Seven World Martial God

Chapter 422: Terror body

The day of the decisive battle finally arrived. 【First Release】

The entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were in a boiling state, among the gates of the mountains, among the mansions, in various places, countless warriors all rushed towards the Jiuxiao Tiangong Square on this day.

Looking from a distance, the entire North Sea sky, a large swath of black, full of warriors.

Among the strongest, there are more than a dozen martial king-level state lords, and the worst are some Wuzong and Wu Ling who were brought by the elders. There are millions of people, which is very spectacular.

"Oh my God, what happened to these human beings? Did they leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea collectively?" At the bottom of the huge volcano, the Fire Dragon King raised his head and stared at the scene stunned.

"Dragon King, Ye Tian and the Son of God are fighting in the Nine Heavens Palace, don't you go and watch it?" The Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven sensed the existence of the Fire Dragon King and couldn't help but smile and transmit.

"Oh, Junior Brother Ye is going to fight a decisive battle with others, I have to go and see!" The Fire Dragon King was very concerned about Ye Tian.


"That is the Fire Dragon King!"

"What a huge body, not much worse than the Son of God."


Many warriors in the rear were shocked when they saw this scene.

The fire dragon king's aura is very majestic, second only to the Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom, and much stronger than the Lord of the Western Kingdom, which is extremely shocking.

The warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea finally understood how powerful this fire dragon king sleeping in the North Sea was.

But the kings and others who knew the Fire Dragon King background from Ye Tian were even more jealous. You know, the entire Beihai is now the world of the Flood Dragon clan.


This is destined to be a boiling day. Countless warriors gathered together, and a dozen powerful kings suppressed the sky, which shocked anyone who came.

On the Jiuxiao Tiangong Square, after the Supreme War was over, the phenomenon of crowds and crowds once again appeared, and the fiery atmosphere made the entire Beihai boil.

"Look! The king is here!"

"Then Yang Shaohua!"

"There is still no wind. I didn't expect that he was really promoted to the realm of King Wu. The era of the younger generation has finally arrived."


Accompanied by the arrival of young talents and powerful elders, the audience was full of enthusiasm, and countless people shouted.

At a glance, the entire Nine Heavens Palace was surrounded by a large swath of warriors. (Starting)

Everyone is looking forward to it and patiently waiting for this battle at the peak of the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. Today is destined to stay in history. At least the people of the entire Eighteen Kingdoms will never forget this day.


Suddenly, a dragon roar shook the world.

"Here, the Son of God is here!" People exclaimed, and involuntarily let out a way to let the huge body of the Son of God descend on the vast Nine Heaven Palace Square.

The Son of God no longer revealed Ye Tian's face, but directly confronted him with the body of the Dragon King. The **** flesh and sharp claws exuded an aura of absolute terror.

He descended like an ancient behemoth, and a huge coercion enveloped the entire Jiuxiao Tiangong Square. Including the surrounding Wuwang powerhouses, all the warriors felt a heavy sense of oppression.

"He is stronger than before!" The Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven said in shock.

The Lords, Kings and others of the Western Kingdom were also full of solemn expressions.

At least for now, in the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, except for Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue, the Son of God is the absolute strongest.

"Huh?" The Fire Dragon King stood with the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven. When he saw the familiar body of the Son of God, he frowned, a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Dragon King has seen the origin of this dragon king's body?" The Kingdom Lord obviously noticed the change in the expression of the fire dragon king, and he moved slightly in his heart and couldn't help asking.

"Not bad!" Fire Dragon King nodded and snorted coldly: "This Dragon King is a traitor to our Jiaolong clan. He was chased and killed by law enforcement officers from the Jiaolong clan back then, but he escaped to the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. He has been dead for a long time, and even his body has been occupied."

The Fire Dragon King was not angry, because this Flood Dragon King was originally a traitor to the Flood Dragon family. Even if the Son of God did not occupy his body, the Fire Dragon King would not let this Flood Dragon King go.

"So that's it!" The Lords of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Lord of the West, and others suddenly appeared.


King Shenwu is here.

This newly promoted Martial King powerhouse, with a huge team of Yan Haotian and other great Yan Nation, appeared not far away, coldly looking at the Son of God below.

"The King Shenwu is here, and it seems that Ye Tian is almost here too." Everyone suddenly stopped breathing.

The Son of God has arrived, and only Ye Tian will arrive to witness a battle at the peak.

With the passage of time, many warriors still came from all directions, among them there were many half-step Wuwang level casual repairs, and the Wujun level powerhouses were countless.

The entire area around the Jiuxiao Tiangong Square was surrounded by a crowd of black people, covering the sky and the sun, which was shocking.


Just as people were looking forward to it, a blood-red blade light, tearing through the void, fell from the sky, and hit the square of the Nine Heavens Palace fiercely.

Rumble... Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the entire Nine Heaven Palace Square trembled.

When the smoke and brilliance dissipated, people were shocked to find that a **** magic knife was inserted in the square of the Nine Heaven Palace, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

And Ye Tian was standing on the Blood Demon Knife, looking calmly at the Son of God opposite, his breath was unfathomable, making it impossible to visit.

Seeing Ye Tian's way of going on stage, the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, King, Kingdom of the West and others in the distance all shrank their pupils and looked surprised.

To know that at that moment, they only saw a figure flickering by, but they didn't expect Ye Tian to come.

This speed surpassed their imagination and made them feel trembling.

There is no doubt that at this speed alone, Ye Tian is enough to make the martial kings of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea look up.

"You are finally here!" When Ye Tian appeared, the Son of God opened his huge eyes, and his fierce bloodthirsty eyes bloomed with cold brilliance, which made people feel that his body was frozen.

The hearts of everyone jumped, and the battle of the peak was about to come. They waited for half a year, just to wait for this day, they couldn't help but stare wide-eyed, afraid to let go of any wonderful moment.

"Who do you think will win?" someone asked.

Countless glances were cast all around, embarrassing the person who asked him.

"It's still a guess. Ye Zhizun must be the winner." A young strong man looked at Ye Tian below with admiration and enthusiasm.

Although the people around weren't as enthusiastic as him, they all agreed that Ye Tian was the final winner.

However, there are also some older powerful people who don't think so much. Some people whispered: "The Son of God is much stronger than the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven. If that imperial weapon is not applicable, Ye Tian might not be an opponent."

People are talking about it, discussing the outcome of this battle and other issues.

In the square, Ye Tian put away the blood magic knife and stood alone in the square. Compared with the huge body of the Son of God, he looked like an ant, but anyone present did not dare to look down upon this young man.

"This is not the way I want to choose!" Ye Tian was silent for a moment, then said slowly.

"But you have to go!" The Son of God said coldly.

"Then let's fight!" Ye Tian sighed, then raised his head, his bright eyes, like two lightnings, tore the void and pierced through the sky.

"War!" The Son of God roared, his whole body radiant and terrifying energy flooded out like a sea of ​​water, flooding the entire Jiuxiao Tiangong Square.

In the sky, dark clouds were surging, the void trembling endlessly, and the powerful pressure filled the entire world, causing the spectators around to tremble extremely.

The Son of God is very powerful, his huge body, like an ancient sacred mountain, is coming to suppress Ye Tian. In mid-air, a huge dragon claw was fierce and mighty, tearing through the sky.


Ye Tianzhou's body shot with golden light, and the fourth layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body moved to the extreme, turning him into a golden war god, rushing towards the son of god.

Chi Chi... Ye Tian's speed was very fast, like a golden lightning, passing through the huge dragon claws of the Son of God, and blasting towards the chest of the Son of God.

However, the Son of God was prepared long ago, and another dragon claw, with terrifying power, collided with the rushing Ye Tian.


As if two planets collided, a dazzling light burst out, and the sky was bright, and the sound of rumbling, as if the sky was blowing.

Such a terrifying collision makes it hard to imagine that these are two warriors, not two gods.

The powerful strength they burst out shocked all the warriors present, and their bodies couldn't help trembling.

This is the aura that Ye Tian and the Son of God exude invisibly, and it is difficult for everyone to resist except for the powerhouse of King Wu.

This time the collision was very terrifying, with radiant rays of light and surging energy. Those two huge forces seemed to have penetrated the barrier of space, which was definitely not something human could do.

It took a while before calm was restored there, all kinds of light disappeared one by one, and two opposing figures appeared in people's sight.

People were shocked ~ such a terrifying impact, neither of them was hurt at all. Only the huge body of the Son of God retreated more than ten feet, but Ye Tian moved forward a lot.

"It seems that Ye Tian is better!" The spectators were all moved.

Ye Tian's body is incomparable to the body of the Son of God.

But in such a thin body, there was a power even more terrifying than the Flood Dragon, which made people have to shock.

"What a strong Nine-Ranked combat body, unfortunately I am not a human, alas!" In the sky, the Fire Dragon King sighed depressed. His essence and blood can make a human martial artist reach the fourth level of the Nine-Ranked combat body, but it cannot make him become nine It has to be said that this is very sad.

Of course, the people of the Jiaolong clan are inherently powerful, like the flesh of the Fire Dragon King, but they are not much worse than the flesh of the fourth layer of the Nine Revolutions.

But the problem is that the fourth layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body can amplitude nine times the power, but the Fire Dragon King cannot.

This is also the reason why the Son of God fell short.

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