Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1737: Encircle

"Thirteen! Fourteen! Fifteen!"


   Ye Tian moved forward easily in the cold wind collar. He had already sent out millions of celestial demons. Through the messages sent back by these celestial demons, he found many seas


   Of course, when looking for the pirate group, Ye Tian also robbed some pirates who were alone and got a lot of loot.


   In a hundred years, Ye Tian had already led the cold wind by more than half.


   By searching for the pirate group, Ye Tian received a commission reward of more than 300,000 Chaos Points.


   Of course, Ye Tian doesn't care about this value. What he really cares about is the pirates who are alone.


   For these pirates, Ye Tian didn't have the slightest sympathy. Seeing one kill one, he had already killed more than 500.


   Because of this, Ye Tian obtained more than 500 cosmic magic weapons, worth more than 1.5 million Chaos Points.


   Ye Tian balance, once again restored to 2 million chaos points.


   However, Ye Tian was happy, but the other scouts were sad.


   Because the pirate group discovered by other scouts was discovered by Ye Tian a long time ago, they were not rewarded, and they almost lost their lives.


   In this way, these scouts are simply full of resentment.


   Fortunately, they didn't know that Ye Tian cut his Hu, otherwise they would have to find Ye Tian desperately.


   "Hey, these pirate regiments hadn't found the caravan before, so why did they all go to the caravan together?" On that day, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.


   Through the millions of demons in all directions, Ye Tian can clearly understand the actions of those pirate groups.


   What surprised him was that some of the pirate regiments that had been overtaken by the caravan actually caught up behind them, as if they knew the location of the caravan.


   "This is impossible. If they knew, they would have attacked the caravan. Moreover, I didn't find the spies they sent. How could he find the caravan?"


   Ye Tian frowned.


   You know, he has sent out millions of demons, with branches in all directions of the caravan. Anyone who approaches the caravan will find out.


   Besides, if there are scouts from the pirate regiment, it will definitely be solved by the demons. After all, Ye Tian will not let go of these ‘trophies’.


   However, now that Ye Tian cleared the Tianma, he found five pirate regiments marching towards the caravan.








   A few days later, Ye Tian found that more and more pirate groups were rushing towards the caravan, reaching a dozen.


   "Is there a spy in the caravan?" Ye Tian's expression changed. He was sure that these pirate groups had discovered the caravan, and they were all united with each other, almost surrounded the caravan.


   Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Ye Tian immediately contacted Ye Xun through the Chaos Network.


   "What! Are you saying that a dozen pirate regiments are killing towards the caravan?" Ye Xun's image appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​his mouth wide open, his face full of shock and disbelief.


   Ye Tian said solemnly: "Currently there are only thirteen, but the number is still increasing, oh, now it has become fourteen. I think there are spies in our caravan, which exposes our position."


   "You can't read it wrong, right?" Ye Xun looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.


   So many pirate groups, how did Ye Tian discover it? It is impossible for him to have so many clones alone, and he will not be discovered by these pirate groups.


   You know, so far, of the fifty-odd scouts, twenty have died.


   This shows the danger in the cold wind collar.


   "Don't you believe it? I have already sent you the relevant video." Ye Tian snorted coldly.


   Ye Xun checked it, and his face suddenly became gloomy.


   "The spies, there must be spies, otherwise the position of the caravan could not be exposed." Ye Tian affirmed.


Ye Xun shook his head when he heard the words, "How could there be spies in the caravan? You know, whether it is our Ye family or the mercenary group hired by us, we must swear to the law enforcers in the wilderness, who dares to violate Oath, will be killed by law enforcement in the wasteland."


   "The law enforcer of the wasteland? Who is that? Some powerful force?" Ye Tian was a little surprised and curious.


   Ye Xun glanced at him, wondering: "You don't even know the law enforcers in the wilderness? You won't be a newcomer who just came out of the universe, right?"


   "I don't know who is this sacred law enforcer in the waste world?" Ye Tiansheng chuckled. He was indeed a newcomer from the universe.


"The Law Enforcer of the Wilderness is the patron saint of our Wilderness, and is also the strongest in our Wilderness. He once killed several of the strongest in the universe in the Three Realms during the Seven Realms. For him, each of us Living beings are very in awe, so anyone who swears by a law enforcer in the wilderness cannot betray the oath. There were people who betrayed the oath, but they were immediately killed by a **** broken blade. Legend has it that it was the weapon of the law enforcer in the wilderness. ." Ye Xun said.


   Ye Tian took a breath after hearing this.


   Kill the strongest in the digital universe!


   What a terrible existence this must be.


  In Ye Tian's known realm, above the Lord of the Universe is the Overlord of the Universe, and then the Venerable Universe, the Venerable Universe is already the person standing at the top of the wilderness.


   As for the strongest person in the universe to a higher level, even in the upper three realms, he is also an ancestor of one party and the strongest person who dominates chaos.


   The ancient demons Rong Di who wanted to accept Ye Tian as his disciple was such a peerless powerhouse.


   And this barren law enforcer can kill several of the strongest in the universe. What a great existence is that?


   Ye Tian couldn't imagine.


   "Okay, I will inform the senior management of this matter immediately. If you continue to collect information, the Merchants League will definitely give you a satisfactory commission Ye Xun shut down the call immediately.


   Ye Tian continued to move forward, and once again sent out several million demon. Anyway, after dozens of epochs, the number of demon's den has hundreds of millions, and he has cannon fodder.


Actually, Ye Tian didn’t think about using countless demons’ human tactics to attack a pirate regiment, but when he did so, a Tier 7 universe master came out of the opposing pirate regiment, holding a powerful universe. The magic weapon destroyed tens of thousands of heavenly demons with just one blow.


   Tens of thousands of Tier 5 universe master level demon were killed by a seventh order universe master.


   At that moment, Ye Tian knew that the absolute gap between Tier 5 and Tier 7 could not be compensated by quantity.


   Therefore, Ye Tian didn't want to waste the demon anymore.


  Well, these pirate regiments will also send some scouts to observe or collect information. These people have become Ye Tian's dead souls. They were killed by his team of demons and hunted down piece by piece of the universe.


"Ye Tian, ​​come back. Our caravan senior has discussed it. Since we can't hide, let's fight. At least we are now prepared. We will wait for some formations to be used as traps to minimize the loss." Ye Xun sent a message again soon.


Ye Tian gave a sneer and sent the message: "I promised to be a scout, but I did not promise to fight hard for you. Sorry, this is not within the scope of my duties. I will continue to collect information for you, but I will not go back. Participate in the battle.") Download the free reader!!

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