Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1726: Free authority

The spaceship of the Flame Mercenary Corps finally arrived at its destination after a three-epoch flight.


   This is a completely unfamiliar chaotic area, surrounded by chaotic storms and chaotic meteorites, and the environment is extremely harsh.


   Inside the spacecraft, Ye Tian and the others had already been notified to gather and watch the outside scenes revealed by the virtual video of the chaotic network ahead.


   "This is the location of our mission!"


A cadre of the Flame Mercenary Corps stood in front of the video and said to everyone in Ye Tian: "The environment here is bad and it is a good place for the pirate regiment to hide. I will send some of you to reconnaissance later. If anyone detects good news, we can allow you to move freely."


   Free action!


   Ye Tian's eyes lit up. What he fears most is being directed by others. When they direct you to dangerous places, you will definitely die.


   Of course, if you refuse to accept the command, you will certainly not pass the mercenary assessment.


   Therefore, this right of free movement is very precious.


  The casual practitioners who thought of this all brightened their eyes and stared at the cadres of the Flame Mercenary Corps. Obviously, they all want to scout.


  Of course, there are some who don’t want to go. After all, it is dangerous to go to reconnaissance in advance. After all, if you are not lucky, if you encounter a large enemy force, you will undoubtedly die.


   "After we detect the news, we will arrange for some of you to perform tasks with our main force."


  The cadres of the Flame Mercenary Corps said with a slight smile: "Let’s do this for now. As for the number of reconnaissance places in advance, I will contact you individually. Of course, you can also sign up and have a chance to be selected."


   Ye Tian heard this and immediately signed up.


   For others, reconnaissance is very dangerous, but for him, it is very safe, because he has a lair of demon, and then sends some demon to reconnaissance, which is not only efficient, but also safe.


   Even if discovered by the enemy, Ye Tian can let the Heavenly Demon break and he has time to escape.


   "I am very glad that you have been selected to join the reconnaissance team. Please come to the spacecraft entrance immediately." Soon after, Ye Tian received a message from the Flame Mercenary Corps and smiled immediately.


   successfully entered the scout team!


   Ye Tian took a deep breath and flew towards the entrance of the spaceship.


   At this time, more than a thousand casual cultivators had already gathered here, and obviously they were all selected.


   A full tenth of the people were selected to enter the scout team.


   Ye Tian also saw an acquaintance, the cold beauty named Xue Bing. They were all from the Tutu team, but Ye Tian had never spoken to her.


   Seeing her, Ye Tian nodded at her.


   The latter just glanced at Ye Tian, ​​and then closed his eyes to rest.


   Ye Tian shook his head and smiled.


   Soon after, when the number of people almost came, a cadre of the Flame Mercenary Corps arrived late.


"I appreciate your courage very much. I can tell you that your choice is correct. You know, I also participated in the mercenary assessment like you did. I also made great contributions in reconnaissance and got the permission to move freely. It’s the biggest help I have survived to pass the assessment."


   "So, here, I also wish you success."


The cadre of the Flame Mercenary Corps was very good at talking, and a few words aroused the atmosphere. He smiled and continued: "Next, we will assign tasks. I have sent you all the areas that need to be reconnaissance through the Chaos Network. Yes. You only need to be responsible for the area where you are located. After the reconnaissance is over, you can come back regardless of whether you have done meritorious service or not. Of course, if you are granted free movement permission, you can also move freely outside without returning."


   Ye Tian checked his own chaotic network, and he received a message from the Yanhuo Mercenary Corps. The area code he was responsible for was ‘32’.


   Yanhuo Mercenary Corps divided the areas that need to be reconnaissance into more than 1,000 areas according to the number of reconnaissances present, and then randomly assigned them to them.


   "Alright, let's go!" As the Yanhuo Mercenary Corps cadre's words fell, the entrance door of the spacecraft slowly opened, and the casual practitioners immediately flew into the chaos one by one.


   Ye Tian also jumped down and flew to the area he needed to explore.


   "Next...start to act!" Ye Tian released his divine mind, and after not sensing anyone around him, he began to call out one by one from the den of the demon.


   In the three epochs on the spacecraft, the celestial demon lair has created countless second-order cosmic master-level celestial demons for Ye Tian.


   At this time, it is the time for these demon to come into play.


   Ye Tian let go of the demons one by one, and looked in all directions, while he himself found a place nearby, hid it in a low-key manner, and waited for the demons’ news feedback.


   You must know that these heavenly demons are connected to the heavenly demon lair, and Ye Tian can learn about the situation directly from the heavenly demon lair.


"no one!"


"no one!"




   From the devil's lair, Ye Tian received the feedback from each demon.


  Because this area is really too big, Ye Tian released 10,000 demon, reconnaissance in all directions, very fast.


   Just one month, when other talents just arrived in the area they needed to detect, Ye Tian had already learned all the information about the area he was in.


   And the price Ye Tian paid was just the loss of some demon.


   "A dozen observation stations, a war fortress, this pirate regiment is quite cautious." Ye Tian sorted out the information returned by the demons and was considering which of them would be handed over to the Flame Mercenary Corps.


   Finally Ye Tian decided to tell the Flame Fire Mercenary Corps the location of the war fortress and the location of some observation stations with the master of the third-order universe.


   And the remaining observation stations, the highest strength is only the realm of the second-order universe, Ye Tian can deal with it alone, he is going to take these observation stations away and search for some trophies, after all, his chaos points are not many.


   Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately sent the sorted information to the Yanhuo Mercenary Corps with maps and video records.


The Chaos Network is very efficient. Almost the next moment, the Yanhuo Mercenary Corps sent a message: "The information you sent is very important to us. Congratulations, you have obtained the right to move freely. Next, you can choose to move freely outside. , Or return to the spacecraft."


   "I will stay outside and act alone!" Ye Tian replied without thinking.


   "Then take care of yourself!" The Yanhuo Mercenary Corps also sent a message reply.


   Ye Tian smiled slightly. Then, no one can order him, he can act freely by himself. Of course, he cannot leave the scope of the battle, or he will be judged to have failed the assessment. )!!

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