Seven World Martial God

Chapter 374: Treasure tower

Senior Green Eye has been talking about it for a long time, only to find Ye Tian dumbfounded, so he scratched his head, smiled and said: "Sorry, I haven't talked to anyone for thousands of years, so I can't stop talking about this. (First post) [First issue]"

"..." Ye Tian was speechless.

"Come with me, since you can walk to Yundian, you are now a registered disciple of Nine Heavens Palace, and you are eligible to go to Fenbaoya to receive treasures." Senior Green Eye waved his hand, and then walked up the steps.

"Named disciple? Fenbaoya?" Ye Tian's face was "confused," but he still followed, and he was at ease.

"Boy, I don't know your name yet? My name is Shi San. I am a puppet guarding the Yundian Palace. How strong is it... If you divide it by your martial artist's cultivation base, then it is equivalent to the level of the Emperor." Senior Green Eye... Do not! Shi San turned around and said.

"Puppet!" Ye Tian's eyes widened when he heard this.

"Nonsense! Of course it's a puppet, a rune puppet, don't you even know this? Could it be that tens of thousands of years have passed, and the rune has disappeared in the long river of history? If it's not a puppet, besides the Valkyrie, who can From ancient times to the present?" Shi San looked at Ye Tian like an idiot.

"Uh..." Ye Tian smiled and didn't know how to explain. Since ancient times, there have been no puppets left. How did he know that this predecessor in front of him turned out to be a martial emperor-level rune puppet.

"It's incredible. Those ancient craftsmen can make rune puppets comparable to the strength of the Emperor Wu. They are really powerful!" Ye Tian couldn't help sighing. The ancient times must have been a wonderful era. A lot of valuable things have been lost.

"By the way, Senior Shi, why did I become a registered disciple of the Nine Heavens Palace?" Ye Tian asked suddenly, knowing that the registered disciple of the Nine Heavens Palace must have at least a level 7 talent, and his talent Only level five.

As Shi San walked, he said without looking back: "Although your talent is only level five, you have passed through the Valley of the Storm, and you still entered the forty-ninth cave, plus you are in luck. The performance of the palace is enough to make you a registered disciple of the Nine Heavens Palace. Remember, talent is not everything to the martial artist. If you only look at talent, then why should I set so many tests in the Nine Heavens Palace?"

Ye Tian suddenly realized that even if he was not talented enough, if he passed some tests, he could become a registered disciple of Nine Heavens Palace.

However, if you want to rush to the forty-ninth cave "acupoint" in the Valley of the Wind, that is not something ordinary people can do.

"Senior Shi, I became a registered disciple of the Nine Heavens Palace, what can I get? Also, what is Fenbaoya you said?" Ye Tian continued to ask. (Starting)

"Fenbaoya is a place where treasures are placed. Only when you become a registered disciple are you eligible to go to Fenbaoya to receive treasures. Others don't have this opportunity. In addition, only by becoming a registered disciple can you be eligible to compete for the inheritance of the Holy Palace. "Shi San explained patiently, maybe he hasn't spoken for many years, he also likes to talk to Ye Tian, ​​he will answer all questions.

"Oh, get the treasure!" Ye Tian was surprised when he heard this. He didn't think much about becoming the inheritor of the holy palace, because no one could succeed for countless years. Only Mu Bingxue, who had the body of ice, succeeded, so he was very Know the difficulties and not so greedy.

Ye Tian only hoped that he could obtain some treasures in the Nine Heavens Palace, as well as the information of the three types of burial.

In fact, after he got the Tai Chi Wu Fu Talisman, he was worthwhile.

Next, Ye Tian hopes to get as many treasures as he can get, and try to improve his strength.

"Look, the front is Fenbaoya." Shi San suddenly pointed to the top of the mountain and said.

Ye Tianshun saw that on the top of that mountain, there was a pagoda with nine floors. It was shining and looked extraordinary. It was a treasure.

"This pagoda is called the Treasure Pagoda. Each floor has a rune puppet guarding it. As long as you defeat the rune puppet, you can get the treasure in it." Shi San said.

"What! There is also a rune puppet guard? Senior, don't you just receive it?" Ye Tian suddenly stared.

"What kind of mentality are you? The martial artist should go forward bravely and not be afraid of challenges, let alone just a rune puppet?" Shi San glared at Ye Tian, ​​obviously a little unhappy.

"Senior, are the puppets at the same level as you?" Ye Tianqian smiled and asked immediately.

"Of course not!" Shi San shook his head, and then explained: "In order to test our disciples, even if we grant treasures, we must pass some tests to obtain them. This is to prevent our disciples from developing lazy and weak minds. . However, this test is only set relative to your cultivation base. Your cultivation base is at the eighth level of Martial Lord, so the rune puppets inside cannot exceed the Martial King level."

"So that's it!" Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief. If the puppets in there are all at the same level as Shi San, then there is no need to go in, and it will be for nothing.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Ye Tian also felt that Jiuxiao Tiangong did this very well.

"As long as it is not a puppet above the Wuwang level, I still have confidence." Ye Tian secretly thought that his current strength is comparable to the half-step Wuwang early stage, even if he encounters the half-step Wuwang peak, he can rely on the funeral three style top. For a while, so confident.

"By the way, Senior, what treasures are there in this hidden pagoda?" Ye Tian asked suddenly. He didn't want to get some useless or tasteless treasures, it would not be worth the loss.

"It would be great if there was dragon essence blood." Ye Tian thought secretly.

At this time, the two had already walked through the long stairs and came to the treasure tower.

Viewed from a close distance, this hidden treasure tower is still very majestic, brilliant and extraordinary. The tower body didn't know what material it was made of, it seemed that there was a divine power surging in it, which was very mysterious.

"There are thousands of treasures in the treasure tower. As for what treasures you can get, it depends on your own luck. Martial artist, besides talent, luck is also very important. Because luck is strong, you can get more opportunities. Even if it is a waste, it is possible to become King Wu and Emperor Wu." Shi San said with a smile.

"Not bad!" Ye Tian nodded when he heard this. He was born without a martial soul, but he unexpectedly obtained a devouring martial soul because of his amazing luck.

Qi Luck is something that you can't see or "touch", but it really exists.

In order to verify the luck of a disciple, the Nine Heavens Palace has set up many tests, such as the Palace of Destiny and this hidden pagoda. As long as the people with amazing luck, they can often get good treasures.

"Boy, how is your luck, just see if the treasure you got this time is suitable for you, go in." Shi San said, kicking Ye Tian in.

"I rely on—" Before Ye Tian had time to ask more, he rushed into the treasure tower, and the door was closed tightly.

"Hey, the adults said that this kid is very lucky, and it is very likely that he is the son of the North Sea's fortune. The gathering of a sea of ​​fortune, even the declining North Sea, is comparable to the fortune of an empire. This kid has great hopes. !" Shi San looked at the treasure tower, with a pair of green eyes gleaming inexplicably.

Inside the treasure tower.


There was a muffled sound.

Ye Tian rolled over and slammed into a wall. He didn't know what material the wall was made of. It was so hard that he shivered in pain.

Rumble... At this moment, the pagoda trembled, and then Ye Tian felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and his whole person was instantly pierced by the white light so that he couldn't open his eyes.

After a long time, Ye Tiancai put down his palm and looked around curiously.

"Where is this place?" Ye Tian's eyes widened. He was definitely not here just now, he was sure of this.

Because this is a fighting arena, there are many stands around, like an ancient Roman arena, where is this inside the treasure tower!

Ye Tian was immediately "confused" and "confused".

"It's been a long time since no one came to the hidden pagoda. The axe of this uncle is rusty. Boy, what's your name? Express your name. Uncle's axe doesn't kill the unknown."

At this moment, a loud voice came.

Ye Tian turned his head and suddenly saw a tall rune puppet behind him. Unlike Shi San, this puppet carried a big axe, with his long hair loose, his eyes flashing red.

"This is the treasure tower?" Ye Tian looked at this somewhat arrogant puppet suspiciously.

"Could it be that what do you kid think this is?" The puppet gave Ye Tian a blank eye.

Ye Tian sincerely admired the refiner who made these puppets, and he could even show such a human expression. It was really hard to imagine that it was a puppet.

"What about the treasure?" Ye Tian asked immediately, he still wanted to know what treasure he could get this time.

"Treasure?" The puppet continued to roll his eyes, mocking: "Are you really an idiot or a fake idiot? This is the fighting space of the treasure tower. Only if you defeat this uncle can you get this level of treasure. Come on. Come on, stop talking nonsense."

Having said that, this puppet grabbed the axe and played it twice, violently, with a breathtaking vigor, so that the surrounding air was full of tension and oppression.

"The strength is good, it should be the ninth level of Wujun!" Ye Tian's pupils brightened, and he suddenly relaxed a lot. It seems that this first level is not difficult to pass.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian took out the mysterious iron sword and pointed to the puppet opposite, and smiled: "My name is Ye Tian, ​​remember, you lost to me Ye Tian."

"Arrogant!" Hearing the words, the puppet on the opposite side roared and slashed directly at Ye Tian with an axe. That dazzling axe light, like a huge crescent moon, slashed towards Ye Tian.

"The momentum is good, but the strength is far short." Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, and the mysterious iron sword in his hand had already cut out a bright blade, and directly smashed the opposite puppet away.

"Come again!" The puppet's body was very hard, and he suffered a slash from Ye Tian, ​​leaving no trace.

"Fighting?" Ye Tian stared, he didn't believe that the opponent couldn't see his strength.

"Hey, the fighting space is a contest of spiritual level. Your current body is only evolved by your martial arts will, and I am also fictitious, so you don't show mercy with your hands. Of course, this uncle will not show mercy to your men. Only by killing one side can the fighting be stopped."

After all, this puppet continued to kill Ye Tian.

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