass Prince Long.

"This saint son is really amazing. According to the rules of our Jiaolong clan, I have the opportunity to become a member of the saint son's guard. I will choose to follow this saint son when that happens. Hey, count it, the dragon prince is eligible to inherit the old man. The ancestor’s last wish became the mountain guardian spirit beast of the Nine Heavens Palace. However, with his pride, I am afraid that he would not be willing to surrender to others. It is best to be severely taught by the Holy Child when he does not get it. "The blond boy thought secretly.

Seeing the scene of Ye Tiandeng ascending the Dragon Road, even if Long Prince had already been promoted to the realm of Emperor Wu, the blond boy still thought that Ye Tian would win.

Either the Nine Heavens Palace does not give birth to the Son, once the Son is born, it is definitely the pinnacle genius in the world.

This point, the Jiaolong clan is convinced that they do not believe in Ye Tian, ​​but in the choice of the guardian elder.

The gaze of a titled Martial Saint saw not only the present, but also the future.

No one dared to question the choice of the guardian elder.

"I don't know what treasure the old ancestor will give to the holy son?" The blond boy looked at the top of the mountain expectantly, and the old ancestor showed up in person, so the treasures given are naturally extraordinary, absolutely more than the dragon prince and everyone.

However, he didn't know that Ye Tian was very nervous now.

Facing a super strong man at the peak of Martial Saint, even if the strong man has fallen, the huge dragon still made him feel shocked.

What's more, this is the place of the Jiaolong clan, this is the place that this strong man left for future generations to hone, but it made him, an outsider, reach the top.

Changing to Ye Tian, ​​I'm afraid he doesn't have much good impression of this person who climbed the top.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Just as Ye Tian was worried, a loud voice sounded directly in his soul, making his whole body tremble.

Sure enough, the ancestors of the Jiaolong clan discovered Ye Tian's identity all at once, so he was a little confused.

Ye Tian looked up, and he saw the cold light shining in those two huge eyes, without the slightest emotion.

This is a trace of spiritual knowledge of the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe, and naturally does not contain any emotions. To be precise, he is just a puppet left by the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe, and is only responsible for completing the tasks assigned by the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe.

"Junior Ye Tian, ​​this generation of Tai Chi Sacred Son, I have seen seniors!" Ye Tian bowed respectfully. He was a little nervous, hoping that the ancestor of the Flood Dragon Clan would still remember the existence of the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Tai Chi Sacred Palace..." The ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe's pupils shrank, and he suddenly lowered his head and looked in the direction of Longdao Palace.

In the main hall, the dragon emperor's body shook, then his face flushed, nodding excitedly, and said something to the void.

When the elders of the Jiaolong clan saw this scene, they suddenly guessed that the ancestors were talking to the Dragon Sovereign, and they were immediately envious.

It was the elder of the Jiaolong clan, who was usually calm and windy. At this time, he was shocked and jealous of the Dragon Emperor. That was the ancestor. It was worthy of death to be able to say a word to the ancestor.

At the peak of Shenglong Dao, the ancestor of the Dragon Clan nodded and looked at Ye Tian again.

Although Ye Tian's face was equally tense, he had calmed down at this time, his body no longer trembling, but he looked at the ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe with a little nervousness.

I don't know if this ancient martial sage will talk about the favor of the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Yes, it's no wonder that I found a breath of Tai Chi Holy Palace in you, but this is the first time I have seen a holy son like you who is so poorly cultivated and not talented." The ancestor of the dragon clan next The words made Ye Tianlao blush and ashamed.

Isn't it true? The Nine Heavens Palace in the ancient times, no matter which palace came out of the Saint Son, are the top figures of the entire Shenzhou Continent.

Regarding the cultivation base alone, the lowest is the Wu Zun level, and they are all super powers who can leapfrog and defeat Wu Sheng.

A second-level martial artist like Ye Tian is probably the worst saint son in the history of the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Unexpectedly, the Beihai Holy Land in the past has now fallen to this level, alas!" the ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe exclaimed, his tone full of sadness.

"Well, I originally wanted to pass on the inheritance to my younger generations, but since you come from the Nine Heavens Palace, you are also eligible to inherit my faculty."

The body of the ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe flickered and flickered, as if it was about to disappear.

"It seems that his spiritual sense has existed for too long, and won't last long." Ye Tian was secretly excited.

In fact, if this spiritual sense can persist for a long time, then the ancestors of the Dragon Clan will definitely not pass it on to Ye Tian, ​​after all, he is going to leave it to future generations.

But now, the descendants are not filial, no one can meet his requirements, and he has no time to wait, so he can only make Ye Tian cheaper.

"If you want to become a martial sage, you have to go to the extreme in a certain way. One of my personal cultivation is above the thunder and lightning." The ancestors of the Jiaolong clan said, the entire sky shattered, a huge group of purple green Thunder sea appeared above the sky.

Rumble...A series of terrifying lightning strikes in the void, and the power of each blow is enough to destroy the entire Dragon Island and make the soul tremble.

Ye Tian was so excited that the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe were actually going to pass on his thunder and lightning skills. This is a great opportunity!

No matter how powerful the Blood Demon Blade Sage is, it can't compare to the peak martial sage of the ancient times!

"The amount of thunder and the sun is one of the most powerful forces between heaven and earth. But also because of its overbearing attributes, it often hurts yourself first and then others. If you can't withstand the bombardment of thunder and lightning, Then it's not worthy to control such power." The ancestor of the Jiaolong clan suddenly looked at Ye Tian, ​​and a blazing divine light bloomed in his eyes.

Ye Tian took a deep breath and said loudly, "Don't worry, seniors, juniors will not disappoint you!"

"Then accept my inheritance!" The ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe nodded, at least the courage of the Saint Child of the Nine Heavens Palace has met his requirements.

"The choice of the guardian elder shouldn't be so unbearable!" The ancestor of the Jiaolong clan thought in his heart. He also worried that Ye Tian could not stand the thunder and lightning and would be destroyed directly. The guardian elder would probably be mad with anger.

After all, he also knew that the guardian elders came from the Tai Chi Sacred Palace, so he naturally cared more about the Son of Tai Chi Sacred Palace.


The huge thunder sea boiled, making the entire void turbulent, and a devastating atmosphere exuded above the sky, as if the end of the world had come Tian's body was touched by a mysterious force, Float slowly.

He walked out into the thunder sea.

"Ah..." Ye Tian exclaimed, the thunder and lightning filled with thunder and lightning are enough to destroy the general martial arts powerhouse, so how can his little martial king second level bear it.

However, there is no turning back now. He can only gritted his teeth and thought to himself: "The ancestors of the Dragon Clan shouldn't kill me!"

Before he could finish thinking about it, a group of purple thunder and lightning slashed at him, slashing the pitch black, his whole clothes melted, and his hair melted.

Ye Tian instantly became a bald head, still naked, floating in the sky, being watched by the entire Dragon Island.

"Damn! I'm so embarrassed!" Ye Tian glanced at the Jiaolong Clan's child who looked up at him, and quickly covered it with his hands.

In fact, Ye Tian didn't need to worry, because a series of terrifying thunder and lightning struck him from the thunder sea in the sky, as if it was raining densely.

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