Seven World Martial God

Chapter 382: Respective plans

Yin Yang City. (Starting) (Starting)

After the windless wave made Hu Tianhua retreat, he cast his eyes on the city of Shura not far away, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"This time I have a chance to make a breakthrough, and finally I can compete with the king. This Shura City is my stepping stone." Wufeng said coldly.

Immediately, the entire Yinyang City was ready to go, ready for the upcoming battle.

And at this time, in the city of Shura not far away, a group of young talents were also ready to go, all with solemn faces.

"Everyone, our Shura City is leaning on the empty "dangling" and "dangling" Ice City while leaning on Yinyang City. Just now, some brothers have discovered that Yinyang City has sent envoys to Taiji City. If I am not wrong, no wind is We are ready to unite with Ye Tian for the time being. Therefore, our Shura City will soon be attacked by Yin Yang City."

On the huge square, Zhu Hongming, the lord of Shura City, said loudly.

The loud voice spread throughout the square.

As one of the five great arrogances, Zhu Hongming is also the prince of a country. How can he not see the current situation clearly? Not only him, but many young strong men present saw this situation. After all, they are all first-class geniuses, not idiots.

Therefore, the young strong men in the entire square looked solemn.

They didn't expect to be so unlucky. The opponent in the first game was No Wind, one of the four kings, which was not a good sign.

Looking at the crowd with nervous and nervous faces in front of him, Zhu Hongming's heart sank slightly. The morale is gone before this hits, and he will talk about how to defend the city.

"Brothers, I know what you are afraid of, but now we have nowhere to go. We can only fight back. Moreover, we have no ambitions. We only hope to stay here for a while and improve our cultivation. Work together and cooperate with Shura City's guardian formation. If there is no wind, he wants to bite us, and I am afraid that he will have to break two teeth." Zhu Hongming shouted.

In any case, it is one of the five great arrogances. Under the influence of Zhu Hongming's strong self-confidence, the morale of the young strong men on the square immediately restored.

"Yeah, let's not go out to attack the city, for fear of a bird!"

"Moreover, even if we die in the city, we will be resurrected in the Resurrection Pool. In this way, we are almost unkillable. Even if he is the four kings without wind, he may not be able to capture our Shura City."

"Mad, this time, if we can beat the windlessness, we will be famous all over the world."

"Anyway, there is a resurrection pool, we are not afraid of death!"

"In order to stay here to increase cultivation base, I have to fight for anything this time!"


Under Zhu Hongming's passionate speech, the morale of a group of young strong men on the square immediately rose, and they all wielded swords and spears, killing them to the sky. (Starting)

"Okay... My Shura City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and no wind at least leaves half of the people to defend the city. With double the number of people, plus the guardianship of the city wall and formation, I am not necessarily afraid. There is no wind."

Zhu Hongming thought secretly with excitement that he was full of excitement at this time, being able to fight against the windless one of the four kings.

At the same time, an envoy from Taiji City, under the order of Ye Tian, ​​arrived at the City of Hundred Wars.


Zhao Wu, one of the four kings, the city lord's mansion of the Hundred Wars City, was sitting above him, his eyes were majestic and his face was domineering.

On both sides of Zhao Wu, sitting Li Junhao and Su Qingfeng respectively, with the strong among these two five great arrogances, Zhao Wu's strength can be said to be very strong.

"Brother Li, Brother Su, what do you say, Ye Tian, ​​this kid sent a messenger to do?" Zhao Wu said in a deep voice. Although he is a little conceited, it does not mean he is an idiot. In fact, his wisdom is not better than that of kings, windless and others. Poor, just a bit of excessive pride.

Of course, Zhao Wu does have proud strength and talent.

"Huh, who knows what conspiracy that kid is doing, in my opinion, he will be killed directly." Li Junhao said in a cold voice. At the beginning, Ye Tian made him feel very embarrassed in front of the martial arts monument in Beihai City, so he held a grudge. mind.


Listening to Li Junhao's words, Su Qingfeng shook his head. He said solemnly: "The two countries are at war, and if we don't cut off the envoy, if we kill this messenger, wouldn't it be laughed at by all the young talents in the Nine Heavens Palace?"

"Chichi! We are not two countries, we are just fighting for chance, why bother to care about this?" Li Junhao sneered.

"That said, if we killed his messenger, what would others think? Others would think that we were afraid of him, and even the messenger wanted to take the opportunity to kill him. What kind of face does this give us?" Su Qingfeng coldly Said.

"Uh..." Li Junhao couldn't speak immediately, he knew that Zhao Wu was the most face-conscious.

Sure enough, Zhao Wu immediately waved his hand when he heard the words, and said, "Let the messenger come in. No matter what tricks Ye Tian played, he won't escape Zhao's eyes."

Su Qingfeng and Li Junhao stopped talking immediately.

After a while, the messenger from Taiji City walked in under the leadership of a strong young man.

"In Xia Sun Yun, I met Young Master Zhao, Young Master Li, and Young Master Su."

Yes, the messenger of Tai Chi City is one of Ye Tian's friends, Sun Yun.

Sun Yun glanced at the hall and found that there were only three of Zhao Wu, Su Qingfeng, and Li Junhao. His eyes flashed and he stepped forward to see him.

Unlike Ye Tian's Taiji City, under Zhao Wu's strength, Su Qingfeng and Li Junhao's support, the rest of the City of Hundred Wars did not dare to question Zhao Wu's status as the city lord.

As a result, among the cities, Zhao Wu and the king were the first two to obtain the seat of the city lord.

Moreover, as the three top powerhouses, Zhao Wu, Li Junhao, and Su Qingfeng are a bit arrogant. They feel that the wisdom of the three of them is better than others, so no matter what, the three of them will discuss everything by themselves and not let other young talents participate.

This Hundred Wars City is actually the world of the three of them, and the other young talents can only follow orders.

Therefore, after Sun Yun came in, he only saw the three of Zhao Wu, but not the others.

"Hey, these three people are really arrogant, don't you know that one more person will have one more idea? They are so domineering, I am afraid that some of the young talents below will definitely be unhappy, there will be no problems in a short time, but wait until the war , The contradiction arises."

Sun Yun sneered secretly.

Those who can come to the Nine Heavens Palace are all first-class geniuses. These three are so conceited that they don't put other young talents in their eyes at all. Those people must be dissatisfied and hate secretly.

If it wasn't for increasing the cultivation base, I'm afraid the other young experts in Hundred Wars City would have turned against them a long time ago. Even now, they are just suppressing the anger in their hearts.

This is simply a time bomb.

"Sun Yun?" Zhao Wu glanced at Sun Yun below. When he saw that Sun Yun was only Wujun level five, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "Ye Tian wants you to come. What do you want to say?"

"Huh!" Sun Yun has been looking at Zhao Wu. After all, the other party is one of the four kings. He used to admire Zhao Wu, so he just noticed the disdain in Zhao Wu's eyes, and immediately snorted in his heart.

"Mr. Zhao, our city lord wants to cooperate with you once." Although Sun Yun felt confused, he said politely.

"Cooperation?" Zhao Wu was taken aback. He didn't expect Ye Tian to cooperate with him, and a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He was not an idiot, he was at the gate of Jiuxiao Tiangong, but he helped Old Man Hanbing deal with Ye Tian. This Ye Tian is not a fool. How could he cooperate with him? There must be some conspiracy.

Li Junhao on the side also sneered when he heard the words: "Cooperate? How to cooperate, you just want to come and see." He said politely, but Sun Yun saw his ridicule.

Sun Yun was also not angry, and said lightly: "We know that Young Master Zhao is going to attack Zhongding City, so our city lord decided to attack Madden City, so that Guicheng has no worries."

"is it?"

When Zhao Wu heard this, he immediately understood Ye Tian's meaning, and his expression was sneer.

Although he also thought about hitting Dingcheng, but this did not spread, how could Ye Tian know?

Li Junhao immediately laughed and mocked: "Just this cooperation? How do you know that we are going to attack the Great Ding City, not the Madden City? Hey, you guys are pretty beautiful, let us give up the fat of Madden City. Are you?"

Su Qingfeng frowned and said nothing.

Zhao Wu didn't put Sun Yun in his eyes at all. Knowing what Ye Tian meant, he didn't bother to pay attention to Sun Yun anymore.

Sun Yun didn't pay attention to Li Junhao's irony. He arched his hands and said, "Three sons, I have already brought my words, so let's take my leave."

"Get off!" A trace of killing intent flashed in Li Junhao's eyes, but when he saw Zhao Wu shook his head, he immediately converged and shouted.

"Humph!" Sun Yun snorted coldly and turned to leave.

In the hall, the three Zhao Wu glanced at each other.

"What do you say?" Zhao Wu asked after taking a look at the two.

"Hmph, that kid is naive, he wants to use us to attack the Great Ding City and take the opportunity to solve the crazy city, he must have been secretly united with Wufeng." Li Junhao sneered.

"That being said, we really can't compete with Tai Chi City at the moment. Before that, it is a wise decision to solve the Great Ding City. It is because Ye Tian knows this, that he dares to send an envoy. He is Yangmou. Su Qingfeng shook his head.

"I understand what you are saying, but if he is taking advantage of it like this, I am not willing to say anything." Li Junhao snorted coldly.

Su Qingfeng didn't speak, he looked directly at Zhao Wu, after all, Zhao Wu is the city lord, it depends on how Zhao Wu decides.

Li Junhao also looked at Zhao Wu, secretly expecting. The reason why he supported Zhao Wu was that he hoped to borrow Zhao Wu's strength and prepare to teach Ye Tian a lesson in the Supreme Battle of the Nine Heavens Palace, in order to avenge Beihai City's humiliation.

Facing the eyes of the two, Zhao Wu fell into contemplation. He "touched" and "touched" his chin, then raised his head, his eyes flashed sharply, and said coldly: "The king is my opponent, Ye Tian is the most. It's my stepping stone. When the Great Ding City is resolved, I will destroy him again."

Su Qingfeng nodded when he heard this. This decision was in his expectation. Although Zhao Wu was arrogant, he was not an idiot. He still knew the importance.

Li Junhao was a little unwilling, but he could only press it down secretly, thinking that Ye Tian would still be defeated by Zhao Wu sooner or later.

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