Seven World Martial God

Chapter 106: Cyan spar

   When the thirteen princes and Lin Fei told them, Ye Tian immediately understood the preciousness of this spiritual pond. At the same time, he was very fortunate to know the thirteen princes and Lin Fei, otherwise he might have missed this opportunity.

   After all, according to the regulations of the God Star Gate, only the outer disciples in the first year of worshipping into the God Star Gate are eligible to apply for a baptism in the Spirit Pool.

However, if it weren't for the reminder of the thirteen princes and Lin Fei, after three days, with Ye Tian's strength, he would definitely be able to enter the top ten, then he would be promoted to the inner disciple, and naturally he would not be able to go to the spirit pond to receive baptism. .

   "I'm afraid not many people can enter this spiritual pond!" Ye Tian sighed slightly.

   "Not bad!"

The thirteen prince nodded, his eyes flashed, and said: "The existence of the spiritual pond, few people know about the **** star gate, or not many people pay attention. Of course, if you can carefully read the star manual, you can also know the spirit Chi. But the warriors who join the Divine Star Gate are all for earning contribution points, and then in exchange for powerful martial arts or heaven and earth treasures that can improve their strength. How many people can patiently finish reading the Star Manual?"

   Ye Tian couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words. Even if it was him, the first thing that came to mind was to exchange contribution points for something, where would he stay in the house and watch the Star Manual and read it through. Of course, Ye Tian didn't have patience, but his patience was above practice, not reading.

"Not only that, even if someone discovers the spiritual pool, it is very difficult to earn 10,000 contribution points within the first year. Moreover, you have also discovered that a ring will be held during each assessment. Contest. In this way, the strong who can earn 10,000 contribution points will be recruited in advance. The remaining weak, who want to earn 10,000 contribution points, can’t do it in one year. Now." Lin Fei said with a smile.

   "How do I feel that the God Star Gate does not want us to enter the spirit pool, otherwise there is no need to hide so deeply?" Ye Tian thought with some doubts.

"Of course they don't want to see us enter the spirit pool, and you don't want to think about how much resources the Divine Star Gate spends in order to maintain the existence of the spirit pool. Not to mention 10,000 contribution points, or 100,000 contribution points, we are all taking advantage. "

   Yun Shuiyao gave Ye Tian a white look.

   Ye Tian couldn't help touching his nose. Why did this little girl like to get angry with him? There was no reason why he had offended her.

Lin Fei on the side of    continued, "Nor can you say that, as long as there are people with identity, they can still know the existence of the spirit pool from the disciples of the **** star door, just like us, so this spirit pool will be visited every time."

   "Let's go, I think Wu Ding and the others will also go to Lingchi. Let's go early too. Don't let them preempt." The Thirteenth Prince stood up and said.

   "Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded, he couldn't help but look forward to it. He is currently lacking the spiritual energy cultivation acupoint condensing technique, and this spiritual pond has relieved his urgent need.

   The four of them got together and walked out of the courtyard.

   On the path outside the courtyard, there were many more figures at this time. At first glance, they were all in white, obviously wearing the standard costumes of the Star Gate.

   "This dress is really ugly!" Yun Shuiyao looked at herself in white, and said with some dissatisfaction.

   "I will do it for a while, when we become the inner disciple, we can put on the blue star robe, it is the inner disciple's clothes, very beautiful!" Lin Fei smiled.

   "In fact, the most imposing purple star robe is the purple star robe. If you wear it, it will be eye-catching no matter where you are in the Great Yan Kingdom." The thirteen prince looked yearning.

   "Purple star robe? Fortunately, you can figure it out. Those are clothes that can only be worn by the disciples of Shenxingmen True Inheritance. If you have a Wuzong level cultivation base, let's practice slowly!" Lin Fei rolled his eyes and said.

   Ye Tian's heart moved. He had also heard of the true disciples of Shenxingmen. There were only 36 disciples, each of whom was a great figure in Nanlin County, and was very powerful in the entire Great Yan Nation.

"Lang Fanyun and Wan Yunxia should have become true disciples of the Shenxingmen!" Ye Tian secretly thought that the two of them were listed as the strongest among the inner disciples of the Shenxingmen alongside Liu Yunfei. It is possible that he had already broken through to the realm of Wuzong and became a true disciple of Shenxingmen.

   Thinking of Liu Yunfei's last words, Ye Tian was going to find an opportunity to inquire about Wan Yunxia's news, so that he could finish Liu Yunfei's entrustment early.

  After talking with a few people, I quickly came to the location of the Lingchi, which is very remote, sparsely populated, and surrounded by formations. Most people can't see the mystery here.

   Ye Tian looked up, and there was an ordinary stone house in front of him. The stone door was closed, very ordinary. At the door of the stone house, a white-haired old man was sweeping the floor, ignoring the arrival of the four Ye Tian.

   "Old man, let's apply for the baptism in the spiritual pond!"

   Following the thirteen princes, the four of Ye Tian saluted the old man respectfully.

   The old man ignored them and continued to sweep the floor.

   Ye Tian and the others didn't care, and walked towards the stone house together.

   "My father said that the old man at the Star Gate must not be underestimated, and we can only salute right and wrong!" The Thirteenth Prince whispered.

   Ye Tian and Lin Fei nodded very convincingly. They all know that generally the longer they live, the stronger their strength, especially in places like God Star Gate.

   "Hey, open the door, we have to apply for the baptism in the spiritual pond!" While they were talking in a low voice, Yun Shuiyao was already knocking on the stone door.


With a crisp sound, Shimen opened, and a bald boy stretched out his shiny head and stared at a pair of innocent eyes. He glanced at the four of Ye Tian lightly, and said: "There are four more boys, which is really annoying. ! According to the rules, each person will hand in 10,000 contribution points."

   Ye Tian and the four looked at the bald boy with some speechlessness. The boy was not too old, so he dared to call them boy. However, thinking of themselves and others arriving for the first time, they all handed in their identity tokens.

   After the 10,000 contribution points were crossed out, the bald boy put Ye Tian in.

   As soon as they entered the Shimen, Ye Tian and the others felt an extremely strong spiritual energy rushing toward their faces, and at the same time they saw a pool the size of a courtyard.

   The pond water is milky white, like milk, braving the white mist, like fairy air.

   In the pool, there are four young men and women with their eyes closed. They are not Wu Ding, Seven Prince, Bai Yunfei, and Meng Shiyun.

   "These four guys really came first!" Lin Fei curled his lips, after all, they were one step ahead.

   "Anyway, the place is big enough, don't worry about them!" Prince Thirteen shook his head.

   "Yes, let's go in quickly!" Ye Tian nodded, and immediately jumped out of the spiritual pond, feeling a majestic aura enveloping his body.

   This kind of feeling is unprecedented, Ye Tian couldn't help groaning, and then he didn't dare to waste time, quickly condensed his mind and began to practice acupuncture point technique.

   The thirteen princes, Lin Fei, and Yun Shuiyao also jumped into the spirit pond.

   With the passage of time, Ye Tian felt that his acupoint condensing technique progressed rapidly, a fake acupoint, but it was condensed in a moment.

   "What a strong spiritual energy, if you can practice here, I am afraid that one day will be worth one year of outside practice!" Ye Tian sighed.

   In less than an hour, he had already condensed thirty fake acupoints. This speed made him stunned and excited beyond compare.

   "If this continues, I will be able to practice acupoint condensing technique to the realm of Dzogchen in a few hours." Ye Tian was extremely excited.


   At this moment, Ye Tian felt a move in his arms, and a little guy came out, stretched his waist, and his nose moved and began to absorb the aura in the spiritual pond.

   "Little Golden Rat!" Ye Tian opened his eyes, a little surprised, because he was afraid that others would see him with a treasure hunter, so he kept the little Golden Rat in his arms. This little guy likes to sleep during the day and rarely disturbs him.

   "Squeak!" At this time, the little golden mouse was very excited, started swimming in the spiritual pool, and dived towards the bottom of the pool.

   "Hey!" Ye Tian was startled, and quickly sank, trying to catch the little golden mouse.

   However, the little golden mouse was very fast and reached the bottom of the pool at once. Ye Tian had to continue to follow, and then he saw a cyan spar, emitting a faint halo.

   "This...this is the crystallization of martial arts!" Ye Tian's eyes widened at once, his eyes fixed on the blue spar in front of him.

   At this time, the little golden mouse was lying comfortably on the cyan spar with a moaning expression on his face.

   This must be a martial arts crystal, Ye Tian is sure that he got the martial arts crystal at the beginning, which is the same as this spar, but the color is different.

  "It turned out to be the crystallization of a blue martial soul. If this is swallowed by me, my green martial soul will definitely be promoted to a blue martial Ye Tian couldn't help but get excited.

   Martial artists with blue martial arts are rare in the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea. In the entire Great Yan Nation, it seems that only the master of the country owns blue martial arts. Even if there are other people, it will definitely not exceed the number of hands.

   It can be seen that the blue martial soul is rare.

   "If my martial soul is promoted to a blue martial soul, then with the aura of this place, I might be able to advance to the martial spirit realm in advance."

   "But this is the important place of the God Star Gate. This Martial Spirit Crystal should be placed here by the master of the God Star Gate. If it is swallowed by me, I wonder if it will cause any abnormal changes?"

   "Ma De, begging for wealth and wealth, my spirit hasn't been promoted for a long time. If I miss this opportunity, who knows that the year of the monkey can only be promoted to the blue spirit."

   "Such an opportunity is given to me by God. If I give up, I might suffer a scourge!"

   After a fierce thought struggle, Ye Tianyi gritted his teeth and finally decided to swallow this martial soul crystal.

   "Squeak..." At the same time, Ye Tian grabbed the little golden mouse's tail and put it aside. The little golden mouse screamed in dissatisfaction and opened his teeth and claws.

   Ye Tian just sat cross-legged at the bottom of the pool, and began to swallow this blue martial arts crystal.

   Little Golden Rat blinked his big eyes and stared at Ye Tian curiously.

   Gradually, a black halo followed Ye Tian's palm and enveloped the blue martial arts crystal.

   The little golden mouse suddenly showed a horrified color, and seemed very afraid of the black halo.

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