Seven World Martial God

Chapter 356: 1 battle

On the surface, Han Iceland seems very calm, even without defensive people. [More exciting novels, please visit]

However, when Ye Tian approached this island, he realized the terrible old man Frost Bing.

It turned out that the surrounding area of ​​Cold Iceland had already enveloped a layer of ice domain, as long as any creature broke into it, it would be known to the old man.

"Unexpectedly, the old man Hanbing also understood the power of the king, and his palm is probably close to the 50% realm." Ye Tian frowned, secretly anxious.

With the existence of this layer of ice field, he could not sneak into iceland at all, and he would definitely be known by the old man of ice for the first time.

"I originally hoped to sneak into Cold Iceland and give him a fatal blow when the old man Hanbing was not paying attention. Now it seems that he can only be led out." Ye Tian sighed secretly. When he came, he was already prepared. There are two methods.

One is to sneak into the cold Iceland and take the opportunity to give the old man of cold ice a one-shot kill. The advantage of this method is that the enemy is dark, and when the enemy is unprepared, one hit kills.

This method is more likely to be successful.

Another method is to draw the old man Frozen out, and with the strength of the opponent's half-step Martial King peak, he will definitely not put Ye Tian in his eyes. Then he can take advantage of his care and give him a fatal blow.

This method is much more dangerous, after all, if Old Man Frost really makes an all-out effort, he might be able to kill Ye Tian in one face.

Moreover, with the strength of Old Man Frost, even if Ye Tian had Thunderbolt, he might not be able to hit the opponent.

The possibility of this method is very low, if it is not a last resort, Ye Tian is not willing to face Old Man Frost.

But now it seems that we can only choose this method.

Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he immediately made up his mind that Mu Bingxue must be rescued.

"I can't hide any strength in this battle. At the critical moment, the Blood Demon Knife must also be used." Ye Tian secretly thought that in his small world, the Blood Demon Knife is already ready and can be used at any time. .

At the same time, Ye Tian slowly sank to the bottom of the sea, adjusting his energy to the peak.

"There are still six days left before the time limit that Old Man Cold Bing said, and three days later, I will make another move." Ye Tian took a deep look at Han Iceland not far away, and was immediately submerged by sea water.

Time passed slowly.

The old man Hanbing didn’t know that an unexpected visitor had already arrived in his cold Iceland. For the last few days, he was sitting in front of the ice bed at all times, watching him constantly twisting and groaning on the ice bed. Wooden ice and snow.

"It's coming soon... My old man Frost, no! In a few days, I will be the King of Frost Martial Arts. [Starter]" Old man Frost stared at the coquettish body on the ice bed. Light.

At this time, Mu Bingxue had reached Wujun's seventh level in her cultivation, and her body of ice had been fully opened. From then on, her talent will surpass the four kings, surpass Ye Tian, ​​and become the strongest genius of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

Even looking at the entire continent of China, Mu Bingxue, who has a body of ice, will also be a top-ranked peerless genius.

Of course, the premise is that Mu Bingxue can survive this catastrophe.

I have to say that although the old man Han Bing had a bad heart, his appearance also gave Mu Bingxue a chance. If he survives this time, Mu Bingxue will be reborn, saying that respecting the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea is not a problem.

Both sides have the opportunity to see who can have the last laugh.

From the current point of view, the last person who laughed should be the old man Hanbing. The powerful half-step Wuwang peak strength gave the old man Hanbing the absolute initiative.

And Mu Bingxue, who had lost consciousness, could only rely on Ye Tian's power to seek that little hope.


A huge blue beam of light suddenly erupted from the cold Iceland, rushed into the sky, shattered the sky, trembling this sea area, making countless beasts tremble with fright.

Three days later, after the old man Hanbing fed the bottle of chronic aphrodisiac to Xiamu Bingxue, the pure Yin Yuan in her body suddenly broke out, raising her cultivation base from Wujun 7 to Wujun 8.

If this spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Beihai Eighteen Kingdoms. In just over a month, Mu Bingxue's cultivation base will reach five consecutive levels, and he has been promoted from Wujun three to Wujun eight.

Even the old man Frost Bing who had anticipated this scene was extremely envious in his heart.

"It deserves to be the body of cold ice, with such talent... even if this girl sleeps and does not practice, she can still be promoted to the realm of King Wu!" The old man cold ice was full of jealousy and envy.

"However, all of this must be a wedding dress for the old man. Although I can't have the body of ice, I can use the body of ice to promote to the realm of King Wu. The old man's wish is already. Hahaha..." The old man laughed.

Under the cold sea near Iceland.

An ice-bound figure suddenly opened a pair of dazzling eyes, those sharp eyes, pierced through layers of sea water, and shot towards the cold Iceland not far away.

"The eighth level of Wujun...This is Mu Bingxue's breath, how could it be possible? How could her cultivation level suddenly increase so much!"

Perceiving the familiar aura from the cold Iceland, Ye Tian was surprised, and his face was shocked.

He knew Mu Bingxue's strength very well. Even if he had been in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea for a few years, he would not be able to be promoted to the eighth rank of Martial Lord.

"It seems that Old Man Hanbing is ready to start, I can't wait any longer."

Ye Tian's eyes condensed and he sipped in a low voice. The ice that wrapped him was suddenly shattered by a powerful force.

Ye Tian broke out of the ice and rushed out of the sea. He stepped up into the air and climbed into the void. He looked at the cold Iceland below and took out the golden big bow.

"Lead out the old man of Frost Ice first!" Ye Tian bowed with nine arrows, full of bowstrings, his eyes shining brightly, and he roared, shaking the sky, spreading across the entire cold Iceland.

"Huh? Who is it?"

The old man Han Bing frowned and opened his eyes suddenly, with a pair of cold eyes, looking in the direction of Ye Tian.

What a strong man he was, he felt the moment Ye Tian rushed out of the sea and released his breath. However, he thought it was just a passing warrior. In the last three days, he didn't want any accidents to happen, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

But then, he felt ten golden rays of light, like ten meteors, bombarding his cold Iceland with terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Very well, dare to be presumptuous in the old man's territory. It seems that my old man Frost has calmed down a lot in the past few years, making people forget the old man's reputation."

The old man Hanbing was furious.

He instantly sensed that Ye Tian's cultivation was not at the eighth level of Martial Lord, so he didn't put Ye Tian in his eyes at all.

"What a powerful arrow technique. There is such a cultivation level at this age, comparable to the five great arrogances of the young generation. However, even if you are one of the four great kings, you will still have to die if you offend the old man today -" Before the words fell, the figure had disappeared in the palace.

Afterwards, Ye Tian sensed a terrifying aura, which erupted from the cold Iceland.

In the sky, a huge cold ice palm appeared out of thin air, and he grabbed the ten golden sharp arrows shot by Ye Tian. That powerful force spread out toward the cold Iceland, and ice sealed a large area of ​​water.

"Dare to be presumptuous in the old man's cold Iceland, boy, are you impatient?"

Rumble... As the chill spread, a loud voice shook the sky, and it came over, making Ye Tian feel that his ears were roaring.

"So strong!" Ye Tian suddenly condensed, looking at the gray-robed old man who stepped into the sky from the cold Iceland with a serious face.

This is Old Man Frost!

Ye Tian looked at the old man Frost Bing carefully, only to feel that this person was unfathomable, stronger than the Murder King and King Wu Zhou he knew, and almost as powerful as King Shenwu.

Although shocked in his heart, Ye Tian had a plan. The next moment he saw Old Man Frost, he stretched his bow again and shot a blazing arrow at Old Man Frost.

The power of this arrow is stronger than the total of the ten arrows just now, reaching the initial attack power of the tenth rank of Martial Lord.

The old man Hanbing frowned and his eyes were full of anger. The guy opposite was so arrogant that he even dared to shoot arrows in front of him, not putting him in his eyes at all.

However, when he felt the power of Ye Tian's arrow, the old man Hanbing was still a little shocked. He exclaimed: "At this age, he has such strength. It is definitely one of the five great arrogances. I don't know which one it is?"

At the moment, the old man Han Bing waved his hand and smashed the arrow shot by Ye Tian, ​​and shouted and asked: "Boy, don't do this in vain. The gap between you and the old man is too big. You should still report your name obediently. Generation."

Since he guessed that Ye Tian was one of the five great arrogances, the old man Hanbing was still a little jealous. After all, the backgrounds of the five great arrogances should not be underestimated, and there are shadows of the lord behind them.

Although the old man Frost is about to be promoted to King Wu, he also knows his own situation. Even if he is promoted to King Wu, he cannot be the opponent of those who are already in the realm of King Wu.

If not necessary, the old man Hanbing didn't want to offend them, after all, he still had to mix in the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai.


Not far away, Ye Tian couldn't help but was secretly delighted. Although he didn't know why Old Man Frost hadn't shot him immediately, this was exactly the result he wanted.

Right now, Ye Tian let out a roar, stretched the bowstring for the third time, and shot an arrow at the old man Hanbing.

It's really which is intolerable.

The old man Hanbing saw Ye Tian ignore him, and shot arrows at him again and again, and suddenly became angry, no matter what Ye Tian's back was, he slapped it directly.

"Boy, this is where you are looking for death--" The old man Hanbing shouted angrily, covering the sky with a palm, suppressing the heavens.

Ye Tian faintly saw that the palm of Old Man Cold Bing suddenly burst out with blue light. A breath of extreme cold filled the sky, sweeping across the world, causing the surrounding temperature to drop by dozens of degrees.

Afterwards, with the old man of Frost Bing as the center, all the surrounding sea water was frozen, and the sight of hundreds of miles and rivers was very shocking.

"It's not good-one step to the sky!"

At this moment, Ye Tian burst into his heart and felt a strong crisis. He quickly used one step to climb to the sky, and then used Tingyunjiao, abruptly moving his body a hundred feet away, avoiding this terrifying palm.

In the place where Ye Tian was originally located, the entire void seemed to have collapsed. The terrifying giant palm exploded the thousands of meters of sea water behind him, and set off a huge and turbulent wave.

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