Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 18 Chapter 385: Round Table Talks (20, Death Guard, Seven K)

By the time Sanguinius and Conrad Koz returned, it had already exceeded the scheduled time by a full ten minutes. The Archangel was very sorry about this, but did not say why.

Judging from the way Curz sat reluctantly but upright, it was obvious why. Corax was delighted, as evidenced by the rare smile on his face at the moment.

However, some people are happy, and naturally others are worried.

"What do you mean there is no way?"

Robert Guilliman stared angrily at his personal terminal, on which an official from the Ministry of Government Affairs explained profusely: "We really don't have enough manpower, Your Highness!"

"Isn't the 15,000 officials in the southern division not enough to handle the reconstruction work of a quarter of Terra? It's not that the rapid construction modules have not been distributed!"

Guilliman's voice was not loud, but his expression was serious enough: "Materials, manpower—even the planning area, these are already good jobs. You just need to send people to the site to rebuild, isn't that also Do you want to shirk?"

"No, no, Your Highness, you have misunderstood!"

The official shook his head with a bitter expression on his face, grabbed a respirator from the right side, pressed it to his mouth, and took a big breath. It seemed that he almost suffered a cardiac arrest.

He explained: "If the division is still full of 15,000 people, we can certainly complete the task you entrusted to us within two days. But the problem now is that there are already 6,230 Officers are in the medical bay."

"Since the start of the Vengeance Expedition, we have hardly had a rest. Many people have even had to live in the medical cabin and use the consciousness link array network to handle government affairs. They can't even go out to work... "

Hearing this, Guilliman couldn't help but fell silent.

The training of officials takes time, and the formation is only a formation, and personnel are still required to be present at the scene to handle matters. It goes without saying how important it is to use the Quick Build module for rebuilding.

Even though the Adeptus Mechanics on Mars asked for it many times, Guilliman never let them study it, not even once. These officials who can touch it are selected through layers of patterns, and as for the backhand insurance, more than one layer has been done.

But the problem still exists.

lack of people.

It is really lacking—Terra is not just as simple as the throne world. Although the pattern network has been spread in the empire, communication and issuing orders have become very simple, but Terra has also become an important transit hub.

Reconstruction isn't just about rebuilding surface structures...

"Okay, the time is extended to five days."

Guilliman rubbed the space between his brows and slowed down his tone: "In addition, I will send you a batch of medical resources and some senior doctors on the Terra space station."

"They may be slightly taller than ordinary people, have accents, and even wear masks. But it doesn't matter, you can monitor them. If they haven't done anything out of line, you can treat them with a normal heart... ..."

Having said that, his tone became a little colder again: "If there is any change, immediately control it and report to me. When necessary, I will give you the right to fire."

"Also, Tresor, I remember I told you last month, to replace the two artificial lungs and breathing tubes. How can you look like you are going to use a respirator after saying a few words?"

He frowned again, with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "Others may think that I withheld your organ replacement resources every three months if they saw it! Advocate, but it is also something that can’t be helped.”

"Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should have a check-up immediately. Treat what you need, and change what you need. If you delay any longer, I will remove you from your post and let you work under Carl Reiss in the northern division!"

The official on the screen of the personal terminal nodded again and again, but still had a bitter expression on his face: "Your Highness, I really can't stand the feeling of needing to re-adapt every time I change organs... Well, don't stare at me." I'll change it tomorrow."


"I have to work overtime today..."

"Go after get off work!"

"But, it's already tomorrow after get off work..."

Guilliman was silent again, this time, he said nothing more. After doing a Skyhawk salute, the terminal was turned off.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, he didn't bother to explain, but just snorted coldly: "It's just taking advantage of the rest time to deal with government affairs, now, we can continue."

"No, no, let's discuss the issue of these officials replacing their organs first, Robert..."

Fulgrim asked quite politely: "And those doctors who are slightly taller than ordinary people?"

"The replacement of organs is because their bodies cannot withstand such a high-intensity work, and many people have the habit of smoking due to stress. As for the latter, I have formed an alliance with the Eldar." Guilliman remained expressionless. to answer.

"What?!" Leon El'jonson was shocked when he heard this. "what have you done?!"

"I have formed an alliance with the Eldar."

"You are the regent of the empire, how can you do this?!"

"Good job, Lai Ang, don't rant anymore, everyone knows about this...or basically everyone knows about it. Besides, if it weren't for them, I'm afraid I'm still sleeping in a stasis position .”

The lion frowned and looked around, Fulgrim immediately raised his head, pretending to know nothing. Vulkan covered his mouth to prevent him from seeing the corners of his trembling mouth, and Sanguinius did it even better, raising his wings to cover his face.

"You all know?"

"...More or less." Fulgrim replied ambiguously. "But that's not the point, is it? The point is, he sent them to Holy Terra..."

The lion stood up belatedly, and the anger on his face suddenly boiled, but before he could say anything, Guilliman snapped back: "Father is sitting next to him."


Leon El'Jonson looked at their father who was so absorbed in his studies that he even made gestures on the table with his hands, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Father." After thinking for a moment, he still called softly. "Is what Robert is telling the truth?"

The emperor said without raising his head: "During the war, there was a shortage of manpower, so it was a last resort to use a special method. It's just a stopgap measure. There is no need to be too harsh on Robert."

"The population on Terra is not much after several blows, and doctors are even rarer. The medical cabin is not a machine that can be seen everywhere. It is better to have doctors than no one. Besides, Leon, if you really think that Robert That's not right, you can try to handle government affairs like him."

Guilliman's face finally softened a little. He must admit that this was the most heart-warming sentence he had heard recently.

Xiongshi frowned and nodded, it seemed that he really planned to learn how to handle government affairs like Guilliman. Seeing this, Sanguinius sighed: "Trust me, brother, you won't want to try that..."


"Because we are not Robert." Sanguinius spread his hands. "We don't have his eyes that can see dozens of different developments behind an event, and the heart that can anticipate the reactions of hundreds of people."

"Hmph, how difficult can it be? I'll try it tonight!" The lion still didn't intend to give up.

"Then I wish you luck," Guilliman said quietly.

Their argument came to an end, and then the projection reappeared, and the text continued to scroll in the center of the round table.


Mortarion won that arduous battle, and throughout his life, he never mentioned the details of this incident to anyone, except that he had revealed the way of the Witch King's death.

However, it was three months before he went down the mountain again.

His wounds have all healed by now, but some will still be with him until he dies. He helped another human settlement and was considered a hero for his victory over the Witch King.

Mortarion realized now that he couldn't just wait, he had to act. The Witch-King is not the only pernicious monster on Barbarus. He is determined to drive out all overlords who use witchcraft and blasphemy to poison mankind.

How superior the action power of the Primarch was, he started to do it as soon as he thought about it, without any delay. The witchcraft overlords had nothing to do with him, but waited for his visit in their fortresses and claimed death.

It was also during this process that the people on Barbarus began to respect him and fear him at the same time.

For some reason, the young Primarch didn't establish any close relationships with any of the villages in the process, and he rarely even spoke to them, only telling them to pay attention to the naturally extraordinary psykers among the newborns—if found, They must be killed as quickly and humanely as possible.

He didn't give a reason, but people can speculate.

His solitary battle was called the Jihad of the Pure World, and as for himself, he was dubbed the Lord of Death. But he was not without wounds, and in fact, the wicked tricks of the witchy overlords on Barbarus were almost endless.

No matter how much Mortarion prepared beforehand, he was bound to be wounded in battle, on several occasions so wounded that he could no longer hunt for his food needs. Only these few times, he came to several villages to recuperate peacefully.

People were extremely shocked and honored by his arrival. They raised their heads and looked at this tired and bruised giant. They didn't even know how to talk to him, and they could only try their best to satisfy his various needs.

And Mortarion never stayed for long, he just tried to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible, and then continued to leave to fight those twisted monsters. There was a fire in his heart that never went out.

Although, as he said, he didn't want to be a king, some people followed him spontaneously. For the first time in millennia, mortals on Barbarus dared to stand up against the wizarding overlords.

Inspired by Mortarion's own repaired breathing mask, these people learned to make crude isolation suits, holding weapons that could be called farming tools, and followed the Primarch. For some reason, Mortarion did not stop them.

And so the mortals, who called themselves the Death Guard, followed the Primarch, and with him he destroyed the vile strongholds of many a sorcerous overlord. Years later, Mortarion himself wrenched the head of the last Overlord, and for the first time since his birth he felt tempted to cry.

He finally fulfilled his promise, and he did not disappoint those who died.

He stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. The plain that was once a muddy swamp that was liberated by him has now become a beautiful scene full of rice fields.

The wind blew gently, and the wheat swayed along with it. People were walking on the ridges of the fields. The sky was still gray, but at least it was no longer shrouded in miasma. Just then, the Emperor appeared.


The golden light came on, and Mortarion heard the exclamation of several death guards behind him. They instinctively rushed forward to protect their leader, but the Primarch just waved his hand to signal them to back off.

He didn't feel threatened by the light, but felt a little close.

"Who are you?"

He looked at the man who appeared from the golden light, and asked calmly, his right hand was still holding his sickle, but he didn't hold it tightly. After staring briefly, Mortarion realized that this man's face was not old, but his eyes were extremely vicissitudes.

Facing his question, the man didn't know how to answer, he just showed a smile that was uglier than crying.


Father and son finally meet.

In fact, the Lord of Humanity had successfully located Mortarion many years ago, but he couldn't rescue his son as quickly as possible. Something held him back, and even the Emperor couldn't get out of it quickly.

And when he's done with it all, he even starts to worry that his worst predictions will really come true.

After all, he could sense the darkness lurking on the remote planet of Barbarus, as well as the huge figure hiding behind the curtain of reality and nightmare...

He was anxious, fearing that something would happen to Mortarion in his battle with them. And when they did meet, the Primarch's exploits made him so proud that he wanted to cry at one point.

Mortarion cleansed those sorcerous overlords who had wreaked havoc on the world, a feat worthy of celebration even for the Emperor. During the conversation between the two, the Lord of Humanity revealed the existence of the Empire to his children, and also told the truth about the Empire and the Great Crusade.

This last event struck the Primarch especially.

His adoptive father, the cold monster, had also expressed a desire for the stars in the galaxy, but it only wanted to oppress others. But the emperor is different, he really wants every human being to live a beautiful and happy life.

Moreover, the Great Crusade bears some resemblance to the Primarch's Purification Crusade, and at the end, the Emperor told Mortarion that he had prepared a Legion for him with blood ties, only if he agreed to lead them.

The Primarch at this moment voluntarily knelt on one knee and swore an oath to his father. He swore that he would hold high the banner of Imperial truth and liberate those still suffering as he liberated Barbarus, no matter where they were, the Primarch would never give up.


"I have a weird déjà vu," Alpharius said.

The diminutive Primarch sat in his chair, quite relaxed, but with a sense of joy out of nowhere: "Honestly, brothers. I don't know where this comes from, but I just It feels familiar."

"Also, the behavior of this father..." Chagatai continued thoughtfully. "It's very different from what I remembered."

The emperor who was reading a book coughed.

"Indeed." Sanguinius nodded nonchalantly.

"He didn't come to your party as a stranger, and he didn't have to fight you in a weird way... He didn't even teleport you away when you were fighting people, which is weird ah."

The Emperor coughed again, this time, louder.

The envoy of Jinyan looked at the Lord of Red Sand suspiciously, and the latter sighed: "Just didn't hear anything, Lorgar. As for the last matter, didn't he talk to you?"


"The other me—or the me that's always sullen."

Lorgar spread his hands: "You are already serious enough on weekdays, but yes, he did not talk to me about this matter."

"If you want to know, come find me after the meeting." Angron rubbed the space between his brows wearily. "I'll tell you, so you can probably understand why Sanguinius is acting weird here."

"Hey!" The archangel made a dissatisfied voice. "I'm just stating some facts."

"Isn't that yin and yang strange?"

"Even you can't say it!"


The lord of humanity finally raised his head from the book, a blue light flashed in his eyes. He blinked, and when he opened it again, he became a normal child: "Can we stop discussing these things?"

"But these are all things you have done with your own hands, father." Chagatai said indifferently.


The emperor was stuck for a while, he wanted to explain seriously, but when he turned his head and saw the smile in Chagatai's eyes, he immediately understood what Khan meant.

Well, I don't mind if you make fun of me to brighten things up. And... Mortarion.

He looked sideways at the Lord of Death with a complicated expression. The complexity of the latter's expression is almost hard to describe in words. If it can be drawn, it should be a shocking work.

If it appears in a movie, then the actor in charge of performing this part should also be able to become a **** through acting skills, and the major film academies will happily spend decades studying it...

Unfortunately, this is reality. When the level of acting is erased, what is left is a profoundly shocking, unbearable look.


After a long silence, the Lord of Death said so.

He didn't confide in his heart, nor did he ask his father to give an explanation - such as why he turned into a stranger and released the news that he could also solve the witchcraft overlord and even challenged Mortarion.. ....

Anyway, he just wants to go on, and it looks like he's in a lot of pain.

"No, Cephalon." Horus stopped. "Brother, I really want to find a mirror to put in front of you, so that you can see yourself now. Until your mood improves, I don't think we can go on."

"I'm fine, Horus."

Mortarion replied calmly, almost indifferently.

"These things are whiplash for me. The better he does, the more it highlights my failure. And I have to see the end. I admit that I am a failure. Yes, I failed to insist on myself, my Unidentified people have brought misfortune to my legion. But what about him? He is much stronger than me, can't he also have a good ending?"

He clenched his fists tightly, the dagger trembling violently in the palm of his right hand. The runes that should have lost their effectiveness and only had a decorative function began to light up again at this moment.

"I want to watch..." The Lord of Death said gloomily. "I'm going to see if he can beat the **** thing."

He didn't say who it was, but I'm afraid everyone knew who he was alluding to.

What else could Horus say? The Wolf God could only sigh and smile wryly at the same time—he didn't expect that Mortarion's consciousness was even higher than his.

Maybe it's because of his way of rebirth that he doesn't want to mention to others?

Horus had no answer, all he knew was that Mortarion had been killed with a dagger. Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch, has since been wiped out, replaced by a man in bandages and with a short knife at all times.

Horus suddenly realized that now, they had become familiar strangers to each other. Encountering great changes and fratricide, ten thousand years later, they are sitting at the same table, calling each other by familiar names, but they all realize that the other party is no longer the person they used to be.

Maybe that's all right.

The wolf god's wry smile gradually turned into a smile.

And the Ceratops continues, it doesn't have as many emotions as a human. Of course, it might have, it just doesn't want to show it.

And the person who really makes its fictitious heart, the ups and downs... is not here at the moment.

The text starts scrolling again.


The war we are now fighting is very different from any war in the past. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors, the ancestors of human beings, would fight each other for wealth, status, power, and even honor.

And now, what we are about to engage in is a battle for survival. Yes, you heard me right. Our war is for survival.

You may or may not know it, but in any case, the galaxy is full of countless threats, and given the opportunity, these alien races will not hesitate to kill every human being they see.

However, this war is not only about the survival of the human race, my sons.

If we fail, if the Empire finally falls, all hope of human beings living in freedom will collapse. Our race will either be utterly forgotten, or thrown into eternal slavery under the oppression of xenos or other dark forces.

But we won't allow that to happen, yes we won't.

We are the guardians of humanity, and like all descendants of the Imperial Patron Terra, we are the warriors who protect the Empire. We protect them from death with swords, with bolters, with everything.

And if, they get to that point - to the point where this world will give them nothing but pain and suffering... we will bring death to them.

It is a better choice than being enslaved by aliens, sinking in the dark, twisting, becoming a monster... a peaceful death.

Just as I was my father's tool, you are my tool in this war. From now on, you are my death guard. "

—Excerpts from Mortarion's important speech when he took over the Fourteenth Legion.

Long before the Gene-Father returned, the Fourteenth Legion was already well-known within the Empire. This part of their history is also very interesting. In fact, they have shown unimaginable tenacity and tenacity since the founding of the army.

At that time, they were still known as Dusk Raiders, and whenever they appeared on the battlefield, the enemies who knew them would immediately feel ashamed.

For no matter how many times you strike down these warriors with gun and sword, they will rise up if you don't kill them on the spot. Such qualities can be traced back to a region of Terra called Albion.

At that time, Terra was not even united by the Emperor. The Emperor's unification they prevented lasted for several decades, which is quite rare in the history of the Unification Wars. As for their motivation, it obviously comes from Albion's ancient warrior tradition and their unyielding tenacity in the face of the enemy.

Shocked even by the will to fight, the Emperor himself ordered the troops to cease attacking, and then went unarmed and without armor to meet Albion's leader.

He told them his plan without any concealment in a sincere tone, and he never even concealed his plan for the fate of mankind after unifying Terra. The Emperor's staff had originally held a pessimistic attitude towards this conversation. If the Lord hadn't insisted on this, they would never have let the Emperor go alone.

However, what they didn't expect was that these people actually agreed to the emperor's proposal. Not only that, but they even took the initiative to send their sons to the transformation laboratory, making them Astartes. Perhaps it is indeed due to nature, there is no human being who does not desire to conquer the stars and the sea.

Immediately after the conquest of Terra, the Great Crusade was initiated by the Emperor.

The Fourteenth Legion walked the stars for nearly a century without a Primarch.

It is said that the Dusk Raiders are extremely honorable. If any enemy intends to surrender after seeing these soldiers falling from the sky, the Legion will always agree, and will never commit indiscriminate killing under such circumstances. They are well aware of their duties, they are machines of war, but by no means inhuman monsters.

Their expeditionary fleets pacified and reclaimed many human worlds, many of them only after causing massive bloodshed—the Dusk Raiders were honorable but terrifying in appearance people.

Not only that, but their ability to negotiate is terrible, and they can hardly express any kindness properly, and any words spoken by them will become distorted in meaning.

Over time, the Dusk Raiders no longer wanted to regain the lost world by relying on their language skills.

They even made up their minds to deal specifically with alien empires and worlds corrupted by the Warp, where they would no longer have to harbor any kindness but pure violence and destruction.

And after Mortarion took over, they changed their name to the Death Guard, which made them regain their name. The biggest battle in the true sense was naturally the Battle of Galaspar.

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