Seven World Martial God

Chapter 427: Mystery portal

After the banquet, Dalin County returned to calm, and all the warriors left here, most of them went back to retreat. 【First Release】(First Release)

This time, Ye Tian's preaching has benefited a lot, even if more than a dozen country leaders have to retreat and digest.

Yan Haotian, King Shenwu and many other friends also left Yecheng, and they also needed to retreat for some time.

Among the people, the only one who is free is Ye Tian. He has been promoted to the realm of King Wu, with a hundred small worlds of great perfection, and his cultivation is earth-shaking. It is difficult to improve in a short time, so he does not need to retreat.

Moreover, Ye Tian's strength is strong, and his realm is advanced. It is very simple for him to improve his cultivation base. He only needs to find some treasures that increase his cultivation base, or treasures that enhance his martial arts will.

However, this kind of treasure is so scarce that the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea cannot find it at all, and can only be found after he leaves the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

However, Ye Tian didn't stay idle all the time. He took the opportunity to accompany his parents and family, as well as Mu Bingxue's three daughters.

A few months later, Yan Haotian left the customs, led a group of great Yan Nation powerhouses, and began to return to the Great Yan Nation, preparing to rebuild the Great Yan Nation.

Some of Yecheng also followed back.

Originally, Yecheng's people were all going to go back. After all, this place originally belonged to the land of Dajiang Country, so it was not very beautiful for them to occupy it.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not overpower others with a strong force.

However, the royal power of Dajiang Country sent representatives to let Ye Cheng's people stay, and they were willing to dedicate this city to Ye Family.

This was obviously to win over Ye Tian. The Ye family discussed this and decided to keep some of them and use Yecheng as the second base of the Ye family.

Ye Tian had already stopped managing the Ye Family's affairs, and had no opinion about it. Anyway, this matter was beneficial to Ye Family but not harmful.

Ye Tian didn't go back with the large group this time. He went to the death swamp alone, and then re-entered the golden palace left by the Blood Demon Blade Lord.

In the quiet secret room, the portrait of the Blood Demon Sword Saint was still hung on the wall. When Ye Tian worshipped for three times, a familiar sigh sounded.

"Sure enough, you still went this way!"

The portrait is shining brightly, and a ghost flashes.

In the void in front of him, there appeared a middle-aged man wearing a **** robe, his eyes were extremely deep, and his eyes were twinkling with dazzling stars.

The Blood Demon Blade Saint looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes, sighing and gratifying.

"Master!" Ye Tian bowed respectfully. When I came here this time, one was to tell the Blood Demon Blade Saint that he was going to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, and the other was to ask this martial-sage master On the issue of cultivation. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Since you have chosen this path, you won't say much about being a teacher. You haven't walked this path as a teacher, and few people walked. So you don't have much experience. You can only rely on yourself for everything." Dao Sheng looked at Ye Tian deeply and said. ‘

"Yes!" Ye Tian nodded, he had been prepared for this since he chose this path.

Ye Tian suddenly thought of what a literary master said in his previous life: There is no way in the world, and there is a way if there are more people walking.

"The road is under my feet, and where my feet are, it is my road!" Ye Tian's eyes were firm, his eyes throbbed with bright lights, and he was very confident.

The Blood Demon Blade Saint nodded in appreciation and said: "Yes, this time you meet, your soul is finally perfect, and your mood is complete. This is the basis for becoming a strong man."

"By the way, how are you doing in the Nine Heavens Palace?" Blood Demon Blade Saint asked expectantly.

"Master, I have become the saint son of Taiji Sacred Palace!" Ye Tian said hesitantly. After all, he is a disciple of Blood Demon Sage Sage, but now he has become a disciple of Nine Heavens Palace.

The Blood Demon Sage's eyes lit up, and he smiled: "Okay! Good job, Tai Chi Sacred Palace walks through the line of swords, which is very suitable for you."

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. At least the Blood Demon Sword Sage didn't blame him. In fact, he didn't know that the Blood Demon Sword Sage did not have any "messy" rules.

Next, Ye Tian took the opportunity to ask the Blood Demon Blade Sage some questions about cultivation. The other party was a super powerhouse at the level of Martial Sage. Naturally, he answered every question, which benefited Ye Tian a lot.

For a month, Ye Tian bid farewell to the Blood Demon Sage and left the death swamp.

After that, Ye Tian traveled all the way and soon returned to the territory of Great Yan Nation.

When he set foot on the familiar homeland again, Ye Tian was full of emotion. He passed by Wu Zhou City and saw that some of the people of Great Yan Kingdom were building the city wall in excitement.

At this time, Wu Zhou City was no longer attacked by the Great Wei State's army, because the Great Wei State had been destroyed, and even the original murder king, including the Great Wei State Lord, had already been beheaded by the coalition forces.

Today's Great Wei State is even more divided into territories by surrounding powers such as Great Yan State and Great Song State.

Without seeing any acquaintances, Ye Tian continued to move forward and soon came to Xiongwu County.

The majestic martial arts will swept out, and Ye Tian saw that he was not an acquaintance in Beast King City, but there was one person he did not see.

"Strange, where is Old Yu?" Ye Tian frowned, his figure hidden deep in the clouds, secretly looking down at the Beast King City below.

It was the first time he came out to experience that year. In this Beast King City, he got the guidance of a wizard Yu Lao, and he benefited a lot. This time he wanted to thank the old man, but he did not find his breath.

In addition, Ye Tian came to see Elder Yu, also wanting to inquire about the third elders from him.

Not long ago, Elder Xingchen told him that the three elders left Beixue County shortly after he participated in the Supreme Battle of the Nine Heavens Palace, and have not returned yet.

In this regard, Elder Stars and the Five Elders are very worried.

Ye Tian was very grateful to the third elders, so he was obliged to take this matter. This was also the reason why he returned to China alone. He needed to check the whereabouts of the third elders.

Today's eighteen countries in the North Sea, for Ye Tian, ​​there is nowhere to go.

Ye Tian was very disappointed and regretful that he didn't find Yu Lao. He didn't enter the Beast King City and went straight in one direction.

This is a place full of eerie and terrifying aura, and it was the headquarters of the Beast God Sect at the time. Even though the strong men of the Beast God Sect have died, the place is still very terrifying, and ordinary warriors dare not approach it.

This is a gloomy grand canyon with a huge valley mouth, like an ancient behemoth that has been sleeping for thousands of years, with its mouth wide open, swallowing everything in this world.

"Huh? It's the breath of the Third Elder and Yu!"

When Ye Tian descended, his eyes suddenly showed a pleasant surprise. Here, he sensed two familiar auras.

It was the third elder and Yu. Obviously, these two elders must be here or have been here.

Ye Tian hoped that it was the former, and immediately stepped into the huge mouth and into the dark inclined valley.

He is bold and bold, without fear of everything, secretly forcing the Nine Revolutions body, enveloped in a layer of golden light, naturally illuminating the surrounding space.

The oblique valley was very dark, and all kinds of poisonous insects continued to die, but they were all suppressed by Ye Tian's breath and could not move, unable to get close to Ye Tian's body.

"It's here—" Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and he saw a dark passage that went straight to the ground, unfathomable and full of danger.

"Go down!"

Without hesitation, Ye Tian jumped down immediately.

Although his instinct told Ye Tian that the following was dangerous, he was not afraid.

"I want to see what else can threaten Ye Tian in the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea today." Ye Tian's face was full of confidence, his eyes shining, full of invincible fighting spirit.

The underground passage is very deep, about a kilometer down, there is a cold and icy wind roaring, enough to freeze the soul of the strong man.

However, this level of Xiaoyin Feng seemed vulnerable to Ye Tian today.

Ye Tian broke through the wind and quickly came to the bottom. This was a huge underground cave, which was very empty, with only a mysterious portal shrouded in the light of the seal.

"Old Yu! Third Elder!" Ye Tian's expression was full of surprise.

At this time, Elder Yu and the third elder were sitting on both sides of the mysterious portal, like sculptures, with their eyes closed, only the heart beating.

The situation of these two old people is very bad now, their power has been input into the seal, and the whole person is skinny and skinny, like a candle in the wind, about to go out. Seeing Ye Tian's heart trembled, his face was anxious. .

"What's the matter?" Ye Tianyun picked up his vigorous Zhenyuan and patted the two old people on the back.

With the support of Ye Tian's huge true essence, the two old men suddenly got a shock, opened their eyes in an instant, and looked at Ye Tian incredulously.

"Ye Tian!"

"Ye Xiaozi!"

The two old men exclaimed, obviously they didn't expect to see Ye Tian here, they were surprised and happy.

"Three elders, what is going on?" Ye Tian asked, pointing to the mysterious portal. He could see that the two old men almost didn't even want their lives to seal the portal.

Moreover, the power to seal this gateway is very powerful, obviously not from the hands of these two old people, they are just inputting energy to maintain it, and the arranger of this seal is someone else.

"Ye Xiaozi, have you been promoted to King Wu?" Elder Yu on the side was suddenly shocked.

Only then did the third elder react and looked at Ye Tian with surprise.

"Quick! Input energy to the seal quickly, the more the better!" After being excited, the third elder quickly said to Ye Tian.

Seeing the seriousness of Ye Tian's face, he didn't hesitate immediately, puffing up the majestic essence, and inputting it into the seal.

This seal is very special ~ ~ Under Ye Tian's so much powerful energy input, there was no movement at all, and it was all absorbed.

"Give it to me!" Ye Tian roared, and a hundred small worlds burst out together, and terrifying energy, like a vast ocean, poured into the seal together.

Elder Yu and the third elder on the side looked stunned, they were shocked by Ye Tian's power and could not speak.

"So strong...this kid has become Emperor Wu!" Yu Lao said in shock.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea during this period. I will ask this kid later." The third elder said, slowly adjusting his breath and recovering his body.

The same is true for Old Yu.

But Ye Tian was pouring energy into the seal with all his strength.

It wasn't until three days and three nights that Ye Tian panted heavily, sat on the ground, and began to meditate to recover his true energy.

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