Seven World Martial God

Chapter 290: Only 11 people

"I really didn't expect it, it's a miracle to make a breakthrough in danger!"

"Understanding the second kind of martial arts will, I have never heard of anyone can do it, of course, except for the four kings. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"No wonder Wufeng would say that Ye Tian's potential and talent are equal to him."


The young talents of Great Yan Nation were extremely excited and excited one by one. They witnessed the emergence of a miracle with their own eyes, and no one expected Ye Tian to break through.

The five great arrogances were also dumbfounded, their eyes looking at Ye Tian were full of solemnity.

Even Sun Lingtian, who had been ridiculing Ye Tian all the time before, was extremely solemn at this time, and cold light flickered in his gloomy eyes.

No wind was also a little surprised. For the first time, a touch of warfare appeared in his indifferent eyes. Looking at Ye Tian who was laughing, he felt a trace of pressure in his heart.

It's hard to believe that, as one of the four kings, he actually had a little pressure when facing an unknown junior.

If this spreads out, I am afraid that the entire 18 North Sea countries will be boiling.

But if you see the battle between Wufeng and Ye Tian, ​​no one will be surprised. Because of this battle, Ye Tian's potential and talent are enough to match the four kings of the younger generation.

"No surprise, Ye Tian is destined to rise, he must be another one of the five great arrogances, and even one of the four kings." A young powerhouse from the Great Yan Nation said excitedly.

After hearing this, everyone did not refute, they had been conquered by Ye Tian's talent.

Even Xu Feng, who was not reconciled, had a gloomy face at this moment and did not speak.


In the field, Wufeng and Ye Tian fought again, this time more amazing than before.

The windless fist shattered the sky, and the whole body was golden, like a golden **** of war, carrying a terrifying breath of the world, terrifying.

At this moment, everyone was extremely shocked, this is the true king. The strongest of the young generation really deserves its reputation. Even if Ye Tian broke through when he was in danger, he did not shake his confidence in invincibility.


Almost at the same time, Ye Tian was shining all over, he used his palm to replace the knife, and he cut a bright blade of light, which evolved into a huge Tai Chi picture in front of him.

Rumble... The windless invincible punch hit the Taiji Tu fiercely, and the dazzling light burst out immediately, stabbing everyone to open their eyes, and there was light all around.

However, Tai Chi Tu is indestructible and defuses all attacks of no wind. Ye Tian climbed into the sky one step from behind the Taiji diagram, with an astonishing speed, like a flash of lightning, and in a flash, he appeared on the opposite side of the windless, slashing towards him. (Starting)

Ten small worlds erupted at the same time, and Ye Tian's palm was more sharp than the Black Iron Sabre. The vigorous true essence erupted from the peak of his palm, bringing up a long, **** river, which was turbulent.

At this time, Ye Tian's martial arts will changed, the blood world slash with the killing blade intent, exerted a peak attack, and blasted the unguarded Wufeng.

The strongest of this young generation, one of the four kings, Wufeng, was repelled by Ye Tian frontally for the first time. Although he was not injured, he was shaken back dozens of steps.

There was a crack on the ground, and the whole hall was trembling.

The spectators around were all moved and shocked.

That was the windlessness of one of the four kings. Even in the first battle of the same rank, the entire North Sea Eighteen Nations youth generation could not find a few people who could repel him frontally.

But Ye Tian did it!

"What a great defense, what kind of martial skill is that?" One of the five great arrogances was full of shock.

The other four people were also extremely dignified. None of them were weak. They naturally saw the windless blow just now, and they couldn't break Ye Tian's defense.

"There are three ways to bury the sky!" The young Junjie from Great Yan Country heard their conversation and said with great pride.

This time, the young talents of Great Yan Nation were very aggrieved, because the appearance of the five great arrogances made them ineligible to be on the Great Yan Supreme Ranking, so many people were suffocating in their hearts.

At this moment, seeing Ye Tian showing such a mighty power for Yang Wei of Great Yan Nation, except for Xu Feng and other people who had enemies with Ye Tian, ​​the rest of the great Yan Nation's young talents were extremely happy and excited.

"Three styles of burial!" The five great arrogances changed their expressions upon hearing this.

The name of Burial Heaven, Megatron Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, the name of Invincible Wujun, is much stronger than the Four Great Kings and the Five Tianjiao, so almost everyone knows it.

And because of this, everyone knows the invincible defense of the funeral three styles.

"This person has actually practiced the three burial styles, tusk!" One of the five great arrogances showed a solemn look, and the other people looked at Ye Tian's eyes more solemnly.

The killing intent in Sun Lingtian's eyes became even more surging, but it was quickly covered up by him.

In the distance, Wufeng's eyes burst out, and he shouted: "Come again!"

This time, instead of rushing to Ye Tian, ​​he didn't hide his strength, and all the true essence controlled by Wujun's fifth level broke out. With his third level of the Ninth Rank battle body, the attack power he exerted was extremely terrifying.

Even the five great arrogances felt the threat of this blow, shocked in their hearts, and opened their eyes one by one, staring at the court.

Ye Tian's face was indifferent, and the war spirit in his eyes was overwhelming. He used his palm to replace the sword and once again performed the three burial styles. The martial arts volition on his body has become Tai Chi sword intent at this moment, fused into the three burial styles.

"For a long time, I always felt that there was something missing in the three burial styles, but now I understand that it was the Tai Chi sword intent that was missing."

"Without the cooperation of Tai Chi sword intent, it is impossible to exert the true power of the three burial styles."

"Furthermore, I used to use the killing knife intent to play the three funeral styles, which is ridiculous to think about it. The funeral three styles are defensive sword methods, and my killing knife intent is completely offensive. It is impossible for the two to cooperate well, or even contradict each other."


Ye Tian thought secretly in his heart, the palm of his hand became brighter and brighter, a huge Tai Chi picture, blocking his front, blocking the windless advance.

At this time, he truly understood the nature of the three burial styles, and used this martial art to the realm of Dzogchen.

With only the burial of the sky, Ye Tian blocked one of the four kings, a windless attack, and with ease.

If he uses the second burial style, Ye Tian has the confidence to block the attack of the four kings and four people. Of course, this is in the same realm.

At this moment, Ye Tiancai deeply felt the power of the three burial styles. It's no wonder that the Great Elder Society was called under the King of Wu, with invincible defense.

When he has practiced the third style, then he will also become the second burial elder, under King Wu, invincible defense.


Once again, there was no wind, Ye Tian didn't make a move, but stopped in the air, staring at the wind indifferently.

At this moment, he knew that it was meaningless to fight any more. No wind can help him, and his attack power is no better than no wind. It is impossible for the two sides to tell the winner in the same realm.

In the distance, No Wind stopped his hands. He took a deep look at Ye Tian and said in a condensed voice: "I didn't expect you to practice the three styles of funeral, and you have cultivated it to such a fire, I am afraid that Seniors are nothing but that."

"I didn't expect you to cultivate the Rank 9 combat body to the third level. It seems that your martial spirit is blue." Ye Tian said, and he also admired Wufeng very much in his heart. You know, he has been till now. None of them had cultivated the Rank 9 combat body to the third level, but the other party did it. No wonder it was called the pinnacle king of the young generation.

"Haha!" Wufeng smiled softly, turned and left.

Ye Tian was startled, then smiled.

The five great arrogances, as well as the young talents of Great Yan Nation, looked different at this time.

"Congratulations, you passed this level."

"Ye Tian, ​​I remember this name. I will wait for your peak battle. I hope that by then, your cultivation base will not be so low. Haha..."

There was a windless laughter, but his figure had disappeared from the sight of everyone.

The back door was blown open by a gust of wind, and two mighty figures caught everyone's eyes.

They are the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom and the King of Shenwu.

Seeing these two people, except for Ye Tian, ​​all the great young talents of Great Yan Country bowed their heads deeply, their faces full of shame.

They all knew that if it weren't for Ye Tian today, the younger generation of their Great Yan Nation would be wiped out, and this would become the laughing stock of the entire Beihai Eighteen Nations.

Fortunately, in the end, Ye Tian retained a trace of dignity for them.

Not far away, the five great arrogances bid farewell to the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom, and only Sun Lingtian glanced at Ye Tian thoughtfully when he was leaving.

As if feeling this look, Ye Tian looked at it coldly, with a slight hum in his mouth.

Two lives, Ye Tian was very shrewd, he knew that Sun Lingtian had murderous intent on him. After all, the Great Wei Kingdom and the Great Yan Kingdom are mortal enemies, and Sun Lingtian absolutely does not allow the younger generation of the enemy country to appear, there will be a genius comparable to the four kings.

With a trace of vigilance in his heart, Ye Tian retracted his gaze and looked at the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom and King Shenwu who came across.

"I'm very disappointed!" The majestic voice of the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom sounded.

When everyone heard it, their heads lowered lower, and they were extremely ashamed.

"Aren't some of you very arrogant before? In the Great Yan you are all the top figures of the young generation, brave and arrogant, but today?"

"In the face of the five great arrogances and the four kings, you don't even have the courage to fight, and the face of our Great Yan Nation has been completely lost by you."

"I can expect that after my death, Great Yan Country will definitely be annexed by Great Wei State."

"Because of your incompetence!"

The lord of the Great Yan Kingdom finished venting his thunderous anger, snorted coldly, turned and left.

But only King Shenwu saw that the corner of the mouth of the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom made an excited smile.

With a faint smile, King Shenwu raised his face and read the imperial edict in his hand to the shameful young man in front of him: "We will carry it out in heaven, the emperor's edict...This year, Ye Tian is the first place in the Great Yan Supreme List, and the rest are not eligible to be on the list. ."

The words of King Shenwu fell, and the field was full of miserable howls and unwillingness.

This year's Great Flame Supreme Ranking, only Ye Tian was on the list, and the others were not even qualified to be on the list.

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