Seven World Martial God

Chapter 265: Show strength


Li Donghai touched the apple flesh falling from his face, a beautiful and handsome face, suddenly distorted and deformed, he opened his mouth wide and roared ferociously. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Damn, I'm going to kill you."

A sharp sword light penetrated the sky, and terrible energy swept like a vast sea.

Ye Tian stared at him, Li Donghai was full of murderous intent, and a sword came towards him, his edge was peerless, and his power was shocking.

"Killing him for this prince, dare to **** my carriage, this has never happened in Dongcheng County. Humph!" Not far away, the young prince shouted.

Everyone around was stunned, and their gazes towards Ye Tian were filled with speechlessness.

How much confidence is needed to **** the little prince’s carriage and dare to come to this party!

"Don't worry, the little prince, this person will undoubtedly die." Li Donghai sneered when he heard the sound, and the long sword in his hand was radiant and shot out thousands of sword lights, turning into a storm of sword energy, raging towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was indifferent, transporting the Nine Revolutions battle body, standing in place, motionless like a mountain. With a pair of golden palms, he slowly floated in the air and grabbed it toward the front, without even intending to retreat or dodge.

Feeling the terrifying sword energy storm in midair, everyone knew that the power was very powerful. Speaking of which, Li Donghai is also a young talent in Dongcheng County. He has already been promoted to Jun Wu, and now he is a second-level Lin Wu Jun. His strength is not weak, and he can be ranked in the top ten in Dongcheng County.

"I don't know who it is? He dared to **** the little prince's carriage, but it seems that he can't beat Li Donghai!" someone whispered.

In mid-air, the boundless sword qi storm erupted, like a boiling flood, drowning Ye Tian in one fell swoop.

The terrifying energy swept across the entire space.

Everyone was shocked, and all backed away in shock.

Li Donghai was really powerful, and he was a unique move. He obviously wanted to kill Ye Tian with one blow. However, everyone also knew that this guy wanted to please the little prince so that he could have a relationship with the palace.


At this moment, Ye Tian's eyes exploded, and his golden palms suddenly became much bigger, like two big mountains, blocking him and blocking all the sword energy storms.

At the same time, Ye Tian ascended to the sky with one step, his body soaring into the sky, in the sky, slammed a fist towards Li Donghai, the fist like a big mountain burst out with fiery golden light.

Li Donghai was shocked and angry. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so powerful that he not only blocked his fatal blow, but also counterattacked, making him feel that his dignity was provoked. [More exciting novels, please visit]

With a grinning face, he greeted him with a sword, trying to smash Ye Tian's fist and let the other party suffer a big loss, so as to let out a bad breath.

However, after only a moment, the smile on his face solidified.

Ye Tian's golden fist was extremely hard and looked like a golden mountain. It was hit by a long sword, and the fire was everywhere, but it was not damaged at all. It was still constantly smashing towards Li Donghai.

"Ah..." Li Donghai was panicked and his heart was full of panic.

The golden fist is dazzling and exudes a great light. It was unscrupulous, rampaged, and blasted on Li Donghai's head like a ruin.

Li Donghai suddenly felt suffocated, and in a hurry, he could only raise his other arm and clenched his fist to greet him. He puffed up the true essence of his body, gathered on his fist, and slammed into Ye Tian's golden fist.


Without any accident, Li Donghai was blown out by a powerful force. He spouted blood and trembled violently. The arm was painful and trembling, and his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

If it wasn't for the critical moment, the opponent had withdrawn part of his strength, otherwise his arm would be completely useless. He knew that the other party had been merciful, but it made him even more angry. He felt that he was underestimated and ridiculed.

Rumble...The earth cracked, and huge cracks spread from Li Donghai's feet to the surroundings.

Everyone around was stunned, they didn't expect that the result would be like this, Li Donghai would be defeated by this young man.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian in shock. This was a strong man at the second level of Martial Lord, who could rank in the top ten in the entire Dongcheng County, and he was hit hard by such a punch.

The young prince's expression also condensed, but then it was hard to look, and he yelled at Li Donghai, "Li Donghai, are you capable of this? I'm so disappointed by this prince."

Li Donghai's expression changed a lot when he said this.

"Ah..." Li Donghai yelled, almost crazy, his eyes were red, he raised the long sword in his hand, and his whole body was exuding fiery light. A horrible true essence rose from him and swept the sky.

From a distance, a huge sword that shocked the sky was erected above Li Donghai. The sword light around him kept shining, and the sharp sword aura continued to raging in the void.

This sky-shattering giant sword is more than a hundred feet high and looks extremely shocking, like a mountain of swords, exuding a peerless edge.

Everyone took a deep breath. They knew that this was Li Donghai's natal heart sword, or his sword heart, which was formed by the essence of his kendo.

As the saying goes, the sword is in the man, the sword is dead, and the sword is dead, and it is this fate and heart sword.

Once the natal heart sword is damaged, Li Donghai will peel off even if he is not dead.

Obviously, they knew that Li Donghai was going to work hard, and once this fate heart sword came out, there was no room for return, either you die or I live.


Ye Tian burst out with golden light, and his dark eyes shot out bright divine light, extremely fierce, like two ruthless blades.

He had been merciful just now, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't know how to advance or retreat. This could not help aroused his anger and made him feel murderous.

Ye Tian is not a good person, he was merciful just now, but he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for himself, but since the other party is so close, don't blame him for being cruel.

Right now, Ye Tian took the lead in taking the shot. They were also a pair of golden fists, but they were filled with terrifying energy far beyond before. It looks like two golden worlds, suppressing the sky and shattering the void.

Not far away, Dongfang Yu, who was drinking tea indifferently, suddenly changed his face and let out a surprise in his mouth.

Around, there are many powerful young talents who are also shocked.

Ye Tian's attack, although he didn't make a full shot, but also revealed his Martial Lord's fourth-level strength, that powerful Martial Lord aura suddenly changed the expressions of many young talents present.


Li Donghai roared, the sky-shaking giant sword above his head smashed down fiercely, the boiling energy, like the sky shattered, and the mighty Milky Way, impacted.

Looking from a distance, a pair of golden fists collided fiercely with a giant sword.


At this moment, a terrifying shock wave radiated around the two people. Terrible power, shaking the earth, shaking the sky, sweeping the sky.

Numerous young talents around them shot together, and this blocked the huge aftermath, but they were also shaken back very far, and they all showed shock.


There was a crisp sound, and everyone was shocked afterwards, because they saw that Ye Tian tore off one of Li Donghai's arm, blood flowed, and the sky was dyed red.

"I just spared your life. I didn't know to retreat, so I won't leave you with this arm." Ye Tian said coldly, with a pair of golden palms not stained with blood.

Li Donghai's pain was severe, and his heart roared again and again. His life heart sword was severely injured, and one arm was abruptly torn off. His injuries were very serious. Although he did not die, he did not have the ability to fight again.

The faces of everyone around him were shocked. They didn't even know such a strong man, and they didn't know that it was a young talent from that county.

But some powerful Wu Jun also showed a sneer, but Wu Jun's fourth-level strength is nothing here. You must know that there are more than a dozen people who are more than Ye Tianxiu.

"Everyone, our sisters seem to be late."

At this moment, a clear voice came from the entrance not far away.

Soon, two young women in white dresses walked side by side. They were all graceful, with light gauze on their faces, and they couldn't see their faces, but they wanted to come to the world.

"Seventh Wujun!"

Ye Tian's expression changed, and when he looked at one of the women, his pupils shrank, and his heart was filled with fear.

Under his influence, the woman of the seventh rank of Wujun, the whole body was truly powerful, like a continuous flood. Although she had been forcibly restrained, but the trace of power that escaped was also shocking.

Ye Tian was a little lost, and then he heard someone next to him whisper: "Princess Changtian and Princess Changle are here, this kid robbed the little prince's carriage, it's unlucky."

Ye Tian frowned. Could this little prince be the youngest son of the fifteenth master, the younger brother of Chang Tian and Chang Le?

He suddenly felt troubled.

Sure enough, when the young son saw the arrival of Princess Chang Tian and Princess Chang Le, his face suddenly became happy, gave Ye Tian a fierce look, and ran towards the two princesses.

"Sister, someone bullied me, help me beat him!" the guy yelled while running.

Everyone around suddenly looked at Ye Tian with sympathy.

Ye Tian frowned slightly and looked at the two princesses in front coldly. As for Li Donghai, he had already been ignored.

The arrival of the two princesses immediately made the place shining, and the atmosphere changed in an instant. Many powerful young talents all stood up to meet the two princesses.

The shout of the little prince calmed the crowd, and everyone around looked at Ye Tian.

The two princesses frowned, and one of them called a young man to ask what happened. A princess next to her was also listening and couldn't help but glance at Ye Tian in surprise.

After that, the two princesses came over, and there were a group of young talents who followed them, as if a general trend, Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised, his expression even more indifferent.

"Dare to ask this young master's surname?" Princess Chang Le asked softly.

Because of wearing the veil, Ye Tian couldn't see her face clearly, but he was still very polite, and said lightly: "God Star Gate, Ye Tian."

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