Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1753: challenge

Ye Tian spent thirty epochs in this retreat. With the help of the Immortal Seal and the Desolate Seal, he finally became the fourth level of "Indestructible Jade Body".


I saw that at this moment, Ye Tian’s divine body was shining with black and faint light, and every cell was flashing with thunder and lightning, as if every cell of his was formed and destroyed, and the whole person exuded a terrifying breath. .


   "This body-refining exercise is really powerful. My current strength can fight even if I encounter the master of the fifth-order universe. Who else can beat me among the masters of the fourth-order universe?" Ye Tian said in shock.


As far as he knows, among the four avenues of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, the "Indestructible Calamity" of the Miedao Academy is the most difficult to cultivate, but once the cultivation is successful, then at the same level, the disciples of the other three avenues Can't compete with it.


   This is why the number of Miedaoyuan is the smallest, but the overall strength can be ranked second in the Fourth Avenue Academy, second only to the first-ranked Shengdao Academy.


This is because "Indestructible Calamity Body" is too difficult to cultivate, like the big brother Dongfang Xiongtian of Mie Dao Academy, who is now the master of the ninth-order universe, but his "Indestructible Calamity Body" has just cultivated to the eighth level. , So it is not against the senior brother of the Shengdao Academy. If he can practice "Indestructible Tribulation Body" to the ninth level, then the Fourth Avenue Academy, and no disciples are his opponents, will be ranked first.


Ye Tian is now very fortunate that he was selected into the Academy of Extinction. This is indeed a very suitable exercise for his own practice. There is the mark of the Emperor of Heaven and the mark of Desolation to help. As long as his cultivation level rises, "Indestructible Jade Body" will also Practice to a higher level.


   "Continue to practice, I am now the master of the fourth-order universe, this kind of cultivation is still the bottom of the existence in Dahuang Wuyuan."


   Retaining the excitement in his heart, Ye Tian closed his eyes, preparing to enlighten the Great Avenue of Chaos and attack the Lord of the fifth-order universe.


   However, at this moment, he sensed that the bronze token on his body was glowing.


   "Hey, is someone looking for me in Xiaohuangjie?" Ye Tian swept his eyes and penetrated the door of the stone house. There was no one outside.


  In this case, it means that in Xiaohuangjie, someone is knocking on the door of the stone house where he lives.


   So, Ye Tian closed his eyes and continued to comprehend the Avenue of Chaos. But the trace of the soul he had left in Xiaohuangjie to cultivate, slowly opened his eyes.


"The effect of practicing in this small wilderness is really good. It's only thirty epochs. I used thirty rough chaotic stones to condense the fifth day of heaven into a phantom. It is estimated that another ten or twenty epochs , I can be promoted to the Lord of the fifth-order universe." Ye Tian felt his own situation, secretly excited.


   At the same time, he finally understood why the masters of the universe desperately wanted to enter the various major forces in the wilderness.


   If it is outside, there is no place like Xiaohuangjie, no chaotic rough stone, and it will be difficult to improve to a level for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of epochs just by self-cultivation.


   No matter where it is, cultivation resources are the most important.


   No matter how talented you are, you will still be left behind without training resources.


   Like Yan Luoyu, an outcast of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, who can cultivate to the pinnacle of the Lord of the Seventh-Order Universe, this is still the declining Great Wild Martial Academy.


   Like the nine heavens where Wang Feng is, he enters the treasure land like Shenxianchi as soon as he enters the door, instantly raising two levels. But now that so many years have passed, with the cultivation resources of Nine Heavens surpassing the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, Wang Feng's cultivation base is no longer known how high it has been.


  Because the Great Desolate City is at the junction of the chaotic world and the wild world, the Chaos Network cannot extend here, so Ye Tian and Wang Feng have not been in contact for a long time.


   "However, Wang Feng, I will not be beaten by you!"


   Ye Tian is confident.


   Although the Jiuzhongtian where Wang Feng is located far exceeds the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, he has obtained so many chaotic rough stones before. With the help of the chaotic rough stones, he believes that he can narrow the gap with Wang Feng.


   After all, the chaotic rough stone is too precious, even a person of the nine heavens, it is impossible to practice with the chaotic rough stone every day.


  Moreover, as the cultivation level increases, the amount of chaotic rough stones that need to be consumed increases.


   Ye Tian now feels that one rough chaotic stone is not enough for him to practice. It is estimated that soon, he will need two rough chaotic stones.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The door of the stone house sounded again.


   The sound is very slight, this is to prevent disturbing the cultivators in the stone house.


   In Dahuang Wuyuan, anyone who dares to disturb other people's cultivation, whether you are a disciple, a master, or even the Taoist master of the Fourth Avenue Institute, will be killed by the courtyard himself.


   This is an iron law. After the yard has been punished again and again, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so no one dared to commit it.




   Ye Tian got up and opened the door, a golden scroll suddenly appeared in front of him, with the word ‘War’ written on it, and the inscription was Qiu Yangxu, a disciple of the Fantasy Academy.


   "Someone wants to challenge me?"


   Ye Tian was a little surprised.


  In Dahuang Wuyuan, challenges between disciples are very popular. As long as they are disciples of the same level, they can challenge each other, and those who are challenged cannot refuse.


  Dahuang Wuyuan encourages this kind of challenge, because they don't want their disciples to be just people with advanced cultivation, but they hope they are more experienced in actual combat.


   After all, the disciples of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy will have to face the various powerhouses in the chaotic world in the future. Sometimes they don't have enough combat experience. Even if their cultivation base is higher than others, they may be killed.


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to hold the battle post in front of him, and suddenly a golden beam of light rushed into the sky from his palm.


This is to inform the disciple Qiu Yangxu who challenged Ye I just came to Dahuang Wuyuan. Apart from offending the disciple of the Magic Dao Academy, I have not offended anyone. Why did this Qiu Yangxu challenge? I? "Ye Tian was a little confused.


   However, now that he has accepted the challenge, Ye Tian has to be prepared.


   The opponent is a disciple of the Dahuang Wuyuan, he dare not care about it, he must maintain his peak state.


   Today, Ye Tian's body is still sealed by the old Crane Demon, and he can only exert his physical strength by relying on "The Immortal Jade Body".


Before   , Ye Tian was attracted by "Indestructible Tribulation Body", so he couldn't help practicing immediately. When he wanted to ask the Lord of Nothing to unlock the seal for himself, he inadvertently offended the Lord of Nothing. In desperation, he did not dare to disturb the Lord of Nothing.


   At this time, Ye Tian has a headache, how should this seal be unlocked?


   He didn't dare to go to the Master of Nowhere, and the fellow apprentice brothers of the Miedao Academy were also offended by him, so he wouldn't make him look good.


  People from other Taoist schools, Ye Tian didn't know anyone.


   What's more, Old Demon Crane is an eighth-order universe master, and if you want to unlock his seal, you must at least be an eighth-order universe master-level disciple.


   Disciples of this level are among the few in the Dahuang Wuyuan.


   "By the way, look for Dongfang Daoji!" Ye Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and a familiar figure appeared in his mind. ) Download the free reader!!

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