Seven World Martial God

Chapter 420: Both breakthroughs

With the demise of the Beast God Religion, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea returned to calm. Except for the Great Yan Kingdom occupied by the Son of God, the other kingdoms have restored normal order. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Of course, the remaining forces of the Great Yan Nation, as well as Ye Tian and others, are living well in the Dalin County of the Great River Nation.

However, because of Ye Tian's existence, many young talents in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, as well as some old powerful people, rushed here to see Ye Tian.

Either it is to build relationships, or to let the children worship Ye Tian as a teacher, or to see Ye Tian's demeanor...

Ye Tian's popularity was so high that even Mu Bingxue attracted many people, making Dalin County overcrowded.

Ye Tian only met with some familiar young talents, as for the rest, he was dismissed by his excuses to retreat and prepare for the battle.

Everyone also knew that Ye Tian was going to fight with the Son of God, so they didn't dare to disturb Ye Tian. They just stayed in Dalin County or Dajiang Country and planned to go to Jiuxiao Tiangong Square with Ye Tian in half a year.

"Huh... Taiji sword intent and killing sword intent have finally broken through to the 50% realm."

In the secret room, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes blooming with divine light.

Since then, after a battle with the Son of God, after three months of retreat, he finally raised Slaughter Blade Intention and Tai Chi Blade Intent to 50%.

As a result, Ye Tian's three martial arts wills all reached the standard of the martial king level.

However, because of the incompleteness of his soul, Ye Tian could not be promoted to the realm of King Wu, but his strength increased a lot.

At the same time, Ye Tian's Nine-turned Battle Body has also cultivated to the third level of the pinnacle level, not far from the fourth level, and can break through at most one month, definitely keeping up with the upcoming life and death agreement.

"Go out and see—"

Ye Tian slowly recovered his power, condensing his breath, his eyes were full of fine light.

Retreat, and you can't blindly retreat. Ye Tian did not continue to practice, but went out from time to time to visit relatives and friends.

In addition, Ye Tian also needs to know the timely information of the eighteen countries in the North Sea.

Fortunately, the Son of God did not disturb the situation during this period. He stayed in the Great Yan Country, waiting for the battle with Ye Tian.

After Ye Tian left the secret room, he first visited the three daughters of Mu Bingxue, and found that they were shopping with her mother, so she didn't bother.

Xiao Baihu jumped around and was very happy to see Ye Tian who was leaving the customs. He kept arching Ye Tian's thigh with his big head, and looked very affectionate.

"Xiaobai, it's been a long time since we went hunting together, let's go find something delicious in the mountains!" Ye Tian touched Xiaobai's head, and then rode Xiaobai to the sky.

Soon, in the forest not far away, there was a smell of meat. 【First Release】

Being promoted to hunting again reminded Ye Tian of the teenage years in Yejiacun. It was really a rush of time. Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Ye Tian is now no longer a low-level warrior like the hillbilly, but has stood at the pinnacle of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, not only the first person of the young generation, but also one of the best among the older generation.

Oh! No, there is Mu Bingxue. Now the first person of the young generation should be Mu Bingxue.

However, the little girl was really sincere to Ye Tian, ​​she didn't care about her fame, she was only Ye Tian's wife.

"It's so relaxing..."

Ye Tian lay on the ground, using Xiao Bai as a pillow, lazily drenching the sun, looking relaxed and free.

Xiao Bai was also lying on the ground, squinting, and drenching the sun comfortably.

Time seems to have returned to the years in Yejia Village ten years ago.

It's worth remembering!

Ye Tian sighed, he knew that after a battle with the Son of God, he might be leaving the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

As for coming back later, I don’t know when it will be. Maybe a few years, maybe decades, or even more than a hundred years.

The vast mainland of China, boundless, is very attractive to a curious person like Ye Tian.

In fact, if it were not for the battle between Ye Tian and the Son of God, many young talents would have left the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai.

It is worth mentioning that the king has given up his aloof personality. He has discussed with Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan, Yang Shaohua, Zhu Hongming and other young peak powers. After seeing Ye Tian and the Son of God, he will be together. Leaving the eighteen countries of Beihai.

They wanted to invite Ye Tian, ​​but Ye Tian said that he would stay in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea for a period of time and was not in a hurry to leave, so it was fine.

The other young talents are also in contact with each other, forming a small team, preparing to cross the North Sea, leave this small place, and head to the real mainland China.

For a time, there was a wave of departure in the entire 18 North Sea countries.

Many elders are very supportive of this. For so many years, no one of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea has appeared, and the highest is the fifth level of the Wu.

This has completely awakened these older powerhouses. Although they know that leaving the 18 North Sea countries is dangerous to their lives and will never return, if they do not go out, they will never want to develop.

The shallow sea cannot get out of real dragons. Only by going to the real mainland of China, going to the big place where the Wu King walks everywhere, and Wu Huang sees everywhere, can you get the opportunity to step into the highest realm of martial arts.

During this period of time, many elders, including those in the realm of King Wu, are searching for some life-saving treasures and handing them over to some close young talents, hoping that they can find hope alive.

But Ye Tian knew that this must be a cruel and **** road, and I am afraid that no more than half of the people will be able to reach the Chinese mainland alive.

And those who can come back alive from the mainland of China are even rarer.

However, Ye Tian did not stop this, because every warrior has the right to pursue the supreme martial arts, he also did the same with Ye Tian, ​​why stop others.

Moreover, Ye Tian knew that if he wanted to develop, he had to pay a sufficient price.

The eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea have been shut down for too long. If they don't even have the courage to go out, they still talk about pursuing martial arts.

However, for some warriors with low strength, Ye Tian still persuaded them not to leave in a hurry.

If you want to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, you must at least have a Wujun level 7 or higher cultivation base.

Regarding this matter, the kings of the eighteen countries in the North Sea were very supportive, so Wujun level 7 was positioned to leave the standard of the eighteen countries in the North Sea.

This standard has been followed for hundreds of years, until then, Ye Tian had already stood at the pinnacle of the Shenzhou Continent.


One month later.

A powerful breath rushed out of Dalin County, violently stirring in the sky, making the entire Dalin County tremble.

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the closed room, opened his eyes. In his two eyes, two bright golden beams of light shot out, as if they had penetrated the void and were shining.

"Finally broke through the fourth layer of Rank Nine battle body!" Ye Tian was full of excitement.

After breaking through the fourth layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body, Ye Tian found out that he had really underestimated this god-level technique before. As a technique that can be directly practiced to the realm of the Martial God, although the Nine Revolutions battle body is very difficult to practice, But once the cultivation is successful, the increase in strength is too terrifying.

In the past, Ye Tian only thought that the Ninth Revolution battle body would strengthen the physical body at most, but after breaking through the fourth layer, he knew how ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

Because the fourth layer of Rank Nine battle body can increase the combat power by nine times, enough for Ye Tianyue to kill the enemy by several levels.

Think about it, the previous Ye Tian was already very close to the fifth-level strength of King Wu. Now this strength has increased nine times, how terrifying it should be.

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but ten becomes ninety. This change is too great.

Ye Tian felt that he could explode the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom with a single punch. He had the confidence to defeat the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Son of God with his bare hands. If he held the Blood Demon Knife, he would even have the confidence to defeat Mu Bingxue.

Ye Tian felt that he seemed to have exceeded the strength of the seventh or eighth rank, at least at the current stage, Ye Tian was beyond the strength of the seventh or eighth rank.

However, Ye Tian knew that compared with Mu Bingxue's leapfrog talent, there was a gap.

Mu Bingxue is a real leapfrog talent, the first level of Wuwang is comparable to the seventh level of Wuwang, and the sixth level. When Mu Bingxue reached the second level of King Wu, she could also be compared to the eighth level of King Wu. Her leapfrog talent remained unchanged.

But Ye Tian is different. Many of his leapfrog talents are based on his low cultivation base, such as his three martial arts wills.

In the half-step Wuwang peak level, these three kinds of martial arts will reach the 50% realm, enough to allow Ye Tianyue several levels to defeat his opponent.

But after Ye Tian's cultivation reached the realm of King Martial Arts, when the difference in martial arts wills was not big, Ye Tian's three martial arts wills could not even reach the first level.

Realistically speaking, the Blood Demon Immortal Jue can increase Ye Tian's talent by one level, Tai Chi ten styles can increase his talent by one level, his own talent by one level, and the Ninth-turn combat body by two or three levels.

Level four or five, this is Ye Tian's truly leapfrog talent.

Such a level is indeed top-notch in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, but looking at the entire Shenzhou Continent, Ye Tian's talent is only based on the level of the middle and lower reaches.

However, Ye Tian was not discouraged, he had already seen the power of this god-level cultivation technique through the fourth layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body.

He felt that the later the Ninth Revolution battle body, the higher the achievement, the greater the amplitude strength it brought.

Otherwise, why did the senior Martial God who created this technique back then defeat so many geniuses and climb to the top of martial arts?

Obviously, this is a well-developed god-level technique, and only when you cultivate to the last few realms, its strengths will truly be reflected.

Ye Tian is looking forward to the fifth and sixth floors of the Nine Revolutions battle! "

Powerful energy fluctuations continued to swell over the entire Dalin County, endless and surging.

Ye Tian suddenly showed surprise and doubt.

"Strange, I have put away my aura, why there is such a strong energy fluctuation." Ye Tian just finished speaking, he knew what was going on.

He rushed out of the secret room and looked at the center of Dalin County, where a terrifying aura rushed straight into the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

"It is Shenwu King who has been promoted to King Wu!"

Ye Tian said in surprise.

Dare to love when he broke through the fourth layer of the Nine Revolutions battle body, King Shenwu also broke through the tightly locked bottle for many years, promoted to the realm of King Wu, and squeezed into the top powerhouse of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

Ye Tian was very happy. Since King Shenwu had broken through the realm of King Wu, he would be relieved after he left the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

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