Seven World Martial God

Chapter 136: 0 Satoyama Sho

   In the carriage, Ye Tian closed his eyes and secretly adjusted his breath.

   is about to arrive at the Ten Thousand Poison Pool. He said in his heart that it is not to be nervous. After all, there are many masters of the Poison Sect. Once his identity is leaked, the only thing waiting for him is death.

   While musing in his heart, Ye Tian sorted out all the information again, even took out Yi Xuehan's diary, and read some important parts of it again.

   Finally, Ye Tian confirmed something. The masters of the Baidu Sect guarding the dense land of the Wan Poison Pool rarely returned to the Baidu Sect. Moreover, Yi Xuehan became idiotic in his cultivation, and rarely showed himself in front of everyone except for taking up quests and fighting in the clan.

"The probability of them recognizing me should be very low, but they are afraid that someone will come from the headquarters of Baidumen..." Ye Tian was a little nervous, but he also knew that at this time, it was no longer possible to go back, and he was also Not the kind of person who is not firm in confidence.

   Once you decide something, you must proceed to the end, Ye Tian's eyes showed a firm gaze.

   The carriage was not advancing very fast. After a full day, Ye Tian heard Xiao Er's respectful voice.

   "Young master, we are here!"


   Ye Tian responded indifferently. From the window, he saw an ordinary mountain villa not far in front of him. It occupies a small area, but the guards are very tight.

There is only a three-storey building in   , surrounded by a large wall, and there are many warriors standing on the wall. This does not look like a villa, but rather like a bandit cottage.

   In the surrounding jungle, Ye Tian also found a pair of cold eyes, looking at the carriage he was in.

   Such a strict guard made Ye Tian's heart startled. He knew that he had stepped into the tiger's den. Now, his every move must be the same as that of Yi Xuehan, otherwise his identity will be revealed, and he will be besieged by the powerful of the Hundred Poison Sect.


   Ye Tian took a deep breath, his eyes were cold, with a hint of arrogance between his eyebrows, he imitated the expression of Yi Xuehan.

   Under the fierce gaze of the gatekeepers, Ye Tian and their carriage finally entered the villa.

   At this time, a lot of people have already gathered in the villa, and the main high-levels have stood with their hands early, standing at the door of the building, looking in the direction of the gate of the villa.

   Some of the warriors in the surrounding villas are also chatting, and the scene is very hot. From time to time, someone looked at the entrance of the villa, showing envy, jealousy, and unwillingness.

   Except for some of the inner disciples of the Baidu Sect, the rest are the outer disciples of the Baidu Sect, and they are also the outer disciples who are responsible for maintaining the Poison Pond.

   It can be said that the Poison Pond can exist, even if it does not have their credit, it also has their hard work.

  Because of this, they are well aware of the preciousness of the Poison Pond. All the poisons are refined by them, then put in the Poison Pond and cultivated for a year.

  The treasure medicine prepared so carefully, but in the end it made others cheaper, no matter how low their status is, their heart is full of imbalance at this moment.

   Therefore, when they looked at Ye Tian's carriage, they were very hostile, jealous and unwilling.

  Among these people, there is a young man in brocade clothes, staring sullenly at the carriage coming slowly from the entrance of the villa. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the jealousy and anger on his face.

   "Young Master, don't be angry. We are disciples of Baidumen after all. We can only accept the above requirements with our heads down." An old man sighed beside the young man in Jinyi and Huafu.

   "But Zongnei clearly promised his father to give me a place, why did he suddenly take it away? I'm not reconciled!" The young man in Jinyi Huafu gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

   "Let's bear it, wait for him to be baptized, if the Ten Thousand Poison Pond Lingye is enough, the clan will compensate you for the Young Master." The old man said helplessly.

   "Why? Why should I drink his foot wash? This is obviously my quota!" The young man in Jinyi Huafu clenched his fists, his brows were bruised, showing how angry he was at the moment.

"Because he is the young master, the direct disciple of the Baidu Sect master, and the future Baidu Sect master... Young Master, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Let's bear it." The old man said. He snorted, then comforted.

   The young man in Jinyi and Huafu did not speak any more, but his face became more and more gloomy. He looked at the carriage coming slowly not far away, his eyes full of killing intent.

   "Hey..." The old man beside him sighed slightly.

  The young man in Jinyi Huafu is called Baili Changfeng. He is the young owner of this Baili Mountain Villa. His father Baili Haotian is also an elder of Baidumen.

   The Baili family has guarded and maintained the Poison Pond for generations. It is a special group of the Poison Sect. They can be said to be disciples of the Poison Sect or a force attached to the Poison Sect.

   The first patriarch of the Baili family was a disciple of the Baidu Sect. Later, because he invented the method of cultivating the Wandu Pond, he was sent here to build the Baili Mountain Villa to concentrate on maintaining and guarding the Wandui Pond.

   After the generations of the Baili family, they have become a small force attached to the Baidu Sect, but the Baidu Sect also has regulations. In view of the merits of the Baili family, all direct descendants of their family are automatically promoted to the inner disciples of the Baidu Sect. The collateral children of their family are automatically promoted to the outer disciples of the Baidu Sect, and their patriarch will always be the elder of the Baidu Sect.

   In short, the Baili family exists for the Wanpo Pond, and the Baidu Sect also values ​​the Baili family for this reason.

   And Baili Changfeng, as the owner of the young village, is the future heir to the patriarch of the Baili family, plus his talent is good. That's why he was allowed to enter the Wandu Pond to receive a baptism by the senior officials of the Baidumen earlier, which was regarded as the reward of the Baidumen's hard work for so many years.

   However, no one would have imagined that Yi Xuehan would leave the customs at this time, and he would also need to use Wan Po Pond to cultivate the Ninth Rank battle body. Therefore, the tragic Baili Changfeng was temporarily deprived of qualifications and gave this place to Yi Xuehan.

   After all, the arm can't break the thigh, even if the Baili family is not reconciled, they can only knock off their teeth and swallow them in the stomach. After all, in this world where the power is respected, they dare not resist the orders of the Baidumen.

   However, the young and energetic Baili Changfeng is full of anger in his heart, and is full of hostility towards the'Yixuehan' who came to be baptized.

Da da da……

   The carriage finally arrived at the door of the building. The little second who drove bowed and saluted inside the carriage, looked at the high-levels of Baili Mountain Villa in front of him with some fear, then bowed his head and stepped aside.

   Then, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Tian stepped out of the carriage, looking indifferently and arrogantly, and glanced in front of him.

   When Ye Tian got out of the carriage, the surroundings had already quieted down, and everyone in the villa was looking at Ye Tian.

At the entrance of the building, several high-level villas rushed up to greet him. One of the middle-aged men, who was very powerful and powerful, held a fist towards Ye Tian and said loudly: "Baili Haotian, lead a group of children of the Baili family , Welcome the young master to come."

   A few senior members of the Baili family also hurriedly saluted, with respectful expressions on their faces, and there was no abnormality at all.

   It's the juniors around, a little young and energetic, and their eyes towards Ye Tian are full of hostility.

   Ye Tian didn't care, he finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart at this moment. Since the other party didn't have any special reaction, it showed that he had passed this level.

   Right now, Ye Tian waved his hand arrogantly and said indifferently: "Elder Baili is polite, Yi Xuehan is ordered by his teacher to come to receive the baptism, please make arrangements for Elder Baili."

   "Young Master, you are tired on the way, we have prepared a banquet for you. Tomorrow, I will send you to the Poison Pond and be baptized." Baili Haotian said politely.

   "Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded lightly. Although he wanted to be baptized now, he knew that this kind of thing could not come in a hurry. Being in a hurry will only backfire and risk revealing your identity.

   After thinking about it, Ye Tian walked towards the building along with Baili Haotian and other senior officials of the Baili family.

   However, at this moment, an unwilling drink came from the surrounding crowd.

   "Wait a minute!"

Before the words came to an end, a young man in brocade and Chinese clothes walked out of the crowd, strode to Ye Tian, ​​glared at Ye Tian coldly, clasped his fists and said in a deep voice, "I heard that Brother Yi is the sect. The first genius in the door, I wonder if I can enlighten me?"

   "Audacious!" Baili Haotian came back to his senses at this time, and shouted loudly, staring sharply at Baili Changfeng.

   "Chang Feng, don't retreat quickly, how can you challenge the young master?" The seniors of several Baili families were also taken aback and hurriedly shouted.

   They were afraid that Ye Tian would blame them, and then file a complaint in front of the sect master, then their Baili family would be in trouble.

   Ye Tian glanced at Baili Changfeng, did not speak, from the other's eyes, he saw jealousy and anger, because he did not know the reason, so he could only be silent.

   And Ye Tian's silence made Baili Changfeng even more angry. He sarcastically said, "What? Brother Yi dare not?"

   "Fuck, don't go back soon!" Baili Haotian shouted in a deep There was a cold chill in his fierce eyes.

   Baili Changfeng was a little afraid of his father's eyes, but still gritted his teeth, stared at Ye Tian, ​​and said loudly: "Yi Xuehan, have the ability to defeat me, otherwise you are not qualified to enter the Poison Pond for baptism."

   "You are not my opponent!" Ye Tian glanced at Baili Changfeng indifferently, and then walked towards the building.

   Baili Haotian and several senior members of the Baili family breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately glared at Baili Changfeng, and hurriedly accompanied Ye Tian into the building.

   "Yi Xuehan, you coward, you are not worthy to be the young master of the Hundred Poison Sect!"

   Baili Changfeng stayed for a while, then pointed at Ye Tian's back and cursed loudly.

   The surrounding area was quiet for a moment, and the expressions of Baili Haotian and several senior members of the Baili family suddenly turned green.


   Ye Tian stopped abruptly and turned to look at the long wind. His sharp eyes looked like two blades, and a majestic sword intent rose to the sky, sweeping the entire villa.


   In the next moment, the weapons in the hands of the surrounding warriors took off one by one, gathered above Ye Tian's head, and circled into a long dragon. And following Ye Tian's fingers, the long dragon dashed towards the long wind.

   "Stop it!"

   "The young master is merciful!"

   Baili Haotian and the others changed their faces and hurriedly drank, but it was too late to stop them.

   Baili Changfeng was directly shocked.

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