Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1763: Hunting

Returning to his stone house again, Ye Tian sighed with emotion. In just one epoch, he was promoted from a fifth-tier universe master to a seventh-tier universe master peak, and he became the seventh-tier "Indestructible Body ".


Last time the Master of No Way gave a sermon, Ye Tian observed the disciples of the Destruction Academy. Among them, the strongest big brother Dongfang Xiongtian was the master of the ninth-order universe, and under him there were three masters of the eighth-order universe, and then Ten masters of the seventh-order universe.


   In other words, Ye Tian's current cultivation base is no longer the bottom in the Miedaoyuan, but can be ranked in the top ten.


   As for the true strength, Ye Tian is sure that his strength can be ranked among the top ten in the Destruction Academy.


After all, among the ten disciples of the Master of the Seventh-order Universe, only half of them have practiced "Indestructible Calamity Body" to the seventh level, and the others even only practiced to the sixth level. Naturally it is not Ye Tian. Opponent.




   Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


   Ye Tian swept his eyes, and immediately knew that the person was Dongfang Daoji, so he waved his hand and opened the door.


Dongfang Daoji smiled and walked in from the door: "Haha, Brother Ye, I guessed that you went to the Arai to practice cultivation when I learned that you and the Lord of Nowhere were gone. No, it’s just an epoch. I'm back, I guess I was right."


   However, when Dongfang Daoji saw Ye Tianhou, the smile on his face instantly froze.


   "What's the matter?" Ye Tian smiled and looked at Dongfang Daoji.


Dongfang Daoji's eyes widened at this time, and he looked at Ye Tian with a shocked face: "The peak of the seventh-order universe? How is it possible? I remember that you were only the fourth-order universe master before, even if you were promoted to the fifth-order universe master. Going to the Arai to practice cultivation, you can reach the initial stage of the seventh-order universe master at most, how can you reach the peak of the seventh-order universe master, this has improved the cultivation level close to the third level!"


   Dongfang Daoji was as shocked as the previous Jiwu Daoji.


   "I don't know what's going on!" Ye Tian waved his hand. In fact, he had a guess in his heart. Maybe he got the Mark of Desolation and the Desolate Lord preached to him. That's why it had such an effect.


   After all, even this small wilderness world belongs to the deserter, and I can understand why there is.


   "Brother Ye, it seems that you are super talented, and even Arai is taking care of you." Dongfang Daoji couldn't think of the reason, so he could only say that.


   Ye Tiansan smirked, and then asked: "How come Dongfang brother is free to come to me?"


   As far as he knows, most of Dahuang Wuyuan disciples are cultivators, and basically they practice in retreat all year round. There is no way, who said that the cultivation of the Four Great Paths is too difficult. If you don't want to be thrown away by others, then work hard.


   Actually, even the elders, Taoists, and vice presidents are all working hard.


   The declining Dahuang Wuyuan, they only hope that through their hard work, the Dahuangwuyuan still has hope of rising.


   "Brother Ye, don't you know that hunting will happen soon? At that time, we will all go out hunting. Although hunting is a bit dangerous, the opportunities are great." Dongfang Daoji said.


   Ye Tian nodded. He had also heard about it from the Lord of Nowhere. When he first saw Dongfang Daoji, the other party also mentioned it.


   Ye Tian also inquired before, this hunting event is the biggest event in the Dahuang Wuyuan, and all the disciples of each hunting event must participate.


"In a few more epochs, it will begin." Dongfang Daoji said, "There are two types of hunting activities, one is hunting in the small wilderness, and the hunting is the wild and ancient beasts in the small wilderness, and the second is It is hunting in the outside world, and those who are hunting are those who are in the troubled realm, and they may even enter the troubled realm."


When Dongfang Daoji talked about this, he looked at Ye Tian with worry on his face: "Brother Ye, if you were before, you just need to participate in the first type. There is no danger in hunting in the small wilderness, even if you die, it is just Injured a trace of soul, you can recover after several hundred epochs. But now you have reached the realm of the master of the seventh-order universe. According to the rules of our Great Wilderness Academy, as long as you reach the master of the seventh-order universe, you must also participate in the second Kind of hunting."


Dongfang Daoji continued: "The second type of hunting activity is very dangerous. The worst is to leave the wild city area. Under the leadership of the four big brothers, look for the strong in the chaos and kill them. If it is the Fourth Dao If the Taoist master of the courtyard leads the team, it will be even more dangerous, because then we will enter chaos and face more enemies."


   Ye Tian was shocked when he heard this, and entered the chaos? This is really crazy.


   However, this is also normal. People in the chaotic realm have all entered the wasteland. Of course, the wasteland will not sit and wait for death.


"Brother Ye, although you have reached the pinnacle level of the seventh-order universe master, your "Indestructible Calamity Body" has only reached the fourth level. This kind of strength is very dangerous to participate in the second hunting activity." Dongfang Daoji sighed. Tao.


   Ye Tian smiled faintly, and said: "Don't worry, I'm sure!"


  His "Indestructible Tribulation Body" did not cultivate to the fourth level, but to the seventh level, but he did not say it. After all, this was too shocking. For the time being, he did not want to attract the attention of the entire Dahuang Wuyuan.


Dongfang Daoji didn’t know Ye Tian’s confidence. He said, “Brother Ye, for the sake of the present, you can only think of ways on foreign objects, such as buying a powerful defensive cosmic to I know that the knife you tried with Qiu Yangxu last time was just a rudimentary cosmic magic weapon. This level of cosmic magic weapon is no longer worthy of your cultivation."


Ye Tian nodded when he heard the words. He had tried it before. Now he has cultivated into the seventh-level "Indestructible Calamity Body". The divine body is extremely powerful. Once the sword of hope is activated, the sword of hope is trembling, as if accepting Without his power, it would be like breaking down.


   Although the Knife of Hope has been with him for many years, it is a pity to give up like this, but Ye Tian also understands that as his cultivation base grows, the Knife of Hope will have to give up sooner or later.


  Thinking about it, Ye Tian looked at Dongfang Daoji and asked: "You can't use the Chaos Network in the Wild City. Where do I go to buy the Universe Warrior?"


Dongfang Daoji smiled slightly when he heard the words and said: "It's fine in our Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. You must know that after some seniors in our Great Desolate Martial Academy have a higher level of cultivation, the cosmic magic weapons they used before can no longer be used. Moldy, you can sell it to us at a low price."


   "What is the price of the intermediate and advanced cosmic weapons? I don't know if I can afford it!" Ye Tian continued to ask. The only value he has now is the more than 10,000 chaotic rough stones. ) Download the free reader!!

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