Seven World Martial God

Chapter 274: 1 battle to become famous

The second of the Xu family's shot immediately attracted the attention of all parties, and everyone's eyes gathered. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Secretly, some people were inquiring about the origin of Ye Tian's identity. After all, he could kick Ding Tai faint with one kick, and he could be calm with Xu Fei, so Ye Tian was definitely not an ordinary person.

However, everyone seemed very strange to Ye Tian. Can you be familiar? It was the first time Ye Tiancai visited the imperial capital, and naturally not many people knew him.

In this way, the spectators around were more curious about the origin of Ye Tian's identity.

No, after a while, someone inquired about Zhang Hu. Ye Tian didn't have any acquaintances in the Imperial Capital, but Zhang Hu had many acquaintances, and there were many present.

"I said Brother Zhang and Brother Li, who is this brother Ye sacred? Why did I first hear about the great young men in the Great Yan Kingdom?" A young handsome seemed to be very familiar with Zhang Hu and Li Lanshan. Came over and asked curiously.

Zhang Hu glanced at him and said with a smile: "It turns out that it is Brother Wang, this is your ignorance, do you know that Shenxingmen? I don't know it doesn't matter, the great elder of Shenxingmen is called Funeral Sky, do you know now? Brother Ye is a high disciple of the God Star Gate, and he has obtained the true biography of Senior Buried, but he has just left the gate of the mountain. You don't know it is excusable."

"Senior Funeral is famous all over the world. I am afraid that no one in Great Yan Nation does not know. I did not expect Brother Ye to get the true biography of Senior Funeral, and I don’t know if he has learned the legendary three styles of Funeral. If he really practiced it. If it is done, then in the same rank, I am afraid that no one is his opponent." The Wang brother was shocked.

"You know it!" Zhang Hu laughed.

He made it clear to give Ye Tian a reputation, no matter who came to ask, he didn't hesitate to publicize Ye Tian's name.

After a while, everyone around watching the battle knew Ye Tian's name.

It can be said that from this moment on, no matter what the outcome of this battle, Ye Tian is enough to pass on the emperor.

Xu Jie on the side heard more and more people talking about Ye Tian, ​​and heard some people say that Ye Tian was enough to be in the top ten of the Great Yan Supreme Ranking, and he was immediately unhappy.

"What about the Shenxing Gate? Hmph, the old Piff of Funeral is running out of life. There is no Shenxing Gate for Funeral, and it is not worth mentioning in front of my Xu family." Xu Jie sneered in his heart.

Of course, he dared not say it, after all, the prestige of Invincible Wujun was still very deterrent.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and people were shocked, knowing that the battle between Ye Tian and Xu Fei had begun, they couldn't help but hold their breath, and looked at the round table below one by one. 【First Release】

The huge round arena, at this moment, seemed to be shaking violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

"But a person sitting in a well and watching the sky, today I will show you how powerful the younger generation of the imperial capital is by Xu Fei." Although Xu Fei is arrogant and domineering, his strength is very powerful. I saw him yelling, and a seething of true essence came from him. The body erupted, like a big Yangtze River, bombarding Ye Tian.

The surrounding people exclaimed, they didn't expect Xu Fei to use all his strength when he shot. Looking at the vigorous true essence, it might be 300% that it broke out, and there was no room for it to leave.

It seems that Xu Fei is going to fight for a tooth for a tooth, imitating Ye Tian against Ding Tai, defeating the opponent with one blow, perhaps his intention is to defeat Ye Tian with one blow.

"Sit in the well and watch the sky? Are you talking about yourself?" Ye Tian sneered, and his whole body burst out with blazing golden light. Facing Wujun's sixth-level Xu Fei, he did not dare to hide his strength and moved the second-tier Nine-turn combat body to its extreme .

At the same time, Ye Tian's ten small worlds erupted together, and the horrible energy like a flood suddenly poured from all directions, making the true vitality aura around his body not lower than Xu Fei's.

At the peak of Wujun's fourth level, Ye Tian possessed ten small worlds. Under his full burst, his true essence was almost comparable to Wujun's sixth level. This was his trump card to leapfrog Xu Fei.

Ye Tian leaped high, like a tyrannosaurus, simple and direct, and blasted Xu Fei with one punch.

Xu Fei showed a smirk and greeted him with the same punch. He was two levels higher than Ye Tian. Wouldn't it be a joke if he didn't dare to hold Ye Tian's fist.

However, when the two fists met, Xu Fei's smile instantly solidified.


Hearing an explosion, there was a thunder in the sky, a blazing light burst, and terrifying energy ravaged the Nine Heavens, a shocking aftermath that shocked the circular ring.

"How is it possible!" Xu Fei's face was inconceivable, his body slumped back, his huge fist was stained with blood, and he directly fisted Ye Tian, ​​and he was actually injured.

Everyone around apparently saw this scene and took a breath.

On the other hand, Ye Tian, ​​who was on the opposite side, only stepped back three steps. His whole body was like gold pouring, exuding fiery golden light, especially those dark eyes, blasting out two flashes of light like lightning.


Ye Tian took the upper hand with a fist, and took advantage of the momentum to pursue it. The whole person was like an ancient fierce beast, slaughtering him viciously towards Xu Fei.

Feeling the fierce aura from Ye Tianshen, Xu Fei actually felt a tremor in his heart, and couldn't help taking a half step back. But then he was immediately embarrassed, and he was actually frightened by an unknown junior, which made his heart burst into anger.


The angry Xu Fei didn't allow himself to retreat and rushed forward, but this time he learned well, and did not continue to fight Ye Tian with his fists. Instead, the sword light flashed in his hand and struck Ye Tian with a sword.

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers, and there is a gentleman's style, so the people who practice martial arts have the most sword lovers, so that the most popular swordsmanship on the mainland of China.

In this way, younger generations of young talents, and more sword practitioners.

Ye Tian has seen many young talents and found that most of them like to use swords, but he likes swords more because of the tyrant and madness of the sword.

Maybe someone likes the nineteen states with a sword of light, but Ye Tianwei only likes to destroy the heaven and the earth with one sword, and to break the sky with one sword.

Xu Fei's swordsmanship is good. The sword in his hand is also a powerful spiritual weapon. With the powerful martial arts, the power that it exerts makes Ye Tian dare not use his fist.

"Tiantian burial style!" Seeing the other party's weapon, Ye Tian would naturally not suffer. With the light of the knife in his hand, the mysterious iron sword burst into the sky with a fierce aura that swept across the happy forest.

By now, with Ye Tian's strength, he is no longer afraid of people peeping at the mysterious iron sword, he has the ability to protect this sword.

Pouring into the profound iron sword with a true energy comparable to Wujun's sixth level, the black long sword in Ye Tian's hand suddenly burst out with terrifying light.

It was just a burial ceremony, but at this moment, it was like the hard wall of the imperial capital, blocking him.

No matter how powerful Xu Fei's swordsmanship was, he couldn't defeat Tai Chi Tu's defense, and was resolved by Ye Tian one by one.

"Impossible—" Xu Fei couldn't believe everything in front of him. His confident swordsmanship could not touch Ye Tian's clothes, and even his people couldn't get in front of Ye Tian.

On the other hand, Ye Tian suppressed the sky with one hand. Eighteen huge sky-covering giant palms, like eighteen majestic mountains, came to suppress him fiercely.

Xu Fei gritted his teeth to resist, and the long sword in his hand stirred up sky-shaking swordsman, and a sword pierced a sky-shielding giant palm, but before he could destroy more sky-shielding giant palms, he was overwhelmed by the remaining giant palms.

The entire circular ring trembled again, and Xu Fei's entire body was drowned in a fiery light.

People exclaimed again that Xu Fei has always been suppressed until now, and Ye Tian has the upper hand.

Obviously Xu Fei was the powerhouse of Wujun level 6, and Ye Tian only had the cultivation base of Wujun level 4. But now it seems that Ye Tiancai is the sixth rank of Wujun and Xu Fei is the fourth rank of Wujun.

This shocked everyone's hearts.

They knew that after this battle, Ye Tian's name might resound through the entire imperial capital.

The third and secondest of the Xu family have lost a streak by Ye Tian's hands, this name is not unremarkable, I am afraid that the older generation of strong people must face it.

"Ah-I am going to kill you!"

Suddenly, with a rumbling, Xu Fei rushed out in embarrassment and rushed to Ye Tian fiercely. He roared in anger, his body was full of light, and the long sword in his hand cleaved out a stunned sword light.

Ye Tian was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this guy was so strong, he suffered so many attacks from the hand of stars, and he didn't suffer much injury.

Right now, Ye Tian's heart was a little serious. He held the black iron sword in his hand, and the black blade slashed through the void, as if swallowing the surrounding light, forming a dark area.

"Blood-jie-cut!" Ye Tian's icy voice rang in everyone's ears, and then a **** river rushed forward, submerging Xu Fei once again.

"Go to hell!" Xu Fei roared with a sullen expression, his whole body glowing, and all the true essence in his body was surging. He raised the long sword, a terrifying sword intent burst out of his body, and the huge sword light slashed forward fiercely.

"You just die for me!" Ye Tian sneered, ten small worlds burst out together, and the true essence in the body was poured into the mysterious iron sword, making the power of the blood world cut more and more powerful.

In the end, everyone felt that the world was bloody, and the entire circular ring was covered by blood.

In this blood-colored world came Xu Fei's roar and panic. His sword light penetrated the sky and shattered the void, but he couldn't take him out of this blood-colored world.

After a scream, everyone saw the **** light in front of them gradually dissipate, and a dilapidated ring appeared in front of them.

On the ring, a huge chasm exuded the breath of killing, making everyone's pupils shrink and taking a breath.

Not only that, at the other end of the gap, Xu Fei lay there covered in blood, not knowing whether to live or die.


Deathly quiet.

Everyone didn't expect that Ye Tian really won. That was the second child of the Xu family's three heavenly arrogance, that was the powerhouse of Wujun level 6, and that was Xu Fei of the famous Zhen Emperor Capital!

Everyone looked at the young man standing proudly on the ring with a black long knife in shock.

At this moment, Ye Tian was eye-catching, and the real emperor Zhenzhen had been.

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