Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1715: Identity badge

Zhanwu Universe.


After more than ten epochs, Ye Tian and Wang Feng finally rushed to the Zhanwu Universe. As a chaotic universe that has multiplied for countless years, the Zhanwu Universe is very large, tens of millions of times larger than Ye Tian’s original universe. The inability to see the margins shocked Ye Tian and Wang Feng.


"Such a huge universe is really amazing!" Wang Feng exclaimed. This is only a corner of the wild world. The universe in the wild world is like stars. A huge universe like the Zhanwu Universe is even bigger than the Zhanwu Universe. Of the universe, do not know how many.


   "Let's go in and take a look, this is our first battle in the wilderness, let's learn about the information of the wilderness." Ye Tian said and entered the Zhanwu universe.


   Wang Feng also entered.


  Zhanwu Universe did not prevent the two of them from entering, but when Ye Tian and Wang Feng entered the Zhanwu Universe, the rules of Chaos Avenue suddenly came, causing Ye Tian and Wang Feng's cultivation base to drop rapidly, and finally stopped at the peak of Supreme Great Perfection.


   "What a terrible chaos rule!" Wang Feng was shocked as he felt his body.


"Nonsense, this is the rules of Chaos Avenue. The entire seven realms are under the management of Chaos Avenue. Of course it is horrible. Let alone us, even if the strongest in the universe comes in, you have to obediently drop to the Supreme Dzogchen realm." Ye Tian said.


   "Not only has the cultivation base dropped, our realm has also been blocked, the laws of the Lord of the Universe can't be used, and all power has dropped to the Supreme Dzogchen realm." Wang Feng felt the whole body condition again, and was even more shocked.


Ye Tian said with a smile: "In this way, even if the strongest in the universe come in, don't want to suppress us with a high level. No wonder those cultivators are willing to enter the Chaos Universe. It is indeed safe here. Don't worry about being hit. kill."


   "Nor can you say that, those people can hide outside the chaotic universe and wait for you to come out." Wang Feng said cautiously.


   "Dracula said that there is a cosmic teleportation array, which can be teleported from one universe to another. It is much safer. However, it is said that the cost of a ride is very high, and most people can't afford it." Ye Tian smiled.


   The two felt their own strength a little, and then flew away in a direction.


   When the two people were curious, in addition to the life planets in the Zhanwu universe, there was actually a huge land floating in the void, like a giant, bigger than Ye Tian's initial universe.


   Ye Tian and Wang Feng felt a lot of the breath of the Supreme Dzogchen on this huge land. They suddenly knew that there must be the gathering of the masters of the outer universe, and they flew to this place.


  The closer you are to this continent, the more you can feel the vastness and boundlessness of this continent. Ye Tian and Wang Feng marveled while landing.


On the mainland, all kinds of strange buildings stand up, and in the sky many strange creatures fly around. There are humanoids like Ye Tian and Wang Feng, and various large animals. These creatures make the two of them very Surprised.


   "There are too many creatures in the wilderness, it's incredible."


   "What a long experience."


   Ye Tian and Wang Feng marveled all the way.


   "Stop!" At this moment, a group of sergeants wearing golden armor and helmets flew over and surrounded Ye Tian and Wang Feng.


   "What's the matter?" Wang Feng frowned.


   Ye Tian snorted coldly: "Don't worry, it's also the Supreme Dzogchen realm. Even if they have more people than us, they can't kill us."


   is also the realm of the Supreme Dzogchen. It is not that a large number of people can win, and even if they cannot win, they can escape. It is difficult for each other to kill each other.


   Moreover, this team of Golden Sergeants only surrounded Ye Tian and Wang Feng, and did not show hostility.


   "Excuse me, what do you guys do?" Ye Tian said in the universal language of the Seven Realms, which he learned from Dracula, and the practitioners of the Seven Realms use this language.


"You two, you don't have the identity card of Zhanwu Universe. Is this the first time you have come to Zhanwu Universe?" said a golden sergeant in the lead, with a very low voice, and it seemed that Ye Tian and Wang Feng did not look at him. .


   This is no wonder, although everyone's current cultivation is suppressed in the Supreme Dzogchen realm, each other can still see each other's true realm.


   Like these golden sergeants, it is easy to see that Wang Feng and Ye Tian are just the masters of the first and second order universes, belonging to the lowest level practitioners in the wilderness.


   On the contrary, Ye Tian and Wang Feng couldn't see through the realm of this group of golden military forces. They must be the masters of the universe above the fifth rank.


  In the wilderness, the cultivation level is three steps away, so you can't see through the opponent's realm.


   "Yes, it's the first time we have come to fight in Wuhan University. Some rules may not be known. If something is wrong, please bear with me." Wang Feng clasped his fist.


The headed Sergeant Golden said indifferently: "It seems that you have just been promoted to Lord of the Universe. You don't even know the most basic rules of the universe, but you are very smart, knowing that you should enter the Chaos Universe first. If you encounter other universe masters, you will probably be sold as slaves."


   Ye Tian and Wang Feng both looked ugly when they heard this, but they knew their strength was low, so they could only swallow their breath.


"Don't be convinced, we are like this in the wilderness, the weak eat the strong, the strong respect." The headed Golden Sergeant glanced at Ye Tian and Wang Feng coldly, and snorted coldly: "Come with me, I will take you to apply for identity cards , Without an identity card, you can't walk in the Zhanwu Universe at all. I will remember that no matter which chaotic universe you enter, you must first apply for an identity card."


   While talking, the head of the Golden Sergeant flew to a tall tower star building ahead. This tall tower is very high and the tallest building on the See that tower? Basically, the place where each Chaos Universe handles identity cards is the same. They are all towers like this. Next time you go to another universe, go to this tower to handle identity cards. "Although Sergeant Golden had a cold tone, he reminded him kindly.


   Wang Feng quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, senior, for your guidance. By the way, senior, we want to learn about all kinds of information about the wasteland, but I don’t know where to find it."


   "There are identity cards!" Golden Sergeant said lightly, "Do you think the identity cards only represent your identity? That would be a big mistake."


   After that, the Golden Sergeant took out his identity card, which is a golden token. It seems that the people of Zhanwu Universe have a good impression of gold.


   "The identity card not only contains your identity information, but also connects to the chaotic network of our wild world. Through the chaotic network, you can view all kinds of information, which is enough for you to understand the wild world." Sergeant Gold said.


   I saw him shake the identity card, and a huge screen suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, with various text messages appearing on it. 8)) Download the free reader!!

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