Seven World Martial God

Chapter 158: Shi Boyan

In the lively square, as the competition began, the noisy sounds gradually stopped, and everyone was engrossed in watching the competition. [For more wonderful novels, please visit] While cheering for the brothers I admire, while verifying my martial arts, I hope to learn something from it.

"It turns out that the hand of the stars can also be used like this!"

"Look at the sword of Senior Brother Zhang, the power is not very powerful, but the timing is very good. If it is harder, it will be a kill."

"Senior Brother Li's body training exercises are getting stronger and stronger, and he is able to counter weapons with his bare hands. Look at his fists, they are as hard as rocks."


Listening to the discussion of the surrounding seniors, Ye Tian was also watching the competition in the fifth ring. Two juniors with much lower cultivation levels were on the field. One is the third level of the martial arts, and the other is the fifth level of the martial arts. Needless to say, the fifth level of the martial arts defeated the opponent with one move.

Therefore, despite the large number of people, because of the unequal cultivation base, everyone plays quickly.


"Look, that's Brother Shi!"

"Senior Brother Shi is a powerful person in our body refinement line. I heard that his physical body is invincible in the realm of martial arts. Even the physical bodies of some Wuzong powerhouses are inferior to him!"

"I heard that Senior Brother Shi has been practicing in the mountains with the most ferocious beasts in the Great Yan Nation over the years, and he has to fight those ferocious beasts every day and carry out the most arduous training. This time the battle of the stars, he is a blockbuster , The chance of winning is great!"

Some disciples from the inner sect looked at a young man who was not far from the ring on the 5th ring and talked a lot.

As if hearing these people's words, Shi Boyan turned around, and the bronze-colored strong body was like a horned dragon coiled around, full of explosive power, exuding a powerful breath.

Just looking at it made people feel suffocating pressure, and everyone suddenly dared not talk about it.

Shi Boyan glanced at the crowd coldly, his eyes were like wild beasts, with a fierce light that made one's heart palpitating.

"Too strong!"

"I feel a cold sweat behind me."

Some disciples around him took a breath, feeling very depressed, and never dared to look at Shi Boyan again.

"Humph!" With a slight cold snort, Shi Boyan withdrew his gaze, his eyes full of disdain.

Ye Tian smiled faintly, with some admiration in his heart, this Shi Boyan is indeed very strong. Especially his physical body, I'm afraid that apart from him, no other inner disciples can compare to Shi Boyan.

However, in this case, Shi Boyan has no threat in his eyes. (Starting)

"Ye Tian, ​​Wang Boyun!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from my ear.

Ye Tian was startled, but he didn't expect that it would be his turn to play so soon.

The opponent was a young man of the sixth rank of martial arts, already standing on the ring and waiting, with a pair of sharp eyes, looking around, wanting to see who his opponent was.

"It seems my luck is good!" Ye Tian smiled slightly, flew up and boarded the ring.

"Huh? I can't see through the cultivation base!" When the young man on the other side saw that he couldn't see through Ye Tian's cultivation level, his expression changed and his heart sank, knowing that he was likely to be defeated.

"Brother Ye, Wang Boyun, please enlighten me!" The young man hugged Ye Tian and said solemnly.

"Please!" Ye Tian said lightly.

"Then brother, be careful!" Knowing that his cultivation is not as good as Ye Tian, ​​the young man is not polite, and immediately started to attack Ye Tian with the strongest and most powerful moves.

With one hand on his back, Ye Tian stared at the young man who rushed in plainly, and then stretched out a palm to easily block the person's attack.

The ground shook, and the young man felt as if he had hit a wall. The whole person was shaken out by a huge force, and he went back hundreds of steps before stopping.

On the other hand, Ye Tian didn't move a step from beginning to end, not even his hair.

"The gap is too big!" The young man smiled bitterly, then hugged Ye Tian, ​​and said in awe: "Senior brother is amazing, and junior has given up."

Ye Tiandan nodded with a smile, and then walked off the ring.

"Ye Tian!"

"It turned out to be him. One year has passed. It seems that his strength has increased a lot!"

"The crazy sword that was able to defeat the eighth-level martial arts in the past is naturally easy to deal with a sixth-level martial arts junior. I think he is very likely to stand out in the death group and win the position of the gods."

There are also some inner disciples in the fifth ring that recognize Ye Tianlai. After all, the scene where Ye Tian defeated Crazy Saber was seen by everyone.

For this talented newcomer, many inner disciples remember very clearly.

Moreover, it has recently been rumored that Ye Tian was the first day he killed the Baidu Sect before Yi Xuehan. Although many people did not believe this rumor, it also made Ye Tian's name pass to Nanlin County, which was well known by everyone.

"It turns out that he is the brother Ye!" Wang Boyun was initially a little depressed. When he heard the discussions of the senior brothers around him, he realized how powerful Ye Tian is. .

Although the inner door is closed, the sword is ruthless, and it is not unusual for people to be seriously injured. If you encounter a bad-tempered senior, you will probably be lying in bed for a few months.

After the match, Ye Tian got a chance to get news, so he stayed aside and watched other people's matches.

Soon, an exclamation sounded, which caught Ye Tian's attention.

It turned out that Shi Boyan played, and his opponent was not weak, he was a strong man of the eighth level of martial arts, but obviously his luck was not very good, and he met Shi Boyan.

Everyone couldn't help looking at this person with sympathy.

This is a middle-aged man, relatively young, he is looking at Shi Boyan who is walking into the ring with awe.

"Give up!" Shi Boyan glanced at the middle-aged man on the opposite side disdainfully, and said coldly.

It was entirely in a high-pitched tone. Ye Tian in the crowd frowned, and everyone else looked unsightly. He felt that Shi Boyan couldn't look down upon others even if he was powerful.

The middle-aged man was also taken aback, but then he clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Brother Shi, brothers are also in the same line of physical training. I dare not expect to beat the brothers. I only hope that the brothers can give pointers. Exhausted."

In fact, the so-called inner sect is mostly where the peak powers compete. Most of the inner sect disciples are holding discussions, increasing their knowledge, or showing their faces in a small way, and there is no extravagant hope of winning.

"Trash!" Shi Boyan snorted when he heard the words, and the soles of his feet stomped on the ground. The whole ring was trembling, and with the soles of his feet, a terrifying true essence spread from the ground to the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man was completely unprepared, and he didn't expect Shi Boyan to take the shot. He didn't react. He was shocked by a huge force and fell directly out of the ring, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The surrounding audience was stunned.

"Waste is worthy of me to point? Humph!" Shi Boyan walked off the ring without even looking at the middle-aged man as if he had trampled on an ant, his eyes full of arrogance.

Hearing this, everyone frowned, and when they looked at Shi Boyan, their faces were a bit angry.

Shi Boyan's arrogant demeanor obviously angered most of the disciples present, after all, most of them were not strong. They don't want to be so disdainful and without dignity like the person just now.

Moreover, the middle-aged man obviously admired Shi Boyan and only hoped to get some guidance. Even if you don't point him, there is no need to beat them so badly.

Like Ye Tian, ​​it is the virtue of a strong man to resolve the opponent's attack, let the opponent bow to the wind and surrender automatically.

For a moment, the sentiment was enthusiastic, and some of the inner disciples who had worshipped Shi Boyan also fell their faces and stopped cheering and cheering for him.

Ye Tian took a deep look at Shi Boyan, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, obviously, he was also a little angry at this moment.

In the next few rounds of competitions, many people were eliminated. Ye Tian sang all the way, invincible, and almost didn't do anything, so that his opponents were willing to bow down.

Ye Tian's strength attracted the attention of many people, and as soon as he came on the court, it caused an exclaim.

Even Shi Boyan noticed him, and a dignified color appeared in those wild eyes.

In addition to Ye Tian, ​​Shi Boyan is also invincible in the No. 5 ring group. But he is different from Ye Tian. Any opponent he encounters will either voluntarily surrender immediately or be seriously injured by him.

Compared to Ye Tian's'convincing people with virtue', Shi Boyan's'fierce personality' caused dissatisfaction among many disciples.

Some even shouted that Ye Tian defeated Shi Boyan, making Shi Boyan's cold face even more gloomy.

"You are Ye Tian? I have heard of you, and I only worshipped God Star Gate not long ago. It is really terrifying to have the current cultivation base." Shi Boyan walked over, admiring Ye Tian first, but then talked about it. Change, said coldly, "However, this year's star list has nothing to do with you. You may have hope in the next year."

The surrounding inner sect disciples frowned upon hearing this, which was obviously leaning against the old and despising Ye Tian.

In addition, Shi Boyan's arrogance before Many inner disciples had a bad impression of him, and they all stood on Ye Tian's side.

"You are Shi Boyan who was defeated by Senior Brother Ning with a sword in the last session? Yes, you are very strong, and you should be able to enter the top ten of the **** star list in this session!" Ye Tian looked at Shi Boyan and said lightly.


The surrounding inner disciples couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Ye Tian is really wicked. Everyone knows that Shi Boyan was defeated by Ning Yijian and Yijian last time. This is his heart disease, and Ye Tian raised the matter as soon as he opened his mouth, obviously revealing his scars.

In addition, Ye Tian said that he was able to enter the top ten, on the surface it was praise, but that was actually a mockery. After all, Shi Boyan was the fifth strongest player in the previous year's Star Rankings. If he still aims to enter the top ten this year, wouldn't it be a step backwards.

Shi Boyan's expression turned ugly immediately, staring at Ye Tian gloomily, his fierce eyes full of killing intent.

Ye Tian was not afraid, staring at him coldly, his face calm.

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