Seven World Martial God

Chapter 243: Wujun Level 3

" seems to be correct. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

With a sigh, the gaze of the Third Elder became very solemn, he looked at Ye Tian, ​​and then solemnly said: "Do you know there are rumors of three souls and seven souls?"

"Slightly heard!" Ye Tian was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't know how the Third Elder asked about this, but he answered honestly.

The three elders ignored Ye Tian’s doubts, and he continued to say to himself: “Rumors say that the three souls are strong, the three souls condensed the battle soul, the battle soul is immortal, and immortal. The spirit is immortal, and lives with the sky."

Ye Tian was very surprised when he heard this. It was the first time he heard of this kind of rumor, and he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Why did the elder tell me about this?"

"Because from the first time I saw you, I found that you have lost one soul and three souls." The third elder stared at Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were dark and his voice was cold.


Ye Tian suddenly jumped up in shock, staring at the third elder with disbelief.

The Third Elder looked at Ye Tian calmly, his eyes were extremely deep, and he could see that Ye Tian was hairy behind.

"Could it be..." In a daze, Ye Tian remembered that in the dry well of the forest mansion, in the **** heart of the underground cave mansion, the young man he saw exactly like him.

"Be careful of Ye Tian!" At the same time, Ye Tian also remembered the second kit that Elder Yu gave him.

In an instant, Ye Tian seemed to faintly understand something, his face gradually paled, and his eyes were shocked.

"If the old man expected it well, you should still have a brother or brother. If you don't believe it, you can ask your parents." The third elder said again.

"Impossible!" Ye Tian shook his head when he heard this. He was reincarnated with memory. From the moment he was born, he could tell the truth. It is not clear whether he has a brother or younger brother.

"Go ask your parents, your mother should have only been pregnant with one child, but I don’t know what caused the child’s three souls and seven souls to split in two. You are one of them, and you are in that one. What the Scarlet Heart sees may be the remaining half of your soul." The Third Elder looked at Ye Tian, ​​he could understand Ye Tian's current mood.

"Half soul..."

Ye Tian was startled when he heard the words. He thought of what the bird, man and beast envoy said in Daning City not long ago: "As expected, there are half of His Highness's soul..."

"Is that man really my brother or younger brother?"

"Why didn't I feel it?"

Ye Tian's heart was full of doubts and panic. He actually lost half of his soul, and what would be the consequences for him. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Ye Tian looked at the third elder calmly. The third elder knew what he was thinking. He was silent for a while before saying coldly to Ye Tian, ​​"Kill! If you see that person again next time, you must kill him. This It is impossible for two identical people to appear in the world at the same time. Only by killing him can you regain the half of your soul and be considered a complete person, otherwise you will be obliterated by the rules of heaven and earth sooner or later."

"Kill..." Ye Tian frowned, how to say that man is also his brother, isn't this a fratricide.

"This is your destiny. You can't escape. You can only prove the way by killing. Thinking about it now, if you can understand the meaning of killing swords, it may be the warning from heaven to you." The third elder sighed.

Ye Tian was silent, and after bidding farewell to the Third Elder, he returned to his palace and shut himself down.

Sitting cross-legged on the golden round table, Ye Tian's eyes flickered. He didn't expect that he had lost half of his soul. Could this be related to his reincarnation and crossing.

It's right to think about it. It's not impossible to cross into this world inexplicably, what strange things happened during this period.

Perhaps, the original Ye Tian had been robbed of half of his soul by his traverser, and he was divided into two people.

Ye Tian's heart was full of panic. He didn't know how to face that brother, whether to kill or...

But according to the three elders, under the same rules of heaven and earth, two same souls are not allowed, and in the end, only one person will remain between them.

"Hey..." Ye Tian sighed softly for a long time. Since his mind was in confusion, he simply stopped thinking about it.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took out a piece of flesh and blood exuding terrifying energy fluctuations, half the size of a person, and the blood on it had solidified, filled with a frightening breath.

This was a piece of flesh and blood of the leader of the Beast God Sect that was shot down by King Xiongwu with one arrow, and was taught by Ye Tian.

"Half-step Martial King's flesh and blood, I don't know how much cultivation level can I improve?" With a trace of expectation in his eyes, Ye Tian immediately began to refine this large piece of flesh and blood, and suddenly the entire palace was filled with terrifying energy fluctuations.

A group of blood-red energy gradually wrapped Ye Tian's whole person in it. That huge group of light exuded a dazzling light, like a blood sun, brilliant.

The energy contained in this large piece of flesh and blood is far more terrifying than Ye Tian imagined. That pure energy suddenly rushed into Ye Tian's body, tumbling through his meridians.

At the same time, Ye Tian's ten small worlds also exploded with all their strength, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth outside.

As a result, the entire God Star Gate saw a shocking scene.

I saw that the boundless spiritual energy swept from all directions, all rushing towards the palace where Ye Tian was located, that majestic aura shocked the entire God Star Gate.

The elders and disciples of Shenxingmen were all stunned.

Even Elder Xingchen opened his eyes, looked at Ye Tian's palace in disbelief, and smiled bitterly after a long time: "This disciple really doesn't make people worry, but I can help you as a teacher!"

After all, Elder Xingchen flashed his body and appeared directly above Ye Tian Palace. Immediately he sat cross-legged, pinching his hands repeatedly, and grabbing into the sky. A burst of vigorous aura came surging.

"It's Elder Star!" Some exclaims sounded.

Originally, seeing Ye Tian making such a move, there were still many martial masters who wanted to check it out, but as soon as they saw the elder star here, they immediately withdrew their will and did not dare to continue visiting.

"Huh!" In a gloomy cave, the second elder's expression became more and more gloomy, and even a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"It's so refreshing, I have been directly promoted to the realm of Wuzong, hahaha... I didn't expect Lin Fei to become a true disciple of God Star Gate so soon." In a small attached palace next to Ye Tian, ​​Lin Fei Laughing, his face full of excitement.

In this practice, Ye Tian even took the elders of the stars to help him absorb the aura of heaven and earth, which made the aura around Ye Tian palace reach an unimaginable intensity.

Lin Fei was so close, and he had already reached the edge of half-step Wuzong, this time he felt such a terrifying aura, and he was immediately promoted to the realm of Wuzong.

In addition, Liu Hongwu has also been promoted to a level, and her cultivation is still improving.

Although Ye Tian absorbed the most aura from heaven and earth, there was still a small part that was absorbed by Lin Fei and Liu Hongwu, and the two of them were considered to be a big bargain.

At this moment, within Ye Tian's palace, especially in the area where he sat cross-legged, the spiritual energy was almost materialized, and Ye Tian was surrounded by the whole group.

Suddenly, Ye Tian opened his eyes abruptly, and he took a big breath, all the spiritual energy was sucked into his body, making his belly bulge.

"Blood Demon Promise, break it for me!" Ye Tian's eyes burst into light, his hands suppressed, and the bulging belly suddenly contracted slowly. At the same time, a powerful breath erupted from him.

However, this momentum was immediately covered by his huge pressure by the elder Star.

Some of the martial lords who were watching in the God Star Gate were suddenly awe-inspiring. They knew that Elder Star was hiding the cultivation base for Ye Tian, ​​otherwise, when Ye Weather erupted, how could they be able to hide from these martial lords.

But why did Elder Stars do this?

There was a cold snort from the second elder's cave. If anyone was here, he would definitely find his face completely dark at the moment.

The second elder knows better than anyone that Elder Star is guarding against him, or to guard against the waves.

"Huh, even if he is promoted to the second level of Wujun? Fantian he has been promoted to the third level of Wujun with the help of the great elder. When he has practiced the funeral style, among his peers, defense is invincible, who can compete with He fought?" The second elder sneered.

But he didn't know that Ye Tian at this moment was not promoted to the second level of Wujun, but broke through to the third level of Wujun.

Yes, with the help of the flesh and blood of this big half-step Martial King powerhouse, Ye Tian crossed a level and reached the third level of Martial King, rushing to the next level with his strength.

"The third level of Wujun, such a strong true essence, with the power of my ten small worlds, I am afraid that I can fight against the powers of the fifth level of Wujun." Ye Tian was very excited and excited at this moment, he felt his body Unparalleled power of terror.

Although he was only promoted to a level, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the true essence content has reached a terrifying level.

Ye Tian felt a powerful force exuding between his hands and feet, as if he stomped his feet, the mountains would tremble, and the earth would crack.

Ye Tian couldn't help but want to scream and vent his excitement, but then he saw Elder Star come in and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Master, thank you for protecting your disciple this time!" Ye Tian respectfully said. Although he is cultivating, he can still sense everything outside.

"What are you polite with your Quickly stabilize your cultivation base, don't rush out." Elder Star waved his hand when he heard the words.

"Yes!" Ye Tian was not polite when he heard the words, and then closed his eyes and carefully realized the ingenuity of Wujun Level 3.

Every level of Wujun realm is different. Therefore, every time you advance to a level, not only the true element content, but also the physical strength, speed, and power will also change.

If you can't adapt to your own strength, then no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to exert your strongest combat power.

Ye Tian is no longer a rookie in the martial arts, he knows that after breaking through the realm, he must firmly stabilize his cultivation base and experience the power of the new realm to make himself more comfortable.

In this way, after about an hour, Ye Tian slowly opened his eyes.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Elder Xingchen nodded in relief, he found that Ye Tian's breath had gradually converged, and the light in his eyes gradually became hidden, leaving only a sense of stability.

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