Seven World Martial God

Chapter 298: Secret of the Lord

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian felt a bit itchy in his nose and couldn't help but blinked and woke up slowly. 【First Release】

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ye Tian's heart shook, and he felt a piece of softness in his right hand. He couldn't help squeezing, and then he heard a beautiful woman groan.

Ye Tian's face changed suddenly, he opened his eyes in an instant, his pupils shrank, and his face was dumbfounded.

At this moment, what appeared before his eyes was a melon seed face with classical charm. The skin was as creamy, dreamy as poetry, with a faint rich luster, smoother than silk and satin, and whiter than beautiful jade. Eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth.

Those clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, and long eyelashes trembling slightly, the white and flawless skin reveals a faint pink, and the thin lips are like petals of rose petals, which are charming and attractive. soul.

Underneath the silk-soft, long hair, there is a swan-like charming neck, white as fat jade.

Isn't such a seductive woman the one who had a good night with him?

"It's you!" Ye Tian's face was suddenly stunned, and then the old face blushed, because there was a reaction from below, and the top of the beautiful lady groaned again.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Ye Tian. Yanhuo was naked at this time. Her charming, peerless face and hot body are all full of fatal attraction to any man.

In this case, if Ye Tian hasn't responded yet, then it's either impotence or eunuch.

"Yeah... you bullied someone last night, forget it now." Yan Huo groaned slightly, his face full of resentment, that slightly tall nose, **** red lips, and smooth jaws. The beauty is extremely tempting, and the color of the country and the city is really full, and the face of the moon is ashamed.

Ye Tianman's face flushed, he could feel the heat of the beautiful woman in his arms, and his snow-white skin was gradually stained with pink. A pair of plump beauty peaks squeezed his chest, making him deeply feel the softness.

Especially the **** buttocks, one of Ye Tian's clutches, was lying on it, and he just kneaded it lightly.

"You demon girl!" A feeling of anxiety rose in Ye Tian's heart. He couldn't help it anymore, let out a low growl, suddenly turned over, and pressed her under the flames in exclaim.

After that, Ye Tian leaned down and kissed the **** red lips fiercely. At the same time, his palms also used a reduced version of the "Hands of Stars", touching every inch of the skin of the beautiful woman under him.

The bedroom was suddenly filled with the scent of young hormones and moans like waves.

After ravaging the beautiful woman under him, Ye Tiancai got up from the softness. He looked at the fire on the bed, tired of falling asleep, with a wry smile in his heart. (Starting)

This romantic debt can't be shaken off completely.

"It seems that I am going to meet with the Lord of the Country today." Ye Tian sighed. He was a very responsible man in his previous life. Otherwise, he would be replaced by someone else and experienced Lin Xue, Liu Hongwu, and Yunshui in this life. Yao, Meng Shiyun, Mu Bingxue and other beauties can't control them.

Before, because of an accident, having a good night with Yanhuo had already caused Ye Tian a headache.

This time the two exchanged water and milk again, Ye Tian knew that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise he would disappoint a woman who was sincere to him.

"I hope Tingting can understand me." Ye Tian thought of Lin Tingting, who still had no news, and felt guilty.

In fact, Ye Tian knew that even if Lin Tingting knew about this, he might not be blamed.

Because the mainland of China is different from the earth, it is normal for men to have three wives and four concubines, and even some powerful women can have several men at the same time.

Don't think this is abnormal, because this is a world where the strong respect the strong. Everyone is proud of worshiping the strong, and the strong are the truth on this continent.

This is similar to ancient times on Earth, but it is also somewhat different.

However, Ye Tian has the memory of his previous life after all, and the idea of ​​monogamy on the earth still confines him, so he has been restrained and restrained again.

However, as Ye Tian's strength increased, coupled with his more and more understanding of this world, he became more integrated into this world, and the imprisoned thoughts were slowly liberated.

Ye Tian didn't know if this was good or bad, he only knew that he suddenly felt a lot easier, and the pressure in the past was transformed into the motivation for cultivation.

In his heart at the moment, there is only one obsession, that is, practice and then practice, leading to the highest martial arts road, becoming the strongest.

This is also Ye Tian's goal all along.

"Wait for me!" Ye Tian lowered his head, gently kissed the flaming and clean forehead, then put on his clothes and left the house.

What surprised Ye Tian was that he was in the Happy Forest at the moment. As soon as he went out, he met Zhang Hu's servant. This guy was laughing with two beautiful women in his arms.

"Brother Ye looks very energetic!" Zhang Hu showed Ye Tian a smile that a man knew, and Ye Tian wanted to smash him.

As if feeling the'murderous spirit' in Ye Tian's eyes, Zhang Hu quickly said: "Brother Ye, forgot to tell you that Li Lanshan and Pojun are planning to leave the imperial capital today."

"Oh!" Ye Tian nodded, but there was no surprise in his eyes.

All warriors on the Shenzhou Continent have the same goal, which is to become a strong one. Especially these young talents, apart from practicing, they hardly have any entertainment.

Retreat, experience, battle... is the life of these warriors.

The Great Yan Supreme Ranking has ended. Although all the young generations of Great Yan Nation have been eliminated, this has made them even more intense. At this time, they are holding a breath and are preparing to regain their confidence in the next Great Yan Supreme Ranking.

After Ye Tian prepared to deal with the matter, he would also leave Great Yan Nation and go outside to practice.

It is impossible to progress in retreat and hard practice. Only by constant fighting and experiencing dangerous trials can you reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

"When are they leaving?" Ye Tian pondered for a moment and asked.

"Evening!" Zhang Hu said. After a period of time, he will go out to practice.

"I see." Ye Tian nodded, then left the Happy Forest and headed directly to the palace.

Only one night later, the guards of the palace still knew him, the number one on the Great Flame Supreme Ranking, so he immediately reported it.

However, within a short time, there was an order from the host to allow the interview.

Under the leadership of a soldier, Ye Tian came to a high tower.

This tower is not as magnificent as those palaces, on the contrary, it is very ordinary. The only special thing is that this tower is very tall and is the tallest building in the palace.

Ye Tian couldn't see the top of the tower, because his vision was blocked by the clouds, and he could only see a section of the tower.

Before this step, Ye Tian felt his own smallness, as if an ant was facing a giant.

"Come on!" Ye Tian's ear suddenly heard the voice of the lord, a bit of vicissitudes, a bit of majesty, and a bit of sigh.

There was doubt in Ye Tian's eyes. He still remembered that King Shenwu told him yesterday that he would come to see the Lord when he was about to leave, but why did the Lord see him?

With a hint of doubt, Ye Tian entered the tower and climbed it step by step.

Ye Tian's speed is very fast. Although he is only climbing and not flying, his legs are like a gust of wind, leading him to the top of the tower in a moment.

"What? Are you leaving the imperial capital so soon?"

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom was standing on the top of the tower at this time, and his stalwart body radiated a faint golden light under the rays of billions of rays of the sun.

At such a high place, one can clearly see the scorching sun above the sky, and the early morning sun, although not so blazing, but also extremely dazzling, golden light.

Ye Tian's body was also covered with a layer of light golden light, he slowly walked forward, stopped not far behind the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom, and bowed slightly.

"Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat." Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

"Yeah." The Lord of the Kingdom of Great Yan nodded appreciatively, and then continued to ask: "Did the funeral mention me to you?"

"Um..." Ye Tian was taken aback. He didn't expect that the Lord would even mention the Great Elder Buried. He was a little confused immediately, but he still shook his head and said, "No."

This time, he changed to the lord of the country for a moment. He shook his head, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and sighed: "I killed him. No wonder he blames me."

Ye Tian was stunned again when he heard this. This time he was completely confused. He didn't know what kind of past the country lord and the elder had, and why such a tone.

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, and with his hands on his back, he sighed softly: "I have known Funeral Tian for more than three hundred years. Once we participated in the Great Yan Supreme List, went out to experience together, and explored the North Sea together. Eighteen nations. In this great flame nation, he is the only one who can be regarded as a confidant."

Ye Tian's eyes widened and his face was shocked.

"It's a pity, if it wasn't for me, for the Great Yan Nation, he would definitely become King Wu, and he would also be the strongest King Wu among the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea." Great Yan Nation sighed again, making Ye Tian shocked.

What kind of secret do they have?

Ye Tian’s heart was full of questions at this The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom turned around at this time. With a deep gaze, he looked at Ye Tian, ​​and at the same time slowly lifted the cloak with one hand, revealing the plug. The black dagger at his waist.

Ye Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, his face full of disbelief.

"This..." Ye Tian opened his mouth wide, but didn't know what to say, his eyes were full of horror and deep doubts.

A black dagger was fiercely inserted in the waist of the lord, the black evil energy, even if he glanced at it, Ye Tian could feel the horror.

This was definitely a fatal blow. It would have been long since replaced by someone else, and only the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom at the level of King Wu could persist.

"A hundred years ago, there was a great enemy who wanted to assassinate me. To save me, he destroyed the foundation of the king. Otherwise, the one standing in front of you today would not be me, the **** king, but your **** star gate. The Great Elder."

The host said in a deep voice.

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