Seven World Martial God

Chapter 412: go away

After hearing the words of the Fire Dragon King, Ye Tian's heart was full of exclamation. It turned out that there was still such a strong man in the Nine Heavens Palace. No wonder no one dared to commit such a crime for so many years. 【First Release】

Being able to become the palace lord of the Taiji Sacred Palace is definitely a titled martial sage, and it is almost invincible in the Shenzhou Continent where there is no war god.

Even if the same super schools have sealed some of the most powerful, they will not be able to defeat the Guardian Elder at best.

Because the ten forms of Tai Chi are invincible in defense in the same realm, only the strong Valkyrie can defeat the guardian elder.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. You just woke up, how do you feel now?" The Fire Dragon King looked at Ye Tian in thought and couldn't help asking. He was very curious about Ye Tian's delay in being promoted to King Wu.

Ye Tian nodded when he heard the words, and then looked inwardly at Dantian and checked his physical condition.

"It's cool, I feel full of power throughout my body. If I meet the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom again, I am sure to defeat him." After a while, Ye Tian opened his eyes and his face was full of excitement.

This time he survived a catastrophe, and he got more benefits than he had imagined.

The first is that the cultivation base has been promoted to the half-step Wuwang peak, and the cold ice fist intent has also reached the realm of 50%.

"Nonsense, using a treasure like the life and death talisman will naturally have many benefits." Fire Dragon King said with a smile, but his heart was full of envy. He has lived for thousands of years, but he is not as good as Ye Tian, ​​who has lived for decades. Awesome.

"Life and death talisman..." Ye Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this. He immediately understood that he dare to be saved by the life and death talisman when he was half-dead by the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom. No wonder there will be a reborn change.

"Strange, why didn't I get promoted to King Wu?"

Not long after, Ye Tian suddenly found a problem.

That is, he is still half-step Wu Wang, and he has not been promoted to Wu Wang.

This is totally unreasonable. His Frost Fist Intent has reached the realm of 50%, and his cultivation has reached the peak of Wuwang King in half a step. How could he not be promoted to the realm of King Wu?

Ye Tian couldn't help looking at the Fire Dragon King.

"Don't look at me, I still want to ask you, don't you feel that you have a breakthrough?" The Fire Dragon King shook his head and waved his hand.

"No, I feel that my whole body is complete now, and there is no opportunity to break through, as if my own cultivation has reached the limit." Ye Tian couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Limit? Ha ha, your kid is now a martial prince, what a limit. I think you have encountered a bottle tight, break through this bottle tight, you can go to the next level." Fire Dragon King laughed.

"But I don't know how to be promoted to the realm of King Wu." Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

If he were replaced by someone else, he would definitely be promoted to King Wu now, but he didn't know what happened to his body, and he was still trapped in the realm of King Wu.

"You can only find a way to do this yourself. By the way, since you have woken up, then hurry up and train the Rank Nine combat body to the fourth level. By then, no one can help you in the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. said the Fire Dragon King.

"Nine-turn combat body..."

Ye Tian was startled when he heard the words, and then his face was full of joy.

When he first explored his body, he found that there were ten drops of powerful blood in his body. At first he didn't know what it was, but now that he heard what the Fire Dragon King said, he immediately understood that this was the blood of the Dragon Dragon.

"Brother, this..." Ye Tian looked at the Fire Dragon King, his expression moved and guilty.

Fortunately, he wanted to kill the Fire Dragon King to capture the blood. Unexpectedly, they not only saved him, but also gave him the blood, a full drop of blood!

You know, this is essence and blood, and only a large basin of blood can extract a drop of essence and blood.

The Fire Dragon King gave ten drops of blood in one fell swoop. I'm afraid the loss was very great, and he couldn't recover in a few years.

"Hehe, but ten drops of blood, just a little bit, your brother, my body is huge, this bit of blood is not worth mentioning." Fire Dragon King said with a smile when he saw it, but he was very satisfied in his heart. It seems that Junior Brother Ye is very satisfied. Emphasis on feelings, so he is not wasted.

"Thank you brother!" Ye Tian took a deep breath, his expression of gratitude on his face, he knew that it was unnecessary to say anything now, and when he became stronger, he would find a way to make up for the Fire Dragon King.

"Okay, hurry up and practice. Now the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea are in chaos. Without strong strength, you might be unlucky." Fire Dragon King said with a smile.

"Oh? What happened to the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea? By the way, brother, how long have I been in a coma?" Ye Tian immediately asked a few questions after hearing this.

The Fire Dragon King said: "You have been in a coma for half a year. During this period, a lot of things have happened. Listen to me slowly..."

During this period of time, people passed by here from time to time, and the Fire Dragon King caught them, only to learn something about the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

Listening to the narration of the Fire Dragon King, Ye Tian's face became increasingly ugly.

"What! The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom died unexpectedly, and the Great Yan Kingdom was also destroyed by the Beast God Sect. The Beast God Sect has such a powerful force?" Ye Tian suddenly became anxious.

You know, his relatives and friends are all in Great Yan Country.

Fortunately, the Fire Dragon King told Ye Tian that the Lord of the Great Yan Nation had already prepared and sent Yan Haotian and others out in advance to avoid this catastrophe.

However, Ye Tian was still worried, because he had not heard the news of his family from the Fire Dragon King.

"Brother, I will go back and have a look now."

After hearing the narration of the Fire Dragon King, Ye Tian raised his head and said solemnly.

The family is still safe and unable to know, what is his intention to practice?

"This..." The Fire Dragon King was a little worried. Although Ye Tian is not weak now, as far as he knows, the son of God is unfathomable, and Ye Tian is probably not an opponent for the time being.

"Senior brother, don't worry, I will also practice the Rank 9 battle body immediately after I return. With the help of your ten drops of essence and blood, I will be able to successfully cultivate before long." Ye Tian's words dispelled the fire dragon king's worries.

Originally a drop of essence blood was enough for Ye Tian to practice the fourth level of the Nine Revolutions battle body. Now that there are ten drops of essence blood, the speed of this practice has naturally increased a lot.

After the Fire Dragon King wanted to understand, he nodded and said, "Well, you have to be careful of that son of God. His strength is much stronger than mine. I am afraid that he has reached the fifth level of King Martial at the same level as the Lord of Heaven."


Ye Tian nodded, and then he was full of confidence, and said, "My current strength barely reaches the fourth rank of King Wu, but with the help of this knife, I won't be afraid even if I fight with the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Son of God."

As Ye Tian's voice fell, an extremely cold breath spread throughout the world, and a shining blue brilliance rose into the sky in his hand.

Blue life and death love!

This imperial weapon appeared in Ye Tian's hands with unparalleled power.

"Hiss... it turned out to be an imperial weapon!" The Fire Dragon King couldn't help staring wide-eyed and his face was full of shock. Even in their Dragon family, imperial artifacts are very precious, at least he is not qualified to possess it.

"I'm now at the level of Fifty percent Fist in Frost Bing, and I can just use a part of the power of this knife. It won't work against Emperor Wu, but it's enough against Emperor Wu." Ye Tian was full of confidence.

"Yes, with this knife, you can kill them without a problem." Fire Dragon King's eyes were full of envy, and there was no more worry on his face.

Today, the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea, the fifth rank of King Wu is the strongest. With this emperor, Ye Tian's strength is enough to be called the first person in the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea.

"In that case, take care!"

"Take care!"

Ye Tian clasped his fists and flew towards Beihai City.


After receiving news from the Fire Dragon King, Yan Haotian is now in Dajiang Country. If Ye Tian wants to know the whereabouts of his family, he naturally needs to find Yan Haotian.

Moreover, the Fire Dragon King did not go to the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea after all, so he knew very little, so to know the whole situation, you still need to find Yan Haotian.

Ye Tian, ​​who was full of worries, rushed to Dajiang Country without stopping along the way.

When he arrived in Beihai City, Ye Tian casually inquired in the restaurant, and he learned the current situation of Dajiang Country and the situation of some of the eighteen countries in the North Sea.

"Unexpectedly, the Beast God Sect has already occupied most of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, and even the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom has surrendered, huh!"

In Beihai City, Ye Tian walked out of a restaurant with a cold light in his eyes.

Thinking of the Eastern Kingdom's chasing after him, Ye Tian couldn't wait to slaughter this guy right away, with revenge, this has always been his character.

However, it is better to find news from family members.

"Keep your head for the time being, hum!" Ye Tian snorted, flew up and flew towards a nearby county.

This county is called Dalin County. It is a medium-sized county in Dajiang Country. It has been completely controlled by Yan Haotian, and the remnants of the Great Yan Country with him live here.

At this time, Yan Haotian and King Shen Wu had rushed to attend the celebration ceremony of the king, leaving only King Wu Zhou sitting here.


On this day, King Wu Zhou was dealing with political affairs, and suddenly felt a majestic martial arts will swept over him, and his heart trembled suddenly, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

"So strong... Definitely a strong King Wu!" King Wu Zhou's expression suddenly changed.

Now the powerhouses of the eighteen countries in the North Sea are all rushing to congratulate the king, how could there be a king Wu here? Unless it is the King of Beast God Alliance.

When he thought that he would be King Wu of the Beast God Alliance, King Wu Zhou knew there was a problem.

Could it be that the Beast God Sect destroyed the Great Flame Nation, even their residual power, ready to take advantage of the king's feast to drive them to extinction?

Just when King Wu Zhou looked worried, he saw a stream of light rushing in, and a familiar figure flashed out.

"Wu Zhou Wang, long time no see!"

The visitor was dressed in a purple star robe, and it was Ye Tian who came all the way without stopping.

"Ye Tian?" Wang Wu Zhou suddenly widened his with surprise on his face.

"Why, senior doesn't recognize me?" Ye Tian said with a smile.

"You finally come back, I know you will come back, the lord will not lie to us..." King Wu Zhou was excited again and again, holding Ye Tian's arm with excitement on his face.

"Senior..." Ye Tian smiled bitterly, he didn't expect King Wu Zhou to be so excited.

How did he know how difficult it was for Yan Haotian and others to wait for him during this period of time.

It can be said that once Ye Tian really died, then this remnant force might not last long.

Even now, there is no news from Ye Tian for a long time, and there is a hidden danger inside these remnants.

Fortunately, now that Ye Tian is back, there are no hidden dangers. With this youth supreme, the Great Yan Nation is expected to be restored.

Wang Wu Zhou was so excited.

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