Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1749: Indestructible

   Ye Tian took a closer look and found that this "Indestructible Jie Shen" had 18 pages, but he could only open the first page, and the second page could not be opened no matter how much effort he used.


In desperation, Ye Tian could only look at the first page first. With this look, Ye Tian suddenly realized that this "Indestructible Calamity Body" was divided into eighteen layers. Only after practicing to the first layer can you watch it. layer.


   This is to prevent students from greedy and treacherous advances, arbitrarily leapfrogging and practicing the following content, resulting in an unstable foundation, so this is a special prohibition on this ancient book "Indestructible Jie Shen".


   Ye Tian watched it carefully and found that this "Indestructible Juggernaut" is a physical exercise. There are no attack and defense skills in it. It only teaches you to exercise.


   Moreover, it says that as long as you reach the first level, you can smash the master of the universe at the same level with the power of the divine body, and there is no need for any combat skills bonus. Of course, if you use combat skills again, your strength will be even stronger.


   In addition, the first ten levels of this "Indestructible Tribulation Body" correspond to the tenth level of the master of the universe, the eleventh to the fourteenth levels correspond to the level of the cosmic hegemon, and the fifteenth to eighteenth levels correspond to the realm of the universe.


   This is a technique that can be directly practiced to the realm of the Universe.


   "This should be the most powerful exercise I have ever seen!"


   Ye Tian couldn't help sighing.


   With this technique, his strength can be improved a lot immediately, and he doesn't need to rely on the devil's lair in the future, he will be invincible at the same level.


   Right now, Ye Tian immediately went into seclusion and practiced the "Indestructible Tribulation Body".


   Although "Indestructible Jie Shen" is a physical practice exercise, it is also a practice law. After all, when you reach the realm of the master of the universe, only the practice law can continue to improve.


   It’s just that, this "Indestructible Calamity Body" integrates the principles of understanding into the divine body, making itself an existence comparable to the Dao, which can accommodate the laws of three thousand heavens.


   Ye Tian has now reached the lord of the third-order universe and has comprehended the three heavenly ways, so his first step now is to integrate the first heavenly way into his own divine body according to the method of "Indestructible Calamity Body".


   Incorporating Heaven's Dao into his own divine body, Ye Tian couldn't imagine it before. He really admired the predecessors who created this technique. He was truly a masterpiece, mysterious and magical.


   However, this "Indestructible Tribulation Body" is really difficult to cultivate, and it took Ye Tian a full epoch to successfully integrate a heavenly path into the divine body.


  Furthermore, according to the above record, the time required for each level of cultivation has almost doubled ten times as the practice progresses, which is the most difficult practice in Dahuang Wuyuan.


   Of course, after successful cultivation, the power of this technique gradually revealed itself.


   "Boom!" Ye Tian just clenched his fists, and the terrifying power drove the airflow, causing the void to collapse and the stone palace trembling.


   Ye Tian's eyes lit up in an instant: "Just blending into a heavenly path, my divine body is so tyrannical, it's really a terrifying technique."


   Right now, Ye Tian continued to practice and began to integrate into the second way of heaven.


   This second way of heaven is a bit difficult to integrate, because before his divine body did not accommodate heaven, it was easier to integrate. At this time, there was already a way of heaven integrated into his divine body, and a way of heaven was added, and there was a conflict.


   After an era, Ye Tian did not succeed.


   However, at this moment, two golden words "Huangdi" appeared on Ye Tian's eyebrows!


As soon as the words    appeared, Ye Tian's heart suddenly appeared in countless exercises, as well as the cultivation experience of these exercises, which made Ye Tian's understanding of "Indestructible Jade Body" to a higher level.


   After two more epochs, Ye Tian successfully cultivated into the second level of "Indestructible Jade Body", integrating two heavenly paths into the gods.


"Huh!" With a light breath, Ye Tian slowly opened his eyes. He touched his eyebrows with a complex expression, and said in deep thought, "I didn't expect to practice "Indestructible Jie Shen" to give me the imprint of the Emperor of Heaven, and this The Mark of Desolation is automatically turned on, which is beyond my expectation."


   However, this is a good thing. With the help of these two marks, Ye Tian practiced "Indestructible Jade Body" much faster.


Generally speaking, if it takes one epoch to cultivate the first level, then it takes ten epochs to cultivate the second level, and one hundred epochs to the third level, and so on, the time spent on each level will increase. ten times.


   However, with the help of the Imprint of the Emperor of Heaven and the Imprint of Desolation, Ye Tian only took three epochs to cultivate the second level.


   Only four epochs passed, Ye Tian was not anxious to go out, but chose to continue practicing. He still has a way of heaven, as long as he integrates into the divine body again, this time the retreat will come to an end.


   Right now, Ye Tian continued to practice "Indestructible Jie Shen".


   This time the Immortal Imprint and Desolation Imprint reappeared to help Ye Tian understand "The Immortal Jade Body". He did not know how many times his understanding increased, and his cultivation speed was fast.


   After nine epochs, Ye Tian successfully integrated into the third way of heaven, and practiced "Indestructible Jade Body" to the third level.


   opened his eyes suddenly, Ye Tian waved his fists, the powerful aura rose to the sky, almost piercing the stone palace.


   "I really can't imagine that now I am many times stronger than before with the power of the divine body alone. If I use combat skills, who else in the same level can beat me?"


   Ye Tian was a little surprised.


   Then he immediately entered the original universe and began to test the power of this "Indestructible Tribulation Body".


  How to test?


   is very simple.


   Ye Tian directly asked the celestial devil's lair to create 10,000 celestial demons of the master level of the fourth-order universe, and then ordered them to kill him.


   "Boom!" Ye Tian didn't use any combat skills. He just waved a pair of fists and killed him. He almost killed a Tier 4 universe master-level demon with one punch, and his powerful aura was undoubtedly evident.


   Moreover, because of the power of the divine body, Ye Tian's endurance is also very durable. He killed 10,000 demon in front of him, and he still had the strength to continue fighting.


   recovered a bit, Ye Tian continued to order the demon lair to make him once again create 10,000 Tier 4 universe master level demon.


This time it was not used to fight, Ye Tian directly let them rush towards him and blew himself up. That powerful explosive force immediately drowned Ye But this still did not kill Ye Tian, ​​he was all over. It was the blood that rushed out, although he was seriously injured, but there was no life threatening.


   This result made Ye Tian want to yell excitedly.


   "Indestructible Jie Shen" is simply too powerful.


"Although the heavenly demons created by the demon lair can only be regarded as the weakest existence among the masters of the fourth-order universe, 10,000 masters of the fourth-order universe will explode, I am afraid they can easily kill a master of the fourth-order universe, right? ."


   "Unexpectedly, I am only the master of the third-order universe, and with "Indestructible Jie Shen", I should have such combat power, and my defense power has been greatly enhanced."


   Ye Tian is now very fortunate that he has come to Dahuang Wuyuan.


   Although the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy is now down, and there are no training resources, but these powerful techniques passed down are not lost to any force in the wilderness.


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