Seven World Martial God

Chapter 204: Ancient Black Ape


Very tragic!

Ye Tian had never been so miserable before, but he gritted his teeth and continued to run, not daring to stay for a while. [First episode] Because if he receives another blow from a fierce bird in the sky, he will peel off even if he is not dead.


With the help of the towering trees, Ye Tian condensed his breath and carefully shuttled between the mountains and forests.

Behind him, the rumbling sound was endless, and Ye Tian occasionally looked back and saw the terrifying beams of electric current in the sky bombarding down, making this mountain forest in a mess.

"It's horrible, this fierce bird is at least a strong man above Wujun level four!" Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue, and he didn't dare to stay for a moment. He constantly changed his position, making the fierce bird in the sky unable to sense it. To.

Suddenly, Ye Tian heard the sound of ‘squeaking’, from far and near, it soon came from in front of him.

Ye Tian looked up and couldn't help but take a breath, but in the mountains and forests ahead, black silhouettes swinging long vines, rushing towards him, looked at him, a large swath of dense.

Although he didn't know what it was, Ye Tian felt his scalp numb when he saw the quantity, and he couldn't help his heart tremble. This is really a chaser behind and a fierce beast in front.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth trembled suddenly, all of a sudden, as if a giant was walking.

No... this is indeed a giant, a **** giant.

Ye Tian looked up, the beads in his eyes were about to come out, his face full of horror.

Behind the group of dark shadows in front, two huge thighs are taller than the towering trees. Looking up again, it was a black giant who beat his chest with both hands and roared toward the sky, his roar deafening.


At this time, the group of black shadows in front were already close to Ye Tian, ​​and he finally saw clearly what these things were.

I saw these black images like human beings, with hands and feet, a head, two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The only difference between them and humans is that they have an extra tail.

"Is it a monkey?" Ye Tian was surprised. These things are indeed like monkeys, but it was the first time he saw a monkey with such a dark body. Even the skin on their bodies is black, except for their eyes that are a bit gleaming, they are all black everywhere, which looks a little strange.

"No...It's the ancient black ape!"

Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help taking a breath. (Starting)

Since preparing to go out to practice, he has spent a lot of time watching Beihai's experience record to increase his knowledge. So he is no longer the same Xiaobai who had just entered the Star Gate not long ago, and he also knows a lot about some anecdotes in this world.

In the Beihai Information Record, Ye Tian saw the introduction of the ancient black ape, which was a very powerful beast in ancient times. They are infinitely powerful, and their bodies are very hard. Whether it is attack power or defense power, they are the top existence among the fierce beasts, and they can be described as a major overlord in the fierce beast mountain range.

Ye Tian didn't expect to encounter so many ancient black apes. It seems that he has accidentally entered the territory of these black apes, and the tall and unspeakable black ape should be their monkey king. It seems that he has no level. Low!


At this time, those black apes were already close to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was nervous, but he didn't dare to take the lead, because he saw the tall monkey king and the fierce bird in the sky.

With the palms of the Monkey King's hands, he slapped the unknown fierce bird flying out at once. It was really powerful. However, the beam of electric current coming out from the top of the fierce bird's head also slammed the monkey king delicately inside and outside.

With such a monkey king here, Ye Tian naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous, where he would dare to kill these black apes.

However, seeing the black apes crowding around him, Ye Tian was big for a while. Although these black apes were at the Wu Zong level and did not pose a threat to him, they were too numerous.

"Squeaky!" A black ape jumped to the top of a tree beside Ye Tian, ​​waved his dark arm at Ye Tian, ​​grinning with a grin.

"Huh?" Ye Tian was taken aback for a moment, his face was astonished, the black ape actually smiled at him and didn't attack him.

"Squeak!" A few more black apes came, waved their arms towards Ye Tian, ​​and then went in one direction.

Ye Tian looked out from a distance. It was a grand canyon, very large, surrounded by several huge mountains, very luxuriant, and full of various flowers, very beautiful.

"There should be the old nest of these black apes!" Ye Tian thought secretly, but he was very strange that these black apes just passed by his side, at most they said hello to him, and did not intend to attack him.

"Is the young master so handsome that even monkeys don't want to attack me?" Ye Tian couldn't help but think narcissistically.

At this moment, Ye Tian saw his arms and legs that were blackened by the electric current, and then looked at his body with wide-eyed eyes, and was taken aback.

"That's the way--" Ye Tian suddenly realized that he dared to feel that his current appearance was very similar to those black apes, and they were regarded as his own.

Fortunately, he accidentally broke into the territory of these black apes, and instead saved his life. Because compared to the powerful strength of the fierce bird, the Monkey King obviously regarded the fierce bird as an enemy invading his territory, thus helping Ye Tian to attack the fierce bird.

After trying to understand this, Ye Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help jumping up high, ‘going home’ with the black apes. Anyway, these black apes regarded him as his own person, and he was bold enough to even visit the hometown of these black apes.

Of course, Ye Tian did this to get rid of the fierce bird. After all, the speed of the fierce bird is too fast. If he leaves here now without the guard of the Monkey King, he will definitely be caught up by the fierce bird again.

Therefore, staying here and using the power of the Monkey King to get rid of fierce birds is the best choice.

Moreover, Ye Tian had already suffered a serious injury from the fierce bird's blow, and he needed to find a place to recover.


In the sky, there was a constant roar, and Ye Tian occasionally looked up, feeling very shocked.

The Monkey King was very powerful. The two fists looked like two mountain peaks, and the fierce bird was completely speechless, and the electric current of the fierce bird blasted the monkey king, which could not break the monkey king's defense.

Ye Tian suddenly felt that the strength of the monkey king was stronger than that of the fierce bird, but it should not be much stronger.

When they rushed to the black ape's hometown, which is the Grand Canyon, the roar of a fierce bird suddenly came from the sky. It flapped its wings and finally turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the sky.

The monkey king thumped his chest bravely and shouted excitedly.

The black apes in the Grand Canyon also cheered, as if they had won a battle.

Ye Tian also cheered.

Afterwards, he saw that the monkey king had shrunk some body, about one-tenth its original size, and then went into a cave.

Ye Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling safe for the time being. He immediately took a healing pill, recovered from his injury, and then wandered around the Grand Canyon.

The gorge is very large, and the surrounding mountains are covered with various flowers, which are often blown by the breeze, bringing a refreshing floral fragrance, which makes people very comfortable.

Ye Tian had seen such a beautiful place for the first time, and he was very curious.

"Squeaky!" A black ape yelled at Ye Tian, ​​then threw him a red fruit, and grinned at him, they completely regarded him as their own.

Ye Tian smiled, took a bite of the red fruit, and suddenly felt the sweetness of his mouth, as well as a faint spirit fluctuation.

"Good stuff!" Ye Tian couldn't help but looked at the fruit in surprise. If he remembers correctly, it should be Zhu Guo, the spirit fruit that some fierce beasts like most.

In addition, martial artists below the martial arts level can increase their cultivation base by eating these Zhu Guo. In short, this kind of spirit fruit is very precious and can be sold in some big cities.

Ye Tian glanced at the surrounding mountains and forests and found a lot of vermilion fruits. He picked some and put them in the small world, ready to return to Nanlin County and give them to the Ye family's relatives.


In the mountain valley not far away, there was the sound of water, and Ye Tian happened to be thirsty, ready to find some water to drink.

But when he saw the water flow, he didn't drink anymore, because the ditch in front of him was full of blood, and the pungent smell of blood should be the blood of a beast.

"This ditch is neither big nor small. With so much blood, how many fierce beasts should be killed!" Ye Tian was shocked and couldn't help but march up the small ditch.

He was very curious in his heart, how did this ‘blood river’ formed? It is possible that these black apes did it far away, but why did they do it?

Under Ye Tian's curiosity, he soon came to the upper reaches of this ‘blood river’, but in the end he discovered that this blood river flows out of a cave.

And that cave, which was the cave where the Monkey King was, had lent Ye Tian a hundred courage, so he didn't dare to go in.

But wants Ye Tian to give up, but he is not reconciled. He thinks that these black apes have created a river of blood, there must be some purpose, he has a faint feeling, maybe this is one of his The fate may also be.

At this moment, a small thing suddenly appeared next to Ye Tian, ​​which shocked him and almost exclaimed.

However, when he saw the appearance of this little thing clearly, Ye Tian was relieved, and then smiled and said, "What are you doing out of this little thing?"

"Squeak!" This little thing was the little golden mouse. It was pointing at the cave where the Monkey King was, squeaking not to listen, and its big eyes were full of excitement.

"You mean you have a baby?" Ye Tian's heart moved, and he immediately understood what the little golden mouse meant.

"Squeak!" The little golden mouse was very psychic, nodded when he heard the words, and urged Ye Tian to go in for treasure.

"Do you know what's in it? I don't want to die—" Ye Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly. The Monkey King is inside. If he goes in, wouldn't it mean he's looking for death.

After all, the strength of the Monkey King is certainly not low, and it is easy to find him as a fake.

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