Seven World Martial God

Chapter 396: Fierce battle

Below the city of Tai Chi, hundreds of thousands of outstanding young men approached the city with magnificent momentum. (Starting) (Starting)

The king, Wufeng, Zhao Wu, Gongsun Xuanxuan, Yang Shaohua, Song Haoran, Zhu Hongming, Li Junhao, Su Qingfeng, etc., the nine peak powers of the young generation, stood in front of everyone, looking at Ye Tian above the city gate. .

Ye Tian was also looking at these people. It could be said that these people were all defeated by him, or people who were inferior to him.

But now, these people have become his opponents, and he wants to fight these people on his own.

This is a big challenge, or a challenge that goes against the sky. Ye Tian never thought that he would have such a day, and he would need to fight against all the young people of the eighteen countries in Beihai.

"Ye Tian, ​​are you ready?" Wufeng's eyes flashed and shouted at Ye Tian upstairs in the city gate.

Ye Tian raised the Blood Demon Knife in his hand and nodded towards him.

The fighting between the two sides is only for martial arts, not for grievances, so they are not so angry.

Even the king did not resent Ye Tian, ​​his gaze contained only the will to fight.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Zhao Wu, who smiled coldly and said: "Ye Tian, ​​I think you have surrendered. It is simply unrealistic to use your strength against all of us."

"The defeated general, An is brave!" Ye Tian said lightly after hearing the words.

Zhao Wu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and losing to Ye Tian was a shame in his life. Unless he defeated Ye Tian one day, it would be impossible to wash away this shame.

"Hmph, let you be proud of it first. After the city is broken, I think you dare to be so arrogant?" Zhao Wu snorted, and then the young Junjie who was the first commander began to attack the city.

"Kill!" Ye Tian shouted loudly.

A group of young talents in Tai Chi City began to guard on the wall under the leadership of Yan Haotian and others, and killed a famous young talent outside the formation.

Relying on the guardianship of the formation, the people of Taiji City naturally have an absolute advantage. The people outside can only attack the formation, but they can attack the people outside.

However, under the attack of everyone, the strength of the formation was also rapidly weakening.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian hurriedly took five thousand of his men and began to kill these young talents.

"Do it, what are you waiting for? Are you willing to give him the position of supremacy?" Zhao Wu shouted at the king, Wufeng and others.



Yang Shaohua and Song Haoran suddenly snorted and attacked reluctantly. They attacked relatively calmly. They didn't work as hard as others. They were obviously ‘release the water’.

Of course, even so, under the "release of water" by tens of thousands of people, the power is unimaginable and terrifying. 【First Release】

With the participation of the king, Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan and others, Tai Chi City became more and more precarious.

When Ye Tian saw this, he immediately understood that if he continued like this, Tai Chi City would be broken if he couldn't resist it in a day.

"It's definitely not possible..." Ye Tian frowned, then took the Blood Demon Knife, used the cloud foot and one step to the sky, rushed out of the city, and killed the crowd outside.

"Ye Tian is out!"

"Hurry up and attack him."

"He can't resist all of us alone!"

A group of young talents were shocked at once, but immediately attacked Ye Tian, ​​only Yang Shaohua and Song Haoran still attacked Tai Chi City in a serious manner and ignored Ye Tian.

"Blood World Slash!"

"Thirty thousand miles in ice!"

Ye Tian shouted in a low voice, as soon as he left the city, his combat power was fully deployed and he slew the young talents.

This is not a heads-up, but a group battle. Ye Tian did not find the king, windless and other strong players, but concentrated on killing those young talents with low combat power. These people couldn't withstand a single blow in his eyes, killing a large area with a single blow, very easily.

However, the king and the others were not fools, they immediately reacted, bringing Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan, and Zhao Wu to rush up to intercept Ye Tian.

"Tread the clouds!"

Ye Tian put the foot on the clouds to the peak state, the speed is extremely fast, he shuttles through the crowd like a bolt of lightning, from time to time, he cuts a bright knife, and continues to harvest the lives of the young talents around him.

As for the attacks of the king and others, Ye Tian would avoid it if he could avoid it, and would use the three defenses of the funeral sky.

Even if it was a king's attack, Ye Tian couldn't help but watch Ye Tian kill the "life" of the young masters in front of him.

Along with Ye Tian's shot, a group of young talents suddenly panicked, and no longer attacked Tai Chi City as consistently as before, making Yan Haotian and others less pressure.

"I hope Ye Tian can hold on for a longer time!"

In the city, Li Lanshan and others looked at Ye Tian who was fighting fiercely outside and prayed secretly.

At this time, Ye Tian, ​​like walking a tightrope, could be killed at any time, so it was very dangerous, and only he had the guts to do it.

"Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death!"

In the sky, there was no wind roaring, an aura exploded, the terrifying wheel of life and death, with the aura of obliterating everything, rolling towards Ye Tian.

"So strong!" Zhao Wu and Gongsun Xuanxuan's expressions changed suddenly. They knew Wufeng had surpassed themselves and were approaching Ye Tian and the king.

Also one of the four kings, Gongsun Xuanxuan and Zhao Wu were very unwilling at this time, and the two broke out their peak combat power, besieging Ye Tian from both ends.


Seeing Ye Tian being besieged by the three of them, the king did not hesitate at all, unleashing the combination of human and sword, and launched a final blow towards Ye Tian.

"Climbing to the sky in one step!" Ye Tian reached the peak at this moment. His speed was so fast that he appeared in front of Zhao Wu in an instant and slashed fiercely.

"Let me surrender... Then you go to die first!"

Ye Tian's sword reached the peak, Zhao Wu was not an opponent at all, he was locked by a strong pressure, and his eyes were full of panic.

At the same time, Wufeng and Gongsun Xuanxuan's attacks were also blocked by the three burial ceremony Ye Tian had prepared.

"Die—" Ye Tian roared, his eyes filled with light. The blood magic knife in his hand burst out with a shocking light, cutting Zhao Wu in half.

Ko Ling's Zhao Wu hadn't waited long for the war before he became a victim of the Blood Demon Blade.

Gongsun Xuanxuan, who saw this scene up close, was shocked and even a trace of awe appeared in her eyes.

As for no wind, his gaze is even more solemn.

"Ye Tian, ​​take my sword!" The king's attack at this time finally came when Ye Tian was in a panic. The terrifying sword aura tore the surrounding void, attacking and killing with a wave of earth-shaking energy. Come.

"King, has your strength regressed? This is too weak!" Ye Tian greeted him with a knife, and laughed happily.


When the swords collided, both of them were shaken out by huge force.

Compared with the previous battle, the power of the sword of the king has indeed decreased a lot.

However, this was also in Ye Tian's expectation, after all, this battle was different from the previous one.

The previous battle was a back-to-back battle. Both the king and Ye Tian had to work hard, so that the king entered the state of combining humans and swords to show their peak combat power.

However, in this battle, the king and everyone attacked Ye Tian, ​​and there was no need to fight to the death. Otherwise, wait for him to die, and if Ye Tian is not killed, then who can break through Tai Chi City?

Therefore, in this battle, the king had reservations and did not dare to enter the state of human and sword unity.

Of course, Ye Tian didn't dare to fight with all his strength. After blocking the sword of the king, he quickly took advantage of the strength of retreat and fled into Tai Chi City.

Relying on the help of the guardian formation, Wufeng and Gongsun Xuanxuan who caught up could only watch Ye Tian hiding in the city, and even took the opportunity to stab them.

"Damn it!" Gongsun Xuanxuan couldn't help glaring at Ye Tian.

"The morale has dropped drastically!" Wufeng glanced around, frowned slightly, and sighed.

Ye Tian ventured out of the city this time. Although he died nine times, the result was very brilliant.

In such a short period of time, there were more than 1,000 young talents killed by Ye Tian, ​​including Zhao Wu, one of the four kings.

On the contrary, Ye Tian didn't suffer any injuries, at most he spent a lot of true yuan, but it only took a moment to rest.

As a result, the morale of both parties was greatly changed. The morale of the Tai Chi City side was greatly boosted, and everyone was full of excitement and excitement.

And the young masters who attacked the city, seeing that even Zhao Wu was dying so soon, their morale dropped drastically, and even their shots were much weaker.

"Good! Good job!"

Yan Haotian led people to greet him and looked at Ye Tian with excitement.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will restore my True Qi immediately, and I will go out to "harass" them later." Ye Tian's expression was serious, and he immediately meditated to restore his True Qi.

Don't look at him being so coquettish just now, killing the king and others in a big defeat, but in such a short period of time, the power he exploded almost exceeded the load of the body, and the cost of real yuan was naturally very large.

"Okay, be careful yourself. With your "harassment", the king and others will not be able to attack the city with all their strength. Our pressure is immediately relieved." Yan Haotian smiled and nodded, and then he did not disturb Ye Tian, ​​and led others to continue. Defend the city.

From time to time, someone returns from the Resurrection Pool and joins the army of guards.

Relying on the geographical advantage, coupled with the blow by Ye Tian just now, Yan Haotian and the others made it easier to defend the city, temporarily making the king's side helpless.


Outside the Nine Heavens Palace, a group of older powerhouses waiting here are talking about it, and from time to time some young talents are kicked out, looking dejected.

"These young talents have all come out? It seems that it is the last battle, much earlier than before, and the strength of the king has greatly increased!" Someone said suddenly.

"After so many years, the strength of the king has naturally increased, but I don't know what ranking the Great Flame Sword King has achieved this time. I don't know if he has rushed into the four kings." Someone looked curious.

"Just ask if you don't someone suggested.

In fact, someone has stopped a few young talents who came out, asking about things.

"What... Ye Tian defeated the king, and he is attacking the supreme position!"

"The warrior was defeated!"

"Mu Bingxue became the saint of Frost Palace? Her talent surpassed the king, hiss..."

"Who is Mu Bingxue? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"The king is defeated... The Great Flame Sword King is really against the sky, and the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea will be boiling."


One by one news came from the mouths of the young Junjie who had withdrawn. Suddenly, there was an uproar on the square outside the Nine Heavens Palace as if an earthquake had occurred.

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