Seven World Martial God

Chapter 131: Wu Zong ambush

Facing everyone’s peculiar eyes, Ye Tian didn’t say much. He just glanced at Wu Ding, who was sneered next to him, and finally said to Zhang Zhengyi, “I heard that the true disciples of God Star Gate have Eligibility to propose a battle with any elder, any elder who receives a battle is not allowed to refuse. Elder Zhang, when his disciple is promoted to a true disciple, he will definitely ask you for advice."

  'S words were threatening, and with infinite fighting spirit, the whole mission hall fell into dead silence in an instant.

   After saying this, Ye Tian turned around and left, leaving everyone behind with an indifferent figure.

   Zhang Zhengyi's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. Looking at Ye Tian's back, his sinister eyes were full of murderous intent.

The inner sect disciples next to    were all dumbfounded, looking at Ye Tian's back in a daze, all secretly thumbing up.

   Ye Tian is the only one who dares to threaten the mission elder!


   "What a villain."

   "Is it still called Zhang Zhengyi? Just like that? I am really ashamed of his name."

   Leaving the mission hall, Ye Tian walked towards his palace, cursing in a low voice along the way.

  According to the rules of the God Star Gate, after the inner disciple who owns the palace leaves, he must give up his palace, let other inner disciples practice in it, and return it after returning.

   Of course, except for the seventy-two inner disciples on the star list, as long as they are not promoted to true disciples, they will have permanent residence rights in the palace.

   After returning to the palace, Ye Tian carried the big iron box with the black iron sword on his back, then stomped his feet, flew high into the sky, and headed towards the exit of the small world.

   Ye Tian didn't know, when he was leaving, a pair of cold eyes were watching him silently.

   This person is Wu Ding.

   "The talent is good, but you shouldn't offend me!" Wu Ding gave a cold smile.

   Thinking that he was defeated by Ye Tian and became Ye Tian's stepping stone, Wu Ding's heart was full of boiling killing intent.

   However, Ye Tian's powerful strength allowed Wu Ding to temporarily hide this killing intent.

   嗤嗤... Outside the small world, following a wave of spatial fluctuations, a figure appeared in the air.

   Coming out of the small world of the Star Gate, Ye Tian saw a lush forest and a huge stretch of mountains, this is the Meteorite Mountain Range.

   Thinking of taking part in the assessment here a year ago, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile. Time flies so fast. There is no Jiazi in the mountains, and the cold is endless.

   I wonder what happened to those friends in Blood Jade City? And Ye Cheng, do those family members already know the news that he has become an inner disciple?

   Ye Tian was going to go back and have a look.

   Slightly mentioning Zhenyuan, Ye Tian is like a big eagle, flying at extreme speed towards the distance.

   The speed of flight is fast. No wonder the Star Gate stipulates that only inner disciples can go out to practice. I think it is because the outside world is too vast. If you can’t even fly and rely on your feet, how can you hurry? How to experience it?

   Flying at high speed in the high air, feeling the fast retreating scenery on both sides, Ye Tian, ​​who is hidden in the shield of true essence, felt refreshed in his heart and couldn't help screaming loudly.


   This is the dream of every warrior. Even mortals envy those birds that can fly in the sky. Ye Tian in his previous life could not imagine that he would be able to fly in the sky one day.

   In the words of a previous life: This feeling is really refreshing!

   Flying high in the sky, looking down at the ground below, you can clearly see the scenery on the land. While flying, Ye Tian thought about the information he had obtained from the elder guarding the battle hall:

   Star Poison Mountain Range, located in the west of Nanlin County, is an uninhabited mountain range, shrouded in poisonous fog all year round. Without martial arts level strength, you will die if you enter.

   Originally, this mountain group didn't have a name, but because it had a vein of spirit stone, it was struck by the God Star Gate and the Baidu Gate. However, neither of the two major forces can do anything about themselves, so they stationed there and fought hard.

  So, the people of Nanlin County called this mountain range the Star Poison Mountain Range, which means that this is a place controlled by both the God Star Gate and the Bai Po Gate.

The elder guarding the battle hall told Ye Tian that the Star Poison Mountain Range was originally discovered by the Hundred Poison Sect, and the poison mist was dried by the Hundred Poison Sect in order to prevent others from discovering it, so as to conceal the information that the mountain has spirit stones .

   However, Nanlin County is just this big, and there are many disciples of the Shenxing Gate. In the end it was discovered by the Shenxing Gate.

   Given the importance of the spirit stone, coupled with the relationship between the God Star Gate and the Hundred Poison Gate, which were originally enemies, it is conceivable that this battle will inevitably erupt.

  None of the two parties is willing to give up, because the spirit stone is so important that no one will give up.

  So that, the Star Poison Mountain Range has become a long-lasting battlefield between the God Star Gate and the Bai Po Gate, but those who dare to come here are some powerful inner disciples who have palaces, and ordinary inner disciples will not come here.

   To put it simply, any person in the Star Poison Mountain Range has the strength of Martial Spirit Level 7 or 8 or higher.

   This is also why the inner disciples of the Mission Hall, when they heard Zhang Zhengyi assigning the mission to Ye Tian, ​​they all looked at the dead.

   For Ye Tian, ​​who had just entered the inner gate not long ago, even if he defeated the martial arts eighth-level mad sword, he would definitely die after entering the Star Poison Mountain Range.

   Zhang Zhengyi was obviously using a knife to kill.

   However, according to the rules of the God Star Gate, supporting the Star Poison Mountain Range is indeed one of the tasks of the inner disciples. Even if he is known, it doesn't matter.

   I can only blame Ye Tian for bad luck!

   "Zhang-Zheng-Righteousness!" Ye Tian's eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. After learning about the information on the Star Poison Mountain Range, he and the mission elder never stopped dying.

   "You wait for me, but Wu Zong's seventh-level cultivation base is only, how dare you yin me? Hmph, I will let you know how to write the word'regret'."

   Ye Tian gritted his teeth and hid this killing intent in his heart. For the time being, he was not Zhang Zhengyi's opponent.


   Suddenly, a murderous blade light came from below, carrying a majestic might, straight into the sky, with a terrifying wave of true essence, rushing towards Ye Tian in the sky.

   "Huh?" Ye Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart suddenly burst, astonished, he also appeared a little flustered. He didn't have time to think about it, so he patted a star's hand at the rushing sword light below.


   The huge Zhenyuan palm, carrying an unmatched energy, collided with the blade light, bursting out a series of explosions, making the entire sky turbulent.

   Ye Tian also took advantage of this opportunity and quickly swooped down from the sky and quickly fell to the ground. After all, staying in the sky will only be targeted by people.

   Besides, Ye Tian also wanted to figure out who it was that he dared to attack and kill him not far from the Meteorite Mountain Range. Isn't he afraid of the revenge of the Star Gate?


   Then, when Ye Tian just fell, another terrifying sword light came. The surging energy fluctuations caused Ye Tian's face to sink. He knew that he had met a master this time, a master who was many times stronger than Crazy Sword.

   Before I could think about it, Ye Tian took another shot of the hand of the star, but this time the hand of the star was penetrated by the sword light, and a terrible force surged toward Ye Tian.

   Ye Tian hurriedly transported the Ninth Revolution battle body, the golden light enveloped his body, abruptly blocking this powerful shock wave.

   However, Ye Tian was also shaken back hundreds of steps and bumped into towering trees. In the mountains and forests, there was a mess.

   "So strong!" Ye Tian stopped, his brows jumped, his eyes were full of shock as he looked at a black-clothed youth who was walking in the distance.

   This is a young man in black clothes about the same size as Ye Tian, ​​with a long knife on his back. He has clean eyebrows, handsome face, long hair on his shoulders, dancing with the wind.

At this moment, the black-clothed young man was staring at Ye Tian, ​​his mouth was slightly tilted, and with a hint of surprise, he said proudly: "Yes, I was able to pick up two hand knives at will at the fifth level of Martial Spirit. You deserve me. Kill yourself personally."


   Ye Tian's pupils shrank, and his heart was full of shock. The attack that was just as powerful as the opponent did it casually, then the strength of this person...

   Ye Tian dignifiedly looked at the black-clothed youth on the opposite side, but found that he couldn't see through this person's cultivation level at all, and only felt a majestic killing intent sweeping over him.

   Ye Tian is very familiar with such a terrifying killing intent, because he also has it.

"Sure enough, there is no shortage of geniuses in China Mainland. The guy in front of me is about the same size as me, and his strength is so much stronger than Ye Tian secretly thought that although he is not proud, he has always believed in a genius better than him. A lot more, but when I really saw a genius even more powerful than him, I still felt a little unhappy.

   Just as Ye Tian's thoughts turned sharply, the black-clothed youth on the opposite side slowly pulled out the long knife behind him, and a cold light appeared, causing a chill in Ye Tian's heart.

   "Remember, the person who killed you is called Yi Xuehan!" The black-clothed youth said coldly, and a more majestic killing intent came, causing the surrounding temperature to drop a lot in an instant.

   Ye Tian felt a great crisis, he couldn't help but shouted: "Who are you? Dare to do it here, are you afraid that the elders of my **** star gate will find out?"

   "You elders of the God Star Gate can't find it!" Yi Xue smiled coldly, and pointed his sword at Ye Tian, ​​making him feel a sharp edge.

   And at this moment, Ye Tian felt the surrounding world change, the void revolved, and the air vibrated violently. Finally, except for the black-clothed youth in front of him, Ye Tian found that the surrounding scenery had changed.

   "Now, do you think the elders of your **** star gate will find out?"

   Yi Xuehan looked at Ye Tian disdainfully, his icy eyes were full of sarcasm.

   "Wu Zong!" Ye Tian's heart sank, staring at the black-clothed youth on the opposite side, and asked coldly: "A Wu Zong is here to ambush me, who are you? Why are you killing me!"

   Yes, the black-clothed youth in front of him turned out to be a Wuzong expert. Ye Tian didn't have the slightest resistance to resist, and he was taken into the small world by the opponent.

   Ye Tian felt a huge crisis at this time.

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